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Metal vs Hardcore? Come on now.....

[Sep 16,2003 1:26am - the_reverend ""]
you hate everyone, except fags
you love them.
can't get enough of a nice long fag
[Sep 16,2003 1:27am - the_reverend ""]
fag is lurking petition
fag is now certain
fag is back
fag is lurking
fag is a gay
fag is to
fag is now certain despite a us federal trade commission's "second request" for information regarding the takeover
fag is accusing dresdner bank of providing sensitive inside information about the company to ina; information
fag is extra large
fag is connected to the following things
fag is basically a hard working person at a menial task
fag is wickedly effeminate
fag is a major supplier of bearings to maruti udyog
fag is entitled to charge interest on arrears at a rate 5 percent above the six
fag is never a fag without his hag
fag is on of the most experienced bearing manufacturers in the world
fag is the leader when it comes to provide the graphic arts industry with its comprehensive line of quality control units for films
fag is a
fag is a stock
fag is the leader
fag is also a german corporation
fag is a corporation organized
fag is a demeaning term meant to conjure up the image of limp
fag is butch? the butch test
fag is happy
fag is her son's seducer
fag is a film critic site focused on publishing articles
fag is usually justified simply by comparing us to
fag is
fag is going damn that is some good as cum i just drank dale thanks
fag is made up of many things
fag is closed in b
fag is negotiating with the state of missouri terms to conduct a complete remedial investigation/feasibility study
fag is going to put something about cornholing dogs
fag is also a rather old
fag is one of the top ten companies in germany in ideas management
fag is not a sexual orientation
fag is the largest employer at the airport where the total workforce numbers 53
fag is part of the german consortium planning
fag is active in many areas in the cargo sector
fag is jealous of her sexual prowess
fag is x
fag is the continued development into a high tech company of the precision and rolling bearings technology
fag is a colloquial word for a piece of drudgery or a wearisome or unwelcome task; a cigarette;
fag is a cigarette
fag is putting forth a very good effort
fag is changed to accommodate an order
fag is homeomorphic to r
fag is he
fag is an insult to gay men
fag is to carry out basic scientific research on all aspects of faults and other types of fracture and to apply the results to practical
fag is a politically loaded word; it has been used continually to degrade and attack gay men since it first appeared with its modern meaning early in this
fag is stored in an ascii output file in a well
fag is regular
fag is a schoolboy made to perform menial tasks by an older schoolboy
fag is one of the largest airport services companies in the world
fag is closed
fag is the only open set with one element
fag is used for finding hypotheses about incidence relations and geometric hypotheses
fag is a dead fag
fag is an informal open and voluntary group of forestry advisers/officials working in a range of public service institutions and organizations
fag is using mysap solutions like mysap crm
fag is an acronym for something
fag is compiling a portfolio of analytical tools to support their operational
fag is a cig in britin
fag is a regular set
[Sep 16,2003 1:30am - Terence ""]
i hate everyone. pass a fag would ya rev. I'll pay you back next tuesday.
[Sep 16,2003 1:35am - the_reverend ""]
that's a fag request
(translation "that's an extra large request")
[Sep 16,2003 1:41am - DysenteryVokills ""]
hahaha...rev....your last novel i mean entry i think shows u have a little too much time on your hand...its all good though. I try to keep occupied eating does a pretty could job on that and my waist size but whatever
[Sep 16,2003 1:53am - A  ""]
I don't know about that whole "hardcore kids show more respect" rant. I'm not saying metal kids are any better but I've been to planety of shows where a bunch of bands will play, then as a hardcore band starts setting up, their friends poor in and as soon as they're done, them and their friends are all out the door.
[Sep 16,2003 2:37am - Terence ""]
i wouldnt just say that with hardcore kids. that happens with soooo many bands. but whats worse than that is when a band plays a show and then leaves right after they play. thats worse then anything. at least in my opinion
[Sep 16,2003 8:11am - joe/notcommon ""]
haha, good point.
but do you grasp how gay it is to try just as hard to be hardcore?

xmikex said:70% huh? Wow. an actual statistic. Please cite for the record which peer reviewed journal or credible empirical study discovered that one.

Funny thing is almost none of the kids I hang out with or goto shows with are straightedge at all, in fact most are far from it.

Why metal kids are gay is a subject that I could write volumes on, but I've got sleep to get to, so I'll say this:

I goto metal shows occasionally and I dance the way I feel like dancing. I start off trying to be a nice guy, and respect the fact that metal kids would rather run around and do the bushwacker strut or the metal tapdance or whatver bullshit they'd like to come up with rather then do all the fancy shmancy spinkicks and such that I do. That's fine.

The problem is that the entire bullshit metal "scene" is full of faggots with chips on their shoulders who can't stand to see a kid dressed differently from them having a good time. So I get shoved in the back, and I listen to douchebags talk about how they're going to harm my friends and myself, and get stepped to by a bunch of kids who think their mall bought XXL Cradle of Filth shirt makes them hard.

Go ask the last metal kid who tried to play "Im metal so that makes me invincible" with me. He didn't have much to say to me cuz his mouth was gushing blood and he had to be dragged out by his faggot friends. I had no problem with this kid until he decided he couldn't stand to see a kid with short hair ruining his precious wecious little "MOSH PIT".

I don't HATE kids because of the music they listen to, I just refuse to be pushed around by some douchebag who's grown up with the idea that a wifebeater and a collection of Pantera cd's grants you respect.

there you go, smartass.

[Sep 16,2003 9:06am - xmikex ""]
joe/notcommon said:haha, good point.
but do you grasp how gay it is to try just as hard to be hardcore?

Agreed Joe, some kids try way to hard. Goto an Atreyu show and you'll see what I'm talking about. Funny thing is, those kids always end up getting beat too. haha.

and Atreyu sucks.

[Sep 16,2003 10:43am - Lynneaus ""]
people just suck in general doesnt matter if they are hardcore or metal.... there will always be at least a handful of assholes in a crowd.
[Sep 16,2003 12:27pm - xmikex ""]
When I was like 17 and used to goto metal shows I always got a chuckle out of the fact that half the time the only people who acted like they gave a shit about the music at all were all "hardcore" kids. Metal kids would always try and start with them and get ruined. Then they'd go online the next day and blame it on "Militant straightedge FSU tuffguy hardcore kids" and swear that the next time it happened they'd do something about it.

The funny part was that these "militant straightedge FSU tuffguys" were actually just the 603 kids and their friends, none of which could have been any older than 17 or 18 years old.

The point is, there's no war. There's no straightedge conspiracy. There's no Machievellian scheme designed to take away the collective dignity of metal kids world wide. What it comes down to is the fact that if metal kids would stop being such whiny EMO faggots about everything then maybe you wouldn't get beat on so much.
[Sep 16,2003 2:06pm - Mike_STE ""]
xmikex said:

I don't HATE kids because of the music they listen to, I just refuse to be pushed around by some douchebag who's grown up with the idea that a wifebeater and a collection of Pantera cd's grants you respect.

there you go, smartass.

About 98% of Pantera fans aren't even metal. Kids who jock mosh, and touch other men are also not metal. Also a lot modern hxc wouldn't exist if it wasn't for CD's like Far Beyond Driven. I can name 7837833 hxc bands that play the same slam riffs they did on that album. The kids that are deemed "metalheads", and hxc kids at shows all look like a bunch of faggots to me.
[Sep 16,2003 2:55pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
i look like a metalhead =[
[Sep 16,2003 5:29pm - george at school  ""]
i look like im in a ska band
[Sep 16,2003 10:05pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
I just play music.
[Sep 16,2003 10:14pm - ratt_mowe ""]
i just play with myself
[Sep 16,2003 10:38pm - brando  ""]
hey dude im one of those '603kids' you are probably refering about. i dont ever recall a thing like that happening but i know a few of us are on good terms with some of the fsu dudes thats about it. if you wanna i/m(fightingtheworld) me and refresh my mind about the psat go ahead i could just not be thinking so yeah take care duder. peace.
[Sep 16,2003 10:46pm - Mike_STE ""]
thegreatspaldino said:i look like a metalhead =[

Yeah but you're a valid "metalhead"; you're knowledgeable about metal, and I'm sure you don't think that cannibal corpse, and dying fetus are the only two death metal bands in the world.
[Sep 16,2003 11:31pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
there are more than two?! :shocked:

[Sep 17,2003 2:17am - joostin ""]
Terence said:everything is still gay.

all the music is good, i think it's just the people involved unfortunately
[Sep 17,2003 2:32am - Terence ""]
I love music, and I love being in a band, I just hate dealing with/hearing about/reading all the gayness that goes on
[Sep 17,2003 8:43am - joe/notcommon ""]
Terence said:I love music, and I love being in a band, I just hate dealing with/hearing about/reading all the gayness that goes on

i hear ya.

as far as what XmikeX was saying about metalheads, he must run into a different a group then the people who come to the shows i usually am at.
everyone is chill, enjoying the bands and such. there is never any fights or cocky attitudes about who is going to beat who or anything

if you would come to a bostons' dead show you would see what i am talking about.
and prophetless productions rules!
[Sep 17,2003 9:32am - xmikex ""]
brando said:hey dude im one of those '603kids' you are probably refering about. i dont ever recall a thing like that happening but i know a few of us are on good terms with some of the fsu dudes thats about it. if you wanna i/m(fightingtheworld) me and refresh my mind about the psat go ahead i could just not be thinking so yeah take care duder. peace.

I'm not referring to you actually, I recall some of the kids from Tears of Avarel, and their friends (i don't think I know any of their names, sorry) being there. They'd always beatup on old metal dudes, and I'd laugh. Then the metal kids would blame it on just about everything and everyone else. it was funny stuff.
[Sep 18,2003 12:07am - Hoser ""]
If all that going to a show consists of is "stepping to someone, and/or beating someones head in", then I don't wanna be a part of it.
Go to the show, have a good time, shut your bitch punk mouth, and rock the fuck out. That's what the shows are there for and that's why the bands play.
If yer gonna be a tuff guy, then take your punk ass outside. I'd be glad to unleash 240 lbs of "shut the fuck up" on you....but......after the fuckin' show.
Get the point, morons?
[Sep 18,2003 12:16am - thegreatspaldino ""]
240? HA! i am a mighty 300 :doublehorns:
[Sep 18,2003 12:57am - xboobiesx ""]
yea well i weigh 8765720958394656926947218 lbs.. whatcha gonna do about it?

no, i wish though...

i think maybe i'll get really fat and sit on people.

[Sep 18,2003 1:07am - thegreatspaldino ""]

[Sep 18,2003 1:08am - xboobiesx ""]
im hiding from you on monday.
[Sep 18,2003 1:09am - thegreatspaldino ""]
hahahaha why?
[Sep 18,2003 1:11am - xboobiesx ""]
youre tuffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff (with a million fs.)

i dont know...

im overtired.
[Sep 18,2003 1:13am - thegreatspaldino ""]
im built tuff... im far from "tuff" though.. so no need to worry :spineyes:
[Sep 18,2003 1:32am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Those curtains are still tufffffffer than you. You need pics of you wearing a frilly pink apron making your precious mac&cheese thing and trying to flex/tuffify.

Hug a mummy.

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