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Sunday, May 25th @ Ralph's - FREE SHOW - Metal Thursday's 2 Year Anniversary Bash: Armory, Graveheart, Nocturnum, The Accursed, Summoning Hate, The Pathos of Clytaemnestra, A Cold Reality, Unhallowed, 3 Headed Monster, Mortalis & Aetherius 21+ 2PM-CLOSE

[show listing]  ________________________________________
[May 26,2008 11:40am - MetalThursday ""]
Yeah the day did a complete 180... started very slow, then ended with a huge crowd with a raging pit going. Three bands canceling on the day of the show threw me a curve ball but hey it ended up working out for the better time-wise. That's was the longest I've ever spent at Ralph's... 14+ hours and I am hurting bad today. I think I'll rework the format a little bit but this is definitely happening next year and the years after that. Thanks to everyone who came out, it was a fun show!
[May 26,2008 1:55pm - guy smiley  ""]
did anyone else see that chick get run over after the show? what the fuck was that?
[May 26,2008 2:30pm - Justin A Cold Reality  ""]
i feel really fuckin bad that we had to cancel...sorry chris, you're the man! shit was out of my control
[May 26,2008 2:31pm - Aegathis ""]

guy%20smiley said:did anyone else see that chick get run over after the show? what the fuck was that?

[May 27,2008 1:17am - guywhodidntdriveoverchick  ""]
yeah some girl was laying motionless in the middle of the parking lot out front. a few guys were throwing punches and one guy got stomped for a while on the ground with his bare ass hanging out. then he got up and started swinging on some other guy with glasses. at one point some other girl got clocked right in the face. then some other guy on a cell phone was saying that this bmw better not leave, that he had his plates and he saw what he did and the cops were coming. but somehow they got out and drove off. the cops showed up a few min later. i wonder if the ran over girl was alright, no one was tending to her at all from what i saw and she was just lying there like a discarded carcass, awaiting the inevitable vultures to circle and eventually devour her for much needed nourishment.
[May 27,2008 1:48am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Best show ever?
[May 27,2008 1:54am - Samantha ""]

guywhodidntdriveoverchick said:yeah some girl was laying motionless in the middle of the parking lot out front. a few guys were throwing punches and one guy got stomped for a while on the ground with his bare ass hanging out. then he got up and started swinging on some other guy with glasses. at one point some other girl got clocked right in the face. then some other guy on a cell phone was saying that this bmw better not leave, that he had his plates and he saw what he did and the cops were coming. but somehow they got out and drove off. the cops showed up a few min later. i wonder if the ran over girl was alright, no one was tending to her at all from what i saw and she was just lying there like a discarded carcass, awaiting the inevitable vultures to circle and eventually devour her for much needed nourishment.

How did I miss this?
[May 27,2008 9:05am - Graveheart  ""]
So that's what all that hoopla was all about (yes, I just used "hoopla" haha). Man, everytime we play Ralph's, there's some ridiculous shenanigans at the end of the night.

Chick driving off the ledge in the back parking lot anyone? \m/
[May 27,2008 10:21am - the_reverend ""]
that chick (that drove over the ledge) was awesome when she yelled at me crying about taking pictures.
[May 27,2008 10:28am - Graveheart  ""]
The lesson here is, "never drunk drive over a ledge".
[May 27,2008 2:19pm - Beorht-Dana NLI  ""]
While this was an amazing show with a ton of great bands, the one thing I must say is: WORST SOUND I HAVE EVER HEARD AT A CLUB! I don’t know what happened to the regular sound engineer but the guy doing the sound for this show sucked bad. Apparently he's never heard of a high pass filter. Other than that though it was a great time.

I like this band a lot. They are apparently trying to outdo Shroud of Bereavement in the "how many people can fit on one stage department" because they have now added a keyboardist, lead vocalist, and new bassist to their lineup and the old bassist has moved to 3rd guitar since I last saw them. They played a tight set but I have never seen anyone look as bored on stage as their vocalist did. It was almost distracting.

Three Headed Monster:
I've seen them before this show but I couldn't really remember what they sounded like so it might as well have been the first time. They played a set of about 50% originals and 50% covers. All the songs were done as instrumentals. I almost jumped on stage to sing on "The River Dragon Has Come" but then decided not to embarrass myself.

Went to Brew City for lunch during their set.

The Pathos of Chlamydia:
WHOA! I had never heard this band before and I was pleasantly surprised. I don't know what else to say aside from that they were awesome. A mix of a few different styles with tempos ranging from doomy-slow to blasty-fast. I heard a little bit of an Amon Amarth influence.

The Accursed:
They played a fun, fast, thrashy set. Pretty much what you would expect from them.

Despite the sound system repeatedly shitting the bed, most likely due to the inexperienced sound guy, this is the best Nocturnum have ever sounded. A large part of this was because the drummer now plays on a regular drum kit instead of the electronic kit he used to play on.

I think one of the guys in the band set up the mix before they played because this was the only band that had a good mix that day. That might be part of the reason they pretty much stole the show, but not the only reason. Graveheart were tight as hell and energetic for every second of their set.

I only watched one song of their set because most of the people I went to the show with wanted to go. They're a pretty standard power-metal band. They didn’t have a lot of stage presence but I did like them.
[May 27,2008 2:21pm - thuringwethil at the library  ""]

the_reverend said:that chick (that drove over the ledge) was awesome when she yelled at me crying about taking pictures.

good times. :duffbeer:
[May 27,2008 4:59pm - Graveheart  ""]

Beorht-Dana%20NLI said:While this was an amazing show with a ton of great bands, the one thing I must say is: WORST SOUND I HAVE EVER HEARD AT A CLUB! I don’t know what happened to the regular sound engineer but the guy doing the sound for this show sucked bad. Apparently he's never heard of a high pass filter. Other than that though it was a great time.

I think one of the guys in the band set up the mix before they played because this was the only band that had a good mix that day. That might be part of the reason they pretty much stole the show, but not the only reason. Graveheart were tight as hell and energetic for every second of their set.

Thanks, dude!

Yeah, we have our own soundguy. Been using the same dude for years, so he knows exactly how we should sound.
[May 27,2008 5:08pm - sinistas ""]
Yeah, you guys were fucking awesome. The Blistered Earth cd is fucking fantastic as well.
[May 27,2008 6:06pm - MetalThursday ""]

Beorht-Dana%20NLI said:I don’t know what happened to the regular sound engineer but the guy doing the sound for this show sucked bad. Apparently he's never heard of a high pass filter.

That was Steve's son. First time he's done sound on his own for a full show.
[May 27,2008 6:14pm - killogy ""]

Beorht-Dana%20NLI said:

The Pathos of Chlamydia:
WHOA! I had never heard this band before and I was pleasantly surprised. I don't know what else to say aside from that they were awesome. A mix of a few different styles with tempos ranging from doomy-slow to blasty-fast. I heard a little bit of an Amon Amarth influence.

Thanks! We had an awesome time playing at Ralph's like always. Thanks to everyone for coming out. I was getting a little worried early in the day.
[May 27,2008 6:32pm - MetalThursday ""]

killogy said:
Beorht-Dana%20NLI said:

The Pathos of Chlamydia:
WHOA! I had never heard this band before and I was pleasantly surprised. I don't know what else to say aside from that they were awesome. A mix of a few different styles with tempos ranging from doomy-slow to blasty-fast. I heard a little bit of an Amon Amarth influence.

Thanks! We had an awesome time playing at Ralph's like always. Thanks to everyone for coming out. I was getting a little worried early in the day.

Not as worried as I was. Haha... I was ready to write the show off as a disaster around 5:00. I think it's just the nature of having a show start early on a beautiful day on Memorial Day weekend. Everyone was busy fueling up on barbecue & beer and made a late entrance.
[May 27,2008 6:42pm - sinistas ""]
If it had started when Pathos went on, it would have been perfect, really.
[May 27,2008 6:45pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Is Steve the old guy with the leather vest and the heart attack stories? I still can't figure out why that guy only mic's every other tom drum. It drives me crazy.
[May 27,2008 7:06pm - Samantha ""]

Graveheart said:Thanks, dude!

Yeah, we have our own soundguy. Been using the same dude for years, so he knows exactly how we should sound.

I know other bands that have thought about doing that. I think that some clubs would be reluctant to let bands use their own sound guy. Have you ever run into any problems with that?
[May 27,2008 7:30pm - Graveheart  ""]

Samantha said:
Graveheart said:Thanks, dude!

Yeah, we have our own soundguy. Been using the same dude for years, so he knows exactly how we should sound.

I know other bands that have thought about doing that. I think that some clubs would be reluctant to let bands use their own sound guy. Have you ever run into any problems with that?

Very few times. And oddly enough, those that have been reluctant are usually the clubs that have the shittiest sound systems haha.

[May 27,2008 7:31pm - Graveheart  ""]

sinistas said:Yeah, you guys were fucking awesome. The Blistered Earth cd is fucking fantastic as well.

Sweet, glad you dig it! Thanks!
[May 27,2008 7:36pm - Samantha ""]

Graveheart said:
Samantha said:

I know other bands that have thought about doing that. I think that some clubs would be reluctant to let bands use their own sound guy. Have you ever run into any problems with that?

Very few times. And oddly enough, those that have been reluctant are usually the clubs that have the shittiest sound systems haha.

That sounds about right.

I have a relative who fixes amps, studio boards, keyboards, PAs, etc. for a living (and has done so for at least 30 years), and I've heard some pretty ridiculous stories about sound guys who had no clue what they were doing. After about the second or third time he had to fix the monitors at one club because the things kept blowing, he went to see how the sound guy had everything hooked up. Apparently, this idiot had all of the sound going into the monitors and nothing going into the PA. LOL!
[May 27,2008 7:43pm - Summoning Hate  ""]
It sounds like it was a great show and we love playing at Ralph's but due to bullshit beyond our control we could not make it i hope we did not loose any points with Chris and all the good friends that allways go to Ralphs to support us but i am glad everything went well...
[May 27,2008 8:33pm - MetalThursday ""]

sinistas said:If it had started when Pathos went on, it would have been perfect, really.

Note to self: start next year's anniversary show no earlier than 6:00.
[May 27,2008 8:35pm - MetalThursday ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Is Steve the old guy with the leather vest and the heart attack stories? I still can't figure out why that guy only mic's every other tom drum. It drives me crazy.

Haha... Yeah that's Steve although his vest certainly not leather. I think like a year ago someone made a comment on here about how the sound was bad one night and said "the sound guy was probably too busy oiling his leather vest" and it looks like it stuck. The dude's vest was denim last time I checked! LOL.
[May 29,2008 10:46am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

Well he should oil his denim vest. That would be sick.
[May 29,2008 11:50am - pam nli  ""]
I was going to come to this, but decided to sleep instead. I don't know how fat people manage to do anything, being fat is exhausting.

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