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Guys getting PMS

[Dec 11,2008 9:50am - orgymf@work  ""]

succubus said:you're a week and a half late josg...ask aaron

does Aaron know this because of
a.) Mood Swings
b.) Bloody Tampons In The Garbage
c.) Earning Of Red Wings
d.) All Of The Above

[Dec 11,2008 9:53am - ouchdrummer ""]
hmmm..... i like women. Regardless.
[Dec 11,2008 10:03am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]

succubus said:
Josh_Martin said:I really hate it when broads get PMS and post stupid threads on the internet that do nothing but perpetuate the stereotype of bitchy broads with PMS.

Fuck you Josh!

I am sick of bitchy whin guys and if you had an attitude about this thread then you know you are a bitch.

God forbid a female post about a bitchy guy...give me a fuckin break. How many of you guys post shit about some stupid slut that fucked you over.

Any guy (or girl) that creates a thread on a message board to demean another person due to personal feuds, rejection of sexual advances, or whatever, should be publicly ridiculed for making their business, desperations, and insecurities public in the first place! I only post on RttP to mainly discuss music, and I find it utterly pathetic when people create mindless threads like that. I don't need to vent; I simply hate everyone =)
[Dec 11,2008 10:11am - ouchdrummer ""]

MikeofDecrepitude said:
succubus said:
Josh_Martin said:I really hate it when broads get PMS and post stupid threads on the internet that do nothing but perpetuate the stereotype of bitchy broads with PMS.

Fuck you Josh!

I am sick of bitchy whin guys and if you had an attitude about this thread then you know you are a bitch.

God forbid a female post about a bitchy guy...give me a fuckin break. How many of you guys post shit about some stupid slut that fucked you over.

Any guy (or girl) that creates a thread on a message board to demean another person due to personal feuds, rejection of sexual advances, or whatever, should be publicly ridiculed for making their business, desperations, and insecurities public in the first place! I only post on RttP to mainly discuss music, and I find it utterly pathetic when people create mindless threads like that. I don't need to vent; I simply hate everyone =)

People who post funny stories are cool too.
[Dec 11,2008 10:18am - orgymf@work  ""]

MikeofDecrepitude said:
I simply hate everyone =)

i <3 hate
[Dec 11,2008 10:18am - ouchdrummer ""]
[Dec 11,2008 10:18am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
It makes the world go 'round
[Dec 11,2008 10:18am - ouchdrummer ""]
....but do you hate to love?
[Dec 11,2008 10:22am - orgymf@work  ""]

ouchdrummer said:....but do you hate to love?

no sir.
I love Family
I love Jayme
I love Beer
I love Metal
I love Fapping
I love Japaneese porn


oh....and of course..... i love hate.
[Dec 11,2008 10:24am - succubus ""]

does Aaron know this because of
a.) Mood Swings
b.) Bloody Tampons In The Garbage
c.) Earning Of Red Wings
d.) All Of The Above
e) I give him a black eye

[Dec 11,2008 10:30am - orgymf@work  ""]

succubus said:
does Aaron know this because of
a.) Mood Swings
b.) Bloody Tampons In The Garbage
c.) Earning Of Red Wings
d.) All Of The Above
e) I give him a black eye

Epic Pusswhippery
[Dec 11,2008 10:33am - succubus ""]
I think the next time I'm PMSing I'll have him delete EVERY reference to Fall of Decrepitude on this message board, including photos and ban him from shooting them again..because some asshole Mike called me pathetic.
[Dec 11,2008 10:36am - Yeti ""]
both genders are psycho. men are no less psycho than women.
[Dec 11,2008 10:43am - succubus ""]
i'm jsut shocked at how many thread on here exist about people, correction-dudes whining and bitching and then i do it and it's the end of the freakin world!

i also think aaron needs to add some sarcasm tags
[Dec 11,2008 11:00am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]

succubus said:I think the next time I'm PMSing I'll have him delete EVERY reference to Fall of Decrepitude on this message board, including photos and ban him from shooting them again..because some asshole Mike called me pathetic.

Last time I checked, Fall Of Decrepitude isn't even a band anymore, and we sucked! So there! How do you like them apples, missy?

Ok, we werent thaaaat bad, but in all seriousness now, if I recall correctly, I was generalizing and didn't call YOU pathetic. If you could read and comprehend correctly, I quoted what you said about guys who post threads to whine about girls, among other homosexual rants and ravings. I specifically stated that I think it's "pathetic" when people demean others and bring private affairs on a message board for the world to see (see those paganmegan threads for a prime example). Does PMS affect mental cognition and reasoning as well? Damn, you females got it bad!

Threaten to delete Fall of Decrepitude from the history books? Personally, I'm a huge fan of Orwell's 1984, and I think the idea sounds marvelous, so by all means then...
[Dec 11,2008 11:01am - thebloodening ""]
haha i just walked up to a co-worker who looked like he wanted to kill himself and said "dude, what do you have your fucking period?" primarily because of this post. He is from egypt and didn't have any clue what i was talking about. score.
[Dec 11,2008 11:10am - orgymf@work  ""]

succubus said:I think the next time I'm PMSing I'll have him delete EVERY reference to Fall of Decrepitude on this message board, including photos and ban him from shooting them again..because some asshole Mike called me pathetic.

tug on that leash!
[Dec 11,2008 11:19am - pam ""]
Have you people met Carina? Aaron's not whipped...he's smart. lol.
[Dec 11,2008 11:20am - succubus ""]
Dec 11,2008 11:00am - MikeofDecrepitude

Last time I checked, Fall Of Decrepitude isn't even a band anymore, and we sucked!
HAH!!! That's why i posted that he should add sarcasm tags so people wouldn't think everything typed was serious!

you're not a band anymore? yikes...i missed the boat on that one...Haven't been to a metal show in a long while...
[Dec 11,2008 11:32am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Well, we mutated into Proteus, but I left due to my personal discontent and to focus on my new job. Proteus is no longer a band, but Matty and I have our own band and we've been working on material for a couple years now.
[Dec 11,2008 11:42am - dreadkill ""]

thebloodening said:haha i just walked up to a co-worker who looked like he wanted to kill himself and said "dude, what do you have your fucking period?" primarily because of this post. He is from egypt and didn't have any clue what i was talking about. score.
my friend farted in a coworker's face the other day
[Dec 11,2008 12:54pm - orgymf@work  ""]

pam said:Have you people met Carina? Aaron's not whipped...he's smart. lol.

bowing down, and letting your needs be over run by hers (instead of everything reciprocal (sp?) and considerate of one another) is not smart, it's being pussy(or dick)whipped
[Dec 11,2008 12:54pm - orgymf@work  ""]
forgot the word being in there twice...man sometimes, i am more retarded than usual....this has been one of those times
[Dec 11,2008 12:55pm - Yeti ""]
i love how if a guy is dating a girl he is automatically pussy whipped.
[Dec 11,2008 12:57pm - orgymf@work  ""]
1. i am dating a girl, and not whipped
2. i said he was whipped (in a joking manner) because she said when she is on the rag she beats him (i assume in a joking manner)
3. i did just explain how anyone who is in a relationship where both people do not treat each other fairly, the one who is getting shafted and just takes it, is whipped

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