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Hatebreed is gayer than a $250 dollar bill

[Aug 29,2006 1:18pm - BlackoutRick ""]
I like HAtebreed too. But to argue with people cuz they don't like a band that you like is futile.
[Aug 29,2006 1:25pm - litacore ""]
quite true, Rick.

I am well rebuked.
[Aug 29,2006 1:27pm - davefromthegrave ""]
this thread sounds exactly like every other "I hate (insert band here)" thread.

coincidentally, every hatebreed song sounds exactly like ever other hatebreed song.
[Aug 29,2006 1:36pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
I think every band sucks. I am Lincolnish.
[Aug 29,2006 1:44pm - terrored  ""]
Why you motherfuckers hate Pantera so much??? those guys invented a new form of Heavy Metal, specially Dimbag(rip), his name will be remembered 100 years from now, yours i dont think so, the guy's dead, you ppl should show a little respect to the legend.
[Aug 29,2006 2:34pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
WTF are you talking about?! They have nothing to do with my history of Metal, you could erase their existence and it would only have a positive result.
[Aug 29,2006 2:46pm - eddie ""]
terrored said:Why you motherfuckers hate Pantera so much??? those guys invented a new form of Heavy Metal, specially Dimbag(rip), his name will be remembered 100 years from now, yours i dont think so, the guy's dead, you ppl should show a little respect to the legend.

pantera sucks.

dimbag will be remembered as a gimmick to sell guitars.
[Aug 29,2006 2:51pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Pink bearded queer.
[Aug 29,2006 2:59pm - terrored  ""]
Why Pantera sucks??????? give me one real good reason why they suck? he was an awesome talented guitar player, wasn't he?
[Aug 29,2006 3:02pm - litacore ""]
and there I was thinking my dissing Bob Dylan would spark controversey!
[Aug 29,2006 3:45pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Black people go like.....this.
[Aug 29,2006 3:50pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
Pantera sucks because asides from black sabbath, every nu metal band and metalcore band lists them as their biggest influence yet has no resemblance.

No hate for black sabbath though, only worship

not to mention every last one of pantera's songs was either about doing little kids, or drinking whiskey.
[Aug 29,2006 3:57pm - xanonymousx ""]
the hatebreed show didn't sell out so in order for them to get a big crowd they put the sold out throwdown show on the bill so more people would go not like throwdown are anything special but they are better than hatebreed and thats a long shot.
[Aug 29,2006 3:58pm - xanonymousx ""]
the one time i saw hatebreed they were too loud and overblown... can't they learn that 5 full stacks turned all the way up at the palladium through the pa suckssss
[Aug 29,2006 4:00pm - ShadowSD ""]
I agree on hating Hatebreed, Dylan, and The Grateful Dead.
[Aug 29,2006 5:27pm - anonymous  ""]
I only know Pantera from mtv,and maybe the radio.They were never anything more than a total Black Flag ripoff with Henry Rollins singing.I guess you're too young to put this together.Whatever made Black Flag great(and this did'nt include commercial aspirations?)Pantera NEVER had.I know one should'nt speak ill of the dead,but,I've always thought this.
[Aug 29,2006 5:28pm - litacore ""]
Y_Ddraig_Goch said:
No hate for black sabbath though, only worship

now THAT'S something I think most of us can agree on!

[Aug 29,2006 5:36pm - Blackout Rick  ""]
Dylan Rules!!
[Aug 29,2006 5:37pm - RichHorror ""]
Uh, Pantera is nothing like Black Flag, at all. Even saying they were a ripoff is an insult to Black Flag.
[Aug 29,2006 5:48pm - skullfucked ""]
seriously. somebody boo that guy quick.
[Aug 29,2006 5:48pm - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 29,2006 5:49pm - Blackout Rick  ""]
[Aug 29,2006 5:50pm - skullfucked ""]
"hey man, i GREW UP watching headbanger's ball while you were still listening to hootie and the blowfish"
[Aug 29,2006 5:51pm - Blackout Rick  ""]
Wait a minute...............What?
[Aug 29,2006 5:51pm - Allahthat ""]
They only time I ever sang on stage it was w/Black fucking Flag.
[Aug 29,2006 5:56pm - Allahthat ""]
Oh,that was me on the Pantera rant^
[Aug 29,2006 6:45pm - Allahthat ""]
The only time.Am I a retard?
[Aug 30,2006 2:31am - Allahthat ""]
In all fairness to Pantera,this is Texas, and, it's too wicked hot here to practice.
[Aug 30,2006 10:43am - Yeti ""]
i fucking love Pantera.
[Aug 30,2006 10:45am - Yeti ""]
i dont really care that people dont like them, i hate alot of the crap that people list as amazing. i fucking hate Sodom, Kreator, Venom, Destruction, Nuclear Assault, all of that garbage. its not innovative to me, its just ultra fast playing, which isnt spectacular to begin with. ie. Dragonforce.
[Aug 30,2006 10:48am - Yeti ""]
but if that revokes my "trooness" then so be it.
[Aug 30,2006 10:55am - xmikex ""]
RichHorror said:Uh, Pantera is nothing like Black Flag, at all. Even saying they were a ripoff is an insult to Black Flag.

Rich come on. Let's look at the similarities between Pantera and Black flag.

- Both had a guitarist
- Both had a drummer
- My War..... Mouth For War
- Henry Rollins went on to start the Rollins Band, Phil Anselmo went on to start Viking Crown..... both of which sucked
- Black Flag had a song called 6 Pack... Pantera had that dumb "song" about something something "and a bottle of pills"
- Black Flag had a song called TV Party. Vinny Paul.... I'm lead to believe enjoyed watching television.
- If you take the word BLACK FLAG, rearrange the letters, turn the B into a P, the F can easily become an E, take an R from Rollins, stack the K on top of the L and you've got a crude looking T, and what do you have........ PACGTERA.
[Aug 30,2006 10:57am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
xmikex said:
- If you take the word BLACK FLAG, rearrange the letters, turn the B into a P, the F can easily become an E, take an R from Rollins, stack the K on top of the L and you've got a crude looking T, and what do you have........ PACGTERA.

This is the greatest thing I've read since the internet started in 1968.

[Aug 30,2006 5:36pm - Allahthat ""]

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