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VFW (Manchester, NH) - [a_terrible_night_for_a_curse][chaos_character][even_death_may_die][hated][heretic_hybrid][iridescent_exposure][randomshots][the_combine][the_jonah_veil]
[Jul 26,2007 8:25pm - murph nli  ""]
evendeathmaydie said:that was my singer this is the drummer and i do give a fuck i have been in to the death scene for a long time and am easy to get along with but this on line shit is crazy to me playing with suffacation and skinless is the best thing in the world i dont care what the ticket sales are going to cost and the rev is the man hes done alot for 603 metal but was not the best review we have ever got but oh well

don't worry buds, it's just the internet.

bad reviews really don't mean shit, and to tell you the truth, the guy only said he wasn't warm on the vox.

"some people just like their cucumbers pickled."

p.s. HP Lovecraft called. He sounds pissed.
[Jul 26,2007 9:34pm - brian_dc ""]
also cameo called, he's not gettin down with the usage of "word up" in this crib.
[Jul 26,2007 10:13pm - Maggot_atnfac  ""]
alright, how many cocks do I need to suck to get good shows? why the hell are we not playing with good bands?
[Jul 27,2007 4:21pm - craigisfuckingawesomeseriously ""]
Maggot_atnfac said:alright, how many cocks do I need to suck to get good shows? why the hell are we not playing with good bands?

because youre a dick
[Jul 27,2007 4:21pm - craigisfuckingawesomeseriously ""]
sorry i had to do it. it was way too easy
[Jul 27,2007 4:26pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah,my review was only critical of the vocals.

atnfac won't get on good shows because they don't have craig anymore to orally please the other bands in the back alley. not that he remembers this *glug**glug*
[Jul 27,2007 4:27pm - craigisfuckingawesomeseriously ""]
i do remember and i remember you swearing youd never tell. asshole
[Jul 27,2007 4:36pm - the_reverend ""]
once the pictures and videos hit the net, I figured it was AOK.
[Jul 27,2007 4:40pm - Cav ""]
haha. this thread got good.
[Jul 27,2007 7:15pm - ANUBIS ""]
[Jul 27,2007 11:37pm - Maggot_atnfac  ""]
[Jul 28,2007 3:44pm - there is a bubble in my ass  ""]
rah rah rah rah rah rah rah.... rah rah rah ...word up.rah rah
[Jul 30,2007 8:48pm - Hatedmusic.com  ""]
Why doesnt anyone that has a fag ass remark about Hated come to the Palladium in Worcester on August 31st and we'll see what comments you can make to our faces!
[Aug 2,2007 10:50am - aaron_michael ""]
I got a personal myspace message about my comment on their guitarist's eyebrows.
for a band that has the balls to call themselves "Hated", they sure do get bent out of shape when people abide by their name.
hell, I wasn't even trying to be a jerk this time!
[Aug 2,2007 11:01am - the_reverend ""]
I was wondering if that was pointed at me making fun of the tattoo or not. Missed the eyebrows thing. those are pretty intense eyebrows
[Aug 15,2007 6:35pm - HATEDFRONTMAN  ""]
dudes honestly, we really don't give a shit what any of you has to say about shit, congrats you made a joke at my guitar players eyebrows, your cool! also, "the reverend" goes through all the bands giving them a review of their set, and the only thing you got to say about HATED is that i have the tatoo? what the fuck the that have to do with the music we make? and also you should have pointed out that the "partygirls" we brought from WARTOWN were the only fucking people at that show anyway, which is sad if you think about it, us being from worcester and all........so rev, go fuck yourself buddy, next time you got something to say about my tat, say it to my fucking face asshole!
[Aug 15,2007 7:00pm - the_reverend ""]
awe.. someone's trying to make it into the epic threads thread.

I highly recommend that rev goes and fucks himself. what a dickhole. that guy is so gay he touches his own pole constantly.

when I saw that tis thread was bumped I tried to think of a band that has a bnd tattoo that I like. I can't think of one.

now, if you want me to go back and write a mean review, I will, but even though im not a fan of the music, your guitarist has been nice to me so I will refrain and respectfully make fun of the tattoo and say that im not into the music.

on aside note, this is my second night shooting shows in worcester in a row!
[Aug 15,2007 11:37pm - cav ""]
when are people going to realize that Aaron is a photographer, not a music critic, and what the fuck do you care what he thinks of your band. the fact that you care makes me not like your band, and thats an even more petty reason than his. haha. im betting nu metal. maybe ill check it out if i get bored enough.
[Aug 16,2007 12:02am - the_reverend ""]
running the script of me laughing at an arm tattoo in my mind is hilarious. I need some better writters to write it into a screenplay. anyone interested? please include:
1) sweet muscley arms on me
2) me suing over a broken camera
3) the line "thar be dragons" and "im a lover, not a fighter, sir"
4) a bumbling police detective who speaks in a high pitch voice.

damn, that practically writes itself. if I think of anything else, I'll tell you.
[Aug 16,2007 12:07am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
HATEDFRONTMAN said:dudes honestly, we really don't give a shit what any of you has to say about shit, congrats you made a joke at my guitar players eyebrows, your cool! also, "the reverend" goes through all the bands giving them a review of their set, and the only thing you got to say about HATED is that i have the tatoo? what the fuck the that have to do with the music we make? and also you should have pointed out that the "partygirls" we brought from WARTOWN were the only fucking people at that show anyway, which is sad if you think about it, us being from worcester and all........so rev, go fuck yourself buddy, next time you got something to say about my tat, say it to my fucking face asshole!

Wow. Seriously. The Rev clearly stated that your band is not his cup of tea, but you guys played it tightly, therefore he said more than the fact that you have a tattoo. Are you really going to expect a full-fledged review of a style of music that he's not into? Get over it; he's seen my bands many times and sometimes forgets to do a review...who the fuck cares?

And as far as the tattoo comment is concerned...are you fucking serious? You're going to get all up in arms about someone making a mild joke? That is fucking retarded. If you pay enough attention on here, you'll start to understand his humor and realize that you're being an idiot. But either way, it was your choice to get a tattoo, so if someone doesn't like it, it's his/her right to like or not like it just as it is your right to get a tattoo. Would you like everyone who has an opinion on tattoos to let everyone else know how they feel? I think you're just looking for things to complain about.

I'm sure more people will chime in and say far nastier things to you after telling the owner of this site to go fuck himself.
[Aug 16,2007 12:33am - brian_dc ""]
I say we all just leave this alone. In a year or so his band will be broken up and he'll be working at the gas station full time. But it's cool, cause it's like...a management position, so he'll make it somewhere.

The first few times Aaron saw us he said that we sounded like Norma Jean...which is actually quite ridiculous. Although, our vocalist was wearing a Norma Jean shirt...so we didn't doubt where he got it in his head. Go ahead and read some more reviews on this site, a lot of them just have to do with what's going on at the show, not necessarily the music.


I think it's funny that you are using Aaron's pictures on your myspace while bitching like a whore.

That's all I got.

Laugh at life a little, douchefag.

[Aug 16,2007 12:33am - brian_dc ""]
also, the term frontman has always rubbed me as douchey.

anyone else?
[Aug 16,2007 12:47am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I never really thought of the term "frontman" that much, but I think when The Body Farm has shows we'll rotate the "frontman." Eventually our drummer will be the "frontman," kind of like that band Cowboy Mouth. JANEY SAAAID! TURN OFF THE RADIO! JANEY SAAIID! TURN OFF THE LIGHTS!
[Aug 16,2007 7:52am - brian_dc ""]
haha....Cowboy Mouth reference...yes!
[Aug 16,2007 4:14pm - Niccolai ""]
[Aug 16,2007 4:44pm - brian_dc ""]
once the gay gets in it takes a miracle to get it out

<actually you can never REALLY get rid of the gay>
[Aug 16,2007 4:44pm - brian_dc ""]
so in text mode if you put stuff in <> it doesn't show up...so I wrote that^ again....so now I never did.

[Aug 17,2007 12:42am - cav ""]
haha, uses RTTP pics on myspace but says go fuck yourself rev, haha what dicks. i wish i even knew what band we were talking about.
[Aug 19,2007 5:02pm - bill(HATED)  ""]
For the record HATEDFRONTMAN is not me, i am bill, the singer of HATED. one of my buddies is a member on here and he told me there was some shit going on about us and something about my tatoo. guys, it doesn't matter to me, rev doesn't like my band thats fine, it his opinion, he doesn't like my tatoo, thats fine its his opion. we've been playing shows for 2 years and we've dealt with alot worse that that. so evreyone calm down i'm not trashing rev. also, my band will not break up in a year and i already am the manager of a gas station, its all good.
i think its cool that rev supports the local scene and anyone who supports local bands is cool in my book. so i hope this ends the issue, everyone take it easy and keep it metal!!!
[Aug 19,2007 5:03pm - bill(HATED)  ""]
For the record HATEDFRONTMAN is not me, i am bill, the singer of HATED. one of my buddies is a member on here and he told me there was some shit going on about us and something about my tatoo. guys, it doesn't matter to me, rev doesn't like my band thats fine, it his opinion, he doesn't like my tatoo, thats fine its his opion. we've been playing shows for 2 years and we've dealt with alot worse that that. so evreyone calm down i'm not trashing rev. also, my band will not break up in a year and i already am the manager of a gas station, its all good.
i think its cool that rev supports the local scene and anyone who supports local bands is cool in my book. so i hope this ends the issue, everyone take it easy and keep it metal!!!
[May 28,2010 11:49am - Hated 4 Lyfe  ""]
[May 11,2011 6:06pm - HATEDFRONTMAN  ""]
We're making a COMEBACK. We've got a new drummer and we are RIPPED to play shows. CHECK OUT WORCESTER'S // FINEST // METAL coming soon
[May 15,2011 5:19pm - aaron_michael ""]
epic thread is epic

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