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10/25 EYEHATEGOD @ MIDDLE EAST DOWN(Official Recap Thread)

Middle East (Cambridge, MA) - [anal_cunt][eyehategod][goatwhore][howl][rampant_decay][randomshots][strong_intention]
[Oct 26,2009 4:29pm - blue ""]
Glad I showed up late extra high. I enjoyed the frisking, I was highly aroused. Glad I left me herbs in the car. Sorry rich. Goatwhore were great, despite the 65273 times I've seen them. EHG put me in a total trance, and made me love (good) solid state amps all over again.
[Oct 26,2009 4:46pm - PatMeebles ""]
the frisking part was weird, but I just looked at the guy and said "what, you think I'm capable of hurting people??" and he let me go
[Oct 26,2009 5:10pm - RichHorror ""]
I didn't get frisked but saw it happening and thought it was weird.
[Oct 26,2009 5:16pm - RustyPS ""]

RichHorror said:I didn't get frisked but saw it happening and was jealous.
[Oct 26,2009 5:32pm - goatcatalyst ""]

RichHorror said:They looked behind my balls and down my pee-hole, which I found comforting.

Tee hee
[Oct 26,2009 6:14pm - demondave ""]

It's a shame I could not make it to this. I've got all sorts of scheduling things to sort out, so I haven't been able to go to shows since the NEDF. I would have loved to see Rampant Decay's Nunslaughter cover. (I hope you played Cocaine)

RichHorror said:EHG was even better tonight than when I saw them here in '95 with AC, Dead & Gone and Neurosis.

I was at that show. Isn't that the one where Seth sang for EHG? If I remember I was hanging out with Judy from the late Fast Forward Records for half the night and got really drunk. Some guy flipped out during the opening riff of EHG and started swinging fists. I was standing to the left of the stage, not even near the pit, and he clocked me. I turned to punch him and a girl was trying to claw at him. Apparently he was swinging and hit a couple of girl too. (No Rich it wasn't you.)

I got all ripshit and followed the guy as he got pushed towards the pit and sucker punched him down. A few more guys came up to me and started to babble about how it wasn't cool to do that.... blah blah ... egalitarian ... blah blah.. .. the scene should stay together ... blah blah... -- oh and how they were going to kick my ass. So me knocking that guy for clocking me was oppressive, but hitting the girls wasn't.... I realized that I didn't know who was who in Boston and who were friends with who, so I just went back to the bar.

Great show though. I would have liked to see this one

[Oct 26,2009 7:14pm - aurhghgh  ""]
that Eyehategod, AC, Neurosis, Dead & Gone show was in 97. it was the best Eyehategod performance i ever saw....

... until last night!!! fuck!!! what fury! aggggggh. the whole set kicked ass more than anything i could've imagined, but the highlight of the night was the anticipation during the intro - just grating and insane feedback, all of the band members are lurching and bobbing back and forth... then that first hit, fuck. so unbelievably fucking good. so heavy.

as for Goatwhore - they're tight and on a riff-by-riff basis they write some sick shit. but like a lot of Soilent Green material, they absolutely have NO idea how to write a fucking song. at all. i couldn't remember one goddamn thing about their set. couldn't differentiate the tunes. they just write these endless non-stop chains of stapled-together riffs that have nothing to do with each other, and it sounds like the songs are generated by a random computer algorithm. Ben Falgoust's (sp?) vocals are literally the exact same over any riff, too. he really needs to change that shit up. it's that fucking style where nothing is ever said on the 1 of the beat, only on the 2. i think if they knew how to actually arrange all of those intense riffs then they'd actually get some momentum from their set. the closing tune, the Celtic Frost-style one, however, was great. the riffs actually fucking related to each other and there was a pause in the tune every now and then.

Anal Cunt was sick as hell. played old noisecore shit, Vaginal Jesus tunes, Seth was being fucking hilarious. Josh Martin looked like a fucking child molester hiding in the woods and Tim Morse looked like Al-Qaeda.
[Oct 26,2009 7:27pm - robing ""]
[Oct 26,2009 7:27pm - quintessence ""]
God damn ive seen some good shows this year, but this might be the best yet. EHG sounds 1000x better live and the middle easts sound was perfect.
[Oct 26,2009 7:28pm - robing ""]
Aww shucks thanks guys!
[Oct 26,2009 7:39pm - aurhghgh  ""]
yah, the sound was literally PERFECT in the club. last show i was at was Repulsion, Pig Destroyer and Brutal Truth in Brooklyn and the sound was like forks going into my ears. last night was 100000%. it sounded like the recordings being played at 200 decibels.
[Oct 26,2009 8:00pm - RichHorror ""]

demondave said:I would have loved to see Rampant Decay's Nunslaughter cover. (I hope you played Cocaine)

Nope, Buried Alive.
[Oct 26,2009 9:02pm - demondave ""]

RichHorror said:
demondave said:I would have loved to see Rampant Decay's Nunslaughter cover. (I hope you played Cocaine)

Nope, Buried Alive.

no, your cocaine song

[Oct 26,2009 9:24pm - the_reverend ""]

aurhghgh said:the highlight of the night was the anticipation during the intro - just grating and insane feedback, all of the band members are lurching and bobbing back and forth... then that first hit, fuck. so unbelievably fucking good. so heavy.
I was standing by the drummer. that anticipation was killer.
[Oct 26,2009 10:10pm - RichHorror ""]

demondave said:
RichHorror said:
demondave said:I would have loved to see Rampant Decay's Nunslaughter cover. (I hope you played Cocaine)

Nope, Buried Alive.

no, your cocaine song

haha oh yeah, always.
[Oct 26,2009 10:15pm - PIGTAILS ""]
This show was best EVER!!!!!! EHG I can't wait for them to come back!! And the photos are wonderful Rev!
[Oct 26,2009 11:05pm - xgodzillax ""]

PIGTAILS said:This show was best EVER!!!!!! EHG I can't wait for them to come back!! And the photos are wonderful Rev!

you spelled CRISIS wrong. you should probably use spell check before youre allowed to speak.
[Oct 27,2009 1:48am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Oct 27,2009 1:44pm - DJDJDJDJDJDJ  ""]
Thanks guys!

aurhghgh said:yah, the sound was literally PERFECT in the club. last show i was at was Repulsion, Pig Destroyer and Brutal Truth in Brooklyn and the sound was like forks going into my ears. last night was 100000%. it sounded like the recordings being played at 200 decibels.
[Oct 27,2009 3:26pm - brian_dc ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1182813244712

ah, man. I was really hoping for EHG video. Logical guess is that it will have its own video at some point, I hope.
[Oct 27,2009 3:27pm - the_reverend ""]
the front where dann was wasn't steady enough a place to film.
[Oct 27,2009 3:28pm - brian_dc ""]
[Oct 27,2009 3:34pm - brian_dc ""]
I just want to relive Blank over and over again
[Oct 27,2009 3:35pm - quintessence ""]
I saw Josh filming A/C and EHG the whole time from the side with a decent camera. I will have to find out where that video is.
[Oct 27,2009 3:35pm - goatcatalyst ""]
There were a couple video cameras on the boat. Possibly the coolest show ever - and I've seen some shit. Not to take anything away from this show. Robin is a fucking great man. Bummed I missed it.
[Oct 27,2009 4:24pm - PIGTAILS ""]
A mistake from 07 went to fix it recently and my phone was aggravating me then I figured no one here would care BTW grammer man 666 I think your missing apostrophy in your last post...
[Oct 27,2009 4:28pm - the_reverend ""]
dwyer spell bad? that's unpossible.
[Oct 27,2009 4:32pm - brian_dc ""]
Dwyer's last post in here was a link.
[Oct 28,2009 10:29am - t2daeeknli  ""]

aurhghgh said:yah, the sound was literally PERFECT in the club. last show i was at was Repulsion, Pig Destroyer and Brutal Truth in Brooklyn and the sound was like forks going into my ears. last night was 100000%. it sounded like the recordings being played at 200 decibels.

good sound could not have made that show better.
this tour package played a booze cruise the night before + pig destroyer and - rampant decay/a.c.
what a fuckin show that was.
[Oct 30,2009 9:35pm - howl  ""]
I just wanted to thank everyone for making our fucking night. That may have been the best show we ever played; it was unforgettable. Robin, the Rev, and everyone reading this, thank you very much.

[Oct 30,2009 9:44pm - RustyPS ""]

howl said:I just wanted to thank everyone for making our fucking night. That may have been the best show we ever played; it was unforgettable. Robin, the Rev, and everyone reading this, thank you very much.


you guys were fantastic

....and I'm blaming this show for me being pretty sick all week, which is why I'm not at Rich Horror's birthday bash right now

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