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Lydia Ayer Looking For Bands TO Play A Charity Event

[Feb 7,2013 4:53pm - Toshiaki Kawada needs no advocate  ""]

[Feb 7,2013 5:06pm - ShadowSD ""]
I can't believe that's a real flyer, looks like a joke but that is real. Wow. All benefit means in this context is "none of the other bands get paid".
[Feb 7,2013 9:23pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
That's a feather on the logo? I thought it was a manatee.
[Feb 7,2013 9:27pm - KEVORD ""]
It's a feather so you know they're fancy boys.
[Feb 8,2013 2:49am - butt dumpling  ""]
They needed to make a flyer to beg other bands to play for free and earn money for them? These losers have no friends. They're a bunch of assholes to expect other bands to sign up for this bullshit.

I have a better idea. How about they do what musicians are supposed to do.

1. Play shows.
2. Get people to go.
3. Profit.

Get a clue morans.
[Feb 8,2013 7:29am - Katatonic ""]
From the "Rock Fest" facebook:

"Just to clear a few thing's up, the band Lydia Ayer did not ask for this show, we offered them this show. It was a choice we made, every month we're going to pick a local band, we'll throw a show for that band, all proceeds from the show will go directly to that band. We understand that it takes money to tour, order merch etc. So this is just something to help them with that. We hope to help a bunch of local bands out with these shows, doesn't matter if the band has played for us before or not, we're willing to do this for any band who'd like the help. Lydia Ayer just happens to be the first band we decided to do this for. I know it's hard to believe but some promoters truly do support local music lol and we have no problem giving back to the bands who have helped us along the way. Bands are being confirmed and the line up will be announced when everything is done, thanks."
[Feb 8,2013 7:38am - xmikex ""]
^Oh no, Sir. Please post the now deleted tl;dr response that says they can't afford $400 to buy a new trailer and we're all a bunch of selfish dicks who weren't talking shit when we wanted to borrow their trailer.
[Feb 8,2013 8:51am - plan b  ""]

xmikex said:^Oh no, Sir. Please post the now deleted tl;dr response that says they can't afford $400 to buy a new trailer and we're all a bunch of selfish dicks who weren't talking shit when we wanted to borrow their trailer.
[Feb 8,2013 8:54am - plan b  ""]
such faggots


[Feb 8,2013 9:01am - Burnsy ""]

KEVORD said:It's a feather so you know they're fancy boys.

Actually looks more like a woman's face. Maybe it's Lydia Ayer! That shit's deep. I still say it's a G though.
[Feb 8,2013 9:08am - Non-Faggotry Advocate  ""]
It's very obviously a swoop haircut.
[Feb 8,2013 9:18am - Burnsy ""]
[Feb 8,2013 9:18am - escape_artist ""]
[Feb 8,2013 9:23am - Adrian Adonis  ""]
I might have to crawl out of my grave to kick these fags ass
[Feb 8,2013 9:54am - ShadowSD ""]
When they learn how to put that information on the flyer and not a Facebook post after the fact, they might not be mocked. The way the flyer is worded, it sounds like the band and promoters are throwing a benefit show for themselves.
[Feb 8,2013 10:11am - Truth Advocate  ""]

ShadowSD said:The way the flyer is worded, it sounds like the band and promoters are throwing a benefit show for themselves.

Because they are.
[Feb 8,2013 10:15am - largefreakatzero ""]

ShadowSD said:When they learn how to put that information on the flyer and not a Facebook post after the fact, they might not be mocked.

Oh, I'm pretty sure this band will still be mocked regardless.
[Feb 8,2013 11:10am - boblovesmusic ""]

ShadowSD said:When they learn how to put that information on the flyer and not a Facebook post after the fact, they might not be mocked. The way the flyer is worded, it sounds like the band and promoters are throwing a benefit show for themselves.

[Feb 8,2013 11:20am - KEVORD ""]
If you read some of the other posts on their Facebook you'll see that they are just a bunch of assclowns with no Integrity that want to be famous.
[Feb 8,2013 12:24pm - KPANZER ""]
If only it was Lois Ayres.... We'd play it in a heartbeat.
[Feb 8,2013 5:03pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
If this shitty promoter really wants to help local bands, why are they asking most of the bands to play for free??
[Feb 8,2013 5:06pm - KEVORD ""]
Cause Lydia Ayer needs a trailer to spread the word on Massachusetts Metal.
[Feb 8,2013 5:55pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
[Feb 8,2013 6:42pm - Mark_R ""]
All they have to do is not use the word 'benefit'. As noted earlier, the term already has a long-established meaning-a generally noble and respectable one. That's what creates the antagonism and hostility when it's misappropriated for an essentially selfish purpose, and people realize that's what's going on.

A show whose point is just to "benefit" that band's "career" seems like...every ordinary show that isn't a benefit show.

My guess is these people/this organization are essentially innocent and ignorant of the effect their misuse of that word has on anyone who knows what actual benefit shows are.
[Feb 8,2013 7:22pm - xmikex ""]
The term "benefit show" should be broken out only for it's intended use: to describe what happens when some idiot that no one really liked OD's and a bunch of staple local bands get together and hand the kids parents $200 in crumpled 5's as a consolation for having a crappy son.

Anything else, screw.
[Feb 8,2013 7:26pm - BlackoutRick ""]

Burnsy said:Really? No one is picking up on the fact that the logo very obviously says Lydia Gayer?

I seent it.
[Feb 8,2013 7:34pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

xmikex said:The term "benefit show" should be broken out only for it's intended use: to describe what happens when some idiot that no one really liked OD's and a bunch of staple local bands get together and hand the kids parents $200 in crumpled 5's as a consolation for having a crappy son.

Anything else, screw.

[Feb 8,2013 7:41pm - KEVORD ""]
Is it too late to have a Reimroc benefit show?

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