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Metal vs Hardcore? Come on now.....

[Sep 15,2003 2:22am - gsgdhn  ""]
this whole metal kids hating hardcore kids is getting fucking retarded it seriously needs to be stopped it almost seems trendy to hate the metal kids and its trendy for the metal heads to hate the hardcore kids i mean theres obvious reasons why this "hate" has spread i think for one is that 70% of hardcore kids are militant straight edge bastards who put X's on there hands and shake them in the air after the Choreographed Moshin has come to a hault due to the iminent over-usage of breakdowns....of course i can see why the metal kids hate you guys,but i can also see why you hate the metal kids they are pretty rough in the pit,but i think my point out of this whole thing is hardcores not better than metal as metal is to hardcore so for 5 minutes of your life shut the fuck up about it its so fucking annoying having to go to a show and here oh " hes a metal kid"........go suck a chupacabras nut:doublehorns:
[Sep 15,2003 9:31am - xericx ""]
you can't stop metal kids hating hardcore kids and vice versa, until the hardcore kids stop hating hardcore kids...this shit is out fo control, so many GOOD venues shut down because people are gay and don't know how to act around people dancing or whatever else they have to bitch about. until then there's no chance of a peace! until then... IT'S FUCKING WAR! IDN will be playing at the met cafe on october 24th with six feet under, skinless, black dahlia murder, and bohemeth. HC vs. METAL :gun:
[Sep 15,2003 9:38am - RustedAngel ""]
the only thing i don't like is when a group of hardcore kids attack just one metal head because he doesn't dance like them.
[Sep 15,2003 9:39am - Beakey ""]
Someday you will be that kid.
[Sep 15,2003 9:43am - RustedAngel ""]
someday you'll think im that kid and get your face smashed in by 10 people, then my asshole hovering over your mouth dropping a monster log right into it.

ha. shut up tom.
[Sep 15,2003 9:44am - baneofexistence ""]
i like metal and old hardcore(80's-92)

i hate when the kids in the pit purposly run backwards into the people watching the show to me it doen't get any lamer
[Sep 15,2003 9:46am - RustedAngel ""]
baneofexistence said:i like metal and old hardcore(80's-92)

i hate when the kids in the pit purposly run backwards into the people watching the show to me it doen't get any lamer

unfortunately I have friends that do this, and other rediculous acts instead of punching eachother in the pit. I feel bad for some of the people that get hit, or jumpkicked. sucks.
[Sep 15,2003 9:57am - Beakey ""]
I am SOOOOOO gonna slap the shit out of you.
[Sep 15,2003 10:38am - Mike_STE ""]
Metal wins.
[Sep 15,2003 10:41am - RustedAngel ""]
Mike_STE said:Metal wins.

[Sep 15,2003 11:11am - Lynneaus ""]
growing up i was a metal kid and my older brother was a hardcore kid .... musically we got along fine and would take turns playing stuff for each other... so i had a respect for the hardcore scene... which slowly started to dwindle as the kids started to think they were bruce lee in the pit. i dont hate hardcore kids... just hardcore kids who practice their martial arts in the pit and not a dojo :P
[Sep 15,2003 12:09pm - im a hardcore moron  ""]
I'm a hardcore kid, I've got big black plugs, im fuckin edge you drunk high loooozers. I'm overweight and i was on my highschool football team. I like hardcore because it gots tough lyrics that mean alot to me. its all about sticking with your best buddy and staying up late talking about how cool it is to be sober. When i go to shows, i like the music so much i feel i must intentionally hurt people to have fun. hardcore is cool. i try to keep up with the latest fashons too
[Sep 15,2003 12:34pm - Lynneaus ""]
im a hardcore moron said: I like hardcore because it gots tough lyrics that mean alot to me. its all about sticking with your best buddy and staying up late talking about how cool it is to be sober. When i go to shows, i like the music so much i feel i must intentionally hurt people to have fun. hardcore is cool.

[Sep 15,2003 1:02pm - the_reverend ""]
I like hardcore
I like metal
since I take pictures, getting passed kickboxers is easier than metal kids pushing...
kickboxers clean out space.
[Sep 15,2003 1:25pm - RustedAngel ""]
you like emo too :shocked:
[Sep 15,2003 2:20pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
lets compare and contrast things here...

1. metal kids are generally close-minded and only listen to their favorite genre of metal

hardcore kids are close-minded and only listen to open stringed chug breakdowns


2. metal kids think of women as objects that need to be mutilated but are in actuality afraid of them and have never been kissed. BUT when the time actually arrives that they might get the chance... its wth a fat chick in an incantation hoodie.

hardcore kids are pretty much like gangstahs now-a-days and hit on women all the time like they are some sort of suave mofo.

advantage: hardcore

3. metal chicks are usually fat hunks of shit... in the event that they arent obese, they are weird and have mental problems... or are just plain busted

hardcore chicks all look exactly the same and are actually tougher than the hardcore guys... guess who wears the pants in the relationship here


4. metal kids try to think of themselves as intellectuals but are really just rehashing what everyother intellectual says. death metal has some DEEP lyrics (i.e. NOT)

hardcore kids get angry at people that are smarter than them so they get their friends and smash that smart guy's face in. Diecast also has some DEEP lyrics. (i am lying)

TIE (because idiocy is still idocy no matter who doesnt get beat up and who does)

5. metal kids bitch and moan about "kick boxing" and just sit there like babies. in the event that they feel like moshing they just bump and grind into eachother like some kind of saturday night dance club.

hardcore kids crowd punch, gang up on people that push them away from edge of the pit, kick people that are on the edge of the pit, never go in the middle, and are just moronic assholes when it comes to moshing.

again its a TIE

6. metal music evolved from old rock and truly began with Black Sabbath in the late 60's/early 70's and has grown into several different subgenre's that all sound different and portray different emotions and levels of musicianship. nwobhm, thrash/speed, death, black, power, progressive, doom/gothic to name a few.

hardcore music gained its roots in old punk and it was pretty much punk with tougher lyrics. now with the inclusion of metal elements it is that open string chugging, annoying high pitched noise making, aural show of toughness you know and love today. lets name the different genres of hardcore... old school hardcore, hardcore, metalcore... thats about it =[

advantage: metal

while it may seem a tie... metal wins because its better in the parts that matter... like... the music part
[Sep 15,2003 2:25pm - RustedAngel ""]
and where was that post stolen from? heh.
[Sep 15,2003 2:27pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
i just wrote that out
[Sep 15,2003 2:30pm - RustedAngel ""]
haha ok.. but some of the things didn't seem like you'd write them.
[Sep 15,2003 2:31pm - the_reverend ""]
"emo = young kids that are too old to rock singing songs about girls they can never have"
that's a quote from the hardcore show that was on my radio station back in 97-98
[Sep 15,2003 2:32pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
RustedAngel said:haha ok.. but some of the things didn't seem like you'd write them.

because its not about poop? =p
[Sep 15,2003 2:33pm - Lynneaus ""]
im a fat ugly metal chick... but i dont have an incantation hoodie :P

[Sep 15,2003 2:35pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
[Sep 15,2003 2:43pm - Manifest  ""]
[Sep 15,2003 2:59pm - heartless ""]
metal > hardcore
[Sep 15,2003 6:30pm - easyed_69 ""]
heartless said:metal > hardcore

you mean metal < hardcore
[Sep 15,2003 6:35pm - xDysenteryTomx ""]
i like slam breakedowns....i like blasts......i like grooves.....i like....chugs....i like mellow shit....i like technical up beat shit....i dance....i thrash my head....i play the air guitar.....im in a slam/deathmetal band...im on the football team....i play varsity and im a sophmore in high school....i dont have earings......i get pissed when kids fight at shows....i get pissed when people crowd punch at shows....i like metal.....i like hardcore.....i like everything....i love the wu-tang clan
[Sep 15,2003 6:46pm - university of joe mcnamara  ""]
haha metal vs. hardcore?

who cares?

both, in trying to be one or the other, is gay.

lets concentrate on the real enemy that has brought about the collision of these 2 worlds; metalcore.

If it wasn't for metalcore, metal and hardcore kids would only have run into each other at sporting events, and then it was always the NY team fans who were the enemies.

I am taking a fiction writing course, I am going to be finishing 2 short stories this week, anyone care to read them when they are done?
[Sep 15,2003 7:07pm - dirtykittie ""]

[Sep 15,2003 7:31pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Someone's got a stalker.
[Sep 15,2003 7:54pm - Hoser ""]
Metal is better.....hands down. That is if you like anything that involves true talent to play. If you like drop D chuggah chuggah intermingled with an occasional fifth note...listen to hardcore.

Listen to Opeth, then listen to Hatebreed....

I rest my fuckin' case.

[Sep 15,2003 8:00pm - Blue ""]
i love both. maybe metal a wee bit more.
[Sep 15,2003 8:23pm - phantos ""]
Joe wrote: I am taking a fiction writing course, I am going to be finishing 2 short stories this week, anyone care to read them when they are done?

Ill read those bitches. email em to me.

dirtykitty=rachel? yes.. no..?
[Sep 15,2003 8:40pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
Early hardcore was great. Cro-Mags, Minor Threat, Agnostic Front, Bad Brains, Black Flag, DRI, old COC, Negative Approach, etc. It had an influence on thrash, and basically brought a lot of speed into heavy music. The only fast metal band in 1980 was Venom. I have a ton of respect for real hardcore, and bands that still play the style. Modern hardcore is laughable, and is so far lost from what it used to be. The same could be said for metal.

Anyway, I judge bands as indivdual bands, not as who they associate with, or what style they play. I like early Cro-Mags more than Anthrax. Does that mean I like hardcore more than metal? No. I like Slayer more than Bad Brains, same thing. It depends on what band is being discussed.
[Sep 15,2003 8:42pm - dirtykittie ""]
phantos said:Joe wrote: I am taking a fiction writing course, I am going to be finishing 2 short stories this week, anyone care to read them when they are done?

Ill read those bitches. email em to me.

dirtykitty=rachel? yes.. no..?

no not Rachel
[Sep 15,2003 9:12pm - phantos ""]
dirtykittie said:dirtykitty=rachel? yes.. no..?

no not Rachel

okay.. sorry then.
carry on.
[Sep 15,2003 9:18pm - dirtykittie ""]
It's ok, no problem
phantos said:dirtykittie said:dirtykitty=rachel? yes.. no..?

no not Rachel

okay.. sorry then.
carry on.

[Sep 15,2003 9:43pm - heartless ""]
xericx said:IDN will be playing at the met cafe on october 24th with six feet under, skinless, black dahlia murder

uhhh :wiggam: ?
[Sep 15,2003 10:19pm - Die Scenester Die  ""]
dude metal kids have a passion for the music,and how its played, they respect Metal bands because it is truly hard to play i agree with the man that used the phrase open chuga chuga all those open chuga chugas and offtimes that a 5 year old could play get a nnoying bottom line the hardcore kids maybe smooth with the girls and dance funny to get attention but if you get into a metal pit,remind yourself what your getting into i cant imagine a straight edge whiney hardcore assclogger stepping into a Slayer pit or Pig Destroyer or Nile, those kids would kick your fucking ass,but as far as the whole clique at fat cats goes,thats plain old fucking gay,i should pay an asian street gang to have you raped and shot in front of you family and friends before they are forcefed your remains, oh yeah and hardcore kids...: stop using the number 1000 in every fucking song followed by the dramatic dialogue its getting old i can say the only local band that resembles hardcore or emo or anything of that nature would have to be Summer So Far the rest of you faggots need to get raped shot....etc.....when you fags gang up on a metal kid at fat cats im going to throw a fucking tomatoe at you that way you'll no it was me Fuck Off
[Sep 15,2003 10:20pm - xericx ""]
yes sir, that is correct. IDN was just confirmed to play the met with six feet under on october 24th. be there or be a fucking pussy:skull:
[Sep 15,2003 10:27pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
Why cant you like both metal and hardcore? lol eric i thought you guys broke up?
[Sep 15,2003 10:36pm - BingChlorine ""]
I like both hardcore and metal. I think it's ridiculous when metal kids complain about the hardcore kids kickboxing in the pit. That's how moshing has evolved to that kind of music, if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. At the same time I'm absolutely disgusted when all my friends gang up on someone at a show just because he isn't "hardcore". That's just ridiculous.
[Sep 15,2003 10:48pm - Terence ""]
everything is gay
[Sep 15,2003 10:50pm - hey you got metal in my hardcore  ""]
xPaulBLAHBLAHx said:Why cant you like both metal and hardcore? lol eric i thought you guys broke up?

Look at this site, Metal and Hardcore. Not Metal vs Hardcore.
That's the gay ass faggotry reserved for lamegoat. Why do you think I don't go there? All the fighting and now you are all fighting here like a bunch of pussy assed bitches.

Now, stop fighting faggots and go talk about how good/bad the new Converge, Iron Maiden, or Hatebreed are and shut your shit talking, ass eating, cunt fearing mouths.
[Sep 15,2003 10:52pm - Terence ""]
everything is still gay.
[Sep 16,2003 12:50am - xmikex ""]
70% huh? Wow. an actual statistic. Please cite for the record which peer reviewed journal or credible empirical study discovered that one.

Funny thing is almost none of the kids I hang out with or goto shows with are straightedge at all, in fact most are far from it.

Why metal kids are gay is a subject that I could write volumes on, but I've got sleep to get to, so I'll say this:

I goto metal shows occasionally and I dance the way I feel like dancing. I start off trying to be a nice guy, and respect the fact that metal kids would rather run around and do the bushwacker strut or the metal tapdance or whatver bullshit they'd like to come up with rather then do all the fancy shmancy spinkicks and such that I do. That's fine.

The problem is that the entire bullshit metal "scene" is full of faggots with chips on their shoulders who can't stand to see a kid dressed differently from them having a good time. So I get shoved in the back, and I listen to douchebags talk about how they're going to harm my friends and myself, and get stepped to by a bunch of kids who think their mall bought XXL Cradle of Filth shirt makes them hard.

Go ask the last metal kid who tried to play "Im metal so that makes me invincible" with me. He didn't have much to say to me cuz his mouth was gushing blood and he had to be dragged out by his faggot friends. I had no problem with this kid until he decided he couldn't stand to see a kid with short hair ruining his precious wecious little "MOSH PIT".

I don't HATE kids because of the music they listen to, I just refuse to be pushed around by some douchebag who's grown up with the idea that a wifebeater and a collection of Pantera cd's grants you respect.

there you go, smartass.
[Sep 16,2003 12:58am - xmikex ""]
Die Scenester Die said:dude metal kids have a passion for the music,and how its played, they respect Metal bands because it is truly hard to play .....when you fags gang up on a metal kid at fat cats im going to throw a fucking tomatoe at you that way you'll no it was me Fuck Off

Metal kids exist only to be elitist douchebags. They're never satisfied with anything. They won't goto shows unless Marduk is headlining the palladium. Why do DIY metal shows fail so often? Because of all the respect and admiration amongst the metal "scene"? Hardly.

When I used to goto metal shows regularly the one thing I noticed the most was that the majority of the crowd rarely seemed to pay any attention at all to what was going on on stage until the headlining band came on. Everyone is either standing around the bar, smoking cigarettes in the back, or sitting with their backs to the stage having a conversation. Meanwhile some no-name local band, who's playing only because they're counting on people who say they enjoy metal to actually pay attention to them, is working their ass off on stage for a crowd that couldn't possibly care less.

Oh but once Dark Funeral hits the stage, they're all "metal as fuck" again. Right.

I've never been to fat cats, but I assure you sooner or later I will, and I'll smash a metal kid just for you.....and when this one gets dragged out he'll have you to thank for it. Good job.

[Sep 16,2003 1:02am - xmikex ""]
And just for the record...metalcore sucks too. I haven't liked a metalcore band since Peicemeal and Deadeyesunder. I can't stand bands that try to re-write "Firestorm" with every single breakdown.
If you're looking to compare The Acacia Strain with Black Dahlia Murder it's a tie because they both suck.

and music is queer too.
[Sep 16,2003 1:09am - dysenteryvokills  ""]
yeah.........i pit like "hardcore kids" well i try i do my own little thing hahah.....yeah the ONE problem i have is that if i do lend a hand in creating the circle and i am on the side i want to be able to rest for a sec if im out of breath without getting hit.i know its not intentional all the time but still its like if im leaing over out of breath i dont need to be jump kicked thats when i snapp but otehr than that hell yeah i love it becuase i get to punch ppl in the face and get away with it haha.....although hardcore shows are better than metal shows for the one reason that metal shows consist of a bunch of 45 year olds sitting at the bar and showing not one ounce of respect to the bands playing its disgusting atleast hardcore shows kids are snapping dance atleast moving alittle not at the bar get drunk like its a saturday ngiht sitting on your couch wiht your wife beater on saying " wheres my dinner bitch"
[Sep 16,2003 1:13am - Terence ""]
we played the Fat Cats yesterday. and we're a blasting death metal band that totally DID NOT fit with the other metalcore bands that played. We didnt get beat up. But that doesnt matter I still hate everyone. :tmnt1:

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