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[Jan 14,2005 6:01pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I think the TERATISM logo looks better on the first CD because of the yellow outline.
[Jan 14,2005 6:08pm - Hooker ""]
That's pretty fucking sweet. It looks like a tarantula vagina.
[Jan 14,2005 6:47pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
it's pretty scary....it's intimidating!

more scary than the last one, which is good cause the last one wasn't so scary.

Now you're FUCKING metal!
[Jan 14,2005 7:20pm - DaveSTF ""]
That's so goddamn hot tom! I want a shirt asap. hook it up.
[Jan 14,2005 8:23pm - succubus ""]
i never got a shirt either...tom kept on telling me they were to big for me

[Jan 14,2005 8:34pm - blue ""]
well, its true, the smallest size was small, youd need a youth large.
[Jan 14,2005 8:40pm - Hooker ""]
How's she gonna fit into a youth large with them gunboats?
[Jan 14,2005 11:50pm - RustedAngel ""]
Hooker said:That's pretty fucking sweet. It looks like a tarantula vagina.

hahaha a fucking tarantula vagina!!!!!1
[Jan 14,2005 11:51pm - RustedAngel ""]
DaveSTF said:That's so goddamn hot tom! I want a shirt asap. hook it up.

keep an eye out y0! soon enough!
[Jan 14,2005 11:52pm - RustedAngel ""]
succubus said:i never got a shirt either...tom kept on telling me they were to big for me


a small would be too big...blue is right YL. plus these will be IONS better than the old ones.
[Jan 14,2005 11:56pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
tom i like the old one better, it's decent but i think the otherone was muchbetter
[Jan 14,2005 11:58pm - RustedAngel ""]
dneirflrigruoydeliani said:tom i like the old one better, it's decent but i think the otherone was muchbetter

hhahah, you're the first one to tell me that. sorry, it's a gonner.
[Jan 15,2005 12:04am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
What happens to all the old merch?
[Jan 15,2005 12:06am - RustedAngel ""]
well, I'll still have a few of the shirts with the old logo and the remaining stickers...if anyone prefers that logo still they can still buy a shirt.
[Jan 15,2005 12:07am - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
i want a shirt gimme 2 so i can give one a way on the air
[Jan 15,2005 12:09am - i_am_not_me ""]
succubus said:i got a sneak preview before

looks awesome

and i called it "batmanesque!"

Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na PORPHYRIA!
[Jan 15,2005 1:28am - Kalopsia ""]
the logo fucking looks great
[Jan 15,2005 10:47pm - anonymous  ""]
sick tribal you fag
[Jan 16,2005 9:44am - Septicemic ""]
Nice job on the logo, tom.

Though it\'s a bit Morticiany, still verygood.
[Jan 16,2005 9:50am - Beesky_Beesk ""]
fuckin sweet design Bimmm Bammm Booooom!
[Jan 16,2005 8:01pm - anonymous  ""]
fuck you tom
[Jan 16,2005 9:44pm - anonymous  ""]
i'm a fag
[Jan 17,2005 11:59am - Hooker ""]
Band good? This does not compute.
[Jan 17,2005 12:02pm - the_reverend ""]
cloraphyl? more like boraphyl.
[Jan 17,2005 12:45pm - tbone_r ""]
what is it w/ death metal bands using letters that are near impossible to read? i do like the symmetry of that design though
[Jan 17,2005 12:51pm - RustedAngel ""]
our's is fairly easy to read which is what we wanted. some logo's just look like a blob (i.e. our old logo) hahaha.
[Jan 17,2005 12:52pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought the new logo looked like this
[Jan 17,2005 12:59pm - Hooker ""]
If my band's shitty name wasn't four paragraphs long, I might try my hand at making an illegible logo.
[Jan 17,2005 1:42pm - boobtoucher ""]
i'd be careful handling that logo...you'll poke your eye out
[Jan 17,2005 1:59pm - reuben ""]
Looks good, you can almost read it
[Jan 17,2005 4:27pm - dread_104 ""]
please let my puppets come

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