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Best Albums of 2008

[Dec 11,2008 11:17am - christopher  ""]

christopher said:(GREAT Boston band doing experimental metal)

note: I copied and pasted this from another message board. On this forum it kinda makes me sound like a douche, lol.
[Dec 11,2008 11:17am - arilliusbm ""]
+30 points for mentioning brian eno
[Dec 11,2008 11:18am - brian_dc ""]
that's a solid list, man
[Dec 11,2008 11:23am - pam ""]
New Nick Cave, Volbeat and Mercenary are really the only things that came out this year that I regularly listen to. So I'll go with those.
[Dec 11,2008 11:31am - boblovesmusic ""]
Volbeat for the win!
[Dec 11,2008 1:17pm - c.DeaD  ""]
Dead Congregation - Graves of The Archangels

Forgot about that one. I love that cd, but I still think the first one is better. I thought the new Hank 3 was great, but I mean I haven't heard that many new records that have blown my mind this year so....

New Panzer Bastard is the shit, but it ain't out yet. Uhh, didn't even know about that new DSO, but I did get that "Manifestations" cd which is pretty much an unreleased album so I guess you could count that in there. Sounds very much like "Inquisitors of Satan" and "Si Monumentum..." mixed.

[Dec 11,2008 4:19pm - goatcatalyst ""]
"Dig Lazarus Dig" was a monster of a record.
[Dec 11,2008 9:46pm - Darnli  ""]

goatcatalyst said:#1 without peer

Deathspell Omega "Veritas Diaboli Manet in Aeternum: Chaining the Katechon"

[Dec 12,2008 10:13am - pam ""]

boblovesmusic said:Volbeat for the win!

I love that band like someone's paying me do it. I can't wait to see them.
[Dec 12,2008 10:14am - pam ""]

goatcatalyst said:"Dig Lazarus Dig" was a monster of a record.

Nick Cave is a god among men.
[Dec 12,2008 10:48am - ouchdrummer ""]

pam said:
goatcatalyst said:"Dig Lazarus Dig" was a monster of a record.

Nick Cave is a god among men.

I will go buy this when i get out of work, but i want to listen now. I can't find it anywhere.
[Dec 12,2008 10:55am - arilliusbm ""]
Never really got big on Nick Cave. Everyone worships that guy.
[Dec 12,2008 10:58am - ouchdrummer ""]
I would fall in that everyone. And i think it's well deserved. The first cave record i heard was "the good son" then "let love in" then "boatman's call" and it was all gravy from there. I became obsessed.

---brutha, my cup is empty,
but i haven't got a penny.
If i've no more whiskey,
I have to go home.
[Dec 12,2008 11:01am - arilliusbm ""]
Nick Cave does not spark any emotion in me; therefore I am not impressed.
I must say, he's somewhat original, but like I said, his stuff does not impress me artistically. I know most people will disagree, so i'll pull an orgy@work and say Fuck ya'll.
[Dec 12,2008 11:10am - This_Is_Heresy ""]

Darnli said:
goatcatalyst said:#1 without peer

Deathspell Omega "Veritas Diaboli Manet in Aeternum: Chaining the Katechon"


Yes! Thank you is right!
[Dec 12,2008 11:10am - Dave_Maggot ""]
Rise against-appeal to reason
Revocation- empires of the obscene
Akimbo- jersey shores
Soilent green- inevitable collapse in the presence of conviction
Trap them- seizures in barren praise
Walls of jericho- Redemption/the american dream
Parasitic Extirpation- knee deep in disease
Flogging molly- float

and i wanna add:

7l and esoteric- esoteric vs japan
[Dec 12,2008 11:50am - goatcatalyst ""]
Wow, Jim- how does it feel to be dead inside?

Tee hee
[Dec 12,2008 12:06pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Let me answer for my namesake.

It feels great to be dead inside. Fuck yourself.
[Dec 12,2008 2:23pm - W3 nli  ""]

c.DeaD said:I thought the new Hank 3 was great, but I mean I haven't heard that many new records that have blown my mind this year so....

i like the record but its by far not one of his best works, i mean he threw in a few songs that he's been playing live for a few years now. im just saying even he admits it doesnt top Straight to Hell.

but its def a solid listen not album of the year material though.
[Dec 12,2008 5:15pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I mean Aril, dude. For his lack of Nick Cave appreciatio. Hahaha. But if you must know, my masturbation regiment is nothing short of rigorous.
[Dec 12,2008 5:23pm - ouchdrummer ""]
no no no, i was saying let me answer for aril. As he is my namesake.
[Dec 12,2008 5:24pm - ouchdrummer ""]
.....and i am no stranger to masturbation.... or the stranger for that matter.
[Dec 12,2008 9:08pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
I haven't received it from Seth yet, but I'm gonna say the AC 110 song CD is the best thing, right behind the last Kevorkian's Angels cd:NEWHORNS:
[Dec 17,2008 4:48pm - dreadkill ""]
i liked the new daylight dies album a lot. not album of the year, but very good.
[Dec 17,2008 4:49pm - AnotherMetalDrummer ""]
Are you talking about the Killswitch CD?
[Dec 17,2008 4:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Dec 17,2008 4:59pm - dreadkill ""]

AnotherMetalDrummer said:Are you talking about the Killswitch CD?
no, the daylight dies CD "lost to the living."

fuck killswitch
[Dec 17,2008 5:00pm - AnotherMetalDrummer ""]
I was just making sure, I would have been dissapointed if their name was even mentioned as a best album!
[Dec 17,2008 5:03pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
KsE isnt that bad. at least there old stuff is good. new shit is in fact terrible however.
[Dec 17,2008 5:08pm - AnotherMetalDrummer ""]
I agree, their old stuff was good, still they had some poppy songs back then. But yea their new stuff is just plain horrible.
[Dec 17,2008 6:04pm - RustyPS ""]
2 I neglected to mention:

Shai Hulud - Misanthropy Pure
Ghostlimb - Bearing & Distance
[Dec 17,2008 7:12pm - rotivore ""]
warbringer-war without end!!!!!
[Dec 17,2008 8:01pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Death Magnetic! Sick riffs!
[Dec 28,2008 12:16am - BSV  ""]
top picks of 2008!
okay, so I really havn't bought all that many new releases but here are a few that came out this year I that I totally dig.

arghoslent - hornets of the pogrom
fucking amazing album. epic fucking death metal, otherwise self-proclaimed as "totalitarian death metal". crushing vocals, clear and natural (no ugly double ups!). riffs that soar and sear while fucking devastating and dominating. wicked memorable solos that just ring fucking true. fuck politics this band is fucking good. everybody I’ve played this for on a blind listen fucking loved it. I’ll be happy to wait another 7 years for the next masterpiece.

darkthrone - dark thrones and black flags
perfect fucking album. i've totally dug what darkthrone has been doing this decade and this release is the perfect culmination of genius. this one is full of fucking anthems. very well developed riffs and some gloomy ass licks that just plagues you numb. total respect to this band for making an amazing 14th album, very inspirational! BREAK THE CHAINS!

darkthrone – frostland tapes
being a fairly rabid darkthrone fan such as myself, I was totally thrilled to see this collection released. I loved the “preparing for war” collection and this 3 disc set provides a crucial look into those early ass demos that present darkthrone as the total death metal force they originated as. not to mention they tossed a fucking rare rehearsal tape from during the Goatlord sessions in there which features nothing but pure instrumentation sans vocals. recommended for any darkthrone nut especially those who tend to give up on them with panzerfaust.

decrepit birth - diminishing between worlds
this is fucking zen. such an incredible progression from their first album but still true to form never yielding to restrictions. technically proficient but never overwhelming. One of those albums where I would show to anyone who was curious about Death Metal. sit back, light it up and enjoy-you'll be traveling to a corner of your conscious you never knew.

duffy - rockferry
a man needs his soul and duffy is mine. i listen to this probably more than anything else in the past 3 months, in the car, in the shower, or fucking wasted, she never lets me down. skip mercy and listen to the other singles.

deeds of flesh - of what's to come
oh man. this is the album I’ve always wanted deeds to make. if for some reason you find deeds of flesh to be boring, bland, repeative-then check out this release. Stepping it up with a fresh 2nd guitarist and an amazing new bass player, this is delight of all things technical but yet total focused and devoted to making crushing music that never trends with current. well worth the wait since “crown of souls”, now if only these fuckers would play new england…it’s been like 8 years or something, since the path of the weakening tour!

misery index – traitors
goddamn! I’ve been a fucking fierce fan of these boys since the first ep but this album is fucking devastating. by far their most militant, angry and focused release yet. this band continues to grow together in wonderful ways constantly belting out relentless metal that grinds the fuck out of the norm. still one of the best live bands around these days!

REVOCATION, DYSENTERY, and COLD NORTHERN VENGEANCE would be in this list but I don't have their albums yet : (

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