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Tuesday May 23rd - Heavy Metal Breakdown #13: So Light The 13 Candles - EMBRYONIC CRYPTOPATHIA (CD Release Party), KEVORKIAN'S ANGELS, MIND ERASER + Disc Junky Alex Onslaught and Guest DJ The Marsinator spewing metallic mayhem all night - O'Brien's Pub, Allston, MA - 9PM - $5 - 21+

[show listing]  _________________________________________
[May 4,2006 1:15am - BestialOnslaught ""]
Tuesday May 23rd
Heavy Metal Breakdown #13:
So Light The 13 Candles



Disc Junky Alex Onslaught
Guest DJ The Marsinator
spewing metallic mayhem all night

O'Brien's Pub, Allston, MA
9PM - $5 - 21+

[May 4,2006 1:15am - BestialOnslaught ""]
Flyer in progress...
[May 4,2006 1:17am - inject-now ""]
[May 4,2006 1:24am - RichHorrorNLI  ""]
I'll be there, hopefully this time I'll remember such events as buying CDs, kissing ladies and running over street signs.
[May 4,2006 2:06am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I need an Embryonic Cryptopathia CD, damnit.
[May 4,2006 11:19am - Dissector ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:I need an Embryonic Cryptopathia CD, damnit.

[May 4,2006 11:29am - Josh_Martin ""]
Anyone ever hear that band Mind Eraser from New Jersey? They were around in the early 90's. They sounded like if Geoff Tate and Jimi Hendrix started a grindcore band. Cool shit.
[May 4,2006 12:52pm - paganmegan ""]
looks good
[May 4,2006 2:39pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
KEVORKIAN'S ANGELS :doublehorns:
[May 4,2006 3:25pm - weymouthdoug ""]
Josh_Martin said:Anyone ever hear that band Mind Eraser from New Jersey? They were around in the early 90's. They sounded like if Geoff Tate and Jimi Hendrix started a grindcore band. Cool shit.

that sounds fucking cool. Marsi is a DJ? SHould be interesting
[May 4,2006 6:03pm - Kinslayer  ""]
The Ebryonic Cryptopathia CD's look and sound killer! Looking forward to the show...
[May 5,2006 9:48pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
[May 5,2006 10:44pm - MikePile  ""]
This sounds fucking excellent.
[May 6,2006 4:39pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I agree.
[May 8,2006 2:43am - BestialOnslaught ""]

That's hot.
[May 8,2006 9:09am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Metal Thrasher Ritual!
[May 8,2006 3:03pm - inject-now ""]
awesome flya!
[May 8,2006 4:53pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
best flyer yet !!!!!
[May 8,2006 5:02pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Cool. I'll be spewing mayhem all night too. Rectal mayhem!
[May 8,2006 7:23pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
As if O'Brien's doesn't smell enough already!
[May 9,2006 5:39pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
[May 11,2006 2:21am - BestialOnslaught ""]
[May 12,2006 4:27pm - Clinically Dead  ""]
Up you fucking grinding posers!
[May 14,2006 7:11pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
[May 14,2006 9:14pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
this rules, i got wednesday off !
[May 14,2006 9:16pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I think I am working in the morning that day, so I will probably go and make fun of all the terrible music Marsi is bound to spin.
[May 14,2006 9:17pm - RichHorror ""]
I wonder if she'll take her top off.
[May 14,2006 9:19pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I just pushed knives through my eyes, thanks Rich.
[May 14,2006 10:37pm - RichHorror ""]
Finally, I know happiness.
[May 16,2006 5:15pm - Clinically Dead  ""]
Semi-victims in a bag, Faggot zombies dressed in drag.
[May 16,2006 7:31pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
Infect, Secrete, Devour.
[May 16,2006 9:06pm - RichHorror ""]
BestialOnslaught said:[img]

Should you be polite to prostitute?
How much is polite to tip them?
[May 17,2006 11:42am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
for some reason i really thought or maybe just wanted this show to be lastnight
[May 18,2006 5:09pm - Clinically Dead  ""]
Fermenting innards, bubbling with rot
Alcoholic pus, dissolves the wooden box

[May 22,2006 3:34pm - Kinslayer  ""]
[May 22,2006 4:07pm - weymouthdoug ""]
we may have to borrow amps and drums, our landlord is being a prick. Could this be arranged?
[May 22,2006 10:11pm - weymouthdoug ""]
[May 22,2006 11:07pm - BornSoVile ""]
rough idea of set times??
[May 23,2006 12:23am - weymouthdoug ""]
anyone? Bueller?
[May 23,2006 12:38am - inject-now ""]
hey brad, this is mikkel. you guys can use our stuff. do you mind playing last though? embryonic cryptopathia has a pretty quick set.
[May 23,2006 12:39am - weymouthdoug ""]
sure. What do you guys have for gear?
[May 23,2006 12:44am - inject-now ""]
ampeg cab with a peavey head, ampeg bass amp, crate guitar amp, and double bass extravaganza drum set... ya know, stuff metallica and slayer uses nowadays.
[May 23,2006 12:46am - weymouthdoug ""]
ha, so there are 2 guitar amps and one bass amp, and a drum kit. Awesome. Compensation will be rewarded
[May 23,2006 12:51am - inject-now ""]
you guys are all taken care of my friend. see ya way later tonight!
[May 23,2006 2:13am - BestialOnslaught ""]
Alrighty then.


If KEVORKIAN'S keeps it up till 12:30 or so, you folks might be in for a whole hour of live music tonight!
[May 23,2006 8:47am - Kinslayer  ""]
Pre and post CD-release party at my place...
..that means drugs.
[May 23,2006 1:07pm - anonymous  ""]
[May 23,2006 1:29pm - pam nli  ""]
I want to go to this. I am so sick. :(
[May 23,2006 1:55pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
I better see intestines, bile, and fecal matter flying about during EC's set.

And I don't mean Eric Clapton. :|
[May 23,2006 2:10pm - weymouthdoug ""]
Kinslayer said:Pre and post CD-release party at my place...
..that means drugs.


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