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Yeah...so ...how's Obama doing?

[Feb 20,2009 9:20am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

brian_dc said:
orgymf@work said:
BobNOMAAMRooney said:If you faggots don't like what the president is doing why don't you just fucking leave America, fucking commmie faggots.

oh really?
you're still in america.
does that mean you liked what bush did?
or you are just a hypocrite?


I...I...I think he was being....ironic

winner winner, chicken dinner
[Feb 20,2009 9:23am - orgymf@work  ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney said:
brian_dc said:
orgymf@work said:
BobNOMAAMRooney said:If you faggots don't like what the president is doing why don't you just fucking leave America, fucking commmie faggots.

oh really?
you're still in america.
does that mean you liked what bush did?
or you are just a hypocrite?


I...I...I think he was being....ironic

winner winner, chicken dinner

sorry dude. sometimes i overreact/read too much into shit in the morning.

serious caffiene dependancy
[Feb 20,2009 9:40am - the_reverend ""]

MASlayer said:So does this mean you approve of his actions so far? It's not a question of loving America...it's a question of how so many disillusioned put a man in place clearly not ready nor qualified for the job.

I thought that you were talking about bush for a minute there.

MASlayer said: We, as the disenfranchised and downtrodden, are powerless until the next election. We have a right to judge and criticize the current administration.

you are a white male ages 18 to 45, everyone listens to you. You still have a job, can support yourself, and aren't under the government's heel. you aren't really downtrodden now are you?

MASlayer said:
I mean, doesn't common sense dictate you can't spend trillions of dollars you don't have to try and improve the current situation? Do you borrow and borrow to but things just to be handed a bill you need to pay? Where does it come from? How is that responsible? Bring a valid argument if you're going to partake here...not a juvenille comment with no backbone or substance.

Whether I believe in it or not, your statement goes against 100 years of econimic theory.
Basic description applied to our plans
(GDP(original)-GDP(current) ) * spending modifiers = how much the government has to dump in to kick start the economy.

If I were given sole ownership of the economy, I would cut just about everything out. Then I would build up a $700 billion set of road, bridge, electrical grid, broadband, and other investments that will pay out now in jobs and pay out later in usability. Smart companies buy/upgrade when others cut back so that they are in a better position when the market swings back to the black. They buy when others are cutting back cause everything is cheaper.
[Feb 20,2009 9:45am - Conservationist ""]

BSV said:I thought it takes 8 years to see economic shit that the head of chief puts in motion.

Don't blame Barack, he's the anti-christ, the real issue is OVERPOPULATION.

It takes at least eight years but more likely 12-15 to see the effects of what he's doing now.

I am the anti-Christ.

The real issue is overpopulation, specifically, overpopulation by morons.

Everything BHO is doing will make the problem worse, not better.
[Feb 20,2009 10:01am - the_reverend ""]
^^ stupid will out breath smart ^^
[Feb 20,2009 10:46am - Conservationist ""]
K- and r-strategies explain why:

[Feb 20,2009 10:47am - Yeti ""]
haha i tried clicking that link and it was blocked under the phrase "militancy and extremist".
[Feb 20,2009 10:50am - Conservationist ""]
Yeah, the website is banned in many places for its support of Al-Qaida.

ANUS.com in turn is banned as a hate site -- for Anti-Christian hate ( http://www.anus.com/altar )

To my knowledge, GROIN is not yet banned for any hate-related reasons, only obscenity and mocking of the unraped dead.
[Feb 20,2009 10:54am - ouchdrummer ""]
I ALMOST responded here, then i remembered i vowed not to do RTTP politics... woooo saaaaa...
[Feb 20,2009 10:54am - darkwor ""]
not reading about social science on a site that supports Al-Qaida. call me intolerant.
[Feb 20,2009 10:58am - ouchdrummer ""]
your intolerant.
[Feb 20,2009 11:16am - Conservationist ""]

darkwor said:not reading about social science on a site that supports Al-Qaida. call me intolerant.

[Feb 20,2009 12:04pm - sacreligion ""]
i used to care about politics but something happened to my spirit in the last couple months that made me not care anymore. oh yeah, it was life and realizing that it's fubar.
[Feb 20,2009 12:31pm - Lamp ""]
I'm with you on this one Sac, I have a feeling I'll probably never be voting again.
[Feb 20,2009 12:48pm - Conservationist ""]

orgymf@work said:
BSV said:I thought it takes 8 years to see economic shit that the head of chief puts in motion.

Don't blame Barack, he's the anti-christ, the real issue is OVERPOPULATION.

which is made worse by illegal immigration.

but don't say that....it's considered racist.

If you hang around with greens, the smart ones have long dropped the stupid leftist/rightist divide and will admit to things like biological determinism.


I miss the conservation conservatives.
[Feb 20,2009 12:51pm - ZJD ""]
[Feb 20,2009 12:55pm - Yeti ""]

sacreligion said:i used to care about politics but something happened to my spirit in the last couple months that made me not care anymore. oh yeah, it was life and realizing that it's fubar.

i was just talking about this at work. i followed a lot of politics for a while, but then after realizing that everything sucks and every politician is corrupt with their own agenda, i just stopped caring.
[Feb 20,2009 12:56pm - Lamp ""]
They have shows in Willimantic? Groovy.
[Feb 20,2009 12:57pm - Conservationist ""]

Yeti said:i followed a lot of politics for a while, but then after realizing that everything sucks and every politician is corrupt with their own agenda, i just stopped caring.

Yes, but we're still ruled by these assholes.

We either force change or get destroyed by a failing society.

Did you read "The Republic"?
[Feb 20,2009 12:59pm - Yeti ""]
agreed, but i really think we're at a helpless stage. revolution just isn't something that can happen any longer. once upon a time yes, but the government sees that as terrorism now.
[Feb 20,2009 12:59pm - Yeti ""]
and no, i haven't read "The Republic".
[Feb 20,2009 1:00pm - Conservationist ""]

Yeti said:agreed, but i really think we're at a helpless stage. revolution just isn't something that can happen any longer. once upon a time yes, but the government sees that as terrorism now.

I don't think Revolution is the answer. It ends up handing power to assholes. Ask Robespierre.

I think our founding fathers gave us a political mechanism to change things. If enough smart people -- even just 1% of the population -- could agree, they could build a consensus.

That's why people write, talk, and debate on the internet instead of charging at the white house with a shotgun.
[Feb 20,2009 1:03pm - Yeti ""]
fair enough.
[Feb 20,2009 1:04pm - the_reverend ""]

ouchdrummer said:your intolerant.
[Feb 20,2009 1:06pm - Yeti ""]
yoooooou're not dominant
yoooooou're not dominant
[Feb 20,2009 1:38pm - pam ""]
I'm pissed about the keeping of the Faith-Based Initiatives right now. I'm really hoping he changes those, promptly.

I'm not bitching about the stimulus. Tax cuts don't work, trickle down economics only work in stupid people's heads. I'm gonna see how it goes before I whine about it on a message board like everyone else.

[Feb 20,2009 5:43pm - matt breen  ""]
Got to say the stimulus sounds like a huge failure, like the American dollar wont be worth shit after this and unless youre a construction worker you wont have a job, and people still wont spend money. but im just some dumb shit on a keyboard so i'll see.
[Feb 20,2009 5:48pm - mortalis ""]

MASlayer said:
mortalis said:
BobNOMAAMRooney said:If you faggots don't like what the president is doing why don't you just fucking leave America, fucking commmie faggots.


We have a right to judge and criticize the current administration.

brian_dc said:

I...I...I think he was being....ironic

[Feb 21,2009 9:30am - Conservationist ""]

matt%20breen said:but im just some dumb shit on a keyboard so i'll see.

pam said:I'm gonna see how it goes before I whine about it on a message board like everyone else.

Find some people who have done their homework and have the specialized intelligence for their fields, and listen to them.

Either that or read history and see if you can find repeated patterns.

This isn't rocket science. You can do it. But most people are so afraid of being wrong they never venture to try.
[Feb 21,2009 11:58am - Lamp ""]
All I know is I better hear soon about Obama cutting some current spending to make up for this bill or I'm gonna be worried.
[Feb 21,2009 2:40pm - SkinSandwich ""]
he has a head cold, so I guess he not doing so well. i hear his wife gives good nigger head though.
[Feb 21,2009 5:02pm - niccolai ""]

GOP said:He hasn't wasted trillions of dollars bombing people who were no threat to us and as far as has been reported, he hasn't tried to fuck with the constitution. So his first month has kicked the shit out of his predecessor's.

Also, he's still black. Nobody's perfect.

He voted in favor of all of those things happening. He okayed military action in pakistan within two weeks of being president. I voted to fund isreal, is passing bills to increase troops in afghanistan etc...etc...

Not to mention the bailout. You think creating 1.2 trillion dollars out of thin air isn't a waste of money?
[Feb 21,2009 5:03pm - niccolai ""]

pam said:I'm pissed about the keeping of the Faith-Based Initiatives right now. I'm really hoping he changes those, promptly.

I'm not bitching about the stimulus. Tax cuts don't work, trickle down economics only work in stupid people's heads. I'm gonna see how it goes before I whine about it on a message board like everyone else.

Would you rather me whine about it on fox news or the Colbert report?

Why is it okay to wait till after someone fucks up to bitch about it?

I think it's pretty appropriate to bitch before they even get elected.
[Feb 21,2009 9:14pm - pam ""]

niccolai said:
pam said:I'm pissed about the keeping of the Faith-Based Initiatives right now. I'm really hoping he changes those, promptly.

I'm not bitching about the stimulus. Tax cuts don't work, trickle down economics only work in stupid people's heads. I'm gonna see how it goes before I whine about it on a message board like everyone else.

Would you rather me whine about it on fox news or the Colbert report?

Why is it okay to wait till after someone fucks up to bitch about it?

I think it's pretty appropriate to bitch before they even get elected.

Calm down cupcake.
[Feb 21,2009 9:16pm - reimroc ""]
[Feb 22,2009 10:01am - SkinSandwich ""]

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