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Ron Paul mops the floor with CNN anchor

[Feb 1,2008 5:07pm - CNV  ""]
[Feb 1,2008 5:50pm - Hoser ""]
This fuckin' guy wins. Hands down. He tells the honest to God truth, and THAT my friends is what this shithead government is so scared of.

Ron Paul gets my vote on Feb. 10th

America for Ron Paul.

I volunteered to work the polls for him next Sunday....

If you're a Mainer near Sanford.....I'll see you there.
[Feb 1,2008 5:55pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm glad you both love God so much.
[Feb 1,2008 5:56pm - the_reverend ""]
Ron Paul Mops the Floor with CNN Anchor (05/20/07)? wut? dated?
[Feb 1,2008 5:58pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
We all love America, and the world.

It's odd how large of a following Ron Paul has amongst the younger voters, too bad old people don't use the internet, old people are the only ones who vote.

I voted Ron Paul in NH.

I love how every reporter has to say "why, you aren't going to win, why run?"

why, because he fucking cares about change, winning would be nice, but he is definitely helping the cause, even if he doesn't win, he woke up a lot of people from their sheepish hypnotism.
[Feb 1,2008 6:01pm - the_reverend ""]
um... did he just say that democrats get us in to wars and republicans get us out? WUT?!? And did he just say that republicans run on the platform of peace? WHAT!
[Feb 1,2008 6:03pm - the_reverend ""]
I didn't see him mop up anything with anything....
[Feb 1,2008 6:15pm - Hoser ""]
the_reverend said:um... did he just say that democrats get us in to wars and republicans get us out? WUT?!? And did he just say that republicans run on the platform of peace? WHAT!

Read the History books, Einstein. Whigs and Federalists?

Democrats have historically gotten us into more wars.....no questions asked. He's speaking of history as a whole.

AND, so what if he believes in God? Who the fuck cares? It's a FREE country last time I checked. Hell, it's even in the Constitution. FREEDOM OF RELIGION. If I were to tell you hippies that all Jews and Muslims suck cocks...you would piss your pretty pink panties and call me a bigot.

Don't hide your hatred for Christianity behind a ruse of a comment like "I'm glad you both love God so much."

That's not only a stupid comment, but anti-American as all hell.
[Feb 1,2008 6:23pm - the_reverend ""]
I forgot... it was clinton sent you into Iraq v1 and bush that brought you out.
um.. and it was um.. clinton that got us into iraq v2 and bush is getting us out?
[Feb 1,2008 6:24pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
Hoser MacDougal: NOT a freedom-hater.
[Feb 1,2008 6:29pm - the_reverend ""]
I would say that hoser's facts of who brought us into wars is correct:
I had to search around for that, but I would remove some of the wars from there since some of the wars weren't really our "choice" to get involved or not. When mass genocides are happening, I believe that whatever president should go to war.
[Feb 1,2008 6:31pm - the_reverend ""]
just glancing over the wars (even though that person has wicked bias text), I would probably remove the civil war from both columns and WWII.
[Feb 1,2008 6:32pm - yummy ""]
Clinton did enough enough damage in Iraq with his sanctions.
No matter who got us in or out he did the most damage. Sorry rev, but for once I'd say Hoser has a point. Democrats have caused the most global turmoil. Recently, sure it's been Republicans. But, something tells me we would have been at war no matter who was president during 9/11.
[Feb 1,2008 6:36pm - Hoser ""]
I'm talking historically.

I should have been more concise.

Clinton sent my ass to Mogadishu. Clinton sent my ass to Monrovia. Clinton sent my ass to Haiti. Clinton sent my ass to Panama. Clinton sent my ass to the Congo.

ALL, without Congressional knowledge or approval.


If you just hate GWB and his family, that's ok. But, Christ...please don't glorify KKKlinton.

[Feb 1,2008 6:37pm - the_reverend ""]
then why didn't clinton start a war when 2/26 happened? all he did was toss a couple cruise missiles.
[Feb 1,2008 6:38pm - CNV  ""]
Hoser, check out Merrill's Ron Paul site


[Feb 1,2008 6:40pm - the_reverend ""]
all these arguments aside (since I hate every single person running so much that I didn't even vote in the primary), people in power all act the same. No matter who it is, they support the rich which is who you have to be to be in power.

besides all that, please tell me where in that video, ron paul wiped anything with anything.
[Feb 1,2008 6:42pm - the_reverend ""]
Ron Paul is going to lose amazingly badly no matter what. his doe-eyed answers would never hold up the status quo in the US.
[Feb 1,2008 6:48pm - CNV  ""]
Listen rev, all these sack o jew luvin shit running for president are all backed financially by corporations and kikes... Ron Paul is backed financially by the american people... By americans for americans... He is the ONLY candidate making points that are different from every other piece of worthless shit running... FUCK THE REST OF THE WORLD, USA FIRST!!! The only patriot running ... And the only Dr. I might add.

The rest of em' are a bunch of fucking lawyers... Figure it out saps.
[Feb 1,2008 6:48pm - Hoser ""]
You see, that's the problem with this country. Nobody has the balls to stand up for what we were founded upon.

That's why I love Ron Paul......he is grassroots all the way. Even if it's unpopular with the status quo....he stands up for it. That alone, in my mind...is what makes a man.

It's much like true Metal as a whole...un-popular amongst the status quo...but far better in musicianship, and integrity.

Romney, Hillary, and Obama are the Mallcore of candidates.
[Feb 1,2008 6:51pm - yummy ""]
I hear ya. He didn't wipe shit.
Yup, they all suck and that's why I have exluded myself from most of the political conversations on this board because I am not interested in any of them. Ron Paul does bring up the issues. I'll give him that. I still won't vote for him.
[Feb 1,2008 6:52pm - MASlayer  ""]
the_reverend said:I'm glad you both love God so much.

Hmmm...name one president without a Catholic or Christian affiliation of some sort? I'd be amazed if you found one...so why is this such a strong point with you? IT'S A MOOT POINT and a NON ISSUE
[Feb 1,2008 6:54pm - the_reverend ""]
no, they all suck shit. so does he. There are some good ideas in there, but sucks shit just the same. And Reagan was much better for metal than anything. Just think of all the thrash bands that sung about toxic waste and nuclear war. I knew that GWB would be great for music. and just look thrash revival.
Also, this country was founded on exploiting the poor.
[Feb 1,2008 6:55pm - the_reverend ""]
I find it hard to give my vote to a religious zealot. sorry, it is a point. Some religious people are more cocksuckers than others.
[Feb 1,2008 6:58pm - CNV  ""]
Even if the man loses at the very least he is causing dissent from the current status quo. He is shedding a light on the bullshit.... The media slags him, the sacks of shit commenting on the debates say he loses them when the people that vote on the debates say he wins, they call him a racist...

He's still gonna make a 50 state run because he can afford it with the amount of support he has gained...
[Feb 1,2008 7:01pm - CNV  ""]
MASlayer said:the_reverend said:I'm glad you both love God so much.

Hmmm...name one president without a Catholic or Christian affiliation of some sort? I'd be amazed if you found one...so why is this such a strong point with you? IT'S A MOOT POINT and a NON ISSUE

Exactly, name one rev? Can you do it? Who are you votin for?

They have to say they are christian or guess what? They aint gettin nowhere ...
[Feb 1,2008 7:02pm - the_reverend ""]
nice, though.. it's hard for me to think any of the billion spent on the election is money well spent. I doubt that all the "patriots" that send him $200 get their money's worth. same with anyone sending all the money for anyone.
[Feb 1,2008 7:03pm - the_reverend ""]
I voted Cthulhu!
[Feb 1,2008 7:04pm - the_reverend ""]
btw.. I don't typically vote FOR people, I vote against people.
[Feb 1,2008 7:04pm - mortalis ""]
the_reverend said:And Reagan was much better for metal than anything. Just think of all the thrash bands that sung about toxic waste and nuclear war. I knew that GWB would be great for music. and just look thrash revival.

haha, nice.
[Feb 1,2008 7:04pm - MASlayer  ""]
the_reverend said:I find it hard to give my vote to a religious zealot. sorry, it is a point. Some religious people are more cocksuckers than others.

Maybe you can set us all straight and start YOUR campaign and represent...anyone can complain...you seem so passionate about it, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Find a special interest group/groups get some funding and lay down your platform...then you'll know what it's like to be a puppet just like Hillary, Obama etc. at least Ron Paul owes NO ONE
[Feb 1,2008 7:06pm - yummy ""]
name one president without a Catholic or Christian affiliation of some sort?

Eisenhower was a jehovas' witness.
[Feb 1,2008 7:07pm - CNV  ""]
Sweet sentiment rev...

"I don't care, it's not fair"... Typical cry baby bullshit

[Feb 1,2008 7:09pm - CNV  ""]
yummy said:name one president without a Catholic or Christian affiliation of some sort?

Eisenhower was a jehovas' witness.

Here is a tip brain drain: Jehovah's witness is a christian affiliation
[Feb 1,2008 7:11pm - yummy ""]
Like all non-Christian cults, the Jehovah's Witness organization distorts the essential doctrines of Christianity. It denies the deity of Christ, His physical resurrection, and salvation by grace. This alone makes it non-Christian.

I hear ya, but hardly. Let me refill with your tip.
[Feb 1,2008 7:14pm - the_reverend ""]
Rich, would you vote for me? my platform will be no one under and IQ of 101 can breed. My health care policy will be an "Abortions for all!" platform. I will also tell Iraq, Korea, Germany, and Japan to go fuck them selves, pull out all troops from there. I would cut off Isreal from our teet, stealing only one thing from them, snipers. Their special ops are the best. I would start sending in troops to assassinate people that I don't like, are committing atrocities greater than 100 people, or anyone that pissed me off in the past. After a few of those, I would start a collection of serial killers, death row inmates, and ruthless dictators. I would commute all their sentences to life in prison. then I would build a prison in the ocean on the edge of our water space (like magneto in xmen) and wearhouse them. I would then allow psychologists use them as subjects for the rest of their lives to figure out how they tick inside (or if DNA evidence exonerates them). If anything goes wrong, tip them into the ocean.
[Feb 1,2008 7:14pm - CNV  ""]
You need to do your homework buddy... I was raised Jehovah's witness. It does not deny the deity of christ. It simply says that christ did not die on a cross.

[Feb 1,2008 7:15pm - the_reverend ""]
CNV said:Sweet sentiment rev...

"I don't care, it's not fair"... Typical cry baby bullshit

I don't remember saying that... but that is so what I would do.
[Feb 1,2008 7:16pm - the_reverend ""]
ps: to paul, hoser, rich, aaron, etc... I really like this convo and looked up some facts that I didn't know based on somethings here.
[Feb 1,2008 7:18pm - Hoser ""]
the_reverend said:Rich, would you vote for me? my platform will be no one under and IQ of 101 can breed. My health care policy will be an "Abortions for all!" platform. I will also tell Iraq, Korea, Germany, and Japan to go fuck them selves, pull out all troops from there. I would cut off Isreal from our teet, stealing only one thing from them, snipers. Their special ops are the best. I would start sending in troops to assassinate people that I don't like, are committing atrocities greater than 100 people, or anyone that pissed me off in the past. After a few of those, I would start a collection of serial killers, death row inmates, and ruthless dictators. I would commute all their sentences to life in prison. then I would build a prison in the ocean on the edge of our water space (like magneto in xmen) and wearhouse them. I would then allow psychologists use them as subjects for the rest of their lives to figure out how they tick inside (or if DNA evidence exonerates them). If anything goes wrong, tip them into the ocean.

Wow, that sounds very similar to Ron Pauls platform....hahahahahahaha

[Feb 1,2008 7:19pm - RichHorror ""]
the_reverend said:Rich, would you vote for me? my platform will be no one under and IQ of 101 can breed. My health care policy will be an "Abortions for all!" platform. I will also tell Iraq, Korea, Germany, and Japan to go fuck them selves, pull out all troops from there. I would cut off Isreal from our teet, stealing only one thing from them, snipers. Their special ops are the best. I would start sending in troops to assassinate people that I don't like, are committing atrocities greater than 100 people, or anyone that pissed me off in the past. After a few of those, I would start a collection of serial killers, death row inmates, and ruthless dictators. I would commute all their sentences to life in prison. then I would build a prison in the ocean on the edge of our water space (like magneto in xmen) and wearhouse them. I would then allow psychologists use them as subjects for the rest of their lives to figure out how they tick inside (or if DNA evidence exonerates them). If anything goes wrong, tip them into the ocean.

Nukes for all countries that don't agree with US policy and you've got it.
[Feb 1,2008 7:22pm - the_reverend ""]
richhorror! what!?! if you nuke them, how can our authors, film directors, and actors go there to fuck little boys, do drugs, and get cheap body parts? are you trying to kill the entertainment industry?

hoser: my platform is more brave than ron paul.. it would definitely be a brave new world.
[Feb 1,2008 7:22pm - RichHorror ""]
Also, I don't think I posted anything in this thread. I almost never do in pro-Ron Paul threads because I know I'll just agree with everything anyway.
[Feb 1,2008 7:24pm - RichHorror ""]
I am the entertainment industry.

Anyone that has a Eugenics program at the ready has my vote. I'll even kidnap people and make them vote for him. Notice I said him because LOL @ a woman president.
[Feb 1,2008 7:26pm - the_reverend ""]
rich = maslayer
[Feb 1,2008 7:28pm - RichHorror ""]
Don't hate me because I support our right to make camel enthusiasts run down the street screaming with their skin on fire.
[Feb 1,2008 7:29pm - RichHorror ""]
I would also never vote for Kucinich because his body is too small for normal use.
[Feb 1,2008 7:33pm - yummy ""]
The Watchtower organization of the Jehovah's Witnesses is a non-Christian organization that uses its people to promulgate false doctrines, and collects "contributions" for distribution of a multitudinous amount of literature, and expand its grip into the lives of its members and their families.
It is a non-Christian cult.

I could actually care less about what religion any president or person subscribes to I was just calling MASlayer out on it. Who cares?

[Feb 1,2008 7:34pm - RichHorror ""]
Jehovah's Witnesses are weird because they hate birthdays.
[Feb 1,2008 7:36pm - yummy ""]
I hate birthdays.
[Feb 1,2008 7:37pm - RichHorror ""]
You're weird and anti-sheetcake.
[Feb 1,2008 7:40pm - CNV  ""]
Watchtower is the magazine of the Jehovah's Witness. JW is a christian faith that says Jesus is the son of God. The main doctrine of JW is the Bible. I should know. I was forced into it as a wee lad...

We did bible study on wednesday and 2 hour worship on sunday at the kindom hall... I blame it all on jews. Hahahahahaha
[Feb 1,2008 7:43pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, paul would know a bit about JW.

the strangest christian cult is mormons.. look into that shit. magical golden tablets and all.
[Feb 1,2008 7:45pm - yummy ""]
Jews take the fall yet again...

Oh no...Rich, I am all for sheetcake and celebrate peoples' lives everyday. There's a lot of shit you don't know about me. Ketchup in mac n cheese...yep. That's me.
[Feb 1,2008 7:48pm - RichHorror ""]
You can't have sheetcake without birthdays. YOU CAN'T.
[Feb 1,2008 7:51pm - yummy ""]
I never said I didn't have them. I CAN.
[Feb 1,2008 7:51pm - RichHorror ""]
[Feb 1,2008 7:59pm - MASlayer  ""]
Rev some points there I do agree with...some are just silly...here's a platform...

No federal income tax, a flat tax imposed on ALL products. The IRS would be strictly on business

Federal death penalty for serial killers, rapists, pedophiles...states aren't getting it done and in this day and age of genetic evidence it would be pretty accurate...not flawless but accurate

establish definitive terms worldwide amongst our "allies", take it or leave it stance becuase we help out far more than we get helped on and that's got to stop...don't ask for specifics, there;s not enough space here *S*

$$ generated from the flat tax into education and health programs

all illegals are out...our ancestors had to be accounted for, so if they want in stand up and be counted

Marajuana legal

and more...but right now time to play poker...and as long as you understand Rev, this is not personal...I still think you're an upstanding guy! Just bad political views *S*
[Feb 1,2008 8:13pm - yummy ""]
[Feb 1,2008 9:45pm - the_reverend ""]
MASlayer: I've known you for way too long to not think you are an upstanding guy as well. I love ron paul's income tax plans as well, but I think that business taxes would have to be put on top of that so that companies need to pay a little more than just a federal sales tax.

Also, tell the federal death penalty to all the retards (yes, actual retards) killed in texas. Put them on an island and study them. Work what you can into the education of kids so that you don't breed more of them. (knowing that yes, as with elephants some people are just jerks).

As for illegals, anchor babies, and criminaliens, I don't have the answer. I don't want to kick all of them out cause I like having my offices clean, my tomatos for less than $3 ea., and my fast food served for under $5 for a meal. Letting them all live here or cut inline also doesn't do it for me. I don't know what the answer is.

legalize drugs and sin tax the shit out of them. you can still make the it cheaper than columbia.
[Feb 2,2008 9:29am - Murph nli  ""]
Kucinich, FTW.

Except for his stance on handguns, which is just ridiculous.

He by and far was the best candidate out this time.
[Feb 2,2008 11:35am - Hoser ""]
Murph nli said:Kucinich, FTW.

Except for his stance on handguns, which is just ridiculous.

He by and far was the best candidate out this time.

Then don't vote for him. Anyone who has a problem with the Constitution is a piece of shit in my book.

Vote CONSTITUTIONALLY or don't bother voting.
[Feb 2,2008 1:21pm - the_reverend ""]
then ron paul fails on abortion.

anyhow, I don't get it... who doesn't support the right to have a set of bear arms on your wall?
[Feb 2,2008 1:24pm - Heylo  ""]
Do you think if there was a civil war again in the US that north korea or china would come over here and help out. No fucking way. So why the fuck do we stick our noses in peoples shit.
[Feb 2,2008 1:28pm - the_reverend ""]
cuba offered doctors when katrina hit.
[Feb 2,2008 1:35pm - Heylo  ""]
That's different that's helping the helpless. Like we did for the tsunami victims i can agree with that.
[Feb 2,2008 1:36pm - the_reverend ""]
the US government didn't and said no.
[Feb 2,2008 2:51pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
the_reverend said:the US government didn't and said no.

America hates darkies that's why.

why do you think we let terrorists run shit in colombia, and kill thousands in Darfur...cause they're dark and we are light skinned so we don't give a damn.

whereas africa and colombia mean nothing to us, the middle east is a source of rich resources, so we have a need to be over there.

Just like we nuked japan so they would surrender to us, and so we could use what they had.

they were going to surrender to Russia, which we didn't want.
[Feb 2,2008 3:24pm - unholy_dave ""]
the_reverend said:then ron paul fails on abortion.

he IS pro-life, which sucks. but he also has stated that his personal opinion is irrelevant because the supreme court has already ruled.

[Feb 2,2008 4:05pm - Murph nli  ""]
Hoser said:Murph nli said:Kucinich, FTW.

Except for his stance on handguns, which is just ridiculous.

He by and far was the best candidate out this time.

Then don't vote for him. Anyone who has a problem with the Constitution is a piece of shit in my book.

Vote CONSTITUTIONALLY or don't bother voting.

Um, Kucinich carries around a pocket-sized Constitution with him at all debates, swearing to the audience to "defend this."


I just think his idea of making handguns illegal is a bit ridiculous.
[Feb 2,2008 4:08pm - the_reverend ""]
far left and far right is only separated by anarchy.
[Feb 2,2008 4:10pm - Murph nli  ""]
Hoser said:Murph nli said:Kucinich, FTW.

Except for his stance on handguns, which is just ridiculous.

He by and far was the best candidate out this time.

Then don't vote for him. Anyone who has a problem with the Constitution is a piece of shit in my book.

Vote CONSTITUTIONALLY or don't bother voting.

AND BY THE WAY, hasn't the Constitution been ratified many times, meaning that someone at sometime had a problem with it and wanted reform? Are they all pieces of shit, because they in turn contributed to the document that you hold so high.

Does the Hulk Hogan theme song pulse through your head all day or something, because you are one "AMERICAN" dude.
[Feb 2,2008 4:20pm - the_reverend ""]
you mean amended.
[Feb 2,2008 4:25pm - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 2,2008 7:55pm - Hoser ""]
My point was that anyone who even questions the second Amendment is an asshole.
[Feb 2,2008 8:04pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
Hoser said:My point was that anyone who even questions the second Amendment is an asshole.

[Feb 3,2008 1:55pm - NIGGER ""]
the_reverend said:I would say that hoser's facts of who brought us into wars is correct:
I had to search around for that, but I would remove some of the wars from there since some of the wars weren't really our "choice" to get involved or not. When mass genocides are happening, I believe that whatever president should go to war.



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