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Fridays Suffocation show.... still not Cancelled

[Jul 27,2006 2:14am - DEATH2ALL ""]
I just read that on Myspace, can anyone confirm?
[Jul 27,2006 2:14am - blue ""]
no, the friday in dire need cd release show in taunton was cancelled.
[Jul 27,2006 2:20am - DEATH2ALL ""]
Oh man, you gotta be a little more clear in that bulletin bro. It totally sounded like the suffo show was cancelled.

Haha, sorry!!
[Jul 27,2006 2:25am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
you need to lay off the cocaine.
[Jul 27,2006 2:25am - RichHorror ""]
That's crazy talk.
[Jul 27,2006 2:26am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
ok fine you need to start doing more cocaine.
[Jul 27,2006 2:26am - RichHorror ""]
That's my boy!
[Jul 27,2006 2:46am - BornSoVile ""]
yo JAY,
[Jul 27,2006 8:41am - powerkok ""]
Date: Jul 26, 2006 10:57 PM

Subject: Friday is cancelled, so you had better be going Saturday.

Body: The Show is 18+. You get into the Strip Club for FREE (if you're 21) with a ticket. You can also use your ticket from the Suffocation show from the night before to get into this show for FREE as well.

This is the bulletin.
It is VERY misleading.
In fact it could be considered sabotage, IMO.
Fucking fix it.
Dont be gay.
[Jul 27,2006 9:08am - dwellingsickness ""]
Who sent that bulletin or whatever?
[Jul 27,2006 9:09am - the_reverend ""]
*subject edited by admin*
admin who is me!
[Jul 27,2006 9:10am - succubus ""]
woo woo admin!
[Jul 27,2006 9:10am - hoser ""]
I dunno but it absolutely made it sound like Friday's Suffo show was cancelled.

Something very fishy is going on 'round here.....smells like......SABOTAGE!!
[Jul 27,2006 9:13am - the_reverend ""]
listen allaya
[Jul 27,2006 9:15am - succubus ""]
so who sent the bulletin?
[Jul 27,2006 9:17am - hoser ""]
That's a pretty fucked up bulletin, Blue. I just saw it, and well...there was no mistaking you saying that Suffo. on Friday was cancelled. That was a scummy thing to do, to try and pull fans like that. I don't know where you got your morals man.....but stomping on other bands that share your scene is no way to become popular. You'll end up being hated worse than death....and nobody would want to play with you.
[Jul 27,2006 9:19am - porphyria  ""]
Blue posted the bulletin to his friend list on myspace referring to the show we were suppose to be playing in Taunton being cancelled and saying 'you better go saturday' to the people who were planning on seeing us friday.

I agree it's definitely misleading reading it here, especially with the 'Friday suffocation show cancelled subject' but I assure you Blue didn't have any intentions of sabotaging anything.
[Jul 27,2006 9:21am - hoser ""]
Well, I don't believe that for one fucking second. I wasn't born yesterday.
[Jul 27,2006 9:23am - the_reverend ""]
no, but there is a 90% chance you were drunk yesterday.
[Jul 27,2006 9:24am - the_reverend ""]
actually, strike that. there werent 10 threads about poop and motorbiking.
[Jul 27,2006 9:25am - hoser ""]
But, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.........I just remember hearing him worrying about the turnout on Saturday in other threads...so obviously this bulletin jumped out at me. Sorry if I was wrong.
[Jul 27,2006 9:25am - Anthony nli  ""]
knowing Blue, I really don't think he would intentionally try to mislead anyone in such a way. He's a solid dude, and would not fuck with other bands like that.
[Jul 27,2006 9:26am - hoser ""]
the_reverend said:actually, strike that. there werent 10 threads about poop and motorbiking.

When I drink...poop and motorbiking really come to the forefront. Is there anything better than poop or motorbiking?
[Jul 27,2006 9:26am - powerkok ""]
This is just another example of the gay that is myspace.

If the post was benign, then fine, shit happens, but maybe you should have him RE-post the bulletin, explaining the mix up...
[Jul 27,2006 9:26am - hoser ""]
Anthony nli said:knowing Blue, I really don't think he would intentionally try to mislead anyone in such a way. He's a solid dude, and would not fuck with other bands like that.

Well you know me....I overreact about everything.

[Jul 27,2006 9:27am - powerkok ""]
Anthony nli said:knowing Blue, I really don't think he would intentionally try to mislead anyone in such a way. He's a solid dude, and would not fuck with other bands like that.

Thats what I was thinking too, and why it shocked and angered me to the level that it did.
[Jul 27,2006 9:29am - the_reverend ""]
hoser said:When I drink...poop and motorbiking really come to the forefront. Is there anything better than poop or motorbiking?

when you are drunk? fuck no! only a fag would think of girls or something. BROOBROOBROOO MY PET!
[Jul 27,2006 9:31am - porphyria  ""]
Anthony nli said:knowing Blue, I really don't think he would intentionally try to mislead anyone in such a way. He's a solid dude, and would not fuck with other bands like that.

Of course not, especially to bands we enjoy. He was probably smoking teh jibbah and was thinking that people on HIS friends list would know he was referring to the 25 Ta Life / IDN show.
[Jul 27,2006 9:31am - powerkok ""]
D2A......nice title edit.
thank you.
[Jul 27,2006 9:34am - succubus ""]
Jul 27,2006 9:31am - powerkok]
D2A......nice title edit.
thank you.
Jul 27,2006 9:09am - the_reverend]
*subject edited by admin*
admin who is me!
[Jul 27,2006 9:40am - porphyria  ""]
I'm sure once Blue awakens he will fix his bulletin.
[Jul 27,2006 9:42am - powerkok ""]
well at least it made for a hoo-hah morning.

Cuz I woke up and read that and was all...HOOOO-HAH!!!
[Jul 27,2006 9:42am - powerkok ""]
and I have no fuckin coffee yet...so thats bad.
[Jul 27,2006 9:47am - porphyria  ""]
I just posted a bulletin on the porphyria myspace about both of these shows.
[Jul 27,2006 9:47am - the_reverend ""]
so what, this has been settles with out headbutts? fucking a. hoser movies to maine and forgets the new hampshire way. what a liberal pinko commie baldacci faggot. I bet it's been months since you lived free or died. forget your fucking root and you might as well kill your self.

I sense the homer pink shirt episode.
[Jul 27,2006 9:50am - powerkok ""]
[Jul 27,2006 9:55am - the_reverend ""]
with that attitude, I'm going to take so many diarrhea faces on friday
[Jul 27,2006 9:58am - powerkok ""]
Hose has so many jerkin off/diarrhea faces in yer pics as is.

AND>>>>how is it, that you can spell diarrhea, and mis-spell thing??!?!?!?!?!
[Jul 27,2006 11:25am - hoser ""]
powerkok said:Hose has so many jerkin off/diarrhea faces in yer pics as is.

AND>>>>how is it, that you can spell diarrhea, and mis-spell thing??!?!?!?!?!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......so true. Rev is like an idiot savant...he misspells 4 letter words but can spell shit that most decent spellers can't spell. Friggin weird.

And he always takes diarrhea pictures of my face....so awful. I always look like I just got into a hornets nest and lost....
[Jul 27,2006 12:43pm - hoser ""]
Wait until he sees my handlebar moustache.....I'll have a rad moustach and a poop face.
[Jul 27,2006 2:12pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
oh my god big deal over nothing
[Jul 27,2006 2:20pm - hoser ""]
Nothing to who? You?

If it had been your show, you would have yellowed your little panties. Of course we got irritated thinking that some would do that. But it's over now so, no worries.
[Jul 27,2006 2:29pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
after all this shit talk over the last few months you so better be there saturday to have some whiskey bitch !
[Jul 27,2006 2:44pm - Dankill  ""]
This had better not suck.
[Jul 27,2006 2:55pm - brian_dc ""]
Blue doesn't seem like the competitive type....at all. It was a mistake, if I'm wrong I'll take up sailing.
[Jul 27,2006 3:17pm - hoser ""]
Sounds to me like he would never do that too....like I've said in the past, he's a cool cat. I'm sure he didn't mean it...and as usual, I overreact. I try not to be a dick, I really do....but somehow, I just come off as one no matter what.

Like I said, No worries.
[Jul 27,2006 4:04pm - blue nli  ""]

you really think i'd do that? did nobody see all the bulletins from the IDN and our myspace? or maybe the 15 bulletins before that stating that i was playing 2 shows this weekend? christ, im probably going to the friday show now that ours were cancelled. calm down.

sorry for not being more specific, but for christ sakes i play more shows than just the ones you guys are playing.
[Jul 27,2006 4:10pm - sinistas ""]
Well, one person thought it's what you meant, and that's all it takes sometimes. I'm pretty sure that nobody thinks it was intentional at this point.
[Jul 27,2006 4:49pm - timmy porphyria  ""]
hoser said:That's a pretty fucked up bulletin, Blue. I just saw it, and well...there was no mistaking you saying that Suffo. on Friday was cancelled. That was a scummy thing to do, to try and pull fans like that. I don't know where you got your morals man.....but stomping on other bands that share your scene is no way to become popular. You'll end up being hated worse than death....and nobody would want to play with you.

Come on guys, we've played countless shows together and always figured we were pretty tight as bands go [in the area]. Give us, and or blue a little more credit than that, I mean seriously what the fuck??!!! Why don't you clear it up with the source before you start calling him scummy and shit. I mean FUCKIN' A!!!! What the fuck is wrong with everyone on this board??

[Jul 27,2006 4:51pm - Josh_Martin ""]
blue nli said:OH COME ON GUYS, ARE YOU SERIOUS??????

you really think i'd do that? did nobody see all the bulletins from the IDN and our myspace? or maybe the 15 bulletins before that stating that i was playing 2 shows this weekend? christ, im probably going to the friday show now that ours were cancelled. calm down.

sorry for not being more specific, but for christ sakes i play more shows than just the ones you guys are playing.

Relax Blue,
Hoser, the biggest dunce in New England, was the only one who thought you were being malicious.
I've never even met you and I know you wouldn't do something like that.

[Jul 27,2006 4:57pm - blue nli  ""]
hah, yeah i know, i was just kind of annoyed to see this thread with 20+ replies of people being like 'wtf, blue is such a douche!'
[Jul 27,2006 4:58pm - powerkok ""]
Like I said....I thought blue was cool shit...which is why I found it to be so offending.
Ive never said anyone in this was scummy or anything...I realize that this was not meant the way it looked, but if you read it again, you cant tell me it dosent look like fridays show at Marks...
No biggie.
[Jul 27,2006 5:02pm - mcmahon ""]
everyone hug and make up already. we got shit to do this weekend.
[Jul 27,2006 5:07pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Suffocation broke up last week and will not be doing this show or any other. That bit of info is for the people who are retarded enough to believe it.
[Jul 27,2006 5:42pm - the_reverend ""]
first, the ass shagging...
then, the sucking!
[Jul 27,2006 5:57pm - dyingmuse ""]
i want to see more shit faces!
blue is the man, and so are jessie and hoserface!

can we all have anal ...i mean hugs?

[Jul 27,2006 6:59pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
the_reverend said:*subject edited by admin*
admin who is me!

Thanks rev. Sorry if this made anyone poop themselves!
[Jul 27,2006 7:01pm - blue ""]
a HCN myspace bulletin i just saw:

"Some mook went starting a gay rumor that Friday night was cancelled,
because their band is on Saturday."

cmon guys.
[Jul 27,2006 7:04pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jul 27,2006 7:06pm - mcmahon ""]
[Jul 27,2006 7:08pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jul 27,2006 7:08pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Jul 27,2006 7:13pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
porphyria said:Blue posted the bulletin to his friend list on myspace referring to the show we were suppose to be playing in Taunton being cancelled and saying 'you better go saturday' to the people who were planning on seeing us friday.

I agree it's definitely misleading reading it here, especially with the 'Friday suffocation show cancelled subject' but I assure you Blue didn't have any intentions of sabotaging anything.

I really have to say that I think it was a combination of Blue's bulletin being aimed @ people who planned on going to the Taunton show & Me not knowing there was a Taunton show. I don't think Blue would ever intentionally sabotage a show. He's not like that. He was the 2nd post in this thread & he corrected my mistake, within 1 MIN of me posting it.
It's partly my fault.

Look at the bright side people! You are playing with Suffocation tomorrow!!!
[Jul 27,2006 7:15pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
you clever havent done any cocaine today
[Jul 27,2006 7:19pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
hoser said: I try not to be a dick, I really do....but somehow, I just come off as one no matter what.

Like I said, No worries.

Dude, I got that problem too!:doublehorns:
[Jul 27,2006 7:20pm - porphyria  ""]
blue said:a HCN myspace bulletin i just saw:

"Some mook went starting a gay rumor that Friday night was cancelled,
because their band is on Saturday."

cmon guys.

jeez, well I guess the brightside to that is there are only about 350 people on their list that potentially saw it.

I even posted a bulletin for both shows from our account, trying to help out. I really see no reason for any of this because I like Jake, and Jessie.

[Jul 27,2006 7:23pm - porphyria  ""]
Look at the bright side people! You are playing with Suffocation tomorrow!!!

hell yeah man, I'm really glad quite a few good respected bands got on these shows as opposed to a bunch of nu-crap that always seems to happen with the 'selling ticket' shows. I'm gonna try and make it tommorrow since the show we were suppose to play was cancelled!

[Jul 27,2006 7:28pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:you clever havent done any cocaine today

Me and your mom did an 8ball 1st thing this morning.
[Jul 27,2006 7:29pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
good for her i always wondered why she starts the day with a smile and so much energy
[Jul 27,2006 7:36pm - mcmahon ""]
RichHorror said:BAKE-OFF

I don't trust HCN with fire, or shotguns, or hippies, though a combination of all three makes for an interesting evening.
[Jul 27,2006 7:40pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
blue said:a HCN myspace bulletin i just saw:

"Some mook went starting a gay rumor that Friday night was cancelled,
because their band is on Saturday."

cmon guys.

Yeah seriously, I started this "gay rumor" by posting it w/o talkin to Blue 1st. By saying that shit your pretty much, "stomping on bands that share your scene".

How does a simple mistake that was corrected right away turn into a 16 hour episode of Saved by the bell? This is just like high school. Get over it. play metal!
[Jul 27,2006 7:45pm - powerkok ""]
All that shit was written before this mixup was resolved....

The bottom line is the post looked malicious, it was not, whatever, its fucking over....It was over hours ago....I gotta go to band practice.
[Jul 28,2006 12:19am - Hoser ""]
Whats with all of the belated posts? I already said that I overreacted. I do it A LOT.

And as far as Josh Martin is concerned...I can't wait to meet this fucking idiot. So I can smash his teeth out. We'll see how much he talks when that happens. We're bound to run into each other eventually, Josh. You should start biting your tongue. You are beginning to annoy me.
[Jul 28,2006 12:23am - anonymous  ""]
this thread isn't nearly as gay as another one I read tonight.
[Jul 28,2006 12:27am - brian_dc ""]
what if it had been? Are you afraid that the internet might turn you gay?

*Cue MSD with some gay porn*
[Jul 28,2006 12:36am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
dont you mean cue MSI with some gay pr0n
[Jul 28,2006 1:52am - BornSoVile ""]
all i know is that jay is a cunt because he left before i got to bruberger's and he missed devon shove his face in every pair tits at the bar. true story.
[Jul 28,2006 10:20am - Josh_Martin ""]
Hoser said:Whats with all of the belated posts? I already said that I overreacted. I do it A LOT.

And as far as Josh Martin is concerned...I can't wait to meet this fucking idiot. So I can smash his teeth out. We'll see how much he talks when that happens. We're bound to run into each other eventually, Josh. You should start biting your tongue. You are beginning to annoy me.

I'm only BEGINNING to annoy you??
Damn, I've got to step things up a notch.

You are dumb enough to think smashing my teeth in is going to stop me from pointing out how stupid you are? Wow.
But go for it. You just provided enough evidence for me to own your paycheck for the rest of your life. I'll sacrifice my teeth in order to never have to work again. That would fucking rule.

I'm not scared of you, doofus.

[Jul 30,2006 11:14pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
BornSoVile said:all i know is that jay is a cunt because he left before i got to bruberger's and he missed devon shove his face in every pair tits at the bar. true story.

Sorry man, I was pissed off @ somebody that was there so I split.
Plus they just re-stained the walls in there & it smelled fuckin nasty.

Besides, Adam said you guys would be there @ 8:30-9:00...
I left there around 10:30.
[Jul 31,2006 2:53am - Hoser ""]
Done with ya Josh. Keep running yer suck.
[Jul 31,2006 2:54am - Hoser ""]
No wonder this assholes' wife left him.....he's a pussy, and a moron.

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