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Guys getting PMS

[Dec 10,2008 10:23am - succubus ""]
I'm so sick of dealing with GUYS acting like bitches and being all PMSy...

you know what pussies?
you can't bleed for a week and not die

so you're not allwoed to PMS and act liek abitch

[Dec 10,2008 10:24am - succubus ""]
ladies (and non PMS dudes) feel free to bitch and complain about PMSing male bitches
[Dec 10,2008 10:24am - RichHorror ""]
This doesn't look like the kitchen to me.
[Dec 10,2008 10:25am - succubus ""]
[Dec 10,2008 10:26am - succubus ""]
[Dec 10,2008 10:27am - succubus ""]
i feel a little better maybe aaron will only ge 1 black eye tonight
Rich you will get the other
[Dec 10,2008 10:28am - the_reverend ""]
I wished that I even understood this thread.
[Dec 10,2008 10:28am - RichHorror ""]
Make sure to thank Aaron for the right to vote.
[Dec 10,2008 10:32am - arilliusbm ""]
Damn right we dont' bleed for a week.

Don't ever trust something that bleeds for a week and DOESN'T DIE
[Dec 10,2008 10:34am - dreadkill ""]
mr. garrison doesn't
[Dec 10,2008 10:42am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

RichHorror said:Make sure to thank Aaron for the right to vote.

[Dec 10,2008 11:04am - ouchdrummer ""]
I don't care what you say, girls are MUCH worse. Guys get bitchy like everyone else.... but they don't cry if you won't shop in Target with them, or if you won't watch "Love actually" With them, or threaten to move out if you don't start cooking more fish. I mean, what the fuck. Sure guys are moody too, and can be extremely annoying, but some of the women i have dealt with turn into something totally unholy and different during that part of the cycle.
[Dec 10,2008 11:24am - Aegathis ""]

ouchdrummer said:I don't care what you say, girls are MUCH worse. Guys get bitchy like everyone else.... but they don't cry if you won't shop in Target with them, or if you won't watch "Love actually" With them, or threaten to move out if you don't start cooking more fish. I mean, what the fuck. Sure guys are moody too, and can be extremely annoying, but some of the women i have dealt with turn into something totally unholy and different during that part of the cycle.
[Dec 10,2008 11:42am - sever ""]

Aegathis said:
ouchdrummer said:I don't care what you say, girls are MUCH worse. Guys get bitchy like everyone else.... but they don't cry if you won't shop in Target with them, or if you won't watch "Love actually" With them, or threaten to move out if you don't start cooking more fish. I mean, what the fuck. Sure guys are moody too, and can be extremely annoying, but some of the women i have dealt with turn into something totally unholy and different during that part of the cycle.

[Dec 10,2008 11:42am - RichHorror ""]
ITT: Guys that don't get laid
[Dec 10,2008 1:37pm - orgymf@work  ""]

RichHorror said:This doesn't look like the kitchen to me.

this seriously made me laugh way too hard
[Dec 10,2008 2:30pm - succubus ""]
Dec 10,2008 11:04am - ouchdrummer]
I don't care what you say, girls are MUCH worse. Guys get bitchy like everyone else.... but they don't cry if you won't shop in Target with them, or if you won't watch "Love actually" With them, or threaten to move out if you don't start cooking more fish. I mean, what the fuck. Sure guys are moody too, and can be extremely annoying, but some of the women i have dealt with turn into something totally unholy and different during that part of the cycle.
then you're with the wrong person.
[Dec 10,2008 2:38pm - sxealex ""]
???? im pretty sure he was talking about past experiences
[Dec 10,2008 2:40pm - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 10,2008 2:51pm - succubus ""]
[Dec 10,2008 2:38pm - sxealex]
???? im pretty sure he was talking about past experiences
and i'm talknig about male bitches.
[Dec 10,2008 3:22pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I really hate it when broads get PMS and post stupid threads on the internet that do nothing but perpetuate the stereotype of bitchy broads with PMS.
[Dec 10,2008 3:27pm - sxealex ""]

succubus said:[Dec 10,2008 2:38pm - sxealex]
???? im pretty sure he was talking about past experiences
and i'm talknig about male bitches.

yea i mean he is married i think... its kinda rough :P
[Dec 10,2008 3:28pm - sxealex ""]
/me hands succubus a chocolate bar and runs away
[Dec 10,2008 3:42pm - arilliusbm ""]
in a somewhat related topic, I just grabbed some "cramp tabs" from our medicine cabinent here at work and put them in an male employees inbox. I guess he's pissed. oh no..
[Dec 10,2008 4:09pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

Josh_Martin said:I really hate it when broads get PMS and post stupid threads on the internet that do nothing but perpetuate the stereotype of bitchy broads with PMS.

we have a winner
[Dec 10,2008 4:30pm - Seth  ""]

arilliusbm said:Damn right we dont' bleed for a week.

Don't ever trust something that bleeds for a week and DOESN'T DIE

I second that and why not for a change have guys PMS, since we have to deal with over million in this country alone PMS'n and if we are lucky we marry then and then deal with it for our whole lives, so to feel that when a man bitches it is the worst thing. Would you rather be with a asshole for both men or women or just someone who PMS, once in a while. For all the woman out there, if you just listen for once and ask, then the problem will be resolved in seconds, that is how easy we are! We may only bitch when no food, no sex or music or just simple polite and nice things... oh and yeah porn, but women know how to control us, so just think before you bitch(females) and get over it. We do!!!!
[Dec 10,2008 4:48pm - Sacreligion ""]
a chick bleeding out her vagina is no miracle. chicks bleed out their vaginas all the time.
[Dec 10,2008 5:19pm - swamplorddvm ""]
My sould bleeds eternaly, and yet... I live. Oooh whoooaaa is me.
[Dec 10,2008 6:08pm - ouchdrummer ""]

sxealex said:
succubus said:[Dec 10,2008 2:38pm - sxealex]
???? im pretty sure he was talking about past experiences
and i'm talknig about male bitches.

yea i mean he is married i think... its kinda rough :P

Yep. Married. Not sure how to describe the status of my marriage.... but yes, i am talking about past experiences. Although my wife is no peach when she's flying the red flag.
[Dec 10,2008 6:19pm - succubus ""]

Josh_Martin said:I really hate it when broads get PMS and post stupid threads on the internet that do nothing but perpetuate the stereotype of bitchy broads with PMS.

Fuck you Josh!

I am sick of bitchy whin guys and if you had an attitude about this thread then you know you are a bitch.

God forbid a female post about a bitchy guy...give me a fuckin break. How many of you guys post shit about some stupid slut that fucked you over.

I'm not PMSing I was dealing with asshole whiny males bitches. I was also fucking around wit ha couple of peopel on here that i know, I wasn't bitchy to anyone.

So again Josh, thank for perpetuating the fact that you are an asshole on here....and i usually like you.
[Dec 10,2008 6:23pm - RichHorror ""]
u mad
[Dec 10,2008 6:29pm - succubus ""]
I'm a little irked at Josh because i thought he was a cool dude..but he's being an ass. His panties are in a bunch because I made a thread about loser guys who are whiny biotches. I guess if a dude made a thread complaining about another dude it would have been ok.
i almost never bitch about crap and am nice to people and then this..whatever.

[Dec 10,2008 6:32pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Men should only bitch when we get together with our cribbage circles on Monday evenings.

Bottom line: everyone at some point bitches whether they have a pee pee or a vajanana. Those who do it constantly (men and women) need to dismantle the sand castles built in their vaginas.
[Dec 10,2008 7:26pm - pam ""]
Carina? I love you.
[Dec 10,2008 9:10pm - Hooker in sweatpants  ""]
[Dec 10,2008 9:16pm - SkinSandwich ""]
These aren't the Carina's you are looking for......
[Dec 10,2008 9:21pm - the_reverend ""]
am I getting beaten when I get home? Ò.ò
[Dec 10,2008 9:41pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

succubus said:I'm a little irked at Josh because i thought he was a cool dude..but he's being an ass. His panties are in a bunch because I made a thread about loser guys who are whiny biotches. I guess if a dude made a thread complaining about another dude it would have been ok.
i almost never bitch about crap and am nice to people and then this..whatever.

bahahahaha!! classic
[Dec 10,2008 9:54pm - Lamp ""]
Why bother bitching at all though? Any time I go to bitch these days I usually stop and ask myself "Will this make me feel better? Will this change anything? Is it even worth it?" The answer to these questions always seems to be no.

I guess some people are different.
[Dec 10,2008 9:59pm - succubus ""]
wow...this thread is still up here?

Pam you know i love you too!

and Lamp..venting doesn't make you feel better? Everyone i know likes to vent...to answer your question, yeah venting makes me feel better.

good lord though...this is the first time i make a thread and people freak out...lol...guess i will not do it again people
[Dec 10,2008 10:07pm - Lamp ""]

succubus said:and Lamp..venting doesn't make you feel better?

No, because it serves no purpose.
[Dec 10,2008 10:56pm - the_reverend ""]
lamp, I can make this simple for you. remember when homer got obese an work from home? what happened? all he had to do was click Y and then he left and the bird did hit Y to vent the nuclear gas. he almost blew up the town.
[Dec 10,2008 11:02pm - Lamp ""]
[Dec 10,2008 11:08pm - the_reverend ""]
please tell me you have seen that episode.
[Dec 10,2008 11:09pm - Lamp ""]
I don't watch much Simpsons, but it wasn't the reference that confused me, just the way you worded the sentence.

all he had to do was click Y and then he left and the bird did hit Y to vent the nuclear gas.

I don't get it.
[Dec 11,2008 12:38am - Sacreligion ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:Men should only bitch when we get together with our cribbage circles on Monday evenings.

you better not be making a mockery of cribbage. talk shit about dudes all you want, but leave cribbage out of this.
[Dec 11,2008 12:42am - Sacreligion ""]
rev's reference makes more sense than it seems, btw.

the way i see it is: if you surround yourself with nutjobs you'll be begging for a normal person to come around, but if you then associate with only sane "normal" people you'll be bored to death and wish some nutjob would come around and stir things up.

perspectives change from situation to situation
[Dec 11,2008 12:52am - the_reverend ""]
I was typing while driving.
[Dec 11,2008 8:01am - Josh_Martin ""]

succubus said:I'm a little irked at Josh because i thought he was a cool dude..but he's being an ass. His panties are in a bunch because I made a thread about loser guys who are whiny biotches. I guess if a dude made a thread complaining about another dude it would have been ok.
i almost never bitch about crap and am nice to people and then this..whatever.

(Josh waits 5 more days for the PMS to end)
[Dec 11,2008 9:46am - succubus ""]
you're a week and a half late josg...ask aaron

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