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New maudlin of the Well free for download

[Oct 21,2009 10:30pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Considering what Toby has been doing with Kayo Dot and his other projects, I'm not surprised at the way it turned out.
[Oct 21,2009 10:47pm - Martins ""]
God, I hate Kayo Dot. Like a slap in the face.
[Oct 21,2009 11:05pm - aril commuter rail blows  ""]
Way to talk trash about local bands
[Oct 21,2009 11:08pm - Martins ""]
lol. are you really still on the commuter rail? Sucks. I'm going to sleep.

Kayo Dot is all the bad parts of Maudlin of the Well put together to make a whole lot of bad music.
[Oct 21,2009 11:13pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]

aril%20commuter%20rail%20blows said:Way to talk trash about local bands

Let alone a musician with artistic credibility, that talentless people accuse of composing pretentious nonsense.
[Oct 21,2009 11:24pm - goatcatalyst ""]
He's my second favorite Toby.
[Oct 22,2009 1:52am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

[Oct 22,2009 2:00am - Archaeon ""]
Toby Driver <3
[Oct 22,2009 4:57am - deadlikemurf ""]
this is fucking awesome.
[Oct 22,2009 7:47am - Martins ""]

mikeofdecrepitude said:
aril%20commuter%20rail%20blows said:Way to talk trash about local bands

Let alone a musician with artistic credibility, that talentless people accuse of composing pretentious nonsense.

What does it matter if they're local? They're still a band just like any other band, open for scrutiny.

And besides, I fucking love Maudlin of the Well. That lovable faggot Grant wouldn't even know MotW if it weren't for me, haha. I've gotten a legion of my sister's male friends into MotW, and they also happen to like Kayo Dot and all the other MotW spawn.
[Oct 22,2009 8:15am - MikeOv  ""]
Call me crazy, but I sensed that the SM was in full effect, in aril's post above.
[Oct 22,2009 8:17am - Martins ""]
I was responding more to the response to aril's comment.
[Oct 22,2009 8:17am - aril commuter rail blows  ""]

Martins said:

What does it matter if they're local?

Internet sarcasm.
[Oct 22,2009 8:18am - MikeOv  ""]

Martins said:I was responding more to the response to aril's comment.

Haha, I know, that's why I said what I did.
whcih was now confirmed.
[Oct 22,2009 8:24am - aril commuter rail blows  ""]
I was responding to the initial response to your other response to mikeov's sarcastic response, but my response wasn't directed at your response per se; rather the initial concept of responding to responses, martins.
[Oct 22,2009 8:53am - MikeOv  ""]
[Oct 22,2009 8:55am - Martins ""]
I'm gonna respond all over your face when I respawn.
[Oct 26,2011 7:44am - MetalThursday ""]
Bump for being brilliant.
[Oct 26,2011 8:31am - arilliusbm ""]

MetalThursday said:Bump for getting them to play metal thursday.

[Oct 26,2011 8:35am - MetalThursday ""]
I'll work on that.
[Oct 26,2011 8:43am - arilliusbm ""]
if at all possible, that'd be awesome.
[Oct 26,2011 9:17am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Oct 26,2011 9:23am - Spaldino  ""]
i am still in love with this band. so good. bath/leaving your body map are masterpieces imo.
[Oct 26,2011 11:44am - ark  ""]
absolutely motherfucking brilliant.
[Oct 27,2011 10:44am - Yeti ""]
[Oct 27,2011 10:53am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
finally starting to delve into this project.

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