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First time you puked after drinking

[Nov 20,2008 6:30pm - Lamp ""]

arilliusbm said:Lamp, aren't you still 18?

I'm 21.
[Nov 20,2008 9:19pm - Dankill  ""]
WAY too many Flaming Dr. Peppers
[Nov 20,2008 9:29pm - Phrozenspite ""]
Uhhh I puke whenever I drink Jack Daniels, I just don't like the Charcoal taste of it... I can feel it in my stomach like it never digests or something the second i drink it. The first time I puked from drinking was when I was 17 I think. We were drinking Sake... that shit is so terrible also the only time I've ever had a hangover.
[Nov 20,2008 9:53pm - the_reverend ""]
you hate sake? unpossible yoou traitor.
[Nov 20,2008 10:04pm - Hoser ""]

the_reverend said:you hate sake? unpossible yoou traitor.

Sambuca??!??!?!? Hahahahhaha....all 35 proof of it? Jesus Rev, no wonder you hate alcohol. Sambuca is oussy shit and it sucks. Black licorice candy man.
[Nov 20,2008 10:07pm - Notorious_D.U.G. ""]
27 yrs old. First and only time in 2001 . . . 3/4 of a bottle of Goldschlager and 3 beers. In a delirium where I thought I contained all the vomit to the bowl, I managed to carpet the walls and floor of my friend's hotel room bathroom with what could only be described as vomitous cookies and cream-esque batter. I was drunk until 1:30pm the next day while working. Worst day ever.
[Nov 20,2008 10:14pm - Phrozenspite ""]
rev theres this Korean liquor thats a lot better than Sake.. its called Soju, its kind of like sweet vodka
[Nov 20,2008 10:22pm - tramplethweak ""]
17, Jaeger, drank a liter, puked, passed out havent touched it since.
[Nov 20,2008 11:49pm - DJ DEATH  ""]
Josh Martin... I remember that story about the toll booth, you told YEARS ago, but, you said you were strung out on heroin....make up your mind!!! ha!
-matt/Cold Northern Vengeance
[Nov 21,2008 6:53am - Samantha ""]

Paul%20CNV said:16 years old at a party.First time I ever got drunk. I remember feeling like I was floating and saying to myself this awesome, I must be dreaming. The euphoric buzz soon came to an end. I remember flipping off some wiggers and then upchucking over someones porch.

The best puking story I have is when this drunk mess of a girl barfed all over herself causing a chain reaction of vomiters. It was something about the scent of this girl's barf. It basically went like this:

Girl pukes on herself
Her boyfriend rushes to help her with a bucket and catches a wiff of the vomit and he starts puking
The high school sadist Jonny Boyd is eager to lend a helping hand. He even turns his hat backwards as he is going to intervene... I got a kick out of that one. Boyd the Bully can't stomach the stench and he begins barfing. Then Timmy the runt follows suit. 4 dopes violently upchucking all over the living room. I managed to keep a safe distcance and watched it all from behind a sliding glass door...

I went to a New Year's Eve party like that once. At midnight, they were passing around enough glasses of champagne for everyone at the party. (The people who lived there bought a HUGE bottle.) Around 15 minutes or half an hour later, once the bubbly kicked in, nearly every single person at the party puked in some of the most grotesque ways. One guy puked all over the front of himself. Another guy was in the living room puking into a plastic grocery bag while some girl next to him puked in a nearby garbage can. There were about 3 or 4 people puking in the bathroom all at the same time. The girlfriend of a guy who lived there puked all over her boyfriend's bedroom. It got so bad that the people who lived in the apartment said that everyone who was either currently puking or had puked needed to leave. The only exception, of course, being those who were far too drunk to get up. Within 5 minutes, a party that consisted of at least 100 people shrank to a group of less than 10 people.

I think it was New Year's 2001. I like to call it Pukefest 2001. We ushered the year in with vomit.:pukeface:
[Nov 21,2008 7:14am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I went to my first kegger on new year's eve of 1999. I was 16. I remember drinking beers hoping that they'd dilute the tequila I had already drank and help me sober up. then I blacked out. I remember waking up at my house the next morning, and I had to walk back to this kid's house to get my wallet and glasses that I'd left there. When I got there he was hosing vomit off the floor and railing of his back porch, which apparently I had deposited there. he had just rented a steam cleaner, because I left what he described as the longest trail of puke he'd ever seen in his life, down the entire length of his front hallway. About 15 feet.

The second to last thing I remember from that night was getting cut off. The very last thing I remember was somebody offering me some hennesey, and I downed about six shots.
[Nov 21,2008 7:24am - Yeti ""]

Samantha said:It got so bad that the people who lived in the apartment said that everyone who was either currently puking or had puked needed to leave.

i don't mind if someone pukes, but you do it in the toilet our outside. my party slogan is "if you puke on the floor you're out the door".
[Nov 21,2008 8:06am - Josh_Martin ""]

DJ%20DEATH said:Josh Martin... I remember that story about the toll booth, you told YEARS ago, but, you said you were strung out on heroin....make up your mind!!! ha!
-matt/Cold Northern Vengeance

Either you're getting my stories mixed up or I was too drunk to make any sense. I never did heroin when I was 16.
[Nov 21,2008 8:36am - Josh_Martin ""]
Matt from CNV annoyed me so much that I went back and found the thread where I told the tollboth story the first time.


Nowhere do I mention heroin. In fact I tell the exact same story as I did yesterday.

Read it and weep, douchebag.
It's complete idiots like Matt that are the reason for all the bullshit gossip on the internet.
It's rare I get to so completely prove them wrong though.

[Nov 21,2008 8:38am - SkinSandwich ""]
[Nov 21,2008 12:38pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i puked last nigh in celebration of this wonderful thread.

[Nov 21,2008 12:43pm - Yeti ""]
Josh Martin is right. that guy must have mistaken "needless" for "needles".
[Nov 21,2008 1:19pm - aril  ""]
matt from CNV is a douchebag? news to me.
he's one of the most chill guys I know.
[Nov 21,2008 2:56pm - The-Rooster  ""]
My first puke from booze.... hmmm.

oh, yes. I was like 13 or 14, and I drank about 8 Beast (Milwaukee's Best) Ice's, followed by a couple shots of tequilla, all in about 1 hr. or so.

I filled a party-sized Tostitoes bag (empty at the time) with vomit, while watching Blazing Saddles on TV. I was actually laughing the whole time I was puking.

The next day... Not laughing anymore.
[Nov 21,2008 4:31pm - Josh_Martin ""]

aril said:matt from CNV is a douchebag? news to me.
he's one of the most chill guys I know.

I don't even the guy and he just called me a liar that makes up stories.
= douchebag imo
[Nov 26,2008 8:13pm - Hoser ""]
Josh is into music for the men. He attracts some of the hottest gays in NE.
[Nov 26,2008 9:17pm - yummy ""]
Nebraska fills my bread basket.
[Nov 26,2008 9:44pm - Niccolai ""]
It's actually Ryan from HBBSI's fault.

He came to my house to buy a bass off me and bought me and my friend rick a 7$ gallon of vodka.

and yes, that's just as terrible as it sounds.

we went shot for shot for ten rounds (and the glasses turned out to be double shots)

long story short I woke up two days later with all my clothes on backwards whimpering 'help' like a ten year old girl when I couldn't reach the lobster pot I had apparently been puking into the last 2 days.

I aint been right every since then, either.
[Nov 28,2008 9:43am - fuck logging in  ""]
19 after drinking straight soco and eating an eight of shrooms
[Nov 28,2008 9:53am - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
drinking with a ladyfriend, we polished off a jug of carlo rossi, whilst drinking beer's and captain's in between. woke up the next day with the worst headache of my life, puked bile, and had strange body temperature fluctuations.

Alcohol: the cause of, and solution to all of life's problems.
[Nov 28,2008 12:10pm - metalguy  ""]
The first time I puked was a reaction to the completely newbish idea of mixing spiced rum with beer... After my pepsi ran out and I had nothing else to mix with. I was puking on the toilet, lawn, couch, AND outside on the sidewalk.
I was finished puking when the party was over around 7am. Then I walked home. It fucking rocked.
[Nov 28,2008 3:37pm - Hooker in sweatpants  ""]
I've only puked twice from drinking.

First time was after doing triple shots of SoCo and Captain Morgan's mixed. Fucking retard.

I climbed up onto my roommate's loft bed and lay down. The room turned into a gravitron and next thing I know someone's shoving a trash can in my face and screaming "HE'S PUKING" I knocked the trashcan out of the way and barfed all over her uniform's for her job; a concierge at a Double Tree in.

The next time was after my friend's father's funeral. I drank 8 beers in a half hour after learning how to drink 3/4's in one gulp. I waddled outside and projectiled into the street. There was a Mary statue beneath me on the ground and I covered her in ropes of brown juice.

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