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Cake request for 3-year-old Hitler namesake denied

[Dec 18,2008 9:12am - orgymf@work  ""]

Murph said:
orgymf@work said:
Murph said:
orgymf@work said:let me put this in the shortest most simplistic way possible.
first, you have no idea what his motivations were, and therefor have no more right judging him than Obama's dad.

second, it is no more ridiculous for someone to be outraged that a man that will be running this country having a name associated with muslims than it is to be outraged that some nobody from PA has any name.

Just because you say it, doesn't make it true.

and just because you disagree doesn't make it untrue

I've got Georg Lukacs and Lyotard on my side.

Who's on yours?

my left nut, jupiter, the ghost of freddy mercury and food fortunata
[Dec 18,2008 9:14am - orgymf@work  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
orgymf@work said:
second, it is no more ridiculous for someone to be outraged that a man that will be running this country having a name associated with muslims than it is to be outraged that some nobody from PA has any name.

So what if Obama really is a Muslim. Last time I checked we have the freedom of religion in this country. And just being a muslim does not make you a bad person.

muslims in general.....eh....not exactly "America Friendly"
yes, he is free to practice whatever religion he wants, but i for one find the premise of a muslim president terrifying.
[Dec 18,2008 9:15am - orgymf@work  ""]

brian_dc said:I'd never argue with the guy's right to name his children what he named them. That's his right. He is, however, knowingly putting his children in a crappy situation to have to live with those names. It's unfortunate.

I'd never argue with your right to hold your opinion. I will, however, hope that you'd be willing to debate that view. No one is asking for anyone to apologize for their perspective.

However, some opinions can be more or less educated with facts. Some opinions are greater than others.

my nut hairs are greater than yours.
care to compare?
[Dec 18,2008 9:16am - orgymf@work  ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:Bottom line: a good majority of people will judge anyone and everyone they meet that has a name they're not used to hearing or at least not hearing in a positive context.

[Dec 18,2008 9:23am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
[Dec 18,2008 9:30am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

orgymf@work said:
MarkFuckingRichards said:Bottom line: a good majority of people will judge anyone and everyone they meet that has a name they're not used to hearing or at least not hearing in a positive context.


I do what I can sir. I provide RTTP with all of life's important answers, like how to shit a lot.
[Dec 18,2008 9:34am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
If I have a son, I'll be sure to name him George Walker Bush. We wouldn't want little Adolf Hitler Campbell to feel alone in this world.
[Dec 18,2008 9:40am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
You know, well before Dane Cook had to steal my fucking thunder, I wanted a kid SOLELY to name him Optimus Prime. That kid would have been brutal, but now I'm not going to have any kids because that faggot had to write a joke about the one name I'd actually give to a child. If for some reason I get some lucky lady knocked up and I can't successfully push her down the stairs or jam a coathanger in the right place, the child will receive NO NAME.
[Dec 18,2008 9:52am - orgymf@work  ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:
orgymf@work said:
MarkFuckingRichards said:Bottom line: a good majority of people will judge anyone and everyone they meet that has a name they're not used to hearing or at least not hearing in a positive context.


I do what I can sir. I provide RTTP with all of life's important answers, like how to shit a lot.

i didn't even get to buy that tea last night!
i spent three hours workin on my car in the parking lot at my job last night, before giving up on figuring out what the fuck was wrong with it and callin a tow truck.
[Dec 18,2008 9:55am - SkinSandwich ""]
My penis is awesome!
[Dec 18,2008 10:20am - Josh_Martin ""]
This is the new dumbest thread ever. Congrats, George.

[Dec 18,2008 10:25am - Josh_Martin ""]
And I am assuming that George fooled you all into thinking that he really believes that someone who named his kids Adolf Hitler and Aryan Nation is just some regular guy who loves black people and thinks jew are just dandy.

BTW Saddam was anything but a muslim extremist. Extremest, sure. But he was about as Muslim as I am christian. He was hated by people like Bin Laden for being too secular. The guy just liked to kill people. He killed ar more muslims than any other religion. I associate terrorism with names like Bin Laden and Al Zawahiri (however the fuck its spelled)
"Hussein" just makes me think of athletes getting tortured and kurds starving to death.

[Dec 18,2008 10:29am - SkinSandwich ""]
[Dec 18,2008 10:31am - SkinSandwich ""]
[Dec 18,2008 12:50pm - RustyPS ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:You know, well before Dane Cook had to steal my fucking thunder, I wanted a kid SOLELY to name him Optimus Prime. That kid would have been brutal, but now I'm not going to have any kids because that faggot had to write a joke about the one name I'd actually give to a child. If for some reason I get some lucky lady knocked up and I can't successfully push her down the stairs or jam a coathanger in the right place, the child will receive NO NAME.

Just anme the kid No Name Richards....first name No, middle name Name
[Dec 18,2008 1:08pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I'd rather father a child that never knows what to respond to.
[Dec 18,2008 1:14pm - Yeti ""]
Jack Frober Richards
[Dec 18,2008 2:01pm - orgymf@work  ""]

Josh_Martin said:This is the new dumbest thread ever. Congrats, George.


oh wait.....am i supposed to be insulted by that?

josh, how dare you!?!?!?!

[Dec 18,2008 2:02pm - orgymf@work  ""]

SkinSandwich said:My penis is awesome!

wanna have a sword fight?
[Dec 18,2008 2:08pm - orgymf@work  ""]

Josh_Martin said:And I am assuming that George fooled you all into thinking that he really believes that someone who named his kids Adolf Hitler and Aryan Nation is just some regular guy who loves black people and thinks jew are just dandy.

BTW Saddam was anything but a muslim extremist. Extremest, sure. But he was about as Muslim as I am christian. He was hated by people like Bin Laden for being too secular. The guy just liked to kill people. He killed ar more muslims than any other religion. I associate terrorism with names like Bin Laden and Al Zawahiri (however the fuck its spelled)
"Hussein" just makes me think of athletes getting tortured and kurds starving to death.

i don't think he loves blacks and jews. i just don't think he is a racist.
rasied by a racist....yep.....misguided....uh-huh.... but not racist

regardless of how you break down what Saddam was.... people are going to make that association, and it makes them nervous and it's no more ridiculous than this situation.
[Dec 18,2008 2:10pm - MikeofDecrepitude ""]

Yeti said:Jack Frober Richards

Hey now, watch it....

That's offensive
[Dec 18,2008 2:13pm - jacksonmang  ""]
hitler enjoyed penis popsicles

[Dec 18,2008 2:26pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Jack Fucking Frober Richards has a ring to it.
[Dec 18,2008 3:29pm - Yeti ""]
[Dec 18,2008 3:43pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Glad to hear that Mr. Campbell is so in touch with his German roots. No, wait...
[Dec 18,2008 4:20pm - Josh_Martin ""]

orgymf@work said:
Josh_Martin said:And I am assuming that George fooled you all into thinking that he really believes that someone who named his kids Adolf Hitler and Aryan Nation is just some regular guy who loves black people and thinks jew are just dandy.

BTW Saddam was anything but a muslim extremist. Extremest, sure. But he was about as Muslim as I am christian. He was hated by people like Bin Laden for being too secular. The guy just liked to kill people. He killed ar more muslims than any other religion. I associate terrorism with names like Bin Laden and Al Zawahiri (however the fuck its spelled)
"Hussein" just makes me think of athletes getting tortured and kurds starving to death.

i don't think he loves blacks and jews. i just don't think he is a racist.
rasied by a racist....yep.....misguided....uh-huh.... but not racist

regardless of how you break down what Saddam was.... people are going to make that association, and it makes them nervous and it's no more ridiculous than this situation.

Dude, I'm not falling for it. Good job fucking with everyone else though.
[Dec 18,2008 7:02pm - Hoser ""]
Hahahahahaha....I was born in Easton, PA.

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