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OZZFEST roll call & photos

[Jul 12,2004 7:19am - succubus ""]
lack of sleep

leaving soon
already running late

[Jul 12,2004 7:32am - SUBJUGATE ""]
i'm @ work
[Jul 12,2004 7:33am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I was told to be ready to go before 7:30, and of course somehow Blue managed to ruin everything. I could have slept longer
[Jul 12,2004 7:33am - lady_czerach ""]
I'll be there with Blue and Joe in tow. Can't wait! I hope there is someplace to charge my batteries.
[Jul 12,2004 7:34am - lady_czerach ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I was told to be ready to go before 7:30, and of course somehow Blue managed to ruin everything. I could have slept longer

lol. It's not Blue's fault, it's mine. I think 7:30 was too early anyway. You can nap in my car, you wuss.
[Jul 12,2004 7:50am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I will probably try to nap all the way until Slayer plays.
They should put me in charge of booking next year.
Motorhead, Testament, Morbid Angel, Dio and Iron Maiden on the main stage.
Second stage: Phobia, Misery Index, Dyshrythmia, Zeke, Gwar, Zyklon, and Exhumed.
Here is how it could go:

Gates open at 10 am
11:00-11:40 Zeke
11:50-12:30 Phobia
12:40-1:20 Dysrythmia
1:30-2:10 Zyklon
2:20-3:00 Exhumed
3:10-3:50 Misery Index
4:00-5:00 Gwar
Main Stage:
5:00-6:00 Motorhead
6:10-7:10 Testament
7:20-8:20 Morbid Angel
8:30-9:30 Dio
9:40-11:00 Iron Maiden

[Jul 12,2004 9:47am - pessimist ""]
we are leaving soon
[Jul 12,2004 10:36am - assuck ""]
ZEKE and MOTORHEAD should tour together on the east coast instead of just the west coast
[Jul 12,2004 11:44am - retzam ""]
fuuck I want to go to this pretty bad

oh well

Joe, that is an awesome line-up.
[Jul 12,2004 11:58am - JoeDavolla ""]
I'll be at the Shitfest today around 5 pm.Dont care about any of the bands besides Slayer and Priest.I'll stick around for 3 or 4 Sabbath songs then Im outa there.
[Jul 12,2004 12:08pm - JellyFish ""]
Impressive line-up. Gwar would tear the ozzfest appart.
[Jul 12,2004 12:24pm - RustedAngel ""]
i asked my boss if he could get me on the list... but he said that dimmu would have to pay for my ticket... it's tonight and no word, don't think i'm going. PRIESSSSSST AHHHHH!!!

i'm sure they'll do a tour.
[Jul 12,2004 12:45pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
RustedAngel said:PRIESSSSSST AHHHHH!!!

i'm sure they'll do a tour.

they better cause thats why i held out from going to the fest today

[Jul 12,2004 1:03pm - moran ""]
I think they're recording the album before the next tour, which means a lot of new shit on the tour. I'm glad I'm going tonight, you can't fuck with this set list:

JUDAS PRIEST set list:

01. The Hellion (Intro)
02. Electric Eye
03. Metal Gods
04. Heading Out To The Highway
05. Touch of Evil
06. The Sentinel
07. Victim Of Changes
08. Breaking The Law
09. Beyond The Realm of Death
10. Painkiller
11. Hell Bent For Leather
12. Living After Midnight
13. You've Got Another Thing Coming
[Jul 12,2004 4:27pm - succubus ""]
hi kids.. i'm home
[Jul 12,2004 4:39pm - ninkaszi187 ""]
already? did slayer even play yet?
[Jul 12,2004 4:55pm - succubus ""]
nope...i get there and all the photographers had to wait for the passes and tickets to arrive (talk about unorganzied)

i just found out they gave my pass to someone else..so i only had a pass for the second stage...

anyhow, we had to stand next to the stage in between bands and for the first 3 songs of each band we took pics...the girls watching us did NOT know the music at all and they ended up letting us stay for more than 3 songs for most of the bands...i got to take more than enough pics...
but then before slipknot...we had to bring our cameras in our cars so they escorted us to the gate and told us to leave our cameras in the car... now i had tried clearing up my pass situation for the main stage however, i STILL had to leave my camera in the car...hmmm..hot weather..$7000 digital camera equipment...chance of it getting stolen or damaged...ummm no thanks...so i went home and said fuck it..anyhow...i'm uploading pics now...
[Jul 12,2004 6:12pm - subjugate ""]
that sucks sorry to hear that

did you see the aids by noon band
[Jul 12,2004 6:55pm - succubus ""]
nope...the first band we shot was throwdown...

that band played WAY before passes were there and then Atreyu supposedly had issues at the Canadian border and then by the time we got escorted to the stage...darkest hour was almost finished their 3rd song..so i didn't have time to snap any pics..i think a couple of people snapped 1 or 2 pics...oh well

Throwdown is the first band we all shot (10:20)
[Jul 12,2004 7:33pm - Jay TUS  ""]
I'm back too. It was an ok day. Not as fun as last year...
[Jul 12,2004 8:09pm - the_reverend ""]
I bet cause creed didn't play, right?
[Jul 12,2004 10:57pm - Jay TUS  ""]
They didn't play last year either.
[Jul 12,2004 10:59pm - lady_czerach ""]
just got home. yay! lots of pics to come...
[Jul 12,2004 11:11pm - succubus ""]
bleeding through
[Jul 12,2004 11:13pm - succubus ""]
[Jul 12,2004 11:15pm - succubus ""]
every time i die
[Jul 12,2004 11:18pm - Abbath ""]
haahah devil driver looks so sad maybe they finally figured out they blow
[Jul 12,2004 11:18pm - succubus ""]
God Forbid
[Jul 12,2004 11:20pm - succubus ""]

and yep 19 devildriver pics
[Jul 12,2004 11:23pm - succubus ""]
Lacuna coil
[Jul 12,2004 11:26pm - succubus ""]
lamb of God
[Jul 12,2004 11:31pm - succubus ""]
Magna Fi
[Jul 12,2004 11:34pm - succubus ""]
[Jul 12,2004 11:36pm - succubus ""]
Finally: Unearth
[Jul 12,2004 11:46pm - the_reverend ""]
tell me the settings for that picture.
[Jul 12,2004 11:52pm - succubus ""]
iso 250
WB -3 and i was toggling between sunny and cloudy...hang on and i can tell you
[Jul 12,2004 11:52pm - Abbath ""]
butt ugly, the pic i mean of course
[Jul 12,2004 11:54pm - the_reverend ""]
do the truffle shuffle!
[Jul 12,2004 11:56pm - the_reverend ""]
damn... that's what you need to do more of!
manual things.
I knew it was manual, but f/14? what shutter?
was it that bright out there?
you mush be burnt to a crisp.
[Jul 13,2004 12:21am - lady_czerach ""]
Damn, those came out nice. I'm not even going to bother posting mine.
[Jul 13,2004 12:41am - the_reverend ""]
post them or I shall crush all your hopes and dreams.
you seem to forget some of the "gems" that I've taken...
check any of the pictures here:
[Jul 13,2004 12:45am - succubus ""]
of course she will post them

my nose and cheeks burn

i was playing with the settings but it was so bright i could not properly see my view finder =( so a lot of my pics are mehhh
[Jul 13,2004 12:53am - the_reverend ""]
post on DP, someone will tell you what to get, there is this cover for your lcd that you can get so you can see.
[Jul 13,2004 12:58am - Kalopsia ""]
man i wish a couple got on stage during Devil Driver's set and started having sex. then people would actually watch them. hahaha
[Jul 13,2004 12:59am - the_reverend ""]
oh and post some of your pictures on dp... people are going to love them.
one critique... the skies are all blown out.
I think a CP ould have helped.
[Jul 13,2004 1:12am - succubus ""]
i'm already on it =)

and yep i agree with the critique..hence we playing with settings, well trying to and having to shoot manual as opposed to auto
[Jul 13,2004 1:22am - JonahBloodbath ""]
1. I love god forbid and darkest hour
2. why is this happening. ozzfest? fuck me.
[Jul 13,2004 1:29am - Jay TUS  ""]
Here is my review and like 5 pictures of each band because my site is gay and doesn't work so I have to use photobucket:

[Jul 13,2004 1:31am - moran ""]
Judas Fucking Priest. Best thing I've ever seen.
[Jul 13,2004 1:54am - the_reverend ""]
damn it... why didn't I go...

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