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Ragnarokkr Metal Apocalypse feat Morbid Saint, Onslaught, Exumer, Oz, Omen, Eldritch, Seax & more

[show listing]  ________________________________
[Nov 12,2012 7:17am - Spence ""]
[Nov 12,2012 7:39am - chrisREX ""]
Seax is not headlining over Onslaught right?
[Nov 12,2012 7:41am - Spence ""]
Nope, as far as I can tell this was a fanmade flier.

Oz and Omen are the headliners for each day, pretty sure.
[Nov 12,2012 7:49am - chrisREX ""]
I fucking love Omen and Onslaught. Curious to see how this turns out. If it was spaced a little further away from MDF I'd might like to go. Mostly because I've been meaning to check out Chicago.
[Nov 12,2012 7:55am - Spence ""]
I'm probably not going to Maryland Deathfest purely because it's so expensive, and because I won't feel bad for NOT going sine it's sold out the past... what? Five or six years? Definitely will sell out this one too.

This festival and Warriors of Metal i'm seriously contemplating, hoping to hop in the back of the Seax van and be a bum or perhaps get together a carpool of some sort for one or both fests.

This is Exumer's first ever show in the USA, btw.
[Nov 12,2012 8:23am - trioxin245 ""]
Exhumer Oz and Onslaught = MIGHT
[Nov 12,2012 8:27am - a young boy with large breasts  ""]
I'm going for metal veterans Seax. They should be at the top of the flyer.
[Nov 12,2012 8:47am - Randy_Marsh ""]
Seax sounds like Sex
[Nov 12,2012 8:49am - Spence ""]
I had raging seax last night.
[Nov 12,2012 9:05am - arilliusbm ""]
You also just said Soundgarden sucks and sounds like Nickelback, when Soundgarden was before Nickelback, and also much better.
[Nov 12,2012 9:06am - a young boy with large breasts  ""]

Spence said:I had raging seax last night.
I hope you sucked them dry.
[Nov 12,2012 9:07am - A jealous aril with huge butt  ""]
Nickelback > Soundgarden
[Nov 12,2012 9:12am - Spence ""]

arilliusbm said:You also just said Soundgarden sucks and sounds like Nickelback, when Soundgarden was before Nickelback, and also much better.

The NEW Soundgarden album. LEARNTOREAD
[Nov 12,2012 9:17am - arilliusbm ""]
I would learn if IT WASN'T TL;DR
[Nov 12,2012 9:18am - arilliusbm ""]
Also, lol @ the mere thought of a NEW Soundgarden
[Nov 12,2012 9:21am - Spence ""]
Ah. Well the tl;dr version is the new Soundgarden album sucks dick, they suck dick live now(except for Matt Cameron whose as awesome and solid as ever), Chris Cornell is almost as bad a live vocalist as Dave Mustaine and they're obviously just in it for the money now.

[Nov 12,2012 9:24am - Spence ""]

arilliusbm said:Also, lol @ the mere thought of a NEW Soundgarden

Yeah really.

It isn't often that a band picks the PERFECT time to stop making music. Usually a band either stops making music too early and it leaves the fans wanting more and what-could-have-been, or the band draws out and begins to release filler work - or sell out to a different genre all together.

I feel like Soundgarden HAD picked the absolute perfect time to break up. But of course, they had to get back together. What fegs.
[Nov 12,2012 9:30am - arilliusbm ""]

Spence said:


I would, but it's hard when I don't know what they're possessing. OHHHHH SSSNNNAAPPP.
[Nov 12,2012 9:31am - Spence ""]
Yeah, I didn't know how to properly type ABCs in all caps WITHOUT making it appear like "abcs" since s clearly doesn't come after c. Then I was like, fuck grammar.
[Nov 12,2012 9:36am - arilliusbm ""]

thread derailed
[Nov 12,2012 10:31am - KEVORD ""]
I hope Onslaught plays Boston or Worcester next year cause this is too close to MDF.
[Nov 12,2012 10:33am - Spence ""]
Onslaught did a full tour of the states/Canada back in March/April with Evildead... all the NY dates were 21+ though, so I ended up not going. I'm sure Onslaught will be back, even if the fest is an exclusive performance.
[Nov 12,2012 10:36am - KEVORD ""]

Spence said:Onslaught did a full tour of the states/Canada back in March/April with Evildead... all the NY dates were 21+ though, so I ended up not going. I'm sure Onslaught will be back, even if the fest is an exclusive performance.
Thanks for the info I already knew Mr. Expert. I wasn't addressing you.
[Nov 12,2012 10:42am - Spence ""]
I was just saying, it's not like it's Running Wild and they'll never tour.
[Nov 12,2012 10:48am - KEVORD ""]
Again, I don't care about your opinion and Onslaught skipped New England on their one U.S. Tour. So yes in the past they've never toured here and yes I hope they don't skip us Mr. Expert.
[Nov 12,2012 10:57am - Spence ""]
From my expert opinion, I think you forgot to take that plug out of your ass this morning.

Most major venues in NY aren't exactly terribly far from MA.
[Nov 12,2012 10:58am - arilliusbm ""]
[Nov 12,2012 11:02am - KEVORD ""]

Spence said:From my expert opinion, I think you forgot to take that plug out of your ass this morning.

Most major venues in NY aren't exactly terribly far from MA.

I know you're a child so you can go and do what ever you want. But some of us are adults with real jobs and mortgages and can't just run down to NY to see a show on a week night. So we need bands we were alive for to play within an hours distance. Maybe some day when your balls drop you'll realize that you were a know it all annoying little shit when you were 18.
[Nov 12,2012 11:08am - Spence ""]
Maybe you should realize how privileged you are to live in the Boston area, since most concerts happen within a five hour distance of you.

People who live in states like Wyoming or Idaho may have to drive eleven hours just to go to a good tour.

Real life obviously clashes, but bitching about shows not coming to New England when New York isn't far is kind of lame. Especially since i've met people at shows(Manowar last year and Death to All in June specifically come to mind) who have flown from Puerto Rico, Australia and South America for said shows.

Also, yes i'm a little shit. That's nothing anyone didn't already know, Mr. Mature-Adult-Whose-Got-the-World-Figured-Out.
[Nov 12,2012 11:09am - Spence on the Fence  ""]
sorry Im just in a bad mood today because I forgot to put the plug back IN my ass this morning.
[Nov 12,2012 11:15am - KEVORD ""]
Actualy I didn't bitch about it you little cunt.I just said I hope they play here. Cause I'm not paying to go to Chicago cause I'm paying to go to MDF. Get off the internet, go brush your girl hair and fuck off.
[Nov 12,2012 11:17am - Spence ""]
Complaining about a tour "skipping" us when it only takes a three and a half hour busride to NYC to see them sounds like bitching to me.
[Nov 12,2012 11:21am - KEVORD ""]
I never complained. Your reading comprehension is terrible. I own a car and NY is three hours from Worcester. But having an adult life would make a local show on a weekend easier obviously. But Mr. Expert Spence says they'll be touring here like crazy. So I won't worry.
[Nov 12,2012 11:26am - arilliusbm ""]
Wait till you guys have kids. hard going to shows then.
[Nov 12,2012 11:33am - Spence ""]
I never said "like crazy," once every three or four years isn't exactly a stellar amount of tours.

Anywho, a point i'd like to make is just because you're (presumably) like twice my age, doesn't mean we don't all have to make sacrifices. Specifically in this case, shows. There's plenty of shows/festivals that I skip out on because I have other commitments or lack of funds, that isn't something exclusive to responsible adults. Just thought i'd throw that out there.

Also, I apologize being such a cunthammer, don't know why i'm that way. Maybe I should brush my girl hair and think about it.
[Nov 12,2012 11:34am - KEVORD ""]
Well Spence said he'll babysit my kids for a pizza and a subscription to Decibel magazine. So I'm good for the next 100 times Onslaught plays NY.
[Nov 12,2012 11:36am - Spence ""]
10/10 would babysit children in exchange for pizza and NOT being forced to read Decibel magazine.
[Nov 12,2012 11:37am - arilliusbm ""]
Kevord is 22, Spence.
[Nov 12,2012 11:38am - KEVORD ""]
I wish I was 22.
[Nov 12,2012 11:42am - Spence ""]
I like to imagine that you're all a bunch of 45 year olds with alcohol addictions and mothers who hate them. Makes me feel cooler in comparison.
[Nov 12,2012 11:45am - KEVORD ""]

Spence said:I like to imagine that you're all a bunch of 45 year olds with alcohol addictions and mothers who hate them. Makes me feel cooler in comparison.
Call me in 11 years my mother still thinks I'm ok.
[Nov 12,2012 1:23pm - AndrewBastard NawtLog‘dInn  ""]

trioxin245 said:Exhumer Oz and Onslaught = MIGHT

[Nov 12,2012 4:58pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
Killer lineup. SUPERCHRIST or HIGH SPIRITS should really be on it as local talent.
[Nov 12,2012 5:18pm - quintessence ""]
Might go. Pretty cool lineup. USA needs more of these types of fests that are not 50% deathmetal or more.
[Nov 12,2012 5:56pm - boblovesmusic ""]

Headbanging_Man said:Killer lineup. SUPERCHRIST or HIGH SPIRITS should really be on it as local talent.

[Nov 12,2012 8:26pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
and Twisted Tower Dire
[Nov 12,2012 8:38pm - robotpie ""]
Damn, between MDF and potentially Burning Sea, this being in May makes it unlikely I'll go. Seriously, what is wrong with US metal fests in July/August?
[Nov 12,2012 9:47pm - Mark_R ""]
I think it has to do with the European summer festival season going on during that time
[Nov 12,2012 10:04pm - HookedonMetal ""]

Headbanging_Man said:Killer lineup. SUPERCHRIST or HIGH SPIRITS should really be on it as local talent.

Agreed. High Spirits are going to Germany to play Keep it True like two weeks before Ragnarokkr. If they can do that, they can totally play at Ragnarokkr. (Plus it would be pretty rad to be sharing the stage with them and what's already a stellar lineup!)
[Nov 12,2012 10:07pm - HookedonMetal ""]

Mark_R said:I think it has to do with the European summer festival season going on during that time

I've heard a lot of people talk about how they can't afford to make it to Germany or whatever to go to festivals though. So for those people, I think it'd be pretty rad if they'd have metal festivals of that caliber here in the States during the summer.
[Nov 12,2012 11:09pm - Mark_R ""]
oh yeah, I'm one of those people (at least until I get my checkbook balanced). I was thinking of bands' availability to be booked during those months.
[Nov 12,2012 11:35pm - goatcatalyst ""]

Headbanging_Man said:Killer lineup. SUPERCHRIST or HIGH SPIRITS should really be on it as local talent.

Go tell it on the mountain
[Nov 13,2012 11:54am - largefreakatzero ""]

Spence said:I like to imagine that you're all a bunch of 45 year olds with alcohol addictions and mothers who hate them. Makes me feel cooler in comparison.

"Alcohol addiction" is such an ugly term. I prefer to use the term "Pro" to describe my drinking.
[Nov 14,2012 8:24am - Uh ""]

Spence said:I'm probably not going to Maryland Deathfest purely because it's so expensive, and because I won't feel bad for NOT going sine it's sold out the past... what? Five or six years? Definitely will sell out this one too.

I don't remember MDF selling out the past 5 or 6 years of going there other than some random days. But I forgot Spence is the MDF expert.
[Nov 14,2012 9:07am - KEVORD ""]
Why would you question Spence? Obviously you didn't hear that he has older brothers and an internet connection. So just because people like us were at MDF last year and know there were tickets at the door we are no experts.
[Nov 14,2012 12:32pm - Spence ""]
I thought MDF had sold out these past few years? I never said I was an expert, but I was under the impression that everyone in existence went.
[Nov 15,2012 8:15am - Yeti ""]
Spence is dense.
[Nov 15,2012 9:58am - dreadkill ""]

arilliusbm said:Wait till you guys have kids. hard going to shows then.

take the amount of shows you went to before you had a kid and didvid it by 10. That's how many shows I go to since becoming a parent.
[Nov 15,2012 9:59am - dreadkill ""]

Headbanging_Man said:Killer lineup. SUPERCHRIST or HIGH SPIRITS should really be on it as local talent.
smartest post in the thread.
[Nov 15,2012 4:03pm - Darth Maul  ""]
[Nov 16,2012 11:58am - ZerethovZircon  ""]
Hey Red! Wanna hav Sex!? Nevermind! Peuw!
chrisREX said:Seax is not headlining over Onslaught right?
[Nov 18,2012 10:12pm - LOL WUT?  ""]
^ITT: Scott Wily wants to have sex with ChrisREX.
[Nov 19,2012 10:37am - chrisREX ""]
He better get his appointment in. I'm booked solid until the new year.
[Nov 19,2012 10:39am - arilliusbm ""]
kids a T REX in the sack
[Nov 19,2012 10:47am - chrisREX ""]
...small hands yield great things
[Nov 19,2012 8:39pm - Reaper  ""]

HookedonMetal said:
Mark_R said:I think it has to do with the European summer festival season going on during that time

I've heard a lot of people talk about how they can't afford to make it to Germany or whatever to go to festivals though. So for those people, I think it'd be pretty rad if they'd have metal festivals of that caliber here in the States during the summer.

Its not so much the fans, its getting the bands. A lot of bands do a circuit around the summer fests, none of them are going to want to hop a plane to america, just to do a single fest when they have a dozen fests to play across the entire european continent, including one they can probably play the same weekend they would be playing said mythical american festival.
[Nov 19,2012 8:41pm - Reaper  ""]
Can't go to Ragnarokkr because MDF and Chaos in Tejas within the same month span. US festivals are very pick and choose unfortunately because unlike Europe you have to pay for hotel room and they're much more spread out so travel costs are less convenient.

And spencer, no one gives a shit about the soundgarden reunion :D
[Nov 20,2012 10:29am - gaahl halford  ""]

quintessence said:Might go. Pretty cool lineup. USA needs more of these types of fests that are not 50% heterosexuals or more.
[Nov 22,2012 9:17am - HookedonMetal ""]

Reaper said:Can't go to Ragnarokkr because MDF and Chaos in Tejas within the same month span. US festivals are very pick and choose unfortunately because unlike Europe you have to pay for hotel room and they're much more spread out so travel costs are less convenient.

And spencer, no one gives a shit about the soundgarden reunion :D

Yeah that's one thing that definitely kind of sucks about it. Only fest I can think of that's like Headbangers Open Air where camping comes with your fest ticket is Warriors of Metal Open Air in Ohio.
[Nov 22,2012 5:57pm - wait  ""]
... seax fucking SUCKS
[Dec 8,2012 12:01pm - HookedonMetal ""]
Updated poster. Bands have been added to the second stage at Reggie's.

[Dec 8,2012 12:02pm - HookedonMetal ""]
They added the second stage as a "bands of the fans" reciprocal support kind of deal. Basically, if you buy a Ragnarokkr ticket and the organizer really likes your band, he supports you for supporting his festival. Kind of his way of building up the USA metal scene/festival circuit.
[Dec 8,2012 4:56pm - trioxin245 ""]
Hour of 13, Oz, Omen, Onslaught, Exhumer, and Morbid Saint would be a fuckin killer show. Don't know any of the other bands except October 13 and who is just OK, but good show either way.
[Dec 8,2012 6:20pm - the_reverend ""]
Omen... Oh man. I want.
[Dec 9,2012 12:04pm - Thunderstool  ""]
SEAX?! How did those losers get to be on this bill?
[Dec 9,2012 3:09pm - trioxin245 ""]
Hell's Gate = my JAM

[Jan 9,2013 12:00pm - ThunderStool  ""]
HAHAHAHAHAHA Seax are a bunch of dick lickers!
[Jan 9,2013 12:19pm - ATTN: Ross  ""]
Why do you keep spelling Exumer with an h in it?

[Jan 9,2013 12:25pm - trioxin245 ""]
mostly because I am a possssssssssser
[Jan 9,2013 12:26pm - trioxin245 ""]
[Jan 9,2013 2:30pm - HookedonMetal ""]
Exumer and Onslaught had to pull out. Not their call. Onslaught's label made them postpone their U.S. tour. Viking has been added as a replacement and they're working on another replacement as we speak.
[Jan 10,2013 11:33am - robotpie ""]
I really want to go to this. Fuck.
[Jan 11,2013 7:20pm - Thundershit  ""]
Boogalee boogalee!
[Jan 12,2013 7:13am - HookedonMetal ""]
Chicago traditional metal band Tyrant's Reign just got confirmed for the main stage!

[Jan 12,2013 7:14am - HookedonMetal ""]
Meant to post this in my previous post. This is Tyrant's Reign.

[Jan 23,2013 12:31am - HookedonMetal ""]

robotpie said:I really want to go to this. Fuck.

Seax is riding out in our new tour bus. Anyone who's able to join our expedition to the Midwest will be more than welcome to ride with us \m/

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