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you know those COEXIST bumper stickers?...

[Jan 25,2010 10:24pm - Slarstika  ""]
I want to make ones that say INTOLERANCE;

but it's hard to find all the letters with these kinds of symbols...

[Jan 25,2010 10:26pm - tylor ""]
[Jan 25,2010 10:29pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
[Jan 26,2010 12:36am - Archaeon ""]
hahahahahaha yessss. my roomate has a coexist poster and it makes me feel like a pussy.
[Jan 26,2010 5:13am - NuclearWinter ""]
Somehow related: someone, probably one of my Dominican neighbors, scratched off the Panzerbastard sticker from the back of my car a few weeks back. It was the one that came with the first 7".
[Jan 26,2010 8:24am - SkinSandwich ""]
I like swastikas, they are purtty.
[Jan 26,2010 8:31am - AndrewBastard  ""]
PanzerBastard isn't offensive; I dont get it.

These stickers will be offensive though...I just need to put the pieces together to make it legibly say INTOLERANCE

BTW Slarstika = me not marcus.
[Jan 26,2010 8:53am - largefreakatzero ""]
I support this quest. I fucking hate those coexist stickers with a passion."Celebrate diversity" is another one that makes my blood boil.
[Jan 26,2010 9:13am - SkinSandwich ""]
Yeah, i don't see how a German tank that is a bastard is offensive either. Tanks are supposed to have a nasty disposition anyways. For the record, PanzerBastard is one of the best band names. If you guys break up I will Panzer all you bastards in your faces.
[Jan 26,2010 11:30am - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]
[Jan 26,2010 11:31am - Ass Hole  ""]
Just put a Swastika in the Coexist sticker.


Bonus points for using SS runes for the S
[Jan 26,2010 11:40am - dreadkill ""]
those coexist bumper stickers are gay. i also hate the keep christ in christmas stickers and the religious pro-life ones. i don't need stupid bumper stickers telling me what to do.
[Jan 26,2010 11:41am - dreadkill ""]
anyone who needs a bumper sticker as a reminder to respect other people or uses a bumper sticker to preach that to other people as if they were better than everyone driving behind them needs to get run off the road and die in a ditch.
[Jan 26,2010 11:50am - the_reverend ""]
but you lve xmas. go figure.
[Jan 26,2010 12:09pm - Free Tibet  ""]
hi my name is dreadkill and I'm a bitter spiteful jerk.
[Jan 26,2010 12:13pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I thought bitter, spiteful jerks were the only ones on this board -- that's the only reason I post here.
[Jan 26,2010 12:48pm - reimroc ""]
this isn't 1995. no one cares about tibet anymore.
[Jan 26,2010 12:54pm - ancient master  ""]
I do
[Jan 26,2010 12:56pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Haiti is the new Tibet. I care about neither.
[Jan 26,2010 12:59pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Tibet is retro, like AIDS.
[Jan 26,2010 1:00pm - goatcatalyst ""]
PS - three cheers for intolerance!!!
[Jan 26,2010 1:14pm - dreadkill ""]

the_reverend said:but you lve xmas. go figure.
no i don't bitter, spiteful jerks hate holidays and celebrations
[Jan 26,2010 1:15pm - dreadkill ""]

Free%20Tibet said:hi my name is dreadkill and I'm a bitter spiteful jerk.
your name is dreadkill too?
[Jan 26,2010 1:44pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I'll work on this tonight...
[Jan 26,2010 2:25pm - Free Tibet  ""]
Hi my name is dreadkill and I like to use the wrong form of your
[Jan 26,2010 2:46pm - dreadkill ""]

Free%20Tibet said:Hi my name is dreadkill and I like to use the wrong form of your
ha, i think that's the only time in my life i've ever done that. i never ever make that kind of mistake. you win this round, dreadkill.
[Jan 26,2010 2:47pm - dreadkill ""]
i mean, what the fuck are you talking about? it looks right to me.
[Jan 26,2010 2:49pm - Lamp ""]

largefreakatzero said:Haiti is the new Tibet. I care about neither.

While I agree, I'd definitely rather hear about both of those countries than Tiger Woods and Michael Jackson shit.
[Jan 26,2010 3:19pm - Yeti ""]

largefreakatzero said:I thought bitter, spiteful jerks were the only ones on this board -- that's the only reason I post here.

[Jan 26,2010 3:38pm - C.dEAd  ""]
Beat you newfags to it:

[Jan 26,2010 3:42pm - dontloginjustdie  ""]
best idea ever.
[Jan 26,2010 4:04pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
turn that hammer/sickle so it looks more like a C
[Jan 26,2010 4:45pm - C.dEAd  ""]
I didn't actually make it. Someone just came up with it before Slartimus Prime slared about it.

[Jan 26,2010 4:58pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

C.dEAd said:Beat you newfags to it:


baaabhahahahaha. I'll pay money for this.
[Jan 26,2010 5:47pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I would too if the C was turned around and someone vectorized all the images so it wasn't so obvious they were taken from google image search.
[Jan 26,2010 7:54pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
yeah same here. it definitely needs some work, but the concept is great.
[Jan 26,2010 8:12pm - blessed offal  ""]
[Jan 26,2010 8:13pm - blessed offal  ""]
its too bad you dont work at fed ex anymore drew you could make hundreds of these
[Jan 26,2010 8:25pm - blessed offal  ""]
i replaced that weird symbol with a better I

[Jan 26,2010 8:30pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
awesome, ross...

I'm gonna make a super clean version in illustrator and have stickers made. Will post it ASAP...
[Jan 26,2010 8:36pm - blessed offal  ""]
hey andrew could i buy or possibly just borrow for a little while the controller and games you have for this xbox? otherwise, lemme know and i can bring it back to 212, ill be there tomorrow.
[Jan 26,2010 8:43pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
we keep wanting to play games at the space after the bars close and shit... Just bring it there and you can play it whenever you want.
[Jan 26,2010 9:04pm - blessed offal  ""]
cool i guess when it comes down to it im there more than home anyway ha
[Jan 26,2010 9:55pm - Ass Hole  ""]

dreadkill said:uses a bumper sticker to preach that to other people as if they were better than everyone driving behind them needs to get run off the road and die in a ditch.



[Jan 27,2010 12:51pm - WarriorOfMetal ""]

blessed%20offal said:i replaced that weird symbol with a better I


The swastika is backwards. Nazi swastikas have the arms facing toward the right.
[Jan 27,2010 1:45pm - thuringwethil ""]
M.O.D. haha

i used to have that Coexist sticker on my Buick.
[Jan 27,2010 2:02pm - emanresu  ""]

the hard part is the E, I went with the Euro not sure why
[Jan 27,2010 2:21pm - C.dEAd  ""]
Haha, niccccccce.
[Jan 27,2010 2:32pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
You could just use the ehwaz rune, which corresponds with the letter "e". You just have to turn it sideways in order make it resemble an "e".
[Jan 27,2010 2:34pm - dertoxia ""]
the I is throwing it off for me
[Jan 27,2010 2:36pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Iron cross for the T or you're a jew sympathizer.
[Jan 27,2010 2:43pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Fascio, for your "I" troubles.

You can possibly find one with the axe handle on top of the bundle.
[Jan 27,2010 3:38pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I've been too busy to make a clean vector version of this sticker but it'll get done soon...
[Jan 27,2010 3:44pm - Paul CNV  ""]
These could definately make for some good pranks... Maybe cover up some old hat Coexist stickers with the new and improved
[Jan 27,2010 4:46pm - KPanzer  ""]

emanresu said:[img]

the hard part is the E, I went with the Euro not sure why

And the winner is!:point:
[Jan 27,2010 4:54pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Yeah that one kicks ass minus that E...we should all throw in for 250 stickers from sticker guy.com : red on black.
[Jan 27,2010 4:57pm - KPanzer  ""]
If I'm throwing down money for stickers, it's for MY OWN RACIST BAND!
[Jan 27,2010 5:15pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
These aren't for a band, guy.

They are making a mockey of said coexist stickers as referenced above. If we all throw down and plaster these all over Boston, it'd be sure to offend the weak of heart and probably make the news.
[Jan 27,2010 5:16pm - blessed offal  ""]

WarriorOfMetal said:
blessed%20offal said:i replaced that weird symbol with a better I


The swastika is backwards. Nazi swastikas have the arms facing toward the right.

ha good point
the colored one is FTW anyway, i was just killing time

andrew- you should make it light blue background with white symbols so from far away it looks like the original one, and we can put them on cars
[Jan 27,2010 5:20pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
True. I\'ll get on it this weekend. It'll look exactly like the original...

I still have people at Kinkos that can maybe make a small batch for us.
[Jan 27,2010 5:22pm - blessed offal  ""]
we could put some in the tunnels so people think theyre being attacked by terrorists.
[Jan 27,2010 5:29pm - KPanzer  ""]
Don't you guy me, buddy.
[Jan 27,2010 5:43pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Kid, I'll guy you whenever I want, chief!
[Jan 27,2010 5:44pm - KPanzer  ""]
Bro, you better pump the brakes, ace.
[Jan 27,2010 5:53pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Listen boss, slow your roll, got that, killa?
[Jan 27,2010 5:58pm - KPanzer  ""]
Take it down a notch, Compadre, before someone gets hurt Sen. Ted Friennedy
[Jan 27,2010 6:08pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Watch your mouth, son. No way punk! Walk on home boy.
[Jan 27,2010 6:10pm - KPanzer  ""]
Dig this, you post opinions whereas I post FACTS,
[Jan 27,2010 6:16pm - emanresu  ""]
ok for the E i'm gunna put a KKK guy walking where his hoods top is the top of the E then an arm out be the middle part and his let out be the bottom. I think it'll work.

But I'm not going to do it till i'm at work, i don't feel right doing it during my free time
[Jan 28,2010 11:37am - emanresu  ""]
the E thing didn't work out so I put a hezbollah logo instead, sorta has an E shape.


[Jan 28,2010 12:58pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I dunno if that works...no one can tell what it is and it doesnt look like an E
[Jan 28,2010 1:15pm - Yeti ""]
i don't hate anyone!

does that mean you don't hate Nazi's??!!
[Aug 27,2010 10:34am - arktouros ""]
bump for good sticker thread
[Aug 27,2010 10:39am - SkinSandwich ""]
So, umm, are these getting made or what?
[Aug 27,2010 10:44am - AndrewBastard  ""]
sticker guy.com...or ethan at hold true could do them. We need a nice high res version.
[Aug 27,2010 11:00am - ouchdrummer ""]
i'm not personally offended by it, but i could see how the name "panzerbastard" could possible offend someone. Sorta like if i named my chamber music group "The auschwitz 4".

And for the record, it's one of my favorite local names.

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