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Yeah...so ...how's Obama doing?

[Feb 19,2009 5:47pm - MASlayer  ""]
really...do you think what's happening is good or not and why?
[Feb 19,2009 6:01pm - GOP (Gay ole' party)  ""]
He hasn't wasted trillions of dollars bombing people who were no threat to us and as far as has been reported, he hasn't tried to fuck with the constitution. So his first month has kicked the shit out of his predecessor's.

Also, he's still black. Nobody's perfect.
[Feb 19,2009 6:02pm - alexc ""]
uh hes a fuck up. plain and simple. welcome to the united socialist states of america.
[Feb 19,2009 6:11pm - thuringwethil ""]
better than Bush. Tell ya THAT MUCH.

I'd rather be WRONGLY PERCEIVED as a socialist by hypocrite rightwing pigfuckers than be a hypocrite rightwing pigfucker myself.

[Feb 19,2009 6:20pm - alexc ""]
well im a moderate. both extremes in politics have SERIOUS drawbacks. fuck them both. and dude government run housing and real estate is DEFINITELY socialist. whats next? lets spread the wealth around a little bit more huh? Barack is better than bush perhaps personality wise but the decisions he is making are inexcusable. Blatantly going against campaign promises, appointing tax cheats and allowing one of them to stay on his cabinet and opting for the biggest shithouse of a stimulus bill ever. well thats just fucking great and all within a month of his being in office. dude is just more of the same, people voted for him because of their anti-bush/anti-republican sentiment and now we're all screwed. congratulations everybody!
[Feb 19,2009 7:02pm - the_reverend ""]
barak is hotter. whenever he speaks, I feel like I'm watching a nice black family on 70's/80's TV.

with that said, the choices he has made aren't the best. The things he's spending money on aren't the best, but if I had the answers to what is wrong with the USA I WOULDN'T BE POSTING ON A MESSAGEBOARD! I would be making policies. He's dealing with the shit that was left to him and will be for the next 3-5 years.
[Feb 19,2009 7:03pm - MASlayer  ""]

GOP said:He hasn't wasted trillions of dollars bombing people who were no threat to us and as far as has been reported, he hasn't tried to fuck with the constitution. So his first month has kicked the shit out of his predecessor's.

Also, he's still black. Nobody's perfect.

Let me address this statement...

He HAS wasted trillions on bailouts that are going to further us into an ghetto of a country. Now as far as a threat (meaning Iraq) here's a brief history lesson that 95% of people forget. We invaded Iraq not because of Terrorism but because of the UN. The UN inspectors we're constantly being thrown out of the country and threatened because the UN wanted to inspect their chemical facilities and military installations. The UN then threatened Iraq with military force and EVERYONE was behind it. When it became go time, we stood alone BUT made good on the threat instead of just being all talk.

As far as a threat to the constitution, he swore an oath to protect us from foreign and domestic terrorists. So he closes Guantanamo...fine...but let's them intergrate into OUR society with only a handful being deported knowing that they WILL come back across because our borders aren't secure.

I'm not making this pro republivan or Bush but let's look at this for what it is. His campaign was a sham and he's ging to rethink your decision when your check you work hard for is that much lighter in a very short time...
[Feb 19,2009 7:08pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]

GOP said:He hasn't wasted trillions of dollars bombing people who were no threat to us and as far as has been reported, he hasn't tried to fuck with the constitution. So his first month has kicked the shit out of his predecessor's.

Also, he's still black. Nobody's perfect.

no, but he's already instated a bill that will not do anything to help the economy that will cost us billions.

bush did cost us trillions, but at least it took him 8 years, this dude is already nigga rich
[Feb 19,2009 7:15pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]

thuringwethil said:better than Bush. Tell ya THAT MUCH.

I'd rather be WRONGLY PERCEIVED as a socialist by hypocrite rightwing pigfuckers than be a hypocrite rightwing pigfucker myself.


1.the robin hood-esque tax programs he wants to instate ARE a form of socialism.....and it's the same shit Castro destroyed Cuba with (under the false pretenses of change and a better tomorrow)

2.it's not just the right that hate him, i hate both sides and have no political affiliation, and i despise him, and many people i know, (as well as others i have spoken to) - who are either libertarians, or liberals who wanted to see hillary win - think he is a fuck up and a socialist.

brainwashed morons WRONGLY PERCEIVE him as the man who will save us from war and fix the economy.

he is a fuckup.....perhaps as big a fuck up as bush.....his stimulus plan (which is extremely similar to the type of shit he criticized bush for.... now whose the hypocrite?) is just the first step in many steps towards epic failure.

enjoy your false prophet you sniveling liberal hippie fuck
[Feb 19,2009 7:33pm - Hoser ""]
AND...the scumbag is trying to skirt the Constitutional rights of gunowners by voting to serialize every single round fired through a firearm. That was our ammo prices go way up AND we get to wait for more government id checks just to buy ammo.

[Feb 19,2009 7:56pm - HI BILLY MAYS HERE /w LOVELY MANDY BLAKE  ""]



[Feb 19,2009 8:37pm - the_reverend ""]

Hoser said:AND...the scumbag is trying to skirt the Constitutional rights of gunowners by voting to serialize every single round fired through a firearm. That was our ammo prices go way up AND we get to wait for more government id checks just to buy ammo.


make you own rounds or you sir are from massachusetts AND A PUSSY.
[Feb 19,2009 8:39pm - Hoser ""]
I do...and the bill also calls for a cease to this practice. Which means that we can no longer purchase the brass or the projectiles without gov't registration. Nice. Real proud of this assclown.
[Feb 19,2009 9:12pm - Hater  ""]
I went to 5 different stores for 9mm ammo on Jan 22.
That should tell you how he's doing.
[Feb 19,2009 9:13pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]




Billy, i love you, because you brought oxy-clean into my life.

thank you
[Feb 19,2009 9:15pm - Hater  ""]
I should clarify:

Not buying all the ammo I could, rather trying to find just ONE box!!
I ended up finding some junk fmj's at a pawn shop.
[Feb 19,2009 10:01pm - Conservationist ""]
He's the most corrupt president we've ever had.

He pandered to the disillusioned underachievers out there who have no idea how politics, economics or leadership function.

In exchange, he's going to hyper-inflate the value of American currency if he can, creating the seeds for the next recession just as that idiot Clinton created the one we're currently experiencing.

Welcome to the third world.


Luckily, the people who voted for him are too politics illiterate to connect the goddamn dots in 12 years when this comes home to roost.
[Feb 19,2009 10:34pm - MASlayer  ""]
hmmm...what happened to all the Obama supporters?? Hello?? Do you exist anymore?
[Feb 19,2009 10:45pm - Hater  ""]
They are all square glasses wearing douches, this is for sure.

[Feb 19,2009 10:45pm - Hater  ""]
Or just Black.
[Feb 19,2009 10:47pm - Hater  ""]
I wonder if any of the above douches would have thought that their messiah would have deployed 15,000 troops to afghanistan within his first month in office.

I agree with that decision 100%....as long as they come from Iraq and not here.
[Feb 19,2009 11:10pm - MASlayer  ""]
Maybe they're all ashamed because the drank the kool aid at first and are beginning to see that this was the worst choice for this country at this time
[Feb 19,2009 11:18pm - dftg  ""]

thuringwethil said:better than Bush. Tell ya THAT MUCH.

I'd rather be WRONGLY PERCEIVED as a socialist by hypocrite rightwing pigfuckers than be a hypocrite rightwing pigfucker myself.


Well at least you don't stereotype people.
[Feb 20,2009 12:33am - the_reverend ""]
my friend works in sales for one of the big gun gun manufactures. Even he makes fun of the idiots that are rushing out to buy guns.
[Feb 20,2009 1:14am - dftg  ""]

the_reverend said:my friend works in sales for one of the big gun gun manufactures. Even he makes fun of the idiots that are rushing out to buy guns.

That makes sense, because IT CAN'T HAPPEN HERE
[Feb 20,2009 1:42am - sli sli sli  ""]
jeez, its been a month, fercryinoutloud.
lets be honest here, the folks branding him a failure so prematurely are the same names and faces that were rooting for him to lose from the get-go.
[Feb 20,2009 1:50am - the_reverend ""]

dftg said:
the_reverend said:my friend works in sales for one of the big gun gun manufactures. Even he makes fun of the idiots that are rushing out to buy guns.

That makes sense, because IT CAN'T HAPPEN HERE

exactly what he said. All they will do is maybe ban assault rifles or something if you need and assault rifle to kill a deer, please go to the super market before you gun down your mom. America and Americans can never and will never be gun free.
[Feb 20,2009 2:14am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
If you faggots don't like what the president is doing why don't you just fucking leave America, fucking commmie faggots.
[Feb 20,2009 2:46am - BSV  ""]
I thought it takes 8 years to see economic shit that the head of chief puts in motion.

Don't blame Barack, he's the anti-christ, the real issue is OVERPOPULATION.
[Feb 20,2009 4:06am - mortalis ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney said:If you faggots don't like what the president is doing why don't you just fucking leave America, fucking commmie faggots.

[Feb 20,2009 7:07am - MASlayer  ""]

mortalis said:
BobNOMAAMRooney said:If you faggots don't like what the president is doing why don't you just fucking leave America, fucking commmie faggots.


So does this mean you approve of his actions so far? It's not a question of loving America...it's a question of how so many disillusioned put a man in place clearly not ready nor qualified for the job. We, as the disenfranchised and downtrodden, are powerless until the next election. We have a right to judge and criticize the current administration. I mean, doesn't common sense dictate you can't spend trillions of dollars you don't have to try and improve the current situation? Do you borrow and borrow to but things just to be handed a bill you need to pay? Where does it come from? How is that responsible? Bring a valid argument if you're going to partake here...not a juvenille comment with no backbone or substance.
[Feb 20,2009 7:24am - Yeti ""]
HE HAS BEEN IN OFFICE FOR A FUCKING MONTH! he was thrown into the midst of a financial crisis which CANNOT be fixed in a month, no one has EVER had to fight something of this magnitude, every decision has to be trial and error. no, i don't agree with everything he is doing, but for fucks sake you can't label him a failure with absolutely no backup. and i don't consider a month of decision making that you don't agree with backup, it would have to be at least a year, if not 2 before he can be stamped with either a "failure" or "success" label. and to the whole ammunition thing, how does "the right to bear arms" denote "the right to own unlicensed, unchecked firearms and ammunition", and his decision to keep everything in check "skirting constitutional rights"? i'm looking for an honest answer, not "SOCIALIST OBAMA IS A FAGGOT AND SO ARE YOU!".
[Feb 20,2009 7:31am - thuringwethil ""]
you hippie commie liberal you

88, stormfront.org, blah blah
[Feb 20,2009 7:33am - thuringwethil ""]

dftg said:
thuringwethil said:better than Bush. Tell ya THAT MUCH.

I'd rather be WRONGLY PERCEIVED as a socialist by hypocrite rightwing pigfuckers than be a hypocrite rightwing pigfucker myself.


Well at least you don't stereotype people.

no, not like fox news, ya stoner slacker. :HUMP:
[Feb 20,2009 8:23am - brian_dc ""]
ah, internet

thanks again.
[Feb 20,2009 8:28am - MattBreen ""]
Why don't you guys save the world?
[Feb 20,2009 8:30am - xmikex ""]
Yeah... so... how's Deval Patrick doing? This time 2 years ago I loved that guy. I'd like to punch him in the nose right now though.
[Feb 20,2009 8:31am - W3 @ work  ""]
[Feb 20,2009 8:32am - W3 @ work  ""]

xmikex said:Yeah... so... how's Deval Patrick doing? This time 2 years ago I loved that guy. I'd like to punch him in the nose right now though.

yeah i dont own a car but i dont like the idea of hiking up gas tax, toll fees or taxing on mileage.
[Feb 20,2009 8:58am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I fully back Hoser on the gun issue, just for the record. Also, NUCLEAR BOW AND ARROW OR YOU'RE A PUSSY
[Feb 20,2009 9:03am - orgymf@work  ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney said:If you faggots don't like what the president is doing why don't you just fucking leave America, fucking commmie faggots.

oh really?
you're still in america.
does that mean you liked what bush did?
or you are just a hypocrite?

[Feb 20,2009 9:04am - orgymf@work  ""]

BSV said:I thought it takes 8 years to see economic shit that the head of chief puts in motion.

Don't blame Barack, he's the anti-christ, the real issue is OVERPOPULATION.

which is made worse by illegal immigration.

but don't say that....it's considered racist.
[Feb 20,2009 9:07am - orgymf@work  ""]

W3%20@%20work said:
xmikex said:Yeah... so... how's Deval Patrick doing? This time 2 years ago I loved that guy. I'd like to punch him in the nose right now though.

yeah i dont own a car but i dont like the idea of hiking up gas tax, toll fees or taxing on mileage.

i hear they wanna make that mileage tax a federal thing.
scary shit.
i may start taking the train
[Feb 20,2009 9:08am - orgymf@work  ""]

xmikex said:Yeah... so... how's Deval Patrick doing? This time 2 years ago I loved that guy. I'd like to punch him in the nose right now though.

seriously....he is only slightly less shitty than Romney.
but yeah, he is still just a worhtless piece of shit (aka politician)
[Feb 20,2009 9:09am - brian_dc ""]

orgymf@work said:
BobNOMAAMRooney said:If you faggots don't like what the president is doing why don't you just fucking leave America, fucking commmie faggots.

oh really?
you're still in america.
does that mean you liked what bush did?
or you are just a hypocrite?


I...I...I think he was being....ironic
[Feb 20,2009 9:10am - W3 @ work  ""]

orgymf@work said:
W3%20@%20work said:
xmikex said:Yeah... so... how's Deval Patrick doing? This time 2 years ago I loved that guy. I'd like to punch him in the nose right now though.

yeah i dont own a car but i dont like the idea of hiking up gas tax, toll fees or taxing on mileage.

i hear they wanna make that mileage tax a federal thing.
scary shit.
i may start taking the train

yeah i dont like the fact the government can track you now, thanks patriot act. i just think it would be even worse if they had a law saying theyve got the right to track you.

[Feb 20,2009 9:15am - orgymf@work  ""]

Yeti said:HE HAS BEEN IN OFFICE FOR A FUCKING MONTH! he was thrown into the midst of a financial crisis which CANNOT be fixed in a month, no one has EVER had to fight something of this magnitude, every decision has to be trial and error. no, i don't agree with everything he is doing, but for fucks sake you can't label him a failure with absolutely no backup. and i don't consider a month of decision making that you don't agree with backup, it would have to be at least a year, if not 2 before he can be stamped with either a "failure" or "success" label. and to the whole ammunition thing, how does "the right to bear arms" denote "the right to own unlicensed, unchecked firearms and ammunition", and his decision to keep everything in check "skirting constitutional rights"? i'm looking for an honest answer, not "SOCIALIST OBAMA IS A FAGGOT AND SO ARE YOU!".


his tax/stimulus plans are moronic and will sink us even deeper into national debt

he is strongly for punishing people who use "hatespeech" which is first of all bullshit (because hatespeech is just a term used by liberals to make jokes based on race, background, gender or sexual preference look like a "verbal hate crime") and second of all, a violation of free speech (aka A VIOLATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!!!!!!!)

he does want to strip away the second amendment, now perhaps maybe he will just tighten the laws a bit and ban assault rifles.
i am ok with that.
but when you take away any amendment from the bill of rights, you set a dangerous precident, and when you disarm the people, we are just sitting fucking ducks.

is that reason enough for you?

[Feb 20,2009 9:16am - darkwor ""]
Also back Hoser on the ammo. But I'm not sure why I'm getting blamed for voting for him, politics is about the lesser of two evils. I support abortions and science, that's what I voted for. This financial crisis sucks but I can't do anything to fix that, throwing money at it might not help but throwing money at it with accountability might, there's no economists here so I'm not taking anybody seriously on this issue. I'd rather not have the "first 100 days" of McCain. If republicans don't want to cooperate with our president, then I guess nothing will get done and nobody is to blame but the politicians.

Yeti said:HE HAS BEEN IN OFFICE FOR A FUCKING MONTH! he was thrown into the midst of a financial crisis which CANNOT be fixed in a month, no one has EVER had to fight something of this magnitude, every decision has to be trial and error. no, i don't agree with everything he is doing, but for fucks sake you can't label him a failure with absolutely no backup. and i don't consider a month of decision making that you don't agree with backup, it would have to be at least a year, if not 2 before he can be stamped with either a "failure" or "success" label.
[Feb 20,2009 9:16am - orgymf@work  ""]

brian_dc said:
orgymf@work said:
BobNOMAAMRooney said:If you faggots don't like what the president is doing why don't you just fucking leave America, fucking commmie faggots.

oh really?
you're still in america.
does that mean you liked what bush did?
or you are just a hypocrite?


I...I...I think he was being....ironic

oh. maybe.
need more coffee.
[Feb 20,2009 9:17am - orgymf@work  ""]

W3%20@%20work said:
orgymf@work said:
W3%20@%20work said:
xmikex said:Yeah... so... how's Deval Patrick doing? This time 2 years ago I loved that guy. I'd like to punch him in the nose right now though.

yeah i dont own a car but i dont like the idea of hiking up gas tax, toll fees or taxing on mileage.

i hear they wanna make that mileage tax a federal thing.
scary shit.
i may start taking the train

yeah i dont like the fact the government can track you now, thanks patriot act. i just think it would be even worse if they had a law saying theyve got the right to track you.



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