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10/25 EYEHATEGOD @ MIDDLE EAST DOWN(Official Recap Thread)

Middle East (Cambridge, MA) - [anal_cunt][eyehategod][goatwhore][howl][rampant_decay][randomshots][strong_intention]
[Oct 25,2009 7:58pm - the_reverend ""]
rd just finished. howl is setting upm. super mixed up crowd here and there are a ton of early birds. i would say 1/4 of the audience was here while RD was playing. amazing for a town that comes out at 9 earliest.
[Oct 25,2009 8:41pm - the_reverend ""]
this show is not sold out btw! get down here!
[Oct 25,2009 9:19pm - the_reverend ""]
strong intention started off ok and progressed into better and better songs. same with the amount of people in the audience. there werent many at first, but by the end of their set, the room looked pretty packed.
[Oct 25,2009 10:21pm - the_reverend ""]
anal cunt wasnt a complete sloppy mess. still with out being a train wreck awesome, they were just regular old awesome. excellent song selection which added a lot to the set. also seth was in the crowds face A LOT. it was like all sing alongs. reminded me of older times... at one point, two guys from strong intention tackled seth and josh. i forget which song was on when they did that. they ended with a song that i think was on 33 songs, but for me is the "classic" AC sound.
[Oct 25,2009 10:26pm - aril mobile  ""]
Couldn't make it. Sucks.
[Oct 25,2009 11:00pm - goatcatalyst ""]

aril%20mobile said:Couldn't make it. Sucks.

And I was on the list too. Fuck me. At least Curb Your Enthusiasm was great.
[Oct 25,2009 11:02pm - the_reverend ""]
goatwhore is playing 1 million times better right now then at the palladium
[Oct 25,2009 11:04pm - the_reverend ""]
Ben is the fist bump capitol of mass right now.
[Oct 25,2009 11:18pm - the_reverend ""]
what an epic goatwhore set. they played so well, but like with analcunt, it was the audience participation that ruled the even. one of if not the best set by them to date.
[Oct 25,2009 11:19pm - goatcatalyst ""]
You should give him an Ashley Shaeffer dickslappin.
[Oct 26,2009 12:02am - the_reverend ""]
i wish i knew who that was... eyehategod is the fucking shitbomb right now. this set is monsterously unreal. the stage is crazy crowded, but they are so good. and the singer looks a lot like larry lifeless.
[Oct 26,2009 12:15am - the_reverend ""]
they are hitting a note over and over that is making me almost pee my pants. there is no way im getting to that sewage flow of a bathroom.
[Oct 26,2009 12:23am - grizloch ""]
itt: eyehategod makes rev shit his pants
[Oct 26,2009 12:23am - grizloch ""]
also itt: grizloch is jealous of anyone at eyehategod... and the rev's pants
[Oct 26,2009 12:55am - MikeOv  ""]
EHG wins again.
If you've never seen them live, you've never actually heard them.
[Oct 26,2009 12:59am - Boblovesmobile  ""]
[Oct 26,2009 1:04am - MikeOv  ""]

the_reverend said: and the singer looks a lot like larry lifeless.

"lol wut?"
[Oct 26,2009 1:17am - the_reverend ""]
he looks like larry lifeless and phil anselmo had a kid.
[Oct 26,2009 1:18am - MikeOv  ""]
ok, well considering the hair and heroin addiction, I see the Anselmo connection...
[Oct 26,2009 1:32am - dar nli  ""]
so I went to this show, and learned that I can't really relate to EHG anymore, but they still rule. It was comforting to be at a cambridge show that was 0% hipster and 100% scumbag. I also learned that the rev lost weight and looks good, and that rich horror lost weight and looks like even more of an asshole. Can't wait to play with Kinslayer's kids, they're gonna be sooo cute.
[Oct 26,2009 1:34am - Crickets of the night  ""]
Dar is still alive? I heRd he was head chef at the Italian kit chen in meffa
[Oct 26,2009 1:42am - PatMeebles ""]
I'm glad I made it
[Oct 26,2009 2:04am - the_reverend ""]
awe shucks.
working on pictures now.
[Oct 26,2009 2:07am - the_reverend ""]
oh, I see bobby in the crowd of AC. in every single picture (looking on my 23" monitor at full screen) there is smeone looking directly at my camera and one person doing something out of place.
[Oct 26,2009 2:13am - the_reverend ""]
I don't think I've ever seen that many people at the ME downstairs.
[Oct 26,2009 2:15am - John Aubrey  ""]
went to the ny show and this one...so good,so so so so good
[Oct 26,2009 2:20am - brian_dc ""]
EHG was a fucking champion.

That ruled.
[Oct 26,2009 2:21am - brian_dc ""]
Jay "Christraper" Inman was there, by the way.

Shame on all of you for not telling me that he's in Deathamphetamine now. Or back in New England, for that matter.
[Oct 26,2009 2:37am - the_reverend ""]
rich horror and seth putnam are tied for best shirt.
best hoodie goes to kevord... babby
[Oct 26,2009 2:39am - the_reverend ""]

brian_dc said:Shame on all of you for not telling me that he's in Deathamphetamine now
miss that dude. it's too bad there isn't a site some where that you could look at pictures of bands that have played and the members of those bands. I believe (looking at my pictures) that he's also and aviator.
[Oct 26,2009 2:48am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are uploading.
[Oct 26,2009 2:48am - love_is_a_fist ""]
awesome show
[Oct 26,2009 3:20am - RichHorror ""]
EHG was even better tonight than when I saw them here in '95 with AC, Dead & Gone and Neurosis.
[Oct 26,2009 3:27am - the_reverend ""]
if anyone sees any f'd up processed pictures, please tell me. my desktop is being an asshole.
[Oct 26,2009 8:42am - MikeOv  ""]
I think the "prison pussy" was my favorite moment of the night.

"Don't be ashamed, brother. You got to fuck something!"
[Oct 26,2009 8:54am - brian_dc ""]

the_reverend said:
brian_dc said:Shame on all of you for not telling me that he's in Deathamphetamine now
miss that dude. it's too bad there isn't a site some where that you could look at pictures of bands that have played and the members of those bands. I believe (looking at my pictures) that he's also and aviator.

Pssh. There aren't any parts to this site other than the forum, silly.
[Oct 26,2009 9:35am - RustyPS ""]

brian_dc said:EHG was a fucking champion. That ruled.
you were there? How did we not see each other?

anyways....rd was fantastic....howl was awesome....eyehategod were mindblowing....im still drunk.....and going to a funeral.....amazing
[Oct 26,2009 9:38am - brian_dc ""]
Wow, I have no idea how I didn't see you, Rusty. I walked around aimlessly meeting random people from here, my childhood, etc all night.

[Oct 26,2009 9:39am - the_reverend ""]
keep drinking lots and there might be 2 funerals.
[Oct 26,2009 9:43am - RustyPS ""]

the_reverend said:keep drinking lots and there might be 2 funerals.
one can only hope
[Oct 26,2009 9:44am - snip_snap ""]
this was the 1st middle east show i've been too where i was frisked and had my bag searched!!! fucking lame

[Oct 26,2009 10:00am - boblovesmusic ""]
holy shit, those of us going to the MDF get to see them again! Fuck yeah!
[Oct 26,2009 3:23pm - reincremation ""]
the situation at the door was kind of gay. first time in 30+ shows at the ME downstairs that i've been searched. bouncers immediately found our blades and show supplements and freaked out. we eventually convinced them to let us finish everything outside, and the one dude held my bowl and knife (swiss army, for fuck's sake) til after the show, which was kind of cool.

but still, what the fuck? this has never been an issue before and obviously you don't bring bud/etc to use inside, it's for blazing outside between bands. maybe mike's probation had something to do with it?
[Oct 26,2009 3:27pm - boblovesmusic ""]

snip_snap said:this was the 1st middle east show i've been too where i was frisked and had my bag searched!!! fucking lame

One of the friskers recognized me and apologized for having to do it. He said that this never happens at metal shows, only hip hop/rap shows...
[Oct 26,2009 3:32pm - the_reverend ""]
I got apologized to as well and they only looked and saw that I had cameras so I didn't get searched.
[Oct 26,2009 3:53pm - Dr. Sphincto  ""]
fuckin awesome show this was. Saw ppl I haven't seen in a while
Rampant Decay: Awesome set fast and to the point. Awesome Nunslaughter cover
Howl: Heavy and Slow but din't really do it for me
Strong Intention: Not Really my thing
Anal Cunt: Amazing set, was worth it
Goatwhore: Great blend of black/death with plenty of headbanging
Eyehategod: Tight set, when was the last time they were in Boston?

Plus I got in the shit's demo, met Ben Falgoust, Mike Williams and Jimmy Bower.
[Oct 26,2009 4:05pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
EHG was fucking amazing. That show should have just been RD, Howl, AC and EHG; felt like the longest show ever.
[Oct 26,2009 4:08pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Rampant Decay: so good! 1 of Boston's bands. Delivering thrash/hardcore intensity that fuels hatred & viciousness!

Howl: that set fuckin ripped! Stoner metal w/ thrashy.chugging riffs & a death metal bark! Awlsome riffs!

Strong Intention: much better than the last time but still not fantastic. Thrash/hardcore. Not particularly original but quite enjoyable

Anal Cunt: fuck yeah! Fuck yeah!

Goatwhore: Wow, now that was some solid death metal right there! Awlsome riffs ranging from death metal brutality to black metal playing. If I didn't have a headache, I would've headbanged the entire set!

Eyehategod: (coming from a newb) Wow... that was incredible! Words can't describe! The music was perfectly thick, sludgy & heavy. The audience response was wow! they are masters going from almost grind like intensity to a overwhelming doomy feel! It was glorious! Can't wait to MDF!
[Oct 26,2009 4:09pm - brian_dc ""]
I love 4 band shows. Felt bad that people were so disinterested in Goatwhore, though. I prefer me some Soilent Green, but that group of folks never seems to disappoint.
[Oct 26,2009 4:24pm - |an ""]
sound for EHG was fucking mammoth, holy shit! we need more good metal shows like this at the middle east, I only remember hearing about a handful each year or so.

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