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Today is day TWO of withdrawls from dope

[Aug 11,2009 2:40pm - reimroc ""]
Only 3 or 4 more days or so until I feel completey better and after that it will be all mental is keeping myself away. I'm going to go to a meeting a day while I'm detoxing.

Not gonna lie though I feel like straight up ass. Wish me luck.
[Aug 11,2009 2:43pm - arilliusbm ""]
good, now stick with it and keep it up.
when you're done, lemme frag you in TFC.
[Aug 11,2009 2:47pm - Hungtableed  ""]
Jesus, good luck man. I see people detoxing off all sorts of shit all the time. Dope is pretty bad, but, you can't die from it like booze. We don't usually send guys coming off dope to the hospital like most booze detoxes usually go. The hardest part will be keeping away from everyone and anyone you use to be around who sold it/uses it. My advice, get a new life and a new circle of friends so you never come in contact with it, ever. Again, good luck man! Stay strong...
[Aug 11,2009 2:51pm - blue ""]
Bout time that you tackled this, sir. Good luck.
[Aug 11,2009 2:52pm - RichHorror ""]
Just give it all to me.
[Aug 11,2009 2:52pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 11,2009 2:53pm - sever ""]
When this is all over, let's smoke a victory blunt.
[Aug 11,2009 2:54pm - dreadkill ""]

the_reverend said:dope? I SUCKED DICK FOR COKE.
boo this man!
[Aug 11,2009 2:54pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
you should go on that intervention show so you can make a couple bucks in the process
[Aug 11,2009 2:56pm - reimroc ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:you should go on that intervention show so you can make a couple bucks in the process

[Aug 11,2009 3:02pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Wait, we talking dope, or DOPE?
[Aug 11,2009 3:04pm - reimroc ""]

Heroin dope

Dopity mcdopy dope
[Aug 11,2009 3:05pm - the_reverend ""]
like this?
[Aug 11,2009 3:08pm - reimroc ""]
[Aug 11,2009 3:08pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

reimroc said:DOPE DOPE

Heroin dope

Dopity mcdopy dope

Oh, ok. That sucks. Yeah, you probably don't wanna do anymore of that. THERE, YOU'RE CURED!
[Aug 11,2009 3:10pm - reimroc ""]
lol thanks steve. yea i was clean for 2 years up until a couple months ago when i relapsed. i'd write my whole drug abuse/recovery story for you to read but you probably don't want to read that wall of text.
[Aug 11,2009 3:12pm - arilliusbm ""]
just create a blog.

"reimroc: the struggles and hopes of an avid PC gamer"

in all seriousness, good luck
[Aug 11,2009 3:14pm - reimroc ""]
thanks aril. i'll repost my story for all of you to read and hopefully learn from if you have an addictive personality and are thinking about experimenting with cocaine or opiates. really its for all of you to know where i'm coming from.

And here we go.....

Around the age of 16 I started experimenting with Oxycontin, Percocets, Vicodin and the like. The first time I blew an oxy it was the greatest thing I ever felt in my entire life. Better than sex, better than love, better than the meaning and logic of emotion itself. Before I knew it I had a habit taking about 2 80 OCs a day and that grew to 4 a day. Finally taking those things got way to expensive(this was around 03 when the government starting cracking down and prices went from 30-50 an OC80 to 70-100 for an OC80) so I asked around and got my first bag of dope(dope being heroin so if you see me write that thats what I mean, not weed or anything else). Being that heroin got me that same great opiate high at a low price I was in love. I couldn't get anough of it. But before I knew it snorting the stuff wasn't getting the job done anymore, wasn't getting me high like it used to. So one day after consulting a couple people I knew who had booted(shot, injected) heroin before I tried it. Needless to say it was the greatest thing I ever felt since the first time I blew an oxy. Before I knew it I had a 2 gram a day habit and I was burning every bridge I had. This way by my 18th birthday. Shortly after I got arrested and put on probation for breaking into my neighbors house. This led me to drug court, a halfway house and the means of recovery that got me clean and sober for 2 years. It was a happy, amazing 2 years ad I gained the trust back of my family and friends. I got my degree and certifications for database administration. I was on the right track. This leads us to a couple months ago when I broke down after being stressed and NOT using the tools I had to keep me from using, I used. Since then, a couple months ago, I've had an off and on habit and basically being a "functioning addict". I didn't burn any bridges, I didn't lose my job and I pretty much kept my using again a secret from everyone until a month later my mother found my stash of used needles in my room. Needless to say they were dissapointed. I was dissapointed in myself as well. Since then I continued being off and on again. Using a couple days here a couple days there. The past couple of weeks I decided to start using everyday and now I'm paying for it with some shitty withdrawls but I need to stop before I get back to the way I was before I got clean and sober a couple years ago.
[Aug 11,2009 3:18pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

reimroc said:thanks aril. i'll repost my story for all of you to read and hopefully learn from if you have an addictive personality and are thinking about experimenting with cocaine or opiates. really its for all of you to know where i'm coming from.

And here we go.....

Around the age of 16 I started experimenting with Oxycontin, Percocets, Vicodin and the like. The first time I blew an oxy it was the greatest thing I ever felt in my entire life. Better than sex, better than love, better than the meaning and logic of emotion itself. Before I knew it I had a habit taking about 2 80 OCs a day and that grew to 4 a day. Finally taking those things got way to expensive(this was around 03 when the government starting cracking down and prices went from 30-50 an OC80 to 70-100 for an OC80) so I asked around and got my first bag of dope(dope being heroin so if you see me write that thats what I mean, not weed or anything else). Being that heroin got me that same great opiate high at a low price I was in love. I couldn't get anough of it. But before I knew it snorting the stuff wasn't getting the job done anymore, wasn't getting me high like it used to. So one day after consulting a couple people I knew who had booted(shot, injected) heroin before I tried it. Needless to say it was the greatest thing I ever felt since the first time I blew an oxy. Before I knew it I had a 2 gram a day habit and I was burning every bridge I had. This way by my 18th birthday. Shortly after I got arrested and put on probation for breaking into my neighbors house. This led me to drug court, a halfway house and the means of recovery that got me clean and sober for 2 years. It was a happy, amazing 2 years ad I gained the trust back of my family and friends. I got my degree and certifications for database administration. I was on the right track. This leads us to a couple months ago when I broke down after being stressed and NOT using the tools I had to keep me from using, I used. Since then, a couple months ago, I've had an off and on habit and basically being a "functioning addict". I didn't burn any bridges, I didn't lose my job and I pretty much kept my using again a secret from everyone until a month later my mom got scared, and said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near, the license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought, "Nah, forget it. Yo, holmes to Bel-Air!" I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 and I yelled to the cabbie, "Yo homes smell ya later!" Looked at my kingdom I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air. .

[Aug 11,2009 3:25pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
oh man
[Aug 11,2009 3:40pm - Mcgunk.  ""]
I used to be reimroc
[Aug 11,2009 3:40pm - The_Rooster ""]
It's great that you're doing this. I wish you all the best, and hope that you get to the place you want to be.

I think that one posters advice to make new friends and sever old relationships with those around you who enable you to use, is very good advice. A close friend of mine, twice went to rehab for cocaine addiction, and upon leaving, he would continue to hang with the same people, and ALWAYS ended up relapsing. Now his life is utter shit.

Nothing good can come of using that shit. Nothing.
[Aug 11,2009 3:54pm - reimroc ""]
thanks for your support guise
[Aug 11,2009 3:55pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
You probably need to find religion. May I suggest:

[Aug 11,2009 3:55pm - secthammer  ""]
Good luck sir! I have not had the pains of addiction (the comedown from one night of MDMA was enough to scare me away from harder drugs) weed ftw for me!
[Aug 11,2009 4:02pm - the_reverend ""]
I joke (and will continue too), but good for you dude. Speaking of, when's josh martin going to come in here and call you a pussy?
[Aug 11,2009 4:06pm - arktouros ""]

secthammer said:Good luck sir! I have not had the pains of addiction (the comedown from one night of MDMA was enough to scare me away from harder drugs) weed ftw for me!

i hear you, coming down from LSD was enough for me to never want anything harder...and that wasn't even bad, more like "this is lasting too damn long, i just want to be connected to my brain again"

you can do it reim, you're almost there, mind over matter as always.
[Aug 11,2009 4:09pm - reimroc ""]
thanks broski. i'm trying to keep myself busy(still being at work helps) but i really can't when i feel like i have the flu. all i want to do is lay down and not move.
[Aug 11,2009 4:13pm - dreadkill ""]
good luck, dude. get back to where you were for two years. that's where you need to be.
[Aug 11,2009 4:13pm - the_reverend ""]
coming down off LSD? that's the weirdest thing I've ever read. I may or may not have taken plenty of acid and if I did, I wouldn't be able to think of a single time that I would have said "Why won't this end". If I had ever done it a bunch, I would have probably thought "awe... why was that so short? I need to run outside more"
[Aug 11,2009 4:44pm - arktouros ""]
well the one time I took it, even jimBoar said it was a very strong dose. it lasted around 20 hours and i took a TRIP...but after about 12 hours i was done with the feeling. i get sick of being stoned too, so there ya go.

"I may or may not have taken plenty of acid and if I did.." haha
[Aug 11,2009 4:50pm - BSV  ""]
Keep it up bro! I've seen way to many people loose everything due to this shit.
[Aug 11,2009 5:07pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Good luck, man. Be strong and be well.

Rev, you're a dirty hippie who may or may not listen to too much Jethro Airplane.
[Aug 12,2009 12:57pm - reimroc ""]
Day three. Still feel assy but its better than day one and two.
[Aug 12,2009 1:28pm - secthammer  ""]
I can understand the lsd lasting too long, but there wasn't much of a comedown for me from it, which is awesome.

Mushrooms on the other hand...terrible come down! haha LSDFTW

[Aug 12,2009 1:41pm - oscarct ""]
good luck
[Aug 12,2009 1:49pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Aug 12,2009 1:50pm - the_reverend ""]
If I had ever taken mushrooms, I probably would have found that they weren't strong enough, lasted too short, and made me feel like I had to poop constantly.
[Aug 12,2009 9:14pm - sxealex ""]
do you take seboxon? spelling?
[Aug 12,2009 9:14pm - sxealex ""]
to op ^
[Aug 12,2009 9:20pm - sxealex ""]
my friend is at about the same stage as u thats why im askin
[Aug 12,2009 9:24pm - pam ""]

reimroc said:thanks aril. i'll repost my story for all of you to read and hopefully learn from if you have an addictive personality and are thinking about experimenting with cocaine or opiates. really its for all of you to know where i'm coming from.

And here we go.....

Around the age of 16 I started experimenting with Oxycontin, Percocets, Vicodin and the like. The first time I blew an oxy it was the greatest thing I ever felt in my entire life. Better than sex, better than love, better than the meaning and logic of emotion itself. Before I knew it I had a habit taking about 2 80 OCs a day and that grew to 4 a day. Finally taking those things got way to expensive(this was around 03 when the government starting cracking down and prices went from 30-50 an OC80 to 70-100 for an OC80) so I asked around and got my first bag of dope(dope being heroin so if you see me write that thats what I mean, not weed or anything else). Being that heroin got me that same great opiate high at a low price I was in love. I couldn't get anough of it. But before I knew it snorting the stuff wasn't getting the job done anymore, wasn't getting me high like it used to. So one day after consulting a couple people I knew who had booted(shot, injected) heroin before I tried it. Needless to say it was the greatest thing I ever felt since the first time I blew an oxy. Before I knew it I had a 2 gram a day habit and I was burning every bridge I had. This way by my 18th birthday. Shortly after I got arrested and put on probation for breaking into my neighbors house. This led me to drug court, a halfway house and the means of recovery that got me clean and sober for 2 years. It was a happy, amazing 2 years ad I gained the trust back of my family and friends. I got my degree and certifications for database administration. I was on the right track. This leads us to a couple months ago when I broke down after being stressed and NOT using the tools I had to keep me from using, I used. Since then, a couple months ago, I've had an off and on habit and basically being a "functioning addict". I didn't burn any bridges, I didn't lose my job and I pretty much kept my using again a secret from everyone until a month later my mother found my stash of used needles in my room. Needless to say they were dissapointed. I was dissapointed in myself as well. Since then I continued being off and on again. Using a couple days here a couple days there. The past couple of weeks I decided to start using everyday and now I'm paying for it with some shitty withdrawls but I need to stop before I get back to the way I was before I got clean and sober a couple years ago.

Ugh, this breaks my heart. This is pretty much exactly my little brother's story, except he's relapsed 3x and went to jail for theft (to support the habit of course).

Keep at it. And stay the fuck away from anyone who deals or uses. Don't rely on good luck.
[Aug 12,2009 9:24pm - Lamp ""]
I wish I could find the thread where I posted about the time I did shrooms. After that experience, I vowed to stick to the staples.
[Aug 12,2009 10:11pm - the_reverend ""]
you get your drugs at staples?
[Aug 12,2009 10:47pm - tylor ""]
that was walmart
[Aug 12,2009 10:56pm - McGunk..  ""]
I snort cock and smoke crack. I used to do heroin but that got boring and pee pee and tee hee. Now I sort glass and I ve learned the job by heart. Pills are nice too.
[Aug 13,2009 8:22am - ouchdrummer ""]

reimroc said:Day three. Still feel assy but its better than day one and two.

How are you sleeping? Night 3 -4 were always real hard on me.
[Aug 13,2009 8:40am - reimroc ""]
I've been sleeping fine. I know some people do get insomnia but when I feel like I have the flu all I want to do is sleep.
[Aug 13,2009 8:56am - SkinSandwich ""]
We've talked man, good luck. You know where I stand with this.
[Aug 13,2009 9:14am - ouchdrummer ""]
Gross, i hate the "flu" feeling. The constant yawns, the watering eyes, the runny nose, it SUCKS!

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