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AACS (encryption technology in BluRay & HDDVD) supposedly cracked

[Jan 8,2007 8:12pm - the_reverend ""]

and they are demoing it at CES
[Jan 8,2007 8:12pm - RichHorror ""]
Aaron is enough of a condescending dickhead to work for customer support.
[Jan 8,2007 8:13pm - Kevord ""]
I know alot of companies are in the process of making them. But having to pay licensing fees to both Blue Ray and HD DVD pluss the cost of manufacturing currently makes it unconsumer friendly.
[Jan 8,2007 8:35pm - the_reverend ""]
LG's is $1199 and it out like now.

I would work in customer support, but I don't speak indian.
[Jan 9,2007 9:01am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I'm looking forward to the bump in sound quality more than video on BD/HD-DVD discs.

I love it when I rent a DVD and then notice that it has DTS surround on it. It sounds so much fucking better.
[Jan 19,2007 8:51am - the_reverend ""]
there are 200GB BD-Rs in the works.
[Jan 22,2007 9:24am - the_reverend ""]

bd cracked
[Jan 22,2007 9:33am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Feb 1,2007 1:38pm - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 1,2007 2:06pm - MattKings  ""]
http://bluray.highdefdigest.com/talladeganights.html -video quality not so good

http://hddvd.highdefdigest.com/batmanbegins.html -video quality very good

HDDVD baby!
[Feb 1,2007 2:09pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
MattKings said:http://bluray.highdefdigest.com/talladeganights.html -video quality not so good

http://hddvd.highdefdigest.com/batmanbegins.html -video quality very good

HDDVD baby!

I won't say anything and let Rev tear you apart. He does it so much better.
[Feb 1,2007 2:15pm - MattKings  ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:MattKings said:http://bluray.highdefdigest.com/talladeganights.html -video quality not so good

http://hddvd.highdefdigest.com/batmanbegins.html -video quality very good

HDDVD baby!

I won't say anything and let Rev tear you apart. He does it so much better.

alright guy how about you tell me how bluray is better for HD movies? If anything they are equal now but at the begining bluray had some real shady looking movies. Now what?
[Feb 14,2007 12:28pm - the_reverend ""]
sony says BD wins
[Feb 14,2007 1:05pm - MattKings  ""]
Rev you see the departed yet on bluray? Its awesome.
[Feb 14,2007 1:31pm - sndnoodz  ""]
blugay. I have an apple II for sale..dos mode and everything...50 bucks. Comes with Oregon trail 2. No joke
[Feb 26,2007 12:06pm - the_reverend ""]
Blu-ray surpasses HD DVD in disc sales for the first time
[Feb 26,2007 12:50pm - MattKings  ""]
read this, explains how even though bluray has out sold hd dvd in disc sales, its still a loss for bluray. http://www.highdefforum.com/showthread.php?t=38522

Also i gotta throw this in. http://bluray.highdefdigest.com/kissofthedragon.html weakkk!!
[Feb 26,2007 5:16pm - MattKings  ""]
just got a ps3, i'm rollin in HD now.
[Mar 1,2007 12:13pm - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 1,2007 3:08pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
What BluRay drive do you have, Rev?
[Mar 2,2007 9:05am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Oct 19,2007 9:08am - the_reverend ""]
LG dual burner is under $300 now.
[Oct 19,2007 9:32am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Holy fuck. That is great. Now..things I need.... a monitor that does HDCP and for blockbuster to start renting out bluray titles.

And why the fuck is Transformers only out on DVD and HDDVD?
[Jan 22,2008 10:37pm - the_reverend ""]
PS: HD DVD loses?!? that's unpossible. someone put in the picture of the pear.
[Jan 22,2008 10:40pm - Fuck Logging In  ""]
holy fuck! Heath Ledger is dead!
[Feb 7,2008 11:47am - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 7,2008 12:46pm - GodlessRob ""]
Ok this this whole blu-ray/ hd debate to me is dead. I see no difference in either. I have both and pretty much the most insane home theater set up. I'd invite anyone over to try and prove me wrong, but on my set up, with the receiver I have, the insane Cambridge Soundworks speakers (all 7 of them, 11 if you count the 4 subs separately) the 72inch HD and the highest end cables money can buy there IS NO difference. Both look fucking badass and sound unreal.
It all really boils down to which movie studio aligns themselves with whatever side is who is going to win. Sony owns a ton of studios hence the Spiderman movies will only be released on Blu-ray and Warner as of now is aligned with HD, hence Batman Begins on HD.

By the way, Beta lost the war with VHS because they refused to allow porn studios to use their format. Same thing Sony is doing with Blu-ray. You can't deny a multi-billion dollar business like that and not feel the loss.
[Feb 7,2008 1:16pm - Mattkings  ""]

GodlessRob said:Ok this this whole blu-ray/ hd debate to me is dead. I see no difference in either. I have both and pretty much the most insane home theater set up. I'd invite anyone over to try and prove me wrong, but on my set up, with the receiver I have, the insane Cambridge Soundworks speakers (all 7 of them, 11 if you count the 4 subs separately) the 72inch HD and the highest end cables money can buy there IS NO difference. Both look fucking badass and sound unreal.
It all really boils down to which movie studio aligns themselves with whatever side is who is going to win. Sony owns a ton of studios hence the Spiderman movies will only be released on Blu-ray and Warner as of now is aligned with HD, hence Batman Begins on HD.

By the way, Beta lost the war with VHS because they refused to allow porn studios to use their format. Same thing Sony is doing with Blu-ray. You can't deny a multi-billion dollar business like that and not feel the loss.

I have a simliar set up and agree but Warner just went bluray exclusive. Blurays gonna end up winning.
[Feb 7,2008 1:20pm - GodlessRob ""]
Warner just went BD? well I guess that means no high def porn now! I didn't need to see herpes in high def anyway.
[Feb 7,2008 2:00pm - the_reverend ""]
BD's got like a 90% share now.

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