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Friday May 20th The Elevens Northampton MA - Katahdin, Blood Of The Gods Rampant Decay, Black Pyramid

[show listing]  ______________________________________
[May 14,2011 5:51pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
There is a place down the street with 1ft slices
[May 14,2011 5:53pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
I like lich king BTW. Someone add us to the Facebook event so I can invite western mass peeps
[May 14,2011 6:58pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Lich King was awesome when we played with em. Good dudes to boot!
[May 15,2011 3:44am - eyehatehippies ""]
Indeed they are, I am glad that this bill worked out for everyone, and that the show will still happen.

[May 16,2011 1:54pm - hauptpflucker ""]
Scott you're added on facebook, and I made you an admin. Andy, the e-mail address for Bill came back as invalid. Scott and Ryan, you're right LK put on a killer show and are decent peeps also!
[May 16,2011 2:09pm - RichHorror ""]
BOTG dropped off just now. This is back to a four band bill.
[May 16,2011 2:11pm - hauptpflucker ""]
Hey now, can we come up with any more changes?
[May 16,2011 2:14pm - RichHorror ""]
haha, really.
[May 16,2011 2:16pm - hauptpflucker ""]
That's a bummer though, I've been looking forward to rocking out with those dudes again. They saved my ass at Bobfest 2 when my amp failed. Who should I talk to about booking them in the future?
[May 16,2011 2:24pm - RichHorror ""]
[May 16,2011 2:30pm - nekronautloggedin  ""]
The Redneck Zombies flyer is the only thing good about this show.
[May 16,2011 2:32pm - goatcatalyst ""]
When I was a boy, I used to save up my allowance for when the tobaccy-man would come 'round
[May 16,2011 2:34pm - RichHorror ""]

hauptpflucker said:That's a bummer though, I've been looking forward to rocking out with those dudes again. They saved my ass at Bobfest 2 when my amp failed. Who should I talk to about booking them in the future?

Probably through their FB.
[May 16,2011 2:37pm - eyehatehippies ""]

hauptpflucker said:Scott you're added on facebook, and I made you an admin. Andy, the e-mail address for Bill came back as invalid. Scott and Ryan, you're right LK put on a killer show and are decent peeps also!

My bad: theevilbill@gmail.com

Sorry dude.
[May 16,2011 2:42pm - hauptpflucker ""]

nekronautloggedin said:The Redneck Zombies flyer is the only thing good about this show.
Correct, the bands are the great thing about the show, the flyer is the good thing, the club and the location are the bad things!
[May 17,2011 4:35pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
[May 19,2011 11:14am - brodown ""]
Members of Hivesmasher, out in Western MA?

More likely than you think...
[May 19,2011 12:21pm - RichHorror ""]
Working at getting this moved to a basement because fuck this place with all the drama nonsense?

More likely than you think.
[May 19,2011 2:35pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
This morning is the first I had heard of what's going on. The guy who owns the elevens sounds like someone who will rip us all off.
[May 19,2011 2:52pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Or you could just piss in your empty pint glass and strategically irrigate the floor
[May 19,2011 3:03pm - RichHorror ""]
A lot of people think a lot of things about Hawaii.
[May 19,2011 3:24pm - haupty  ""]
Fyi: we have a pa if an alternate venue is found
[May 19,2011 3:36pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
are there no basements left in this world?
[May 19,2011 3:37pm - RichHorror ""]
Your old friends don't care for you anymore, is the real issue.
[May 19,2011 3:47pm - nekronaut ""]
[May 19,2011 3:49pm - RichHorror ""]
Another night I don't leave my living room, this pleases me.
[May 20,2011 8:36am - eyehatehippies ""]
Lol, did you guys end up finding a basement or whatnot?
[May 20,2011 9:30am - o  ""]
bp should crush the flywheel.
[May 20,2011 10:02am - Lich_King ""]
Soooo what's happening with this one?
[May 20,2011 11:19am - RichHorror ""]
[May 20,2011 11:30am - saxlbeckett  ""]

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