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JOB FOR A COWBOY (post track) complete work on new album, "Genesis"

[May 7,2007 11:17pm - blue ""]
jesus christ dwyer, listen to what you're saying.
[May 7,2007 11:21pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I loved the 1st DI CD, been disappointed since.
[May 8,2007 2:01pm - nickyhelliot ""]
I saw Job for a cowboy when they played with Animosity, Cattle Decap, and FASSW, and they had less intensity than most of the shitty local bands around here. Their live sound was really bad and they couldn't play their "technical parts" for shit. One of their new songs, embedded, sounds like it steals drum parts from Decapitated's "Nihility." They're just another fad band like As Blood Runs Black or August burns Red. Everyone will forget them in a few weeks.
[May 8,2007 2:30pm - the_rooster ""]
the music ain't so bad, but the mix is a little sterile and boring, sonically.

[May 14,2007 1:53pm - William Olter  ""]
Job For A Cowboy < Purple Rain.

Enough Said.
[May 14,2007 3:11pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
new despised icon is bullshittingly GAY
[May 14,2007 3:11pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I finally heard a track from this band -- nothing to shit twinkies about, but it wasn't bad.

I would make fun of the band name, but I am in a band called "Life at Zero" which is almost as lame.
[May 14,2007 6:35pm - Troll ""]
life starts and ends at zero.
[May 14,2007 9:40pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
thegreatspaldino said:new despised icon is bullshittingly GAY

Oh come on, the new Despised Icon isnt THAT bad. It just has a little bit more core in it and for their sound it fits them.
[May 14,2007 10:06pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
no... it really is when you think about how high they set the bar. its ordering a steak and cheese sub with kobe beef and getting a shit sandwich... its just that bad.
[May 14,2007 11:20pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
thegreatspaldino said:no... it really is when you think about how high they set the bar. its ordering a steak and cheese sub with kobe beef and getting a shit sandwich... its just that bad.

I'm assuming you didn't like The Healing Process either did you?
[May 14,2007 11:27pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
here is the video for Embedded for those who care -

[May 14,2007 11:53pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
"Bree"?...What the fuck kinda gay term is that?. Guess I am not up on my scene lingo.
[May 14,2007 11:57pm - brian_dc ""]
how has this merited more than like 20 posts. This is an average effort from a below average band.
[May 15,2007 12:10am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Maybe because they are not below average.
[May 15,2007 12:12am - brian_dc ""]
Fine, fine...they're average.
[May 15,2007 12:19am - blue ""]
Dwellingsickness said:"Bree"?...What the fuck kinda gay term is that?. Guess I am not up on my scene lingo.

its a term used when mediocre metal singers try to do gutturals and and it comes out sounding exactly like that....bree.
[May 15,2007 12:23am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Go listen to your BRODEQUIN CDs and go "BREEEE BREEEE" along with every line.
[May 15,2007 8:40am - largefreakatzero ""]
Troll said:life starts and ends at zero.

That's the "official" explanation, but Downsy came up with the name, so I always thought it referred to his drinking days.
[May 15,2007 9:56am - thegreatspaldino ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:thegreatspaldino said:no... it really is when you think about how high they set the bar. its ordering a steak and cheese sub with kobe beef and getting a shit sandwich... its just that bad.

I'm assuming you didn't like The Healing Process either did you?

i love that album. that was original and entertaining. the new one is garbage. the healing process was the "bar" i was referring to in that post.
[May 15,2007 1:31pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
thegreatspaldino said:ConquerTheBaphomet said:thegreatspaldino said:no... it really is when you think about how high they set the bar. its ordering a steak and cheese sub with kobe beef and getting a shit sandwich... its just that bad.

I'm assuming you didn't like The Healing Process either did you?

i love that album. that was original and entertaining. the new one is garbage. the healing process was the "bar" i was referring to in that post.

Yea that's an amazing album and I don't get it when people say they didn't like it after hearing the first album. I think the new one is just an extension of the first one in terms of production quality and sound. They do have more hardcore influence in it but everything is a bit faster.
[May 15,2007 4:33pm - immortal13 ""]
"Brees" are merely just inhaling death metal vocals. I just call them pig vocals.
[May 16,2007 10:26pm - Anonymous  ""]
Dude, these guys are fucking amazing. Who cares what genre they are. Oh and I'm pretty sure their name is because they're from Arizona. Cowboys...Arizona...get it meatheads? Sorry they're not named Death of a Bleeding Priest or some lame shit like most death metal bands. Another sweet band like these guys from Arizona? The Irish Front. So good but diff name. So what? Check em out:


Oh god thats a MySpace link! Everybody cry to Satan!

The guitarists are so fucking sick on Doom and Genesis, but I have to say that the new drummer waaaay overuses the double bass. This is why good metal never gets big in the states. They're huge in Europe. They know they're shit. Because people like you guys have to rag on every single thing and compare the shit out of it. So they got big on MySpace. Good for them. That's why it's there. To help promote bands, fuck. Plus they're young as hell and got signed to Metal Blade. They must be doing something right! Oh yeah, everything!

P.S. I thought the squealing on Doom was pretty sweet. :P
[May 16,2007 10:28pm - Anonymous  ""]
Dude, these guys are fucking amazing. Who cares what genre they are. Oh and I'm pretty sure their name is because they're from Arizona. Cowboys...Arizona...get it meatheads? Sorry they're not named Death of a Bleeding Priest or some lame shit like most death metal bands. Another sweet band like these guys from Arizona? The Irish Front. So good but diff name. So what? Check em out:


Oh god thats a MySpace link! Everybody cry to Satan!

The guitarists are so fucking sick on Doom and Genesis, but I have to say that the new drummer waaaay overuses the double bass. This is why good metal never gets big in the states. They're huge in Europe. They know they're shit. Because people like you guys have to rag on every single thing and compare the shit out of it. So they got big on MySpace. Good for them. That's why it's there. To help promote bands, fuck. Plus they're young as hell and got signed to Metal Blade. They must be doing something right! Oh yeah, everything!

P.S. I thought the squealing on Doom was pretty sweet. :P
[May 16,2007 10:31pm - the_reverend ""]
what about the new autumn dawn dasher's CD?
[May 16,2007 10:38pm - the_reverend ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Go listen to your BRODEQUIN CDs and go "BREEEE BREEEE" along with every line.

A lot of the death-core bands out there sound like pretty good death-grind to me.
[May 17,2007 4:56am - Troll ""]
Anonymous said:Dude, these guys are fucking amazing. Who cares what genre they are. Oh and I'm pretty sure their name is because they're from Arizona. Cowboys...Arizona...get it meatheads? Sorry they're not named Death of a Bleeding Priest or some lame shit like most death metal bands. Another sweet band like these guys from Arizona? The Irish Front. So good but diff name. So what? Check em out:


Oh god thats a MySpace link! Everybody cry to Satan!

The guitarists are so fucking sick on Doom and Genesis, but I have to say that the new drummer waaaay overuses the double bass. This is why good metal never gets big in the states. They're huge in Europe. They know they're shit. Because people like you guys have to rag on every single thing and compare the shit out of it. So they got big on MySpace. Good for them. That's why it's there. To help promote bands, fuck. Plus they're young as hell and got signed to Metal Blade. They must be doing something right! Oh yeah, everything!

P.S. I thought the squealing on Doom was pretty sweet. :P

[May 17,2007 5:48am - Dwellingsickness ""]
largefreakatzero said:Troll said:life starts and ends at zero.

That's the "official" explanation, but Downsy came up with the name, so I always thought it referred to his drinking days.

I bet he was referring to living in NH
[May 17,2007 8:28pm - mcmahon nli  ""]
just heard this cd, pretty good.
[May 18,2007 7:41pm - Brandon..  ""]
Just got the cd, Its ok. Kinda boring at times. As much as people dislike the old cd, iT came off a bit more intense when i first heard it. The new one is more technical which is good, but its lacking.

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