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Oct 2 (Sat) - Immolation, Vader, Abigail Williams, Lecherous Nocturne, Pathology, Candy Striper Death Orgy, Crypter, tba, Manic Repressive - Rocko's, Manchester New Hampshire +

Immolation, Vader, Abigail Williams, CSDO and more @ Rocko's

Rocko's (Manchester, NH) - [abigail_williams][candy_striper_death_orgy][crypter][immolation][lecherous_nocturne][pathology][randomshots][vader]
[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Oct 1,2010 8:34am - NateTheWar ""]
Why should it be up to the local bands to cover the cost of a tour package? The package itself should be the reason enough people come out. If there were no local bands to chew the fat off of, and no one shows, who is to blame? Yeah sure, dump it on the promoter for not "advertising enough" or some other lame excuse. How about the fact that in some cases, no one really cares that much about the tour, except the washed up or delusional people in the bands that think they are still worth a $3500 package.

This doesn't necessarily go out to the bands on this show, but how many promoters know when they have a weak package coming through, that there are always a handful of bands willing to sell tickets to cover the cost of the show, because every other self respecting band in the area actually gets asked to play plenty of great shows without selling tickets.
[Oct 1,2010 8:41am - Rocko‘s ( Just The Promoter )  ""]

JustinBOTG said:
CANDY%20STRIPER%20DEATH%20ORGY said:Between us and Crypter, we've sold 150 tickets for this show...

You and Crypter certainly deserve a pat on the back from Dave for doing all his work for him. Every band should have to sell tickets to secure a gig. Keep up the good work.

This is not my show.

Credits go to Bernie Goulet and the gang over at new england concerts
[Oct 1,2010 10:24am - JustinBOTG ""]

NateTheWar said:every other self respecting band in the area actually gets asked to play plenty of great shows without selling tickets.

But we don't get to play in front of 100 people who don't give a shit about our band otherwise.
[Oct 1,2010 1:22pm - Rockos ""]

I'm kicking Vader off the show for not selling enough raffle tickets. Considerr them out of the race to win the mountain bike/trip to space camp.
[Oct 1,2010 1:52pm - goatcatabisk  ""]
Logged-in "Rockos" for troll of the month?
[Oct 2,2010 7:35am - goatcatabiskk  ""]
Dude im so COOOL. I created a fake profile haha.
[Oct 2,2010 11:44am - the_reverend ""]
I'll be there.
[Oct 2,2010 12:03pm - nitroracer  ""]
Going to be a kick ass show... I heard last night was pretty good!
[Oct 2,2010 3:55pm - the_reverend ""]
Leaving soon
[Oct 2,2010 4:33pm - the_reverend ""]
i just need to get some food and then im on my way.
[Oct 2,2010 6:13pm - the_reverend ""]
here now. crypter starting.
[Oct 2,2010 6:50pm - the_reverend ""]
crypter was cool as usual. good energy and good music. they also had a bunch of their fans running around the crowd for them.

i looked at the stage flyer and it had
crypter 615-645
csdo 7-730
pathology 745-815
lecherous nocture 830-9
abagail williams 915-945
vader 10-1045
immolation 11-12

late night for this old soul!
[Oct 2,2010 7:42pm - the_reverend ""]
good csdo set. they had people thrash and there was a pretty good crowd there for them. funny to see 2 walls of death too.
[Oct 2,2010 9:02pm - the_reverend ""]
pathology was interesting, but it's distracting to see the singer of origin singing for them.

no other lecherous nocture set will out do the evacuate show, but this was good and they sounded good. the crowd was into them too. gave a cd out to the most energetic mosher.
[Oct 2,2010 10:06pm - the_reverend ""]
doesnt abigail william have like keys and stuff? i think this is a more stripped down and raw version. not bad, but also not really moshable for the lil ones.
[Oct 2,2010 10:44pm - the_reverend ""]
vader is tearing it up.
[Oct 3,2010 1:51am - the_reverend ""]
home working on pictures.
[Oct 3,2010 2:08am - the_reverend ""]
pictures uploading.
[Oct 3,2010 10:16am - foghorn ""]
Good times! Pissed I miss CSDO. Got there just as they ended. Really dug Pathology though!
[Oct 3,2010 11:08am - Mark_R ""]
I really enjoyed the show. It was the first time I went to a show in NH. All of the touring bands were great and what I saw of CSDO seemed good. I was looking forward to checking out Lecherous and they delivered. I was expecting more "traditional" black metal vocals instead of the death vocals. The guitar players were very impressive. And of course, Immolation rules but continues to be underappreciated.
[Oct 3,2010 12:44pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
What a great show!! Thank you to everyone that came out I don't know why several people left before Abigail Williams hit the stage... Crypter was great, we killed, Vader and Immolation was awesome!!
[Oct 3,2010 2:31pm - the_reverend ""]
that is another issue with the cut co style of bands selling tickets. they sell to their family and friends who dont care about he headliners. they take off after the band they bought tickets from.
[Oct 3,2010 2:36pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
I think some of the people that came out for Crypter and us, just don't like Death Metal. I talked with a several people last night that told me they were all set with the Death Metal crap... I don't know, I like Death, Thrash, old style Hardcore... I like it all!!
[Oct 3,2010 3:58pm - nhmetalhead  ""]
By the time the headliners went on there seemed to be half as many people left, not that it was packed to begin with. Having the bar downstairs didn't help the place any either.
[Oct 3,2010 6:19pm - BOTG Crust  ""]
Thrash bands sell tickets for a death metal tour package and no one stays for the headliners.....big surprise. Just another example of a poorly booked show there. Dave doesn't care who he books just as long as they sell tickets for him.
[Oct 3,2010 6:34pm - BOTG Crust  ""]
Thrash bands sell tickets for a death metal tour package and no one stays for the headliners.....big surprise. Just another example of a poorly booked show there. Dave doesn't care who he books just as long as they sell tickets for him.
[Oct 3,2010 8:23pm - crypterlead  ""]
Candy Striper fucking rules, and Crypter and our fans were going absolutely apeshit for Lecherous and Vader
[Oct 4,2010 6:22am - Rocko‘s ( Just The Promoter )  ""]

BOTG%20Crust said:Thrash bands sell tickets for a death metal tour package and no one stays for the headliners.....big surprise. Just another example of a poorly booked show there. Dave doesn't care who he books just as long as they sell tickets for him.

This was not my show.
[Oct 4,2010 11:38am - metal_church101 ""]
Glad to hear that this show was great. Sucked I had to work instead.

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