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Hand Choke Neck looking to book a Halloween show

[Aug 16,2004 4:32pm - powerkok ""]
Any bands wanna play with us on Halloween?
Im trying to book a show with 3 or 4 other bands for that weekend, and wanna know if anyones interested....lmk.KOK
btw, in NH or Mass, most likely:NEWHORNS:
[Aug 16,2004 4:35pm - RustedAngel ""]
all this halloween show talk makes me want to do one, I'm pretty sure you can count us in.
[Aug 16,2004 4:38pm - Lincoln ""]

We're down for the Halloween thing...just let us know when and where....
[Aug 16,2004 4:47pm - Lincoln ""]
Powerkok is there a website we could go to to keep in touch?
[Aug 16,2004 4:49pm - Hoser ""]

We have a forum there dude and you don't have to sign up to use it.

-The Hose
[Aug 16,2004 4:52pm - Lincoln ""]
AWESOME!!!! We will be in touch then...we'd love to do a Halloween show.
[Aug 16,2004 5:17pm - powerkok ""]
BTW...you will be required to wear a costume!!!!
[Aug 16,2004 5:25pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
i think our drummers hand will be good and ready by then, i think we could do it
[Aug 16,2004 5:27pm - Abbath ""]
HAHAHAHAHA come on Valhalla NEEDS to do a halloween show! it will be most dominationrific
[Aug 16,2004 5:28pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
does corpsepaint count as a costume?
[Aug 17,2004 12:05am - josiah_the_black ""]
im getting my hand xrayed again tomorrow so i'll know when the cast will be off, and the only prob would be if i needed surgery which the doctors dont think i will
that would be a bad ass fuckin show with dressup and shit

i say count us in and i'll update tomorrow when i find out more
[Aug 17,2004 12:11am - powerkok ""]
nice, and yeah corpsepaint counts as long as you have blood all over you!
[Aug 17,2004 12:20am - powerkok ""]
att. freq.....where u guys from??
cool site...pretty friggin original rock music there guys!!
we'll stay in touch about this show...Bombshelter is booked that weekend, so Im tryin to find a venue
[Aug 17,2004 12:55am - silky ""]
pray for a plague is down. we will be dressed as famous homosexuals throughout history. I will be dressed as rip taylor.
[Aug 17,2004 8:15am - Lincoln ""]
Attacking Frequencies is from Boston......we've been playing around for a little while now. Thanks for the compliment man...we appreciate it! Yeah we are definately down for this...and costumes won't be a problem.....mine might still smell like urine if thats ok?
[Aug 17,2004 8:49am - largefreakatzero ""]
Life at Zero will play. I'm not wearing a costume. Although I could play the set without pants on. Powerkok, please tell me I can play with no pants...
[Aug 17,2004 12:12pm - powerkok ""]
no pants, and painted green like the hulk!
[Aug 17,2004 12:14pm - stainless ""]
the_network. is down
[Aug 17,2004 12:15pm - aaron666 ""]
book that In Dire Need band
[Aug 17,2004 1:03pm - RustedAngel ""]
life at zero

what about SHANIQUA????

sounds good to me :spineyes:
[Aug 17,2004 1:14pm - Lincoln ""]
Is that the line-up?
[Aug 17,2004 1:21pm - powerkok ""]
not at all...not yet its still very tenative.
[Aug 17,2004 1:32pm - Lincoln ""]
Ahhh....true it IS still like 2 months away. Cool man!! I'm down to play with Shaniqua if she's available.........bootyliciuos!
[Aug 17,2004 1:33pm - RustedAngel ""]
in dire need reunion.
[Aug 17,2004 2:02pm - Hoser ""]
RustedAngel said:pfap
life at zero

what about SHANIQUA????

sounds good to me :spineyes:

This would be the most disgusting local line-up in fucking HISTORY.

[Aug 17,2004 2:10pm - Hoser ""]
Anybody have any ideas as far as a venue is concerned? Right here around Dover or in Manchester would be quite radical, but it has to be 18+ or even better, all ages.

Here's my idea for a line-up:

Life at Zero
Hand Choke Neck
Pray for a Plague
The Network
Taste of Silver
Shaniqua and the Skullfuckers

We should do it as a "starting at 6pm show" or as a 2 day thing. We'll call it like ...ummmm...the "Wicked Evil NH Fest and stuff."

We could have T-shirts made and charge like $8 at the door and you get a free T-shirt or something...and go go dancers...ya we need go go dancers!!!

Fun Fun....any ideas ya fucks?!
[Aug 17,2004 2:17pm - RustedAngel ""]
Hoser said:
Here's my idea for a line-up:

Life at Zero
Hand Choke Neck
Pray for a Plague
The Network
Taste of Silver
Shaniqua and the Skullfuckers

No, that was my idea for the lineup, you ass annihilator 5000.
[Aug 17,2004 2:19pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
A) that looks awesome, especially because I was just going to go on this thread and talk about how much I want to play with HCN & Porphyria so i can see you guys live.

B) The majority of those bands are propagandhis, so we'll all flyer the shit out of this and get like 9,000,000 people

C) I like t-shirt idea a lot, good call, and I can get them done at a decent rate for that volume (I know's some people's)

D) I dunnow if a 2 day thing is the best bet, cause most people just go to one day of a two or three day thing (the day they think is worth it the most) but maybe starting earlier, OR going to later (it IS halloween) isn't a bad idea.

there are my thoughts.
[Aug 17,2004 2:19pm - powerkok ""]
heres my idea for jake....shut the fuck up.
[Aug 17,2004 2:24pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
also, maybe do it on the saturday, late, and then have it carry over past 12 so we can do it like a "new year's eve" for halloween? Like the band playing at 12 can do Auld Lang Sine or some shit? That way A) it's not a sunday and B) we don't have to compete with other actual day-of-halloween events. Maybe, anyway.

Actual Halloween is usually the busiest night of the year for clubs and stuff, surprisingly. or it might just be gay clubs...no really, I worked at ManRay and Halloween was like 5,000,000 people and they told me for clubs it's always crazy that night, just don't know if they meant gay fetish goth clubs.
[Aug 17,2004 2:24pm - powerkok ""]
no 2 day thing
tshirts? whos payin for em?
we dont even have a venue yet.
8 bands? no fuckin way. regardless of venue.
How about this....
we rent an outdoor venue....and have a fest.
[Aug 17,2004 2:29pm - RustedAngel ""]
no two day shit. that's a bad idea.
[Aug 17,2004 2:30pm - RustedAngel ""]
and band shirts come before fest shirts, unless you're payin!!! hahaha.
[Aug 17,2004 3:15pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeah, I like the outdoor thing. Late afternoon into evening on Saturday (that way I can shoot ducks in the AM). Sunday = hangover recovery. Is there anyone stupid enough to rent their field to a bunch of idiots like us???
[Aug 17,2004 3:30pm - grundlegremlin  ""]
Shaniqua is down to play a halloween show contact us @ Shaniqualovesyou@hotmail.com
[Aug 17,2004 3:33pm - RustedAngel ""]

it will be too damn cold to play outside.
[Aug 17,2004 3:36pm - succubus ""]
i know what i am wearing for halloween this year
[Aug 17,2004 3:37pm - the_reverend ""]
at least that's what jill tells me.
[Aug 17,2004 3:38pm - succubus ""]
and wrong!
and since when is she im'ing you? does she want yer pee pee now too???

and now she has a bf too

[Aug 17,2004 3:40pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
honestly, I don't think a halloween show is a halloween show without Shaniqua.

Anyone who has seen them would agree.

Oh hey grundlegremlin - I gave Aaron your demo last night. Sick. I don't know how much he can play on air, but there's bound to be something.
[Aug 17,2004 3:41pm - Shannon  ""]
and he's from work too.........GO FIGURE!!!!!
[Aug 17,2004 3:41pm - succubus ""]
wait...he is???
[Aug 17,2004 3:43pm - succubus ""]
ohh yeah....i forgot she was "training" the office in NJ and she let him bone her...and his family has a house in newport RI so they see each other i dunno how often

of course she showed EVERYONE the photos..except shannon and i

[Aug 17,2004 3:43pm - Shannon  ""]
[Aug 17,2004 3:45pm - grundlegremlin  ""]
Well I gues if the play it late. Does anybody know what time the FCC goes to bed?
[Aug 17,2004 3:46pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
photos of boning?

you wouldn't post those here...you don't have the guts!!! I DARE YOU!!!

[Aug 17,2004 3:48pm - grundlegremlin  ""]
Shaniqua is now a 5 piece. We had some drama the other night on stage. It was pretty funny. We have it on tape.
[Aug 17,2004 3:50pm - grundlegremlin  ""]
Personally I think it gives us more room to improve.
[Aug 17,2004 3:51pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
a 5 piece??? the band got chopped in 1/4???

I remember you being a 15 piece or something.

Mikey, Ed, Joe, Max, Danny....who am I forgetting?
[Aug 17,2004 3:52pm - grundlegremlin  ""]
cum swallowing dolphins?
[Aug 17,2004 3:53pm - grundlegremlin  ""]
You forgot Shawn, but he is out
[Aug 17,2004 3:56pm - powerkok ""]
too cold??? nahh...itll put hair on yer neck!!
[Aug 17,2004 3:59pm - grundlegremlin  ""]
don't forget personal shrinkage is great for blood circulation
[Aug 17,2004 4:04pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
ok I figured he was the "out" one when he, you know, quit in the middle of the set.

What about Ben? Is he in the band? You know, the kid who did drums for a lot of the set at the Aviary?
[Aug 17,2004 4:17pm - Hoser ""]
RustedAngel said:Hoser said:
Here's my idea for a line-up:

Life at Zero
Hand Choke Neck
Pray for a Plague
The Network
Taste of Silver
Shaniqua and the Skullfuckers

No, that was my idea for the lineup, you ass annihilator 5000.

Hahahahahahaha......you're the ass annihilator...or sumpthin'....

I knew that you would do that so I like, did it on purpose you squiggle nosed fartface!!
[Aug 17,2004 4:18pm - powerkok ""]
hEY!!! I said STFU!!!! I meant it!!!!
[Aug 17,2004 4:21pm - Hoser ""]
powerkok said:hEY!!! I said STFU!!!! I meant it!!!!

You zip them faggity lips Mr....before I stuff my beef biscuit between 'em!!!

[Aug 17,2004 4:22pm - Hoser ""]
What about the MUB at UNH????

That's a decent all ages venue....
[Aug 17,2004 4:29pm - Hoser ""]
What about the fucking Bombshelter?
[Aug 17,2004 4:31pm - Hoser ""]
What about the Dover Elks club?...What about the Palladium upstairs?

What about Club 125 in Haverhill? Milly's?

Any ideas?
[Aug 17,2004 4:32pm - Hoser ""]
Somewhere in Salem, MA????
[Aug 17,2004 4:32pm - powerkok ""]
bshizz is booked...read before u flap shitspewers!!
[Aug 17,2004 4:42pm - Hoser ""]
Bay Bridge Restaurant and Night Club
29 Bridge Street Salem, MA (978)745-8881
In a Pig's Eye
148 Derby Street, Salem, MA (978)741-4436
Paul Madore Chorale
P.O. Box 992, Salem, MA tickets@paulmadorechorale.org
Salem Beer Works
278 Derby Street, Salem, MA (978)745-BEER
Tavern at the Hawthorne
On the Common, Salem, MA (978)744-4080
The Spirit House Band
Salem, MA dave@spirithouseband.com

These are all in Salem, Ma....I might call a few of them.
[Aug 17,2004 4:45pm - powerkok ""]
do it up, pall-a-riffic
[Aug 17,2004 5:20pm - Hoser ""]
Ok I have a lead on a club in Salisbury, Ma called...Boston Waves....

The guy started the place from the ashes of the Escape club...supposedly.

He's gonna call me back tomorrow.
[Aug 17,2004 6:29pm - Hoser ""]
well any of you fucks have any ideas? I'm not going solo on this shit.
[Aug 17,2004 8:44pm - ieatpeople4god@library  ""]
hey count shaniqua in on any hallow's eve event like this!!!
we could rent out the atkinson community center for 30 bucks as long as our friend from atkinson put's it in his name which he said he'd do. but the ashes of the escape club wow! my first show that i went to was there. what's the hcn or your e-mail? ours is "shaniqualovesyou@hotmail.com" stay in touch we've been dying to play with you and porphyria so i'll let you know what shows we get in the meantime. Nick- Ben is pretty much in the band we plan on having him play whenever he can. he was going to play derry but you know "the drama" happened.
[Aug 17,2004 10:35pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I have some more ideas, and will help more after this week..with the show Thursday, the one in PA friday, and then the driving and all, I'm a little tied right now. But after that I will gladly assist in any way i can.
[Aug 17,2004 11:02pm - goratory ""]
somebody needs to see how much it is to rent out upstairs palladium. All of our bands could split the rent for it and then split up the profits. The palladium needs to see some local shit finally and it is the only venue that EVERYBODY knows how to get to.
[Aug 17,2004 11:19pm - powerkok ""]
That would be IDEAL but I strongly doubt their not booked that weekend...Im goin to check their site now.
[Aug 17,2004 11:21pm - powerkok ""]

hahaha I guess im calling them tomorrow!
[Aug 17,2004 11:24pm - RustedAngel ""]
hahah do it!

al, rice on suede *cough* release party *cough* ASAP. I want that shit to happen soooooooooooooon! fack!
[Aug 17,2004 11:25pm - Blue ""]
dude, that better not be their release party. i want to actually be there.
[Aug 17,2004 11:41pm - RustedAngel ""]
no, I didn't mean the halloween show as their release party, i mean us doing another show somewhere. sometime. somehow.
[Aug 17,2004 11:45pm - Blue ""]
good, but it can only happen if i can be there.
[Aug 18,2004 2:14am - Hoser ""]
I'll also look into hitting the Palladium upstairs for this show. I have some more calls to make, so I'll stay on this shit...
[Aug 18,2004 12:02pm - Hoser ""]
Anyone get a bead on maybe renting the Palladium or a Legion hall or something yet??
[Aug 19,2004 7:29pm - ieatpeople4god@ library  ""]
we could do the atkinson community center, 30 bucks to rent if your a resident and we have a resident ready and willing to do it anytime. the totally awesome fest just took place there. we'd need a p.a. and that's it. e-mail us at shaniqualovesyou@hotmail.com.
[Aug 19,2004 7:32pm - dyingmuse ""]
hey jake, i thought you were going to play the thing me and serge were talking about!
[Aug 19,2004 7:49pm - Hoser ""]
Ya we would in a heartbeat...but I need definite plans, I don't wanna miss playing a show with these guys and wait until the last minute and end up playing nothing.

know what I mean Vern????

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