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OZZFEST roll call & photos

[Jul 13,2004 8:34am - succubus ""]
isn't that what i said when i called you as you left...most of the bands you wanted to see were early anyhow

but you would not have liked the bs

oh well it was fun, the part that i saw...unfortunately leaving all that money in my car...no thanks
[Jul 13,2004 8:48am - Lynneaus ""]
awww no main stage pics? :(
[Jul 13,2004 8:55am - the_reverend ""]
I probably would have told people to go fuck themselves.
oh well.
[Jul 13,2004 9:01am - succubus ""]
nope...and i am a little miffed
[Jul 13,2004 9:07am - SUBJUGATE ""]
the hearald has a 1.5X3 color pic of priests kk and glen on the cover and a b&w pic of stinknot's singer and a review of the show in the arts section
[Jul 13,2004 9:35am - succubus ""]
yup..tell me the photographer's name is david....ummm goldberg or something

he had the same lens as myself (but older) on his D1h and he had a 17-35 on his D1x

gooooo nikon

oh and i told him the rev and i ordered the 17-55

that would have been perfect yesterday

[Jul 13,2004 9:44am - the_reverend ""]
ordered, but will never receive...
[Jul 13,2004 9:47am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Here is how the show went:
Every single band was incredibly horrible, especially on the second stage.
Then Slayer came on and was rather disapointing, they didn't play the 2 songs I wanted to hear the most.
Judas Priest was one of the best acts I've ever seen, and then I left.
[Jul 13,2004 9:48am - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:ordered, but will never receive...

that's what i am starting to think

[Jul 13,2004 10:13am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
king diamond just got added to my vision of ozzfest
[Jul 13,2004 10:14am - JoeDavolla ""]
And what songs were that? One has gotta be Angel of Death.They've been playing that song on "every" tour since the RIB album.I didnt mind that they didnt play that.I saw them the night before in Augusta and their set was 1,000x better.Judas Priest sounded killer last night.But Sabbath was boring and me and my friend left after 2 songs.Its time for Ozzy to retire and go live in a nursing home.
[Jul 13,2004 10:18am - moran ""]
Slayer played Hell Awaits, the only song that matters.
[Jul 13,2004 10:18am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I wanted to hear Jesus Saves also, they played some songs I was happy to hear. I only saw Slayer one other time because I don't go to concerts alot because human beings scare me.
[Jul 13,2004 1:13pm - assuck ""]
if they played Jesus Saves i would have shat myself. definitley a surprise that they didnt play angel of death. i missed priest coming out to hellion/electric eye cause i wanted a hot dog and the line was a lot longer than i thought, but oh well. and of course, seeing Sabbath for the first time made my life. the hour and a half wait in the parking lot after the show was a grand ole time too.
[Jul 13,2004 1:21pm - heimdall ""]
i think next year we should pound sharon osbourne with emails making demands for certain bands
[Jul 13,2004 2:35pm - succubus ""]
my ozzfest pics

mainstage only are here:
[Jul 13,2004 2:39pm - blue ""]
i cant beleive priest opened with hellion/electric eye. i nearly crapped my pants when that happened. my fav priest song by far. halfords jacket kept me in awe the whole set.
[Jul 13,2004 3:10pm - JellyFish ""]
i bet amazing superjoint rocked da house. Did Slayer play black magic?
[Jul 13,2004 4:46pm - JoeDavolla ""]
Heres the Slayer setlist from the Shitfest last night:

Intro/Darkness of Christ
War Ensemble
At Dawn they Sleep
Mandatory Suicide
Chemical Warfare
Dead Skin Mask
Hell Awaits
South of Heaven
Raining Blood

That might not be the "exact" order in which the songs were played.
[Jul 13,2004 4:57pm - Abbath ""]
succubus said:Lacuna coil

succubus got a nice titty pic on christina in one of the shots, hottness!!!!
[Jul 13,2004 6:32pm - succubus ""]
Abbath said:succubus said:Lacuna coil

succubus got a nice titty pic on christina in one of the shots, hottness!!!!

hahahaha oh boy
[Jul 13,2004 9:36pm - JoeDavolla ""]
Is all this hype about Lacuna Coil due to the fact that their lead singer is hot?? They suck in my opinion.
[Jul 13,2004 11:20pm - Kalopsia ""]
JoeDavolla said:Is all this hype about Lacuna Coil due to the fact that their lead singer is hot?? They suck in my opinion.

to me, no. because i really do like their music alot and i think christina scabbia has a beautiful voice. the fact that she's fucking gorgeous only helps, but it's not the main reason. you could have carmen electra sing in a metal band but if she sucks, album sales still wouldn't be as good as expected.... concert attendance on the other hand............
[Jul 14,2004 12:07am - Abbath ""]
i actually enjoy their music too, but i'm pissed that the radio industry and stuff promote them as another evernessince band
[Jul 14,2004 12:42am - RustedAngel ""]
i started getting into lacuna coil for a bit... then I realized they write shitty songs and that they just have catchy chorus's.... and the male singer acts like a douchebag live.
[Jul 14,2004 12:50am - Abbath ""]
hahahahah ya man but you'd be pissed too when everyone live just looks at christina and doesn't give two fucks about you ahahahah
[Jul 14,2004 9:09am - succubus ""]
i've seen them a couple of times..i dont see the douchebag thing

i like them
[Jul 14,2004 10:14am - Josh_hates_you ""]
the male vox from lacuna coil are terrible. theie new cd sucks their older shit was ok......id fuck her

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