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you know those COEXIST bumper stickers?...

[Jan 25,2010 10:24pm - Slarstika  ""]
I want to make ones that say INTOLERANCE;

but it's hard to find all the letters with these kinds of symbols...

[Jan 25,2010 10:26pm - tylor ""]
[Jan 25,2010 10:29pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
[Jan 26,2010 12:36am - Archaeon ""]
hahahahahaha yessss. my roomate has a coexist poster and it makes me feel like a pussy.
[Jan 26,2010 5:13am - NuclearWinter ""]
Somehow related: someone, probably one of my Dominican neighbors, scratched off the Panzerbastard sticker from the back of my car a few weeks back. It was the one that came with the first 7".
[Jan 26,2010 8:24am - SkinSandwich ""]
I like swastikas, they are purtty.
[Jan 26,2010 8:31am - AndrewBastard  ""]
PanzerBastard isn't offensive; I dont get it.

These stickers will be offensive though...I just need to put the pieces together to make it legibly say INTOLERANCE

BTW Slarstika = me not marcus.
[Jan 26,2010 8:53am - largefreakatzero ""]
I support this quest. I fucking hate those coexist stickers with a passion."Celebrate diversity" is another one that makes my blood boil.
[Jan 26,2010 9:13am - SkinSandwich ""]
Yeah, i don't see how a German tank that is a bastard is offensive either. Tanks are supposed to have a nasty disposition anyways. For the record, PanzerBastard is one of the best band names. If you guys break up I will Panzer all you bastards in your faces.
[Jan 26,2010 11:30am - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]
[Jan 26,2010 11:31am - Ass Hole  ""]
Just put a Swastika in the Coexist sticker.


Bonus points for using SS runes for the S
[Jan 26,2010 11:40am - dreadkill ""]
those coexist bumper stickers are gay. i also hate the keep christ in christmas stickers and the religious pro-life ones. i don't need stupid bumper stickers telling me what to do.
[Jan 26,2010 11:41am - dreadkill ""]
anyone who needs a bumper sticker as a reminder to respect other people or uses a bumper sticker to preach that to other people as if they were better than everyone driving behind them needs to get run off the road and die in a ditch.
[Jan 26,2010 11:50am - the_reverend ""]
but you lve xmas. go figure.
[Jan 26,2010 12:09pm - Free Tibet  ""]
hi my name is dreadkill and I'm a bitter spiteful jerk.
[Jan 26,2010 12:13pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I thought bitter, spiteful jerks were the only ones on this board -- that's the only reason I post here.
[Jan 26,2010 12:48pm - reimroc ""]
this isn't 1995. no one cares about tibet anymore.
[Jan 26,2010 12:54pm - ancient master  ""]
I do
[Jan 26,2010 12:56pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Haiti is the new Tibet. I care about neither.
[Jan 26,2010 12:59pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Tibet is retro, like AIDS.
[Jan 26,2010 1:00pm - goatcatalyst ""]
PS - three cheers for intolerance!!!
[Jan 26,2010 1:14pm - dreadkill ""]

the_reverend said:but you lve xmas. go figure.
no i don't bitter, spiteful jerks hate holidays and celebrations
[Jan 26,2010 1:15pm - dreadkill ""]

Free%20Tibet said:hi my name is dreadkill and I'm a bitter spiteful jerk.
your name is dreadkill too?
[Jan 26,2010 1:44pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I'll work on this tonight...
[Jan 26,2010 2:25pm - Free Tibet  ""]
Hi my name is dreadkill and I like to use the wrong form of your
[Jan 26,2010 2:46pm - dreadkill ""]

Free%20Tibet said:Hi my name is dreadkill and I like to use the wrong form of your
ha, i think that's the only time in my life i've ever done that. i never ever make that kind of mistake. you win this round, dreadkill.
[Jan 26,2010 2:47pm - dreadkill ""]
i mean, what the fuck are you talking about? it looks right to me.
[Jan 26,2010 2:49pm - Lamp ""]

largefreakatzero said:Haiti is the new Tibet. I care about neither.

While I agree, I'd definitely rather hear about both of those countries than Tiger Woods and Michael Jackson shit.
[Jan 26,2010 3:19pm - Yeti ""]

largefreakatzero said:I thought bitter, spiteful jerks were the only ones on this board -- that's the only reason I post here.

[Jan 26,2010 3:38pm - C.dEAd  ""]
Beat you newfags to it:

[Jan 26,2010 3:42pm - dontloginjustdie  ""]
best idea ever.
[Jan 26,2010 4:04pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
turn that hammer/sickle so it looks more like a C
[Jan 26,2010 4:45pm - C.dEAd  ""]
I didn't actually make it. Someone just came up with it before Slartimus Prime slared about it.

[Jan 26,2010 4:58pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

C.dEAd said:Beat you newfags to it:


baaabhahahahaha. I'll pay money for this.
[Jan 26,2010 5:47pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I would too if the C was turned around and someone vectorized all the images so it wasn't so obvious they were taken from google image search.
[Jan 26,2010 7:54pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
yeah same here. it definitely needs some work, but the concept is great.
[Jan 26,2010 8:12pm - blessed offal  ""]
[Jan 26,2010 8:13pm - blessed offal  ""]
its too bad you dont work at fed ex anymore drew you could make hundreds of these
[Jan 26,2010 8:25pm - blessed offal  ""]
i replaced that weird symbol with a better I

[Jan 26,2010 8:30pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
awesome, ross...

I'm gonna make a super clean version in illustrator and have stickers made. Will post it ASAP...
[Jan 26,2010 8:36pm - blessed offal  ""]
hey andrew could i buy or possibly just borrow for a little while the controller and games you have for this xbox? otherwise, lemme know and i can bring it back to 212, ill be there tomorrow.
[Jan 26,2010 8:43pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
we keep wanting to play games at the space after the bars close and shit... Just bring it there and you can play it whenever you want.
[Jan 26,2010 9:04pm - blessed offal  ""]
cool i guess when it comes down to it im there more than home anyway ha
[Jan 26,2010 9:55pm - Ass Hole  ""]

dreadkill said:uses a bumper sticker to preach that to other people as if they were better than everyone driving behind them needs to get run off the road and die in a ditch.



[Jan 27,2010 12:51pm - WarriorOfMetal ""]

blessed%20offal said:i replaced that weird symbol with a better I


The swastika is backwards. Nazi swastikas have the arms facing toward the right.
[Jan 27,2010 1:45pm - thuringwethil ""]
M.O.D. haha

i used to have that Coexist sticker on my Buick.
[Jan 27,2010 2:02pm - emanresu  ""]

the hard part is the E, I went with the Euro not sure why
[Jan 27,2010 2:21pm - C.dEAd  ""]
Haha, niccccccce.
[Jan 27,2010 2:32pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
You could just use the ehwaz rune, which corresponds with the letter "e". You just have to turn it sideways in order make it resemble an "e".
[Jan 27,2010 2:34pm - dertoxia ""]
the I is throwing it off for me

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