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3/31 - SCUMBAG SATURDAY Rich Horror & The Screaming Nervous Breakdowns, Rummy Rumsfield & The Klopecs, ShitFuck, PanzerBastard @ DeeDee's in Quincy

[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Jan 11,2007 2:01am - RichHorror ""]
But on the plus side you won't risk a night in jail.
[Jan 11,2007 2:03am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i don't go to jail...cops are afeared of me...i hit them with cars while drunk at 40 mph
[Jan 11,2007 2:05am - RichHorror ""]
Quincy is so drunk normal rules of drunkeness don't apply. Plus, the cops will probably be as or more hammered than anyone in the show.
[Jan 11,2007 2:05am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
so they'll laugh when i hit them and get away...check
[Jan 11,2007 2:06am - RichHorror ""]
Anything's possible.
[Jan 11,2007 2:09am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i haven't had an extended experience at dee dee's...the last time we were there only one of us was of age, so obviously sticking around was out of the question

it seem's like a cozy place to get shit-tanked
[Jan 11,2007 2:10am - RichHorror ""]
Last time I played at DeeDee's, this was the result--

[Jan 11,2007 2:12am - SacreligionNLI  ""]

it kinda looks like how my whole face does after a night of heavy vomiting
[Jan 11,2007 2:12am - RichHorror ""]
Apparently it was a combination of microphone and wooden pole. I have no recollection of our set or the evening in general and all. Which means I had an excellent time.
[Jan 11,2007 2:14am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
don't you hate when that happens?

"dammit, i knew i had a good time last night but i wish i knew what was good about it"

happened to me at the last opeth show, and one of our last shows at the lucky dog where i was punching myself in the face because i was drunk and thought i sucked horribly
[Jan 11,2007 2:18am - RichHorror ""]
That'll be a guarantee this show.
[Jan 11,2007 2:21am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
fuck, that should be put on the flyer
[Jan 11,2007 4:15am - RichHorror ""]
DeeDee's can suck my bloated prick. We're the only band left off their MySpace calendar. Obviously I have to start a fuckin' riot at this show now.
[Jan 11,2007 12:24pm - pam ""]
Rich, that will get fixed, you weren't confirmed when I sent him an update, he hasn't read my "rich is confirmed" email yet. That's why.

And that Beakey flier...I'm speechless.
[Jan 11,2007 12:35pm - Granny_Monster ""]
I'll probably be there... yay!
[Jan 11,2007 12:54pm - pam ""]
You better woman! When I up the scumbag beacon I expect ALL of you to answer!!!
[Jan 11,2007 4:12pm - RichHorror ""]
I think a riot would be cool anyway.
[Jan 13,2007 1:29pm - pam ""]
I expect nothing less from you.
[Jan 13,2007 1:32pm - Kinslayer  ""]
We should have our demo out for y'all by this show. Unfortunately they'll be tapes (as a d-beat demo should be) so all you posers that lack tapes player are shit out of luck. ;)
[Jan 13,2007 5:12pm - Kevord ""]
FUCK!!!!!!!!!! This is the same day as 1349!
[Jan 13,2007 5:42pm - RichHorror ""]
I'm glad I think black metal is queer.
[Jan 13,2007 7:11pm - pam ""]
Kevord said:FUCK!!!!!!!!!! This is the same day as 1349!

Isn't that at Mark's? If you blow this off for that fuck-hole band-fucking shit-shack I'll kill you.
[Jan 13,2007 7:12pm - Kevord ""]
pam said:Kevord said:FUCK!!!!!!!!!! This is the same day as 1349!

Isn't that at Mark's? If you blow this off for that fuck-hole band-fucking shit-shack I'll kill you.

But it's 1349!!!!! I have a huge delema now.
[Jan 13,2007 7:13pm - pam ""]
March 30 - The Loft, Poughkeepsie NY
March 31 - Mark's Place, Bedford NH
April 01 - BB King Blues Club, New York NY

Go to NY instead.
[Jan 13,2007 7:15pm - Kevord ""]
Marks is 30 minutes from my house. I'm not going to NY.
[Jan 14,2007 4:29am - RichHorror ""]
We are celebrating this showby returning to our trie and peoper name, It Will End In Pure Horror.
[Jan 14,2007 11:32am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
but Rich Horror and the Screaming Nervous Breakdowns is so much fun to say
[Jan 14,2007 1:07pm - RichHorror ""]
It's the end of fun. I have a special surprise planned for this show.
[Jan 14,2007 1:15pm - horror_tang ""]
RichHorror said:We are celebrating this showby returning to our trie and peoper name, It Will End In Pure Horror.

Cool beans.
[Jan 14,2007 1:22pm - RichHorror ""]
I made this decision the right way, drunk and on pills.
[Jan 14,2007 1:23pm - RichHorror ""]
I think I mostly did it so a lot of people have to change the flyers they made. I'm a jerk.
[Jan 14,2007 1:26pm - horror_tang ""]
That is an even better reason.

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