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Live in the WUNH Studios (Durham, NH) - [porphyria]
[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Dec 27,2004 11:08pm - succubus ""]
i hope yer all listening now!
[Dec 27,2004 11:18pm - Robdeadskin ""]
[Dec 27,2004 11:34pm - the_reverend ""]
they've played like 4 songs now
[Dec 27,2004 11:37pm - soulsnot ""]
I just tried to call and request a "breakdown"
[Dec 27,2004 11:43pm - taste of neat-o  ""]
N Cigs is listening
[Dec 27,2004 11:43pm - soulsnot ""]
tom just said fuck on the radio!!...hahahah
[Dec 27,2004 11:44pm - Robdeadskin ""]
haha you said a naughty word tom...thanx for sayin hi....sounds fuckin brutal guys!!
[Dec 28,2004 12:09am - AndrewNolan  ""]
"... and fuckin'.."
[Dec 28,2004 12:11am - Blue ""]
wow, tom sounds so ghey. say something else really stupid.
[Dec 28,2004 12:12am - soulsnot ""]
Yeah you guys sounded fucking brutal....!!!!
[Dec 28,2004 12:13am - Blue ""]
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! triggers!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Dec 28,2004 12:15am - Nolin04, notloggedin  ""]
i\'m listening, too

rock on
[Dec 28,2004 12:15am - El Justin  ""]
i missed them, i'm listening to the interview...tom should bust out in a horrible rap that'd be pretty "hot"
[Dec 28,2004 12:16am - lady czerach NLI  ""]
I'm listening right now!!
[Dec 28,2004 12:42am - Blue ""]
aaron, you said that BT's 'portrait of a goddess' was released on trustkill, it was released on indecision records.
[Dec 28,2004 12:50am - succubus ""]
he also dedicated a song to meeee
[Dec 28,2004 1:32am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are uploading.
mp3s are already uploaded.
[Dec 28,2004 1:41am - RustedAngel ""]
just got home..

always a fun time! thanks doods! sorry about saying the f-word. oops.

dan got caught with his pants down:
[Dec 28,2004 1:50am - El Justin  ""]
i'm listening right now...briggedy-brootal
[Dec 28,2004 1:52am - the_reverend ""]
tom caught with no chin.
hopefully someone posts the setlist.... *hint**hint*
[Dec 28,2004 1:56am - RustedAngel ""]
hahahah that picture is rediculous!

1. Devoured By Fire
2. Frailties Of Humanity
3. End Flesh Divinity
4. The Infection Of Blood
5. Pledge Of Defiance
6. Within the Chambers of a Blackend Heart
7. Deprivation
[Dec 28,2004 1:57am - the_reverend ""]
I snapped that picture and had to post it.
[Dec 28,2004 2:35am - Todd  ""]
hey it wont let me download the mp3's ,WTF!!
[Dec 28,2004 2:51am - RustedAngel ""]
me: picture caption "fuck, I fuckin fucked up"
[Dec 28,2004 3:14am - the_reverend ""]
todd, aim me and I'll give you some direct links.
I need to fix that bug.
[Dec 28,2004 3:54am - porphyria603 ""]
RustedAngel said:shawn is gay.

Fuck you dicklicker!!!!! you're my bitch!!!!:whipper:
[Dec 28,2004 5:24pm - succubus ""]
[Dec 29,2004 4:25pm - Nolin04 ""]
Well, let\'s see, this is the right thread, ok. I\'ll say it again. Shaun thanks for the "shout." You guys tore it up. Vocals a bit loud, but sounded good. Downsy thinks its filthy, and thoroughly enjoys it. If we ever get our band rolling, be nice to gig w/you guys.
Take er sleazy
[Dec 29,2004 4:29pm - RustedAngel ""]
thanks nolin, hahaha.

yeah tim was back and forth with cupping his hand and I dont' think he's use to that. His vocals were way to loud, and for some reasons our guitars sound kinda bad on the cd I got. Like unusually. oh well. It was awesome anyways. We'll do it again when we have more new stuff.

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