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varitek signs a 1 year deal with '10 option

[Jan 30,2009 4:37pm - tylor ""]

W3%20nli said:yeah i understand his rookie season he was amazing, i mean i cant take away the fact he threw a no hitter but it's the O's how many times have the redsox no hit them.

ha umm yeah i think unless he coems back like beckett he's garbage and he needs his head put on right. i hope smoltz grabs him by the ear and says listen you little fucktard you better pitch or youre my bitch all season you lil faggot.

come on dude. a no hitter's a no hitter, and the O's have some good batters (markakis, roberts, huff)

i think buchholz will be an ace quality major league pitcher either this year or the next, but the best part is, he doesnt have to be! between him, smoltz, wake, and penny, we only need two to be good enough to be back of the rotation starters.
[Jan 30,2009 4:39pm - W3 nli  ""]
yeah i just think we should be looking for another outfielder and a catcher for the future.

and clay is quality bait.

[Jan 30,2009 4:40pm - matt breen  ""]
buccholz is like 23 years old he's gots plenty of time to mature, obviously he has the raw talent, i dont think thats debatable. Plus the Sox are going to need the extra arms this year because you know Beckett, Wake, Penny, Smoltz will all do time on the DL.
[Jan 30,2009 4:40pm - brian_dc ""]
I was at that game when he threw the no hitter.

so I have a sentimental attachment to the little fucker.
[Jan 30,2009 4:41pm - tylor ""]

W3%20nli said:yeah i just think we should be looking for another outfielder and a catcher for the future.

and clay is quality bait.


true, if someone good enough was available id be into it. mauer 2011 DO IT
[Jan 30,2009 4:41pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Jan 30,2009 4:42pm - arilliusbm ""]
buchholz belongs in football. that's his best sport.
[Jan 30,2009 4:46pm - dreadkill ""]
hockey is way better than baseball
[Jan 30,2009 4:47pm - W3 nli  ""]

dreadkill said:hockey is way better than baseball

yeah if you were talking about hockey circa 80's/90s
[Jan 30,2009 4:47pm - dreadkill ""]
hockey now is still better than baseball.
[Jan 30,2009 4:48pm - brian_dc ""]
English Premier League >>>
[Jan 30,2009 4:49pm - W3 nli  ""]
you're on drugs Gilligan !
[Jan 30,2009 4:50pm - tylor ""]



[Jan 30,2009 4:51pm - tylor ""]
where did my picture of baseball go? eh i kinda like it without it actually
[Jan 30,2009 4:54pm - matt breen  ""]

tylor said:[img]




[Jan 30,2009 4:55pm - tylor ""]
there aint NO doubt i love this land
[Jan 30,2009 4:56pm - matt breen  ""]
Gimmie a yea bitch
[Jan 30,2009 4:57pm - tylor ""]
yeah me
[Jan 30,2009 4:57pm - W3 nli  ""]
Cuz I'll Proudly Stand Up...
[Jan 30,2009 7:16pm - Dankill  ""]

tylor said:this is great actually. joe mauer becomes a free agent in 2011. if the sox land him, the lineup will look something like:

lars anderson

with only two of them (ortiz and drew) being over 32 years old

That line up is VERY realistic and would be key if they can pull it together. Lars is a great prospect that could see a lil playing time this year as a fill-in but won't be a real opinion until next year. He has great defence at first and third and is a budding power hitter. If Lowell comes back and stay healthy for the most part, I could see them riding him out to the end of his contract and putting Lars in the line-up, or trading Lowell before the deadline in '10 if Anderson comes out on fire like Ellsbury and Pedroia did.
Lowrie is still kinda raw, but I'll take him ANYDAY over Lugo at this point and even if he doesn't become a star, I can see him becoming a solid shortstop on offense and defense.

Mauer would be ill as fuck, unless they made a go at trading for Taylor Teagarden. I'd toss the Rangers Micheal Bowden and Daniel Bard. Anything else and they can go fuck themselves.
[Jan 30,2009 8:44pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I'm very happy with this signing but I still don't like most of Red Sox management right now. They were willing to let Varitek walk despite him being the captain and one of the most loyal Red Sox players to play for them.
[Jan 30,2009 10:54pm - dreadkill ""]
It's a business. Don't think varitek wouldve turned down a better deal from another team
[Jan 30,2009 10:55pm - W3 nli  ""]
no one was calling
[Jan 30,2009 11:01pm - dreadkill ""]
Exactly, but if anyone had come a-callin', he wouldve answered the call, so it's silly for millennial kingdom to be mad at sox management.
[Jan 30,2009 11:21pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Of course it's a business but you have to have some heart too. In this economy, it's ridiculous to really expect more. He should be happy with what he's got.
[Jan 30,2009 11:34pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
HFBoards.com mode is go, in this thread I'll be playing Mike Millbury



*signs Alexei Yashin to a 45 year $75 billion contract*
[Jan 31,2009 12:58am - Mok  ""]
Ha Red Sox got ripped off again...Theo Epstein must be the most negoiator in the world....no speed...no power...no average....no arm....for 10 million bucks

ya, he's 'the captain'...and he calls a good game

Pudge Rodriguez has a reputation as one of the worst game callers in the league and check out how many world series he has lead a team to

Boras might as well just buy the red sox and hand out contracts to himself - he could probably pitch more innings than 5-and-out Dice K and probably hit for a higher average than JD .260 with a million dollars per homer drew

[Jan 31,2009 3:22am - RustyPS ""]

Mok said:Pudge Rodriguez has a reputation as one of the worst game callers in the league and check out how many world series he has lead a team to
umm....Pudge has won 1 WS with the Marlins....he went to one with the Tigers but they lost to the Cards

Tek has won 2

granted, Pudge has an MVP, 13 Gold Gloves, and is a 14-time All-Star, which is far more Tek has in all 3 categories...but Tek has 1 more ring
[Jan 31,2009 12:41pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
The rings are more important.
[Jan 31,2009 1:45pm - W3 nli  ""]

MillenialKingdom said:The rings are more important.

yeah they are.
[Jan 31,2009 4:06pm - Dankill  ""]
Bucholtz just needs to get the control back in his fastball and he'll be fine. Every other pitch he throws works and his curveball above all is redonkulus.

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