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Metal of Fuck @ The Compound #2 - 11/18/05

[Nov 17,2005 10:24pm - pam (smite the righteous)  ""]
Aegathis nli said:Oh man Pam i hope u guys arent late , cause i think the way we left off before was that you guys would be letting us use a bass rig.it was either with you or Jon.

Don't worry, we remember! We'll get there. Hell or high water.
[Nov 17,2005 10:25pm - pam (smite the righteous)  ""]
also: my throat is swollen to hell right now. so I'm apologizing now if I suck.

I'm still playing though, I don't care. Nothing a little whisky won't cure. ;)
[Nov 17,2005 10:43pm - Aegathis ""]
indeed , on the whisky. Send me some lyrics and ill do some back up!I want to completly blow out my voice for the show the next day so we totatlly suck even more. Itll probably also be our last show for a long time , so thatll make it a lot better.haha
[Nov 17,2005 10:47pm - pam (smite the righteous)  ""]
we're playing the next day too at jay's fest.

I am going to be a fucking wreck.
[Nov 17,2005 11:50pm - THESAVAGECURTIAN ""]
I wouldn't say that we have to headline or something. I just wanted to know what the deal is. If the show starts later it starts to not matter as much i guess. So how much later is it going to start? Maybe if the drummer for the accursed/smite the righteous really wants that break between sets we could play in between the two bands? I dunno playing second is also good if the shows starts late and the whole double set thing is what you want to do.
[Nov 18,2005 11:13am - Sacreligion ""]
The Accursed - Closing
Smite The Righteous
Coffin Birth - opening

i asked if that was ok with everyone...although cryptic warning was in the list before they dropped off

i haven't heard back from bloodstruck...im not sure why but if they aren't gonna play then i guess we'll just stick with the 4 bands and maybe start a little later...like the first band goes on at 930 or 10
[Nov 18,2005 11:16am - babyshaker ""]
shit mani would but fitchburg is a pretty big drive for me just finding out tonight lol
[Nov 18,2005 11:19am - Sacreligion ""]
alright...nevermind then
[Nov 18,2005 11:20am - babyshaker ""]
sorry meng
[Nov 18,2005 11:22am - babyshaker ""]
umm so who in this thread is from the accursed or smite the righteous
[Nov 18,2005 1:25pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
bumpin it so the bands can decide if they like that set list or not
[Nov 18,2005 2:52pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
wow...this thread is insane. i will no longer be in attendance since everyone i was giving a ride to, as well as myself, were most excited about seeing cryptic warning. good luck to everyone regardless!
[Nov 18,2005 4:04pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
[Nov 18,2005 5:14pm - scottamphetamine  ""]
that set sounds cool to me!! thanks alot
[Nov 18,2005 5:29pm - pam (smite the righteous)  ""]
babyshaker, I'm in STR (obviously, haha)

STR is playing tonight, but without me. My little sore throat last night has quickly plumeted into the sickest I've been in....I don't even know. I'm trying to pump myself up to at least go, but no promises there. I can barely sit up. My drummer, who did the vocals on our demo, will probably do the vocals tonight, shorter set. I feel so fucking bad, I am so sorry. I've been looking forward to this for months, I am absolutely crushed I can't play. I thought about just trying until I blacked out but we have a show tomorrow too, so if resting will grant me that show, I am going to try for that.

I may come anyway and just waste away on the futons. This fucking sucks.
[Nov 18,2005 5:31pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
aww...why is everyone dying?
[Nov 18,2005 5:35pm - pam (smite the righteous)  ""]
I don't know. I don't know what the hell I did to deserve this. We have back to back shows, I've been beside myself excited to play them, and this bullshit happens. It wouldn't be so bad if my throat wasn't swollen and the pain in my back wasn't like the aftermath of having the shit kicked out of me.
[Nov 18,2005 5:36pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
ahh yes...but whiskey!
[Nov 18,2005 5:38pm - pam (smite the righteous)  ""]
I am far beyond the help of whisky, the only reason I'm upright right now is because I had some percocet left over from my fractured elbow. I am a fucking mess.
[Nov 18,2005 5:38pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
hmm. so what time are we supposed to be there now?I think our other guitarist is stuck in traffic right now so i gotta anticipate him showing up late now.
So wait and the drummers playing drums and vocals? Didnt jon do vocals for the band at one point?
[Nov 18,2005 5:39pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
eeesh...well that's too bad

i still predict a good time
[Nov 18,2005 5:39pm - anonymous  ""]
pam said:babyshaker, I'm in STR (obviously, haha)

STR is playing tonight, but without me. My little sore throat last night has quickly plumeted into the sickest I've been in....I don't even know. I'm trying to pump myself up to at least go, but no promises there. I can barely sit up. My drummer, who did the vocals on our demo, will probably do the vocals tonight, shorter set. I feel so fucking bad, I am so sorry. I've been looking forward to this for months, I am absolutely crushed I can't play. I thought about just trying until I blacked out but we have a show tomorrow too, so if resting will grant me that show, I am going to try for that.

I may come anyway and just waste away on the futons. This fucking sucks.

ya i think i talked to you at deniros while you guys where breaking down your stuff we talked in the hallway....we wanted to get a hold of you guys see if you wanted to throw an all metal show together there no emo this time

[Nov 18,2005 5:41pm - pam (smite the righteous)  ""]
yeah he covered a show and bullshit his way through it. I'm not sure he could do that and The Accursed's set though. I'm so tempted to go raid Walgreens and swallow a gaggle of meds and throat spray and give it a go.
[Nov 18,2005 5:41pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
get there for 8, regarding things such as traffic it's ok to be running a little late...the music won't start any earlier than 9 but them and myself like to have bands checked in before the show starts

if you run into any major problems on the way up call this number - 508-873-6249 - it's my buddy's cell phone so just ask for mike so you can talk to me directly
[Nov 18,2005 5:42pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
pam said:yeah he covered a show and bullshit his way through it. I'm not sure he could do that and The Accursed's set though. I'm so tempted to go raid Walgreens and swallow a gaggle of meds and throat spray and give it a go.

do it up! don't kill yourself trying though
[Nov 18,2005 5:46pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
pam said:yeah he covered a show and bullshit his way through it. I'm not sure he could do that and The Accursed's set though. I'm so tempted to go raid Walgreens and swallow a gaggle of meds and throat spray and give it a go.

pam what songs are u guys doing, i could probably do the ones on myspace if the lyrics are on the site, ill study them up right now.
[Nov 18,2005 5:54pm - pam (smite the righteous)  ""]
Anthony, fuckin do it up. Chris and Travis will back you up. You're the man. I'm dragging my drugged, sick, miserable ass there. I'm leaving now. I'll see you there.
[Nov 18,2005 5:56pm - pam (smite the righteous)  ""]
Chris has copies of the lyrics! We'd be doing all the demos songs

[Nov 18,2005 5:58pm - babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in  ""]
anonymous said:pam said:babyshaker, I'm in STR (obviously, haha)

STR is playing tonight, but without me. My little sore throat last night has quickly plumeted into the sickest I've been in....I don't even know. I'm trying to pump myself up to at least go, but no promises there. I can barely sit up. My drummer, who did the vocals on our demo, will probably do the vocals tonight, shorter set. I feel so fucking bad, I am so sorry. I've been looking forward to this for months, I am absolutely crushed I can't play. I thought about just trying until I blacked out but we have a show tomorrow too, so if resting will grant me that show, I am going to try for that.

I may come anyway and just waste away on the futons. This fucking sucks.

ya so that was me lol
ya i think i talked to you at deniros while you guys where breaking down your stuff we talked in the hallway....we wanted to get a hold of you guys see if you wanted to throw an all metal show together there no emo this time

[Nov 18,2005 5:59pm - babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in  ""]
errr those last two posts where from me i suck at this
[Nov 18,2005 6:05pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
im leavin...see ya there
[Nov 19,2005 3:47am - pam nli  ""]
what a fucking great show! Thanks a million Sac for hooking us up. I can't believe I managed to pull off a set. I am suffering right now but it was totally worth it. That was the first show I've played that all the bands watched all the other bands, everyone was tight, and happy to be there. It was a fucking pleasure.

Coffin Birth- Fucking awesome as always, sounded even better tonight than the last time I saw them! Thanks to Anthony for helping out on our fake out Cannibal Corpse intro. haha. You probably have my germs now though, sucker.

Deathamphetamine- I heard these guys were good but I didn't expect them to be as good as they were! They were sick. I had to take a few breaks to lay down but I was still watching!! So, so, awesome. And had nice things to say about us, which was really cool of them.

The Accursed- absolutely the best show I've seen them do in years. Tighter than a nuns twat. Excellent job. They dragged out their set toward the end to further irritate the dicks at the bar who wanted quiet (that's what happens when you're old) which was funny.

I don't even know how I'm awake right now, I'm gonna go die now.

oh and I totally remember you babyshaker. That was the worst show ever. Nothing like playing to 50 emocore kids that want nothing more than for you to stop playing. Painful.
[Nov 19,2005 12:00pm - hunterhunter ""]
this show ruled, thanks so much for having deathamphetamine play!
all the bands were so sick, and we should definitly p[lay together more!! We will try to set something up out here
[Nov 20,2005 2:00am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
no problem pam...i'm glad everyone was able to have a good time regardless of all the mishaps that happened beforehand
[Nov 21,2005 6:24pm - pam ""]
we will play with deathamphetamine anyfuckingtime,you guys killed
[Nov 21,2005 6:27pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
we will play with deathamphetamine anyfuckingtimeourdrummerstartsdoingbetterinschoolagain. they were awsome.
[Nov 21,2005 6:28pm - pam ""]
hah haaaah you can't play until your drummer does good in school


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