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Bane & Ceremony @ Anchors Up! August 12th

Anchors Up (Haverhill, MA) - [bane][bear_trap][ceremony][edge_of_the_world][randomshots][the_nasty]
[show listing]  __________________________________
[Aug 4,2010 4:57pm - joeycobra ""]
I figured a few of you might be interested in checking out this last minute change of venue for this show.

[Aug 4,2010 5:15pm - the_reverend ""]
in for the nasty and bear trap
[Aug 4,2010 5:15pm - the_reverend ""]
when you came up to me alittle drunk lastnight, i wanted to ask you if we sould start again.
[Aug 4,2010 6:11pm - Archaeon ""]
Punch is playing this too.

this show is going to be NUTS.
[Aug 4,2010 6:18pm - reimroc ""]
punch is playing? you surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrius nigga?

people are going to die at this show.
[Aug 4,2010 6:44pm - Archaeon ""]
Punch is on this tour, unless they dropped or something.
[Aug 4,2010 6:51pm - Kevord ""]
I heard Punch dropped off the tour. Singer broke her foot.
[Aug 4,2010 6:53pm - Archaeon ""]
thats what you get for being a women in hardcore.
[Aug 4,2010 6:55pm - Kevord ""]
You would think screaming with a broken foot would be easier.
[Aug 4,2010 6:56pm - reimroc ""]
that sucks i really wanted to see them
[Aug 4,2010 6:59pm - Kevord ""]
Ceremony is pretty awesome too. I'm going to the R.I. show. But I probably would have gone to both shows if Punch was still on the tour.
[Aug 4,2010 9:00pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Bane is still around?
[Aug 4,2010 9:20pm - Archaeon ""]

MillenialKingdom said:Bane is still around?

...Hope that is sarcastic.
[Aug 4,2010 10:12pm - RustyPS ""]
I REALLY wanted to see Punch, but I'm probably still gonna go to this
[Aug 4,2010 10:26pm - xanonymousx ""]
I am getting my wisdom teeth out this day
[Aug 4,2010 10:39pm - Archaeon ""]
Go to this show anyways, it'll be hilarious.
[Aug 4,2010 10:47pm - xanonymousx ""]
if i feel up to it... i will be drugged the fuck out
[Aug 4,2010 10:55pm - joeycobra ""]

the_reverend said:when you came up to me alittle drunk lastnight, i wanted to ask you if we sould start again.

I'm sorry, I was kind of drunk and exhausted. It's a mixture made for awkward.
[Aug 4,2010 11:01pm - xanonymousx ""]
joey we get hammered soon party bus! maybe...
[Aug 5,2010 10:12am - MillenialKingdom ""]

Archaeon said:
MillenialKingdom said:Bane is still around?

...Hope that is sarcastic.

Slightly but for real, I haven't heard them playing many shows lately. I just haven't been looking I suppose.
[Aug 5,2010 10:32am - Archaeon ""]
They're doing a big us/european thing starting in a few weeks with TUI, Cruel Hand and Alpha and Omega. I've seen them 3 times this year. haha
[Aug 5,2010 10:45am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Sweet! Speaking of Cruel Hand, I saw their new album in FYE and was very excited about it.
[Aug 5,2010 10:55am - Archaeon ""]
It's definitely different, Sounds like Metallica...in a good way.
[Aug 12,2010 1:58pm - Archaeon ""]
[Aug 12,2010 2:25pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
heading there right after work
[Aug 12,2010 2:31pm - the_reverend ""]
false rusty is false since rusty has no job.
[Aug 12,2010 2:32pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 12,2010 2:32pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
got a job there tuff guy

started last week
[Aug 12,2010 3:41pm - Archaeon ""]
this is very likely to sell out.
[Aug 12,2010 5:48pm - xanonymousx ""]
[Aug 12,2010 5:51pm - the_reverend ""]
first band is on at 6:15. leaving now.
[Aug 12,2010 7:01pm - the_reverend ""]
Kevord is too cool for school and staying outside. It is already hot as balls in here.
[Aug 12,2010 7:04pm - the_reverend ""]
Edge of the world was really good. I thought it was Johnny limit singing when I came in.
[Aug 12,2010 7:23pm - the_reverend ""]
beartrap just put on an epic set by their standards. They played for 20 minutes?
[Aug 12,2010 8:23pm - the_reverend ""]
ceremony made everyone look like it rained in here. Amazing.
[Aug 12,2010 8:28pm - the_reverend ""]
it is so wet in here that kevord's tattoos are running.
[Aug 12,2010 8:30pm - the_reverend ""]
im confused. What time lines are we in? it seems like richard alpert is both off the island and playing guitar for ceremony.
[Aug 12,2010 9:52pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Aug 12,2010 10:25pm - the_reverend ""]
not. so hot.
[Aug 12,2010 10:41pm - RustyPS ""]

the_reverend said:im confused. What time lines are we in? it seems like richard alpert is both off the island and playing guitar for ceremony.

its the first time in a long time that I can honestly say I liked every band on the bill....very good show
[Aug 12,2010 11:00pm - Kevord ""]

the_reverend said:it is so wet in here that kevord's tattoos are running.
I had to chase them down the street.
[Aug 12,2010 11:02pm - Archaeon ""]
This was hot. lots of sweat. I got some sweet stage dives though.
[Aug 12,2010 11:05pm - the_reverend ""]
pictures uploading.
[Aug 12,2010 11:15pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 12,2010 11:18pm - Archaeon ""]
I'm not in that picture. who cares.
[Aug 13,2010 12:02am - SteveSummoned ""]
Hottest fucking show ever and some kid is wearing a leather jacket, now you're just doing it for the sake of fashion.
[Aug 13,2010 5:04am - the_reverend ""]
I almost posted that on the front page... But I didn't remember if it was black demin or leather. I think he was there after the set with his shirt of ringing a soaking wet tshirt on the ground.
[Aug 13,2010 8:37am - the_reverend ""]
futurebreed said:More photos up at: http://www.future-breed.com

AUGUST 12TH, 2010

(sorry to EDGE OF THE WORLD. I missed your set 'cause traffic on 93)

More photos up at: http://www.future-breed.com


More photos up at: http://www.future-breed.com

SET LISTS for BANE and CEREMONY: http://www.theb9.com/view-topic/750927

More photos up at: http://www.future-breed.com

[Aug 13,2010 10:02am - joeyumbrella ""]


hammer time
[Aug 13,2010 10:04am - RustyPS should be working  ""]
[Aug 13,2010 10:19am - aaron_michael ""]

After a show like this, Josh should have people wring their shirts into a cup, and whoever has the balls to drink it gets 1 or 2 free entries to a show of their chosing.
[Aug 13,2010 10:34am - the_reverend ""]
like drinking a cup of vinegar.
[Aug 13,2010 10:45am - DreadKill ""]
this show prevented me from parking anywhere near my girlfriend's place last night.
[Aug 13,2010 10:51am - the_reverend ""]
and thus hopefully stopping you from breeding. the system works.
[Aug 13,2010 10:55am - DreadKill ""]
i thought you were going to make a fat joke involving me getting exercise from parking further away and walking, but the breeding joke works too. my genius daughter probably won't be thrilled about that comment and will torture you more than anyone else when she enslaves humanity in 20 years.
[Aug 13,2010 10:56am - the_reverend ""]
you are confusing enslaving humanity with enslaving one man.
[Aug 13,2010 11:05am - DreadKill ""]
it starts with one man
[Aug 13,2010 11:09am - the_reverend ""]
women have been enslaving just one man forever.
[Aug 13,2010 11:19am - aaron_michael ""]
wait. what?
[Aug 13,2010 11:20am - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 13,2010 11:25am - RustyPS should be working  ""]

aaron_michael said:wait. what?

never seen Ceremony before I take it?
[Aug 13,2010 11:28am - boblovesmusic ""]
do a Ceremony about it...
[Aug 13,2010 11:35am - aaron_michael ""]

RustyPS%20should%20be%20working said:
never seen Ceremony before I take it?

[Aug 13,2010 11:38am - RustyPS should be working  ""]

aaron_michael said:
RustyPS%20should%20be%20working said:
never seen Ceremony before I take it?

yea...that's how he always has been...when he had long hair, he looked like Alexi from Children of Bodom playing hardcore...rather silly

[Aug 13,2010 2:11pm - Archaeon ""]
If he was in any other band, I'd hate them. But he's in ceremony so I don't care.
[Aug 13,2010 2:11pm - Archaeon ""]
look at meeeee
[Aug 13,2010 2:42pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
that black kid on the left needs to cut his fucking nails cause he grabbed my shoulder when he was falling over after stagediving and gashed it pretty bad
[Aug 13,2010 2:46pm - the_reverend ""]
picture of said event
[Aug 13,2010 6:10pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]

aaron_michael said:wait. what?

i didn't know energy was playing. also, check out the stage potatoes.
[Aug 13,2010 7:29pm - Archaeon ""]

RustyPS%20should%20be%20working said:that black kid on the left needs to cut his fucking nails cause he grabbed my shoulder when he was falling over after stagediving and gashed it pretty bad

He was at title fight the night before. Almost got in a fight with these 2 huge white dudes. not because he was black, because he was being a fuck. made me lol.
[Aug 13,2010 7:32pm - narkybark ""]
Blanka could never defeat Ryu. He has to defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance!
[Aug 13,2010 7:34pm - Archaeon ""]
Also, this is the worst crowd I've seen for Bane. No one gives a fuck about them in MA anymore, but anywhere else in the US everyone goes apeshit.
[Aug 13,2010 8:12pm - Kevord ""]
[Aug 13,2010 9:06pm - narkybark ""]
is he gonna hafta choke a bitch?
[Aug 13,2010 9:25pm - the_reverend ""]
hafta? wanna!
[Aug 13,2010 11:11pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Aug 14,2010 1:50am - the_reverend ""]

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