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May 12th @ the tiger's den - recap thread.

Tiger's Den (Brockton, Ma) - [au_pair][a_terrible_night_for_a_curse][beat_to_death][dour_cursiva][in_dire_need][randomshots][rohis][the_departed]
[May 13,2006 11:33am - craigforacurse ""]
this show ruled. the sound was rough at times but it was alot of fun. THE DEPARTED PWNED THIS SHOW. thanks for coming out sean, niccolai for putting it on, and all the other people that watched us. im still pissed in flames didnt play beyond space.
[May 13,2006 11:51am - the_reverend ""]
and nothing off whoralce or jester race.
plus, when they played pinballmap, no BOING AT ALL.

xmikex was the ˇmatandogeurras!
[May 13,2006 12:25pm - Joshua Au Pair  ""]
nice review aaron. this was our second show. first with new bass player. last time we practiced was april 22nd, so i dont think we did too bad. i am sure youll be seeing us some good shows soon. ::cough cough anal cunt cough cough::
[May 13,2006 12:35pm - xmikex ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:were you the dood in the brujeria shirt

no, i was the dude in the totally awesome brujeria shirt.
[May 13,2006 12:42pm - xmikex ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:were you the dood in the brujeria shirt

and FYI dude. i just played your band on the computer and michael jackson on the radio at the same time to wake up my girlfriend. it totally worked.
[May 13,2006 12:42pm - gregbtd  ""]
im glad we got a chance to play with some awesome bands for our first show.
[May 13,2006 1:01pm - xmikex ""]
Can I just also add that I thought it was pretty lame that a bunch of lame gay poser assholes left the show before IDN. I mean I guess I can't really expect much from a bunch of already lame and already gay poser assholes to do anything besides be gay and lame, but I still thought it was both gay...and lame. I don't see how a bunch of kids can get excited for a band like Rohis and then leave before In Dire Need. Kids like that make booking, and playing shows a huge pain in the ass. And it's a real shame they didn't stick around because THEY MIGHT HAVE ACTUALLY LEARNED SOMETHING besides new ways to jock mosh.
[May 13,2006 1:07pm - nick ""]
yeah i was really upset about that mic cutting out, but there was still a lot more movement than the last ken haskell show haha. thx for comming out and whatnot.
[May 13,2006 1:38pm - niccolai ""]
xmikex said:Can I just also add that I thought it was pretty lame that a bunch of lame gay poser assholes left the show before IDN. I mean I guess I can't really expect much from a bunch of already lame and already gay poser assholes to do anything besides be gay and lame, but I still thought it was both gay...and lame. I don't see how a bunch of kids can get excited for a band like Rohis and then leave before In Dire Need. Kids like that make booking, and playing shows a huge pain in the ass. And it's a real shame they didn't stick around because THEY MIGHT HAVE ACTUALLY LEARNED SOMETHING besides new ways to jock mosh.

+1. I strongly agree. My band was pissed at me because I didn't help them load any equiptment due to me checking out IDN's set. They deserved a full house.
[May 13,2006 1:47pm - Anders Friden  ""]
the_reverend said:and nothing off whoralce or jester race.
plus, when they played pinballmap, no BOING AT ALL.

you make me want to shave my head
[May 13,2006 1:50pm - xmikex ""]
so you leave your equipment there for 20 minutes while the last band (who's been there the whole show, and watched ALL the bands) plays their set. wheeling your gear out through the floor during a band's set is just about the rudest thing another band can do. i know this because eastcide did it to my band once, and they're fucking LOSERS.
[May 13,2006 1:54pm - niccolai ""]
xmikex said:Wheeling your gear out through the floor during a band's set is just about the rudest thing another band can do. i know this because eastcide did it to my band once, and they're fucking LOSERS.

My fault, I just wheeled my amp and shit to the storage room, I didn't think they'd want all my shit in their way. I wasn't even thinking it would be interpreted as offensive, I figured they would appreciate me getting it out of their way.
[May 13,2006 3:33pm - thedeparted ""]
IDN new mp3's are great, awesome quality too
[May 13,2006 4:48pm - jrb2971nli  ""]
craig's hair do rules, sly's spliked belt is kvlt! (the atnfac shirt is very kvltish also!)
[May 13,2006 4:48pm - brian_dc ""]
being hungry for shit = tr00
[May 13,2006 5:41pm - nyckz0r nli  ""]
Hey Mike, did you guys ever play that basement show? I forgot to ask you last night - I had a million things going on.
[May 13,2006 5:41pm - forkey ""]
i left to get beer but when i got back IDN just finished their set. kinda pissed i missed it
[May 13,2006 8:26pm - tbone_r nli  ""]
i'm still not sure how i got home last night. nick tells me some dude who i know doesn't have a license/car, so i don't believe him. if i was involved in the 'almost fight' I apologize, i thought i got kicked out before them. did i get to hear the sea's on fire? that's my jam.
[May 13,2006 8:40pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
xmikex said:whiskey_weed_and_women said:were you the dood in the brujeria shirt

and FYI dude. i just played your band on the computer and michael jackson on the radio at the same time to wake up my girlfriend. it totally worked.

we do what we can, we are headache music
[May 13,2006 10:54pm - niccolai ""]
tbone_r nli said:if i was involved in the 'almost fight' I apologize, i thought i got kicked out before them.

involved or not, you were funny as hell. haha

and yea, I'm pretty sure you were there when they played worldly neglect.
[May 14,2006 12:33am - tbone_r nli  ""]
i saw that picture of me playing air guitar and figured i must of had a pretty good time.
[May 14,2006 1:01am - Kevelar  ""]
[May 14,2006 3:28am - Dave Maggot  ""]
good times good times!
[May 15,2006 1:44pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]

Craig for a Curse picture I took Friday night.
[May 15,2006 1:44pm - the_reverend ""]
[May 15,2006 1:59pm - craigforacurse ""]
hahahaha hohohoho you all are too funny. remember when people reviewed bands because of how they played, not their singer's "new doo"? maybe ill kill Anders and be his dopple ganger
[May 15,2006 2:01pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
ohhhhhh craigy come on, it's FUNNY!!!
[May 15,2006 10:03pm - Joshua Au Pair  ""]
yeah...why did our review involve a hair comment?

i didnt get it at all.
[May 15,2006 10:06pm - KeithMutiny ""]
look at all the fun i missed.
[May 16,2006 12:17am - Nyckz0r ""]
[May 16,2006 11:28am - babyshaker not logged in  ""]
its kool to see good metal shows so close to me for once

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