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Now Find a show to go to!

Jul 31 (Fri) - Living Void, deathamphetamine, Garbage Strike, Koward, revocation - Evacuate Warehouse (email revocationband@gmail.com for address) +

Fri. July 31 - Evacuate Warehouse, Roxbury - Revocation, Koward, Garbage Strike, Deathamphetamine, Living Void - DIY, All Ages

[show listing]  ________________________________
[Jul 31,2009 11:59am - rbss  ""]
Your presence will be sorely missed Ken
[Jul 31,2009 12:01pm - dreadkill ""]
i miss seeing revocation live :(
[Jul 31,2009 12:20pm - s.axl.beckett  ""]
[Jul 31,2009 12:53pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i am trying to get there... i hope can, but we'll see.
[Jul 31,2009 2:17pm - sli sli sli  ""]
[Jul 31,2009 3:04pm - sinistas ""]
Awww yeaaaaah.
[Jul 31,2009 3:05pm - mortalis nli  ""]

rbss said:I'd try to get there as close to 8 as you can if you wanna catch all the bands

at what time are you guys aiming to go on?
[Jul 31,2009 3:10pm - dreadkill ""]
did i also mention that i miss seeing deathamphetamine and would love to see living void?
[Jul 31,2009 3:15pm - rbss  ""]
As far after 8 as we possibly can, but technically the show start time is 8 so it could be as close as like 8:05.
[Jul 31,2009 3:18pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I wish I could go to this. Fuck 3rd shift.
[Jul 31,2009 4:28pm - rbss  ""]
ah bumout Mark, was hoping to chill with you tonight. Oh well, see ya Tuesday
[Jul 31,2009 4:48pm - blue ""]
Hope the show goes well guys! This looks like its going to rule.
[Jul 31,2009 5:38pm - BobNOMAAMROoney ""]
My cousin came all the way from England for this show.
[Jul 31,2009 5:39pm - RichHorror ""]
His pants must be soaked.
[Jul 31,2009 5:52pm - boblovesmusic ""]

s.axl.beckett said:[img]

I approve of this picture!
[Jul 31,2009 6:11pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
i'll be there...
[Jul 31,2009 7:03pm - SLI SLI SLI SLI SLI  ""]

s.axl.beckett said:I shouldn't be allowed on the internet. It makes me paranoid and weird.

i'm taking you off my top 8
[Jul 31,2009 8:50pm - consumereconomy  ""]
Anyone know how to get to this place? I am emailed the band, but show has already started, don't know if they'll answer. Message me if you know.
[Jul 31,2009 8:51pm - consumereconomy  ""]
crap - can't send msgs thru this thing. email crapmonster32@gmail.com if you know how to get to the show.
[Aug 1,2009 10:39am - s.axl.beckett  ""]
Boblovesmusic should post those pictures he took at the show plz
[Aug 1,2009 12:22pm - rbss  ""]
Thanks for coming everyone! There were so many people there and it was so much fun.
[Aug 1,2009 2:41pm - boblovesmusic@coolidge  ""]

unfortunately I'm not going to have time to upload them for awhile, but this is a teaser (cell phone pic)
[Aug 1,2009 11:15pm - ZJD ""]
thanking punk rock for being punk rock = jinxing yoour ten million dollar guitar rig. koward fucking ruled and revocation fucking rled. gaageb strike plauys too much but they ruled too. dethamphetamine dude was a baby about his band fucking up but they were good too. i really wanted to not miss living void and they were real good.

[Aug 2,2009 9:06am - s.axl.beckett  ""]

ZJD said:
dethamphetamine dude was a baby about his band fucking up but they were good too.

They didn't fuck up, I did. I forget things and get confused easily. I don't know why you would call me a baby, but thanks for liking it though guy. Who are you anyway?
[Aug 2,2009 11:10am - ZJD ""]
i'm not tough guy, i was drunk guy when i posted. either way, i was surprised to see a band mess a song up and not just try to get through it. i assumed you were reacting to the rest of the band and being dramatic about it because stopping everything rather than simply getting yourself back on track does not compute.
[Aug 2,2009 12:55pm - s.axl.beckett  ""]
[QUOTE="s.axl.beckett:959739]though guy.

Fail. I meant though as in although or however etc. You can be a "though" guy if you want. The scentence rephrased would be: "Thank you kind sir, for enjoying our performance despite the fact that I fucked up that song. I could not figure out what was going on after coming back in on the wrong part twice. I appreciate your honesty in reporting this matter."
Message boards are the bathroom stall grafitti of the internet so I could see how you would think I was calling you out there guy. Opinions are fine, I didn't like it either.

[Aug 2,2009 6:13pm - ZJD ""]
[Oct 18,2009 11:08pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Some pics I took at this thing!
[Oct 18,2009 11:42pm - alexc ""]
this show ruled. davidsons amp got beaten up
[Oct 19,2009 4:13am - sli sli sli  ""]

s.axl.beckett said:[QUOTE="s.axl.beckett:959739]though guy.

Fail. I meant though as in although or however etc. You can be a "though" guy if you want.

Please see him Jeffrey. He's a good man, and "though".

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