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[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Feb 20,2008 9:56am - inject-now ""]
[Feb 20,2008 9:59am - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 20,2008 10:11am - shannon ""]
I think Im gonna fucking cry...I have been waiting to see Acheron play live for 10 yrs!!! This just totally made my morning
[Feb 20,2008 10:17am - inject-now ""]
and they are only playing their best album.
[Feb 20,2008 10:21am - thuringwethil ""]

I'll see if I can get off work.
[Feb 20,2008 10:28am - niflheim ""]
[Feb 20,2008 11:53am - SlavonicIdentity ""]
Anyone want to give me a lift?
[Feb 20,2008 12:00pm - RichHorror ""]
Holy shit is right. Wowie wow.
[Feb 20,2008 12:57pm - BSV  ""]
Very sick show!
[Feb 20,2008 4:55pm - christopher  ""]
Damn good show.
[Feb 20,2008 5:00pm - shatteredliz ""]
[Feb 20,2008 6:18pm - thuringwethil ""]
no fucking way am I missing this

[Feb 20,2008 6:23pm - CNV  ""]
Man, Acheron doing "Rites"...
[Feb 20,2008 7:35pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Feb 20,2008 7:41pm - unholy_dave ""]
holy fuck...who from providence area wants to carpool? i'll drive if need be...
[Feb 20,2008 7:47pm - RichHorror ""]
I might be into it.
[Feb 20,2008 8:17pm - Aegathis ""]
the flier isnt showing up on my computer, where is this show?
[Feb 20,2008 8:56pm - thuringwethil ""]

I'm so fucking going, Anthony.
[Feb 20,2008 10:45pm - Aegathis ""]
oh duh, hence the brooklyn pure darkness part.
[Feb 21,2008 9:40am - C.DEAD  ""]
This show is going to kill so hard. Can't wait for it.
[Feb 21,2008 11:46am - Kinslayer  ""]
Fuck me! Manticore CRUSH...

I'm riding down with you guys, Jay...
[Feb 21,2008 2:26pm - inject-now ""]
you got the coke gimme a line
[Feb 21,2008 2:35pm - Kinslayer  ""]
and you know this, maaannn....
[Feb 21,2008 2:37pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Fuck...I just read that top piece about Incantation...Craig Pillard is back in the band and they're only playing shit off Onward, Motal Throne and Forsaken....

[Feb 21,2008 2:45pm - inject-now ""]
and that there is going to be the best part of the show
[Feb 27,2008 1:20am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
this is going to be the best show ever.
[Feb 27,2008 1:32am - demondave ""]
Holy fuck - Manticore? Shit I think I might be able to get down to this...
[Mar 4,2008 12:37pm - Kinslayer  ""]

this weekend.

Marc, are you and Ross gonna go? If so, Matt from CNV wants a ride and may rent a car so you all should get in with him or kick Ross gass money to drive his car.

[Mar 4,2008 12:54pm - quintessence ""]
This saturday! my liver shall perish.
[Mar 4,2008 1:44pm - c.DeaD  ""]
Going to be so much fun. I can't believe its so soon, Witch Tomb really needs to practice.
[Mar 4,2008 1:59pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Jay, I talked to Mike at our show witrh MOD, he said I can ride with him...we need to get drugs the night before...
[Mar 4,2008 2:04pm - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
I don't think I can go, now I'm bummin'

fist in the air for Revocation that night, then!
[Mar 4,2008 2:06pm - brad weymouth  ""]

Kinslayer said:Jay, I talked to Mike at our show witrh MOD, he said I can ride with him...we need to get drugs the night before...

lol, nothing fucks up a road trip like playing the drug dealer game, good thinkin!
[Mar 4,2008 2:06pm - c.DeaD  ""]

Kinslayer said:Jay, I talked to Mike at our show witrh MOD, he said I can ride with him...we need to get drugs the night before...

Witch Tomb should be practicing the night before (fri), so I am sure we can work something out while we are there. But shit man, its so hard holding onto it. Everytime we say that we just end up doing all of it that same night.
[Mar 4,2008 2:31pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I have to do something wicked early on Saturday morning so if I hold it, I wont do it because I'm going home at like 11pm that night...
[Mar 4,2008 2:59pm - c.DeaD  ""]
You better not fuck me on this one asshole!
[Mar 4,2008 3:23pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I won't, boyfriend...scouts honor.
[Mar 4,2008 3:27pm - c.DeaD  ""]
I can't believe you were a boyscout. Such a queer. Why don't you go milk Hollywood Pizza for awhile? I think he needs to loosen his bra straps a bit.
[Mar 4,2008 3:47pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Who said I was a boyscout?

Hollywood Ham Chest can milk himself.
[Mar 4,2008 3:59pm - c.DeaD  ""]
Ham Chest, hahaha. Me and Ross came up with that. We couldn't stop laughing.
[Mar 4,2008 4:45pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Bacon Bazungas
[Mar 4,2008 4:47pm - infect sli sli sli  ""]
what about hairy pork pecs?
hollywood hogtits is also good

andy, you never gave me my keys back doucheface
but yea tell matty that he can ride with us im sure ross is gonna drive
[Mar 4,2008 5:25pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I'll make copies of the keys tomorrow and give you them at practice...

I'll also call Matt and tell him he can ride withy ou and Ross; he said he'd throw gas money in, obviously...
[Mar 7,2008 12:23pm - Kinslayer  ""]
TOMORROW mutha fukkkaaaass


Mike, I'm riding with yo' ass sucka...

Marc/Ross: Matt CNV still needs a ride with you guys...call him!

Jay, Mike, Marc Ross...we need to get drugs TONIGHT.

Love you all.

Hayulhh Payhgunn HoarDzz
[Mar 7,2008 12:48pm - C.DEAD  ""]
I dont think Ross is going, but I dont know the deal with Mark. Call me to figure out the drug situation.

[Mar 7,2008 1:23pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I'll swing by el spaco tonight...you guys are practicing, yes?
[Mar 7,2008 1:23pm - Kinslayer  ""]
by the way; thats spanish for "the space"
[Mar 7,2008 1:31pm - C.DEAD  ""]
I guess bitchtomb isn't practicing after all. But, I Sewer Goddess is going to be there earlier tonight. Just call me so we can figure that out.
[Mar 7,2008 1:33pm - aril  ""]
kinslayer: if it's the space in allston you're talking about, drop by ours too, we'll be there practicing. haven't seen you in a while.
[Mar 7,2008 1:53pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Well make sure you're there when I'm there so we can combine forces and purchase some Al Snow for the trip...

If it's just us two throwing down, well get one but we needs to be jews with it...

Jim: I'll swing through...I think I heard you guys playing the other night.
[Mar 7,2008 3:28pm - C.DEAD  ""]
I think Ben and Mike will throw down for it as well. We shall see.
[Mar 7,2008 3:58pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Ben throwing down? HA!

I'll believe it when I see it...
[Mar 7,2008 4:11pm - inject-now ""]
jay, can you spot me $20 for the night or what?
[Mar 7,2008 4:17pm - infect sli sli sli  ""]

C.DEAD said:I dont think Ross is going, but I dont know the deal with Mark. Call me to figure out the drug situation.


fuck, ross isnt going?
that pretty much precludes me going as well
[Mar 7,2008 4:28pm - Kinslayer  ""]
And Matt CNV too, I guess

Marc, call Matt and see what you can work out..eh said he may rent a car...
[Mar 7,2008 5:00pm - C.DEAD  ""]
Mike, I could spot you, but pay it up!
[Mar 7,2008 5:08pm - inject-now ""]
tomorow i will. who is driving? i should be gettin this shit for freeeeeeeeee niggs

[Mar 7,2008 5:31pm - Kinslayer  ""]
i'M BROKE AS A JOKE...you have no idea.

I may need to be spotted until Friday when I'll get a $1000+ paycheck.

I have like $100 till friday...$20 for the show, $30+ for blow and some for gas and beer.

Practice Space rent might be all my fault this month (and Keiths and Ross) but yeah...

I apologize but I didnt get a check last Friday because of some gay glitch in the system...
[Mar 7,2008 5:57pm - infect sli sli sli  ""]
im gonna try and persuade ross to drive, but if matt ends up renting a car tell him i want in on that

also i like how this thread has become our personal ride sharing bulletin board
[Mar 8,2008 9:10am - inject-now ""]
leaving now
[Mar 8,2008 9:41am - KPANZER  ""]
I paid on time this month you fucking jews, I hope you all get in a car crash.
[Mar 9,2008 11:48am - paganmegan ""]
So how was it??? I expect a full report including set lists, details on drug use and gear. :P
[Mar 9,2008 12:11pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
holy shit.
[Mar 9,2008 12:11pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
ok, going to sleep now. show report coming later.
[Mar 9,2008 4:03pm - eric still in NYC  ""]
sooo much booze. awesome show.
[Mar 9,2008 4:19pm - apanzer  ""]
I was hammered
[Mar 10,2008 10:51pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
did anyone else notice that the bartenders at this show were two of the biggest bitches on Earth?
[Mar 11,2008 4:50pm - quintessence ""]
Wow, what a fucking great show. Does anyone know the order of who played? Way too many chemicals consumed for me...
[Mar 11,2008 7:09pm - Strep Cunt  ""]
Yeah, this show was amazing, probably the best WT set I can think of. INCANTATION were so unbelievable, worth waiting til close to 4AM to watch them!

The list went as follows from first to last:
Infernal Stronghold
Baphomet's Horns (why they got such a shitty slot I'll never know)
Witch Tomb

Decrepit were amazing, as were Manticore (I love how one rat carcass got obliterated by a Hispanic or Mexican dude and one got thrown at some chick who flipped out during their set...killer Archgoat cover too). Acheron were great until they started playing that later stuff....

Yeah, those bartenders were the biggest bitches! Ah well, it was a great night, got home at 9AM and was fucked for 2 days.

[Mar 11,2008 7:32pm - inject-now ""]
yeah incantation was amazing. wicked late show though.
[Mar 11,2008 7:41pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I was kinda dissapointed with manticore. Malkuth, however, was a nice surprise.
[Mar 11,2008 8:06pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
I concur with Dave - Manticore left something to be desired and they most definitely flunked Satanic Arts & Crafts class. A twelve year old retard with one arm could have made something more "effective" than those piss-poor crosses. Malkuth was a fucking awesome surprise and Witch Tomb absolutely KILLED! Would have been nice if the show didn't start like an hour and a fucking half late and Incantation went on before 4AM - that was just fucking retarded. On a related note, it would have been swell if Baphomets Horns & Witch Tomb had more than twenty minutes to play and if Annunaki's set was twenty minutes shorter - that was just unfuckingnecessary. Totally too many bands and the bartenders need a good old fashioned hodging. But yeah... killer show, killer night. PS - thanks for getting me high, Frank. You fucking rule.
[Mar 11,2008 8:07pm - Blue ""]
jesus, incantation went on at 4 AM? thats absurd.
[Mar 11,2008 8:11pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
yeah. We left early, at 3 am.
[Mar 11,2008 8:14pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
Yeah. Utterly retarded. Way too many bands. Why the soundman didn't veto Annunaki's "you guys wanna hear nine more???" I will never know. I mean, I didn't see any of them hunkered down under the soundboard from where I was set up taping... if ya know what I mean.
[Mar 11,2008 8:16pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
Oh yeah, and on our way out, we saw Will Rahmer, also leaving early. I guess it was past his bedtime.
[Mar 12,2008 9:01am - quintessence ""]
You guys should of stayed for Incantation. It was fucking sick.

I was also really surprised not one fight broke out at this show.

P.S. No problem Ryan, thats how I fuckin roll man.
[Mar 12,2008 9:57am - inject-now ""]
witch tomb actually took like no time to set up/sound check. we were really good about that. we tuned, did the fastest sound check ever which was just an open E chord getting the levels equal and we played. no bullshit. 20-25 mins is all a band should ever play unless you are slayer. thanks to anyone that checked us out and enjoyed it.

acheron took FOREVER to set up. i thought that was gay. their halloween store stage setup was totally cheezy as well. way to try hard to be evil while failing miserably. 10 new songs after playing their entire first album was not needed at all. i think they were the main reason incantation went on so late.

a very long fucking day but overall a great experience and show.
[Mar 15,2008 3:06am - Christrape  ""]

This show was great, it fucked all gay European shit. Manticore, Witch Tomb were the best they killed!!! With Tomb sounded really loud every thing was clear, drums guitar Vokills and key's/samples. Any one who doesn't like Manticore is a total fag. Annunaki played way to long 45min + by my clock, Malkuth was a big bunch on Indy core rocker fags playing Darkthrone riffs, They should go buy a Sacofago/Morbosidad CD and kill them selfs.

I had a blast hanging out and talking shit with every one!!

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