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So yea...

[Mar 29,2007 11:07pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I've been on these boards for a year now. Feels so much longer....
[Mar 29,2007 11:10pm - Troll ""]
I'm a n00b
[Mar 29,2007 11:18pm - Ryan_M ""]
Yeah it's been quite a ride huh? The arguing, the put downs, the racism, the hatred for anyone who doesn't like all the same bands as you, emo-bashing, gay bashing, religion bashing, woman bashing, hardcore bashing, metal bashing, the Leigh Rush catastrophe, that annoying Jugulator guy.....
I love RTTP. <3
[Mar 29,2007 11:22pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I'd say amidst all that, I'm happy here.
[Mar 29,2007 11:23pm - brian_dc ""]
jesus, I've only been here for just under 2 years? Damn, it really has felt like longer.
[Mar 29,2007 11:27pm - Lamp ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:I've been on these boards for a year now. Feels so much longer....

Who gives a fuck?
[Mar 29,2007 11:33pm - dreadkill ""]
i've been here 5 years
[Mar 29,2007 11:35pm - pam ""]
I've been here about 5, too. I don't remember how I ended up here.
[Mar 29,2007 11:36pm - xanonymousx ""]
i've been here for a lot longer than i have had this account. A LOT longer.
[Mar 29,2007 11:51pm - yummy ""]
Had I known when my original anniversary was I would have celebrated with bears in little hats doing the mexican jig. for real
[Mar 29,2007 11:51pm - Troll ""]
Didn't RTTP have a crash around (late)2003 (early)2004 or something?
I just remember getting an email cause a lot of people lost their profiles.
I had to re-new mine or some shit.

[Mar 30,2007 12:12am - Reverend_Cziska ""]
Ryan_M said:Yeah it's been quite a ride huh? The arguing, the put downs, the racism, the hatred for anyone who doesn't like all the same bands as you, emo-bashing, gay bashing, religion bashing, woman bashing, hardcore bashing, metal bashing, the Leigh Rush catastrophe, that annoying Jugulator guy.....
I love RTTP. <3

Go fuck a goat! There must be plenty in New Hampshire.
[Mar 30,2007 12:23am - Ryan_M ""]
Yeah there's a few farms a couple of miles up the road from where I live that have a few goats I could mess around with.
A lot of shit gets thrown around among the people logged in here, but I keep coming back to post my own two cents, so I obviously don't hate it that much.
[Mar 30,2007 12:52am - Lamp ""]
I think this forum rules, I just think talking about how long you've been posting here like people are actually supposed to care is fucking lame. You could be here for five years and be posting complete shit or you could be here for a month and be the best thing since sliced bread.
[Mar 30,2007 3:09am - thegreatspaldino ""]
been here since i can remember (almost 5 years?)
[Mar 30,2007 4:06am - Reverend_Cziska ""]
Ryan_M said:Yeah there's a few farms a couple of miles up the road from where I live that have a few goats I could mess around with.
A lot of shit gets thrown around among the people logged in here, but I keep coming back to post my own two cents, so I obviously don't hate it that much.

Post video.
[Mar 30,2007 4:16am - W3 nli  ""]
Lamp said:ConquerTheBaphomet said:I've been on these boards for a year now. Feels so much longer....

Who gives a fuck?

dood you totally get 401k and a retirement package
[Mar 30,2007 10:40am - Yeti ""]
i'm sorry but this thread is gay.
[Mar 30,2007 11:37am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Mar 30,2007 12:02pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeti said:i'm sorry but this thread is gay.

[Mar 30,2007 12:35pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
the internetz is gay.
[Mar 30,2007 1:50pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Lamp said:I think this forum rules, I just think talking about how long you've been posting here like people are actually supposed to care is fucking lame. You could be here for five years and be posting complete shit or you could be here for a month and be the best thing since sliced bread.

Uhh, I'm not that conceited. It was an observation I made when I viewed my profile.

You can stop crying now.
[Mar 30,2007 1:53pm - pam ""]
thegreatspaldino said:been here since i can remember (almost 5 years?)

About that, I remember arguing with you back then.
[Mar 30,2007 2:10pm - succubus ""]
Funny, didn't sound like Lamp was crying, he was just stating his opinion. I also didn't read that he thought you were conceited.
For a Jesus Freak...err.."religious" person, you sure to bitch about a lot of people...
[Mar 30,2007 2:13pm - pam ""]
Well, in CTB's defense, everyone on here jumps down his throat on everything he says so he's obviously going to be a snippy jerk sometimes.

Gotta give the dude credit, he's still here.
[Mar 30,2007 2:19pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
succubus said:Funny, didn't sound like Lamp was crying, he was just stating his opinion. I also didn't read that he thought you were conceited.
For a Jesus Freak...err.."religious" person, you sure to bitch about a lot of people...

He was in fact referring to me.
[Mar 30,2007 2:38pm - reverend_cziska ""]
pam said:Well, in CTB's defense, everyone on here jumps down his throat on everything he says so he's obviously going to be a snippy jerk sometimes.

Gotta give the dude credit, he's still here.

Shut your piehole! The boy can defend himself on this massive stage called the internet. Can he transfer these credits to a four year college or university?
[Mar 30,2007 2:42pm - pam ""]
Listen...I will get a step ladder and totally fight you. I'll lose. But I'll do it.
[Mar 30,2007 3:03pm - reverend_cziska ""]
Tonight, meet me at the Drugden, I mean Bullpen and it is on like Donkey Kong.
[Mar 30,2007 3:08pm - pam ""]
Fuck that I'm going to Down. You'll just have to wait.
[Mar 30,2007 5:27pm - Lamp ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:succubus said:Funny, didn't sound like Lamp was crying, he was just stating his opinion. I also didn't read that he thought you were conceited.
For a Jesus Freak...err.."religious" person, you sure to bitch about a lot of people...

He was in fact referring to me.

I was referring to you because you say stupid shit like it's your job. I was just stating my opinion. I never used the word "conceited" directly but I do have to wonder what the fuck thought process you'd have to go through for you to actually think that people(especially the ravenous folk that frequent this place) would actually care how long you've been posting on this message board. Face it. It's a dumb thread. You're a moron. You were just trying to raise your status in the community by drawing attention to yourself and point out the fact that you're a "veteran" of this community like that's supposed to make people value your opinions more. Fuck off.
[Mar 30,2007 5:33pm - sxealex ""]
i think i made an account in like 2001? 2002? if that makes sense? but i dont remeber the password and i cancelled the email. rev was flyering for rttp at metal fest and the pictures were awful .
[Mar 30,2007 6:01pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Lamp said:ConquerTheBaphomet said:succubus said:Funny, didn't sound like Lamp was crying, he was just stating his opinion. I also didn't read that he thought you were conceited.
For a Jesus Freak...err.."religious" person, you sure to bitch about a lot of people...

He was in fact referring to me.

I was referring to you because you say stupid shit like it's your job. I was just stating my opinion. I never used the word "conceited" directly but I do have to wonder what the fuck thought process you'd have to go through for you to actually think that people(especially the ravenous folk that frequent this place) would actually care how long you've been posting on this message board. Face it. It's a dumb thread. You're a moron. You were just trying to raise your status in the community by drawing attention to yourself and point out the fact that you're a "veteran" of this community like that's supposed to make people value your opinions more. Fuck off.

How long did it take you to come up with that theory? You have no idea how I run my life and you obviously read way too much into what I say. I know starting this thread isn't a life changing experience and yet you claim that's what I'm doing? How retarded. You're one of the only ones on here who gives me shit for everything I say. Do you think it bothers me? NO. This is the internet and nobody's opinion matters, not even mine.

So kindly take your presumptuous accusations and shove them up your snobby asshole.
[Mar 30,2007 6:38pm - Lamp ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:You're one of the only ones on here who gives me shit for everything I say. Do you think it bothers me?

Is that right? After all, people who don't get bothered constantly say things like...

So kindly take your presumptuous accusations and shove them up your snobby asshole.
[Mar 30,2007 6:43pm - Lamp ""]
Not to mention you're apparently keeping track of who on this forum gives you shit for what you say. Such a socialite.
[Mar 30,2007 6:43pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Lamp said:ConquerTheBaphomet said:You're one of the only ones on here who gives me shit for everything I say. Do you think it bothers me?

Is that right? After all, people who don't get bothered constantly say things like...

So kindly take your presumptuous accusations and shove them up your snobby asshole.

Yea, like after I get off RTTP, I cry myself to sleep.
[Mar 30,2007 6:44pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Lamp said:Not to mention you're apparently keeping track of who on this forum gives you shit for what you say. Such a socialite.

Haha, keeping track? No, it's a matter of knowing who says shit and who doesn't. If I wasn't mistaken I would say everything you're accusing me of are the same things you are saying about yourself.
[Mar 30,2007 6:52pm - Lamp ""]
So you really want to be on the same level as me, eh? What kind of attitude is that for a kid who pretends to love Jesus to have towards someone like me? Come on queer, practice what you preach.
[Mar 30,2007 7:31pm - Troll ""]
Return To The Pit "opium of the asses"


This site is like crack! I noticed this winter has been the pinnacle of my RTTP use...Oh gaaad! Whats become of meeeeeeeee!!! I can't staaawwwppp!!!!
[Mar 30,2007 7:33pm - Troll ""]
I forgot what the sky looks like.
[Mar 30,2007 10:19pm - yummy ""]
I've always heard "Jesus is the answer, Jesus is the answer". What the fuck is the question?
[Mar 30,2007 10:32pm - Troll ""]
to be or not to be
[Mar 30,2007 10:38pm - yummy ""]
no, that can't be it.
He was and is no more.
[Mar 30,2007 11:02pm - Troll ""]
Lamp said:So you really want to be on the same level as me, eh? What kind of attitude is that for a kid who pretends to love Jesus to have towards someone like me? Come on queer, practice what you preach.

I've never heard him preach.
[Mar 30,2007 11:11pm - Troll ""]
yummy said:
He was and is no more.

Uhh?? Yet your acknowledgment seems to prove otherwise.
Step back and think about it.

[Mar 30,2007 11:15pm - Lamp ""]
Troll said:Lamp said:So you really want to be on the same level as me, eh? What kind of attitude is that for a kid who pretends to love Jesus to have towards someone like me? Come on queer, practice what you preach.

I've never heard him preach.

I'm not saying he's preaching all that Jesus shit, but he does preach that he apparently doesn't give a fuck about what anyone on this message board thinks like some kind of benevolent priest and if he really didn't give a shit, not only would he have not replied to my posts, he wouldn't have even created this thread.
[Mar 30,2007 11:22pm - Troll ""]
[Mar 30,2007 11:29pm - yummy ""]
I think you stepped too far back troll
[Mar 30,2007 11:37pm - Troll ""]
I just try and look at things as objectively as possible.
Not always though, but no ones perfect right?
[Mar 30,2007 11:54pm - yummy ""]
fair enough troll. I was just throwin hot garbage at you.
After a year being here it hadn't crossed your mind people would lynch you after making this thread CTB?
[Mar 31,2007 12:08am - Troll ""]
I like hot garbage! :-)
Actually, I'm more than ready for a good argument tonight. I'm sober and armed with a hot cup of black coffee.....But yea, I totally agree.
CTB doesn't seem to come off as a stupid guy, but maybe a little bit "highschool" and naive. But then, who am I to judge? I'm sure my dialogue comes off as total tripe in most peoples eyes as well! Hahaha!
[Mar 31,2007 12:19am - Troll ""]
Well, I guess I should pull myself away from the ol' cathode ray, wipe the drool off my chin and read a book now.

[Mar 31,2007 12:25am - yummy ""]
Sorry, not feeling an argument tonight. But, I'll take a raincheck for another time.
We all look pathetic staring at monitors.
[Mar 31,2007 12:29am - Troll ""]

Ok, I'm really out this time.
RTTP is total crack addiction!
[Mar 31,2007 12:30am - yummy ""]
Fuck you
[Mar 31,2007 12:33am - Lamp ""]
I'd like to know why girls take so long to do something they say they're going to do. It's fucking annoying. I'm going to answer my own question. Because they want to control us and make us lose sleep by manipulating us into thinking about them all the time and feeling worried about them when they're intentionally delaying doing something good with you so it'll be better and then you'll remember it more and be more and more susceptible to their mind games.

I love and hate women.
[Mar 31,2007 1:21am - Mike_Giallo ""]
Lamp said:I'd like to know why girls take so long to do something they say they're going to do. It's fucking annoying. I'm going to answer my own question. Because they want to control us and make us lose sleep by manipulating us into thinking about them all the time and feeling worried about them when they're intentionally delaying doing something good with you so it'll be better and then you'll remember it more and be more and more susceptible to their mind games.

I love and hate women.

I feel ya, nigga.
[Mar 31,2007 4:37am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Women: Nature's Punching Bag
[Apr 1,2007 4:18pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Troll said:I like hot garbage! :-)
Actually, I'm more than ready for a good argument tonight. I'm sober and armed with a hot cup of black coffee.....But yea, I totally agree.
CTB doesn't seem to come off as a stupid guy, but maybe a little bit "highschool" and naive. But then, who am I to judge? I'm sure my dialogue comes off as total tripe in most peoples eyes as well! Hahaha!

People are always different on the internet than they are in real life. "High school" and naive? Please, Lieutenant Commander, don't underestimate me.
[Apr 1,2007 4:19pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Lamp, stop throwing a hissy fit and get over it.
[Apr 1,2007 4:43pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
ConqueerTheFaggogay said:stop throwing a hissy fit and get over it.

[Apr 1,2007 4:44pm - Lamp ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:Lamp, stop throwing a hissy fit and get over it.

[Apr 1,2007 4:46pm - Lamp ""]
I'm pretty much the same in person that I am on the Internet once you get to know me. But it took me a long time before I actually started posting what I was thinking on any given thread so I guess the forum had to get to know me or something too, or I had to get to know who was posting here. Point being, people who act different on the Internet than they would in real life are pussies.
[Apr 1,2007 4:48pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Lamp said:I'm pretty much the same in person that I am on the Internet once you get to know me. But it took me a long time before I actually started posting what I was thinking on any given thread so I guess the forum had to get to know me or something too, or I had to get to know who was posting here. Point being, people who act different on the Internet than they would in real life are pussies.

I agree. So, that's why I'm saying, what you see here is what you get in real life. Call me a hypocrite all you want but I'm one of those people who doesn't take shit from anyone regardless of what I believe in.
[Apr 1,2007 9:16pm - Lamp ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:People are always different on the internet than they are in real life.

ConquerTheBaphomet said:So, that's why I'm saying, what you see here is what you get in real life.

[Apr 1,2007 9:28pm - yummy ""]
yo momma wears combat boots in real life but not on the internet.
[Apr 2,2007 2:19pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Lamp said:ConquerTheBaphomet said:People are always different on the internet than they are in real life.

ConquerTheBaphomet said:So, that's why I'm saying, what you see here is what you get in real life.


I wasn't referring to myself in the first quote.
[Apr 2,2007 2:27pm - hungtableed  ""]
I am the same inconsiderate opinionated asshole in real life that I am here. How I have any real friends is beyond my comprehension.
[Apr 2,2007 2:35pm - Murph ""]
Lamp said:I'm pretty much the same in person that I am on the Internet once you get to know me. But it took me a long time before I actually started posting what I was thinking on any given thread so I guess the forum had to get to know me or something too, or I had to get to know who was posting here. Point being, people who act different on the Internet than they would in real life are pussies.

I dress in Elven costumes and fling feces whilst on the Interweb.

Yet, in my regular life, am a mild mannered music fan with an affinity for Girl Scout cookies.

Therefore, while my Internet and "real-time" personalities hardly gel, I don't think I'm a pussy. I think I'm a genius. With a wizard hat and fist full of kashi shit to prove it.
[Apr 2,2007 3:45pm - Lamp ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:I wasn't referring to myself in the first quote.

You think you're special or something?
[Apr 2,2007 3:58pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Lamp said:ConquerTheBaphomet said:I wasn't referring to myself in the first quote.

You think you're special or something?

[Apr 2,2007 10:31pm - yummy ""]
Are you conquering the baphomet? cuz I am yummy
[Apr 2,2007 11:14pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I have to poop.
[Apr 2,2007 11:19pm - yummy ""]
how'd it go?
[Apr 2,2007 11:20pm - pam ""]
This thread is terrible.
[Apr 2,2007 11:41pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
yummy said:how'd it go?

Smooth and silky.
[Apr 2,2007 11:44pm - yummy ""]
terrible indeed
[Apr 3,2007 12:29am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]

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