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shroud of bereavement looking for bands to play on aug 14th

[Jul 24,2004 12:50pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
dyingmuse said: we could maybe work in a seventh my dying bride. let me ask serge. ill see him tommorrow.
there also is talk about a 2 day fest in the future so ill keep everyone posted!

ya that would be sweet if you could, i would def be interested in the 2 day thing too.

[Jul 24,2004 1:12pm - Abbath ""]
ya cause we need to get pimpeddddddddddddddd
[Jul 24,2004 1:13pm - dyingmuse ""]
pimp!!!!! yeah!!!!!!!!!!!\m/
[Jul 24,2004 1:29pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
We cant do it.
[Jul 24,2004 7:36pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
What about ANOXIA?
[Jul 24,2004 11:53pm - dyingmuse ""]
this is the final list unless laz cant do it. i still need to talk with serge about the 7th band.
shroud of bereavement
5 minutes hate
hand choke neck
life at zero
[Jul 25,2004 1:09pm - Iren_the_Viking ""]
well dissector is ready if need be
[Jul 25,2004 2:24pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
I thought you said we couldnt do it?
[Jul 25,2004 5:55pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Ocean, as in the doom band from Maine?! That band is fucking awesome.
[Jul 25,2004 7:04pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Jul 25,2004 7:05pm - dyingmuse ""]
this show is going to kick ass!!!!!! who's in?
[Jul 25,2004 7:09pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
You should have booked it at KCs tap, I really want to see Ocean, did they sell 50 tickets?
[Jul 25,2004 7:37pm - dyingmuse ""]
ocean is also playing at kc's with us. its all on the site!
we'd love to see ya there!
you could set up a merch table there too if you'd like!
[Jul 25,2004 7:40pm - dyingmuse ""]
that whole sell tickets thing is only for national shows. it helps to pay for the bigger bands that serge cant afford to pay for. i understand selling tickets sucks...but how else will he get the big bands paid for?
if you ever want to get some of your bands at the shelter let me know. well hook it up! i really like a lot of your bands man!
[Jul 25,2004 7:52pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
as long as we don't have to sell tickets, we'll play any time.

The Taste Of Silver
[Jul 25,2004 8:04pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Any time man, just ask. I am sure any of the NC bands would be down to play, granted they have nothing else (bandwise or personal life).

I will definately try to make the KCs tap one with Ocean, you guys and them together will destroy!
[Jul 25,2004 8:36pm - dyingmuse ""]
nice thanks man and i hope i see ya! \m/
[Jul 27,2004 5:39pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
where is the bombshelter
[Jul 27,2004 5:44pm - powerkok ""]
manchester nh, behind the coca cola plant.
its the most ghetto looking building visible from 293!!
[Jul 27,2004 5:45pm - powerkok ""]
joe, what led up to your boycott on the Bombshelter?
[Jul 27,2004 7:29pm - Todd(bombshellter)  ""]
Apparently he thinks he is banned ,cause he said some shit about me in another thread or something and i said if he ever came to the shelter i would not let him in...hahaha...but whatever dude, if he comes and apologizes to me i already said he was NOT banned from their anyway but whatever
[Jul 27,2004 8:23pm - dyingmuse ""]
joe come to the bombshelter too man! whats up todd?
[Jul 27,2004 8:50pm - RustedAngel ""]
yo dan, AIM me when you get a chance.
[Jul 27,2004 9:21pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Jul 28,2004 9:57am - Josiah_the_Black ""]
dyingmuse did you talk to that serge person yet about valhalla playing?
[Jul 28,2004 12:11pm - dyingmuse ""]
yeah valhalla is also on this bill!!!! metal metal metal
[Jul 28,2004 12:14pm - dyingmuse ""]
shroud of bereavement
5 minutes hate
hand choke neck
life at zero
[Jul 28,2004 12:18pm - Abbath ""]
fuck ya we won't dissapoint! TROO Cape Cod Black Metal! hahahahahahah \M/
[Jul 28,2004 12:25pm - dyingmuse ""]
right on guys!
[Jul 28,2004 12:27pm - RustedAngel ""]

[Jul 28,2004 12:37pm - dyingmuse ""]
lol fuck yeah man good show right there
[Jul 30,2004 12:52am - dyingmuse ""]
[Jul 30,2004 12:32pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
yes thsi show will rip balls dyingmuse will you email me at davidm@5minuteshate.com i dont have your address
[Jul 30,2004 1:48pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Ocean is awesome. Love them.
[Jul 31,2004 6:13pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]

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