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Celtic Frost/Goatwhore

the Palladium (Worcester, Ma) - [celtic_frost][frozen][goatwhore][randomshots]
[Nov 6,2006 11:45am - pam at school  ""]
the_reverend said:I don't really know. I was watching celtic frost. someone else will have to give details. I just her she screamed that the cop was a nazi and kicked him on the balls.

HAHAHA!! I love that girl, she's a one woman riot. I hope she didn't get arrested.

Celtic Frost sounded fucking awful. I blame mostly the shit bag muddy palladium sound, but they weren't on top of their game either. It was still cool to see them, though. Rich and I got way lost on the way home. It was good to see everyone.
[Nov 6,2006 12:19pm - RichHorror ""]
I am dumb.
[Nov 6,2006 12:27pm - dreadkill ""]
that's awesome that marsi kicked a cop on the balls. she rules.
[Nov 6,2006 12:28pm - dreadkill ""]
davefromthegrave said:the_reverend said:
In between bands, I seriously, no joking, met joe christianni. It was like a dream. I even asked what his favorite fear factory CD was. he said demanufactured.

I'm gonna have to call bullshit on this.

joe was obviously lying. his favorite fear factory cd is digimortal.
[Nov 6,2006 12:28pm - dreadkill ""]
i wish i was there, mainly so i could have met joe christianni.
[Nov 6,2006 1:29pm - foghladha  ""]
it sucks the sound there isnt better or how the building is set up for metal doesnt work or the equipment they use. people say the same thing for every metal show that happens there. the sound sucks, im not a tech guy. show should of been in boston and it would of sold out at a smaller venue thats more close up and personal without barracades and bouncers on top of you while your tring to enjoy the show. i thought the show was cool and fun and c.f. are a really good band. i like that style of black metal though so..., the lyrics on the new lp are really good too.so many hardcore and metal bands are so influenced from c.f. just the first sheer terror lp for instance is so c.f.
[Nov 6,2006 1:32pm - the_reverend ""]
joe christianni said he wants to make a TV shirt with the picture on one of the fake myspaces that has dai filth cutting his head off or something like that. soon to be a household name!
[Nov 6,2006 1:33pm - dreadkill ""]
a tv shirt?
[Nov 6,2006 1:33pm - dreadkill ""]
TVs wear shirts now?
[Nov 6,2006 1:37pm - the_reverend ""]
hm.. that didn't come out right... a t-shirt. he's going to sell it along with USB enabled fried peanut butter on a stick @ some fair in waltham. that's the plan, if he can get his mom to drive him there.
[Nov 6,2006 1:38pm - davefromthegrave ""]
you should start a thread or two about that.
[Nov 6,2006 1:45pm - dreadkill ""]
i'll drive him if i get 30% of the profits
[Nov 6,2006 1:47pm - foghladha  ""]
CELTIC FROST Bassist: 'Revolutionary Music Is Made By Young People, And I Am Not Young Anymore' - Nov. 4, 2006

Scott McLennan of the Worcester Telegram & Gazette recently conducted an interview with CELTIC FROST bassist Martin Eric Ain. A few excerpts from the chat follow:

On "Monotheist", CELTIC FROST's first album of new material since 1990's "Vanity/Nemesis":

"Some have said we didn't get heavy enough on songs like 'Dying God'. I've heard the call to speed. But heavy music doesn't have to be fast to be heavy."

On the many gloomy goth-metal bands that cite CELTIC FROST as an influence:

"So many bands have kept our name out there when we weren't making music together as a band. Our name has been dropped by so many extreme metal bands, that a lot of new fans of metal wouldn't even know who we are if that wasn't happening. There is still a lot of interest in what we created in the '80s, and that seems to have stood the test of time."

On being reluctant to get back into the CELTIC FROST fray as he felt he gave up much of his youth to a music career and was interested in other pursuits:

"I was 16 when the first HELLHAMMER record came out, and 22 when 'Vanity/Nemesis' came out. The Martin in CELTIC FROST was not the Martin that I am privately, and it took me a few years to figure that out."

On the current state of the heavy music:

"There are many interesting bands, but it is still an underground music. When we were first putting out records, heavy metal was in the charts. Today, it is like country music in the way both are genres of their own. People who like it, love it.

"When black metal first came out, it was exciting. But now it has grown clichéd. You take any two images of evil, say a goat and a pentagram, hang those on the stage, put on some spikes and black leather, and you can call yourself a black metal band. It has become watered down, and everything has become so clichéd."

On "Monotheist" coming across as somewhat different from what you may have heard before from CELTIC FROST:

"If people who hear this record think we are sounding like SEPULTURA or CATHEDRAL, well you have to remember that those bands were first listening to us. It may seem we end up sounding like some of the bands we influenced. Revolutionary music is made by young people, and I am not young anymore. This is not revolutionary."

[Nov 6,2006 3:33pm - Yeti ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:the_reverend said:celtic frost:
set list:
proclamation of the wiched
circles of tyrants

procreation of the wicked
circle of the tyrants

i believe its actually Circle of the Ty-ERRRR
[Nov 6,2006 4:10pm - Ryan_M ""]
When me and my friends got there, I was really surprised how empty the place was; the parking lot was deserted. I was glad though, since I don't like being smooshed in between tons of people.
We got there while Goatwhore was on stage, and their set kicked ass, as always. Celtic Frost's set was pretty cool, they were heavy as shit. After, we went to the convenience store down the road - it smelled strongly of puke inside. We had a good time.
[Nov 6,2006 4:46pm - babyshaker not logged in  ""]
davefromthegrave said:the_reverend said:
In between bands, I seriously, no joking, met joe christianni. It was like a dream. I even asked what his favorite fear factory CD was. he said demanufactured.

I'm gonna have to call bullshit on this.

i can tell you for a fact joe was at this show
[Nov 6,2006 4:57pm - Kevord ""]
the_reverend said:on the topic of celtic frost.
"it's like finding out there Is no santa claus" kevord
"no, it's like finding out santa's a lot older than you thought. he still delivers the presents he's just slower." kinslayer

I still stand by my comment. I thought about it today and it probably was mostly the shitty Palladium sound that ruined it for me. This show should have been at the Middle East.
[Nov 6,2006 5:13pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Or my basement.
[Nov 6,2006 5:19pm - Kevord ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:Or my basement.

They could play next to the Dungeons and Dragons table. It would have been sick.
[Nov 6,2006 5:24pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Dude, they could play ON my gaming table. Big enough for a couple combat grids, big enough for a gig. Far more kvlt than Palladium.
[Nov 6,2006 6:31pm - anonymousteinberg  ""]
Sarah Jessica Parker... nice Jewish goyl.
[Nov 7,2006 5:27am - armageddann in Oslo  ""]
Have anybody heard of Marsi?
I hope she didnt end up in jail...She's a nutcase, I love her.
[Nov 7,2006 2:51pm - anonymous  ""]
Some sound notes:

1) openers always sound quiet and muddy. No headliner lets them turn up nearly as loud, and often openers have to use all the same EQ settings as the other bands. Meaning Frozen's EQ settings were from Goatwhore's soundcheck. Nothing can or will ever be done about this. Deal.

2) standing in the middle of 2 speaker stacks that are 30 feet on either side of you will always sound bad. You're getting almost nothing but direct stage sound, which doesn't sound good from the wrong side of the monitors. the only way to fix this is to have a center fill speaker in the middle, and that's exceedingly rare, especially for metal.

3) when empty, the Palladium is a huge echo chamber. again, nothing can be done about this other than hanging curtains or whatever on the walls and ceiling. The Palladium will never do this.
[Nov 8,2006 4:23pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I was told the show sucked. Still I kinda wish I went.
[Nov 8,2006 4:53pm - ninkaszi  ""]
celtic frost fucking ruled. classic setlist and a few new songs. awesome time. they sounded great. downtuned and all.
[Nov 8,2006 6:45pm - Strep_cunt_not_logged_in  ""]
ninkaszi said:celtic frost fucking ruled. classic setlist and a few new songs. awesome time. they sounded great. downtuned and all.

agreed 110 percent.

[Nov 8,2006 7:28pm - CNV  ""]
anonymous said:Some sound notes:

1) openers always sound quiet and muddy. No headliner lets them turn up nearly as loud, and often openers have to use all the same EQ settings as the other bands. Meaning Frozen's EQ settings were from Goatwhore's soundcheck. Nothing can or will ever be done about this.

Wow, is that how it works?

Fucking gay

[Nov 8,2006 7:33pm - CNV  ""]
When I went to Germany the sound engineering was incredible

It was fucking earth shattering

The only sound I have heard that was on par with Germany was Gillette stadium

[Nov 8,2006 10:32pm - anonymous  ""]
the_reverend said:
In between bands, I seriously, no joking, met joe christianni. It was like a dream. I even asked what his favorite fear factory CD was. he said demanufactured.

You saw Celtic Frost and met The Christianni. In one night. That's two of my life goals, right there. (What flavor water was he drinking?)

DrinkHardThrashHard said:Dude, they could play ON my gaming table. Big enough for a couple combat grids, big enough for a gig. Far more kvlt than Palladium.

Roll 2d10, consult set list table:

2 procreation of the wicked
3 visions of mortality
4 circle of the tyrants
5 the usurper
6 jewel throne
7 ain elchim
8 necromantical screams
9 dream of meggido
10 mesmerized
11 ground
12 return to the eve
13 dethroned emperor
14 into the crypts of ray
15 synagoga satanae
16-20 Dm's choice
[Nov 8,2006 10:40pm - DYA NLI  ""]
That, as well, was me.
[Nov 9,2006 2:05pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
[Nov 9,2006 2:15pm - Granny_Monster ""]
swamplorddvm said:I was told the show sucked. Still I kinda wish I went.


I also wish I wasn't vomiting profusely over this past weekend but, hey, what can you do?
[Nov 9,2006 2:27pm - aNtHoNy ""]
I was supposed to go to this but got incredibly sick that morning and had to stay home.

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