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[Aug 21,2008 5:08am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I'm thinking about getting a Mac laptop. I want to know the pros and cons of owning said machine. Any help is welcome. Thanks.
[Aug 21,2008 7:10am - MASlayer  ""]
no viruses
[Aug 21,2008 7:25am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Pros: Makes picking up dudes 10x easier

Cons: No Crysis
[Aug 21,2008 8:42am - samYam ""]
I use a Mac and will never buy a PC again.
[Aug 21,2008 9:09am - thuringwethil ""]

I use both, but Macs are better for graphic design
[Aug 21,2008 9:24am - DYA / NLI  ""]


Pretty much says it all. Oh, also the anal penetration.
[Aug 21,2008 9:27am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

thuringwethil said:[img]

I use both, but Macs are better for graphic design

[Aug 21,2008 9:55am - joey umbrella  ""]
love my mac. i dont use is for a ton of programs, but i have had it 4 years, and don't have one problem. and i only am running 512 of ram, still fast as hell.
[Aug 21,2008 10:17am - thuringwethil ""]
MacBook Pro 15" ftw

I do all my recording on it (via MOTU interface)
[Aug 21,2008 10:17am - fleshfries ""]

MASlayer said:no viruses

Wrong, I've seen them, and they're becoming more and more common.
[Aug 21,2008 10:23am - GoatCatalyst ""]
"Go listen to Opeth and dream of felching Chuck Schuldiner's rotting AIDShole, you wily Christian faggot." - GoatConservationist. ... did I do good?
[Aug 21,2008 10:31am - sxealex ""]

fleshfries said:
MASlayer said:no viruses

Wrong, I've seen them, and they're becoming more and more common.

i call bullshiter
[Aug 21,2008 10:36am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

GoatCatalyst said:"Go listen to Opeth and dream of felching Chuck Schuldiner's rotting AIDShole, you wily Christian faggot." - GoatConservationist. ... did I do good?

Post a picture of dude eating a turd and using a Mac with the caption "Typical Mac User" and you're gold.
[Aug 21,2008 10:38am - sxealex ""]
im pretty sure typical mac users are hot girls
[Aug 21,2008 10:45am - Conservationist ""]

samYam said:I use a Mac and will never buy a PC again.

Macs are good if you're a delusional liberal or emosexual.

I used to be a hardcore Mac user.

Eventually I realized this: Macs encourage a pretentious, holier-than-thou attitude based on the supposed superiority of their interface, which encourages most people to become wankers with little knowledge instead of power users.

Oh, and their hardware design SUCKS ASS and is completely unreliable.

My advice:

Get yourself a good machine -- build it or buy from one of the few people still selling quality gear -- and install Windows on it. Then install a virtual machine and put Linux (Debian) on that. Best of both worlds.

At some point, you may migrate entirely to Linux. It's hard, because 99% of the apps you will need are running on Windows, and WINE is not quite there yet (Windows emu on Linux). But it can be a lot of fun.
[Aug 21,2008 10:46am - Conservationist ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:
GoatCatalyst said:"Go listen to Opeth and dream of felching Chuck Schuldiner's rotting AIDShole, you wily Christian faggot." - GoatConservationist. ... did I do good?

Post a picture of dude eating a turd and using a Mac with the caption "Typical Mac User" and you're gold.


and the ripoff

[Aug 21,2008 11:05am - dreadkill ""]
i use a mac because i'm a graphic designer. people who get into the whole mac vs. PC who is cooler debate are retarded. anyone who thinks a mac makes them more cutting edge or cool should kill themselves. all it is is a different kind of computer. doesn't make you smarter or better. i used to know these computer nerds who thought taunting me and some other friends about using macs would piss us off. it didn't. i don't give a shit.
[Aug 21,2008 11:09am - the_reverend ""]

thuringwethil said:[img]

I use both, but Macs are better for graphic design

wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.
Macs used to be better for audio, graphic design, etc... Macs were all about building their own hardware, had nice powerpc processors, the g4 had 128-bit (2x64bit) cache channels, etc... then they stopped and started letting in outside hardware. that's where they ran towards failure. PCs are just more prolific. if you want the equivalent in a Mac to a PC, you spend 1.5-2x as much and can't run 1/2 the programs you need to do what you want.
The only good thing is that 10.x is unix based, but you can get everything that you want to do on a mac to work almost as well on a linux machine for free.
[Aug 21,2008 11:57am - christopher  ""]
I have my mac and I like it alot. I don't use my machine much more then to go on the internet, listen to music and write papers. It does that all very well. And when I delete something a little cloud appears. I think the cloud is worth it.
[Aug 21,2008 12:02pm - dreadkill ""]
simple solution: if you like/want a mac, get a mac. if you like/want a pc, get a pc. if you like mayo on your sangwich, get mayo on it. if you like mustard, get mustard.
[Aug 21,2008 12:04pm - RustyPS ""]

dreadkill said:simple solution: if you like/want a mac, get a mac. if you like/want a pc, get a pc. if you like mayo on your sangwich, get mayo on it. if you like mustard, get mustard.

word...I personally hate Macs, but I wouldn't seriously begrudge someone for using one....might bust their balls a tad, but nothing serious
[Aug 21,2008 12:23pm - Conservationist ""]

the_reverend said:
Macs used to be better for audio, graphic design, etc... Macs were all about building their own hardware, had nice powerpc processors, the g4 had 128-bit (2x64bit) cache channels, etc... then they stopped and started letting in outside hardware. that's where they ran towards failure. PCs are just more prolific. if you want the equivalent in a Mac to a PC, you spend 1.5-2x as much and can't run 1/2 the programs you need to do what you want.

The only good thing is that 10.x is unix based, but you can get everything that you want to do on a mac to work almost as well on a linux machine for free.

I could not have said it better myself.

Macs seem good until you look deeply at what's going on.

The old way Apple did things -- proprietary hardware -- was cool for the reason Rev mentioned: fascism. They had quality control. Unfortunately, it meant that everything was more expensive, and they had a few stinkers.

Since Gassee and the open Mac, they've steadily been heading toward standards as a way of cutting cost. Now they've found a way to get people to buy PC hardware at many times its normal price, which is why the Street loves 'em: high margin, low risk.
[Aug 21,2008 12:24pm - metal_church101 ""]
Never felt like shelling out the cash for a mak. Stayed with a PC and it works for me.
[Aug 21,2008 12:42pm - Yeti ""]

Conservationist said:Eventually I realized this: Macs encourage a pretentious, holier-than-thou attitude based on the supposed superiority of their interface, which encourages most people to become wankers with little knowledge instead of power users..

Macs cause smug.
[Aug 21,2008 12:51pm - thuringwethil ""]

[Aug 21,2008 12:54pm - aril  ""]
I can't wait for when Google makes its own OS and starts making computers. You KNOW it will be good and blow MS away.
[Aug 21,2008 1:21pm - Conservationist ""]

Yeti said:Macs cause smug.

Macs cause smugemo.
[Aug 21,2008 1:25pm - the_reverend ""]
wait for Google to make an os? it already did.
[Aug 21,2008 1:27pm - aril  ""]
I thought they were in the process of making it?
[Aug 21,2008 1:28pm - Conservationist ""]

some debate

one option
[Aug 21,2008 1:30pm - aril  ""]
Whatever, out or not, I want that. Google>MS>yahoo
[Aug 21,2008 1:46pm - Conservationist ""]
Also this option:


BTW, Reiser File System (RFS) ftw.
[Aug 21,2008 2:38pm - zenerik NLI OMFGZ  ""]

RustyPS said:
dreadkill said:simple solution: if you like/want a mac, get a mac. if you like/want a pc, get a pc. if you like mayo on your sangwich, get mayo on it. if you like mustard, get mustard.

word...I personally hate Macs, but I wouldn't seriously begrudge someone for using one....might bust their balls a tad, but nothing serious

Your band's demo certainly wasn't recorded on Vista. Praise the lord.
[Aug 21,2008 2:43pm - thuringwethil ""]


anyone seen the mouse for my Amiga?
[Aug 21,2008 2:59pm - Conservationist ""]
I remember watching an Amiga, $500 system, outperform my Mac in Mac emulation mode -- and it didn't have 2.5mb of RAM and a 20 MB HD.

Macs are HIVvy.
[Aug 21,2008 3:00pm - BenFo ""]
I plan on getting a mac strictly for video / audio editing.
[Aug 21,2008 4:01pm - Conservationist ""]

BenFo said:I plan on getting a mac strictly for video / audio editing.

Sleep on your back. ;)
[Aug 21,2008 4:07pm - MattBreen ""]
Mac has terrible commercials
[Aug 21,2008 4:44pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I have a Dell Inspirion 6000 notebook and it's getting old. I just want a change and my friend owns one. He's always telling me how awesome Macs are, so I'm going to do my research.
[Aug 21,2008 4:53pm - Conservationist ""]
I like the Lenovo I have. I think it was $815 on sale.
[Aug 21,2008 7:13pm - Cream of Sumyunguy  ""]

thuringwethil said:[img]

I use both, but Macs are better for graphic design

Why's that?
[Aug 21,2008 9:08pm - Conservationist ""]
If you run out of creativity, they anally rape you. Inspiration, next stop!
[Aug 21,2008 9:25pm - Mike_K nli  ""]
Macs are overpriced for what you get. I bought an HP custom. So much better.
[Aug 21,2008 9:30pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't care for hps. I buy usually dells cause the are (now-a-days) solid.
[Aug 21,2008 9:32pm - xanonymousx ""]
i work at the apple store....
[Aug 21,2008 9:34pm - xanonymousx ""]

ConquerTheBaphomet said:I have a Dell Inspirion 6000 notebook and it's getting old. I just want a change and my friend owns one. He's always telling me how awesome Macs are, so I'm going to do my research.

wait till the end of september... the rumor sites say they may be doing an update then....
they are never 100% right but yeah...
if you buy one now and are a student, you can get get an 8 gig touch, and a free printer...[$99 towards one]
believe me we have enough in stock and will never run out so yeah
[Aug 21,2008 9:34pm - the_reverend ""]
I both love and hate when they put their finger down your peehole there.
[Aug 21,2008 10:38pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I'm not in school. I just want a better computer.
[Aug 21,2008 11:21pm - the_reverend ""]
then why buy a mac... unless your old computer's a TI-81. and even then it's a tough call.
[Aug 21,2008 11:44pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Why not have a Mac? Do I need a specific purpose for it to own one?
[Aug 21,2008 11:56pm - Conservationist ""]

ConquerTheBaphomet said:Do I need a specific purpose for it to own one?

You don't need a specific purpose for a pink translucent 2 ft dildo either.

Maybe it's a lamp.

If you do get that Mac, we should talk via private messages <3. Are you into bears?
[Aug 22,2008 12:10am - Cream of Sumyunguy  ""]

ConquerTheBaphomet said:Why not have a Mac? Do I need a specific purpose for it to own one?

IMO for the unreasonable price, aggrivating user interface, lack of software support, and the terrible hippy smugness of owning one...

then I'd say you do need a specific purpose. A damn good one.
[Aug 22,2008 12:18am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
People who have "hippy smugness" over owning a stupid computer have greater issues than meets the eye.
[Aug 22,2008 12:25am - Cream of Sumyunguy  ""]
then choose one of the other reasons for not owning one.

a mac is no more or less prone to viruses then vista assuming the user isn't retarded and in 5th grade still trying to download bonzai buddy.

If you can find a difference between protools, photoshop, or any other leading software that's in favor of mac, I'll give you a solid gold telephone. audio/graphic software isn't any different on a mac then a PC these days.

I just don't see any single benefit to owning a mac other then fashion/status.

if you want to be a statusfag, then just buy an alienware and get the benefits of a not-retarded OS and silly 'im different' visual appeal.
[Aug 22,2008 12:33am - the_reverend ""]
that's basically what I said. if macs came out with a cheaper 65nm quad core or cellbased laptop... made...

plus, think about it, any of the software you have ever used basically won't work and you will have to buy it cause pirating mac stuff is a lot less common.
[Aug 22,2008 1:01am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Well, my choices were either a new Dell, an HP or a Mac.
[Aug 22,2008 1:13am - Cream of Sumyunguy  ""]
Dell. Hands down.

after making that alienware joke I was looking at some of the new alienware notebooks. They are pretty sweet.

and since alienware is owned by dell these days..
[Aug 22,2008 1:37am - Cream of Sumyunguy  ""]
You can get a dell with 4 gigs of ram, a 2.2 dual core, 120gb hard drve, wireless card, decent video card, etc for under a grand.

idk, do what you want. That's where my money would go anyways.

[Aug 22,2008 2:31am - the_reverend ""]
alienware have been the pricey leaders in the high end for gaming since forever.

dells are the best $ for $. quality comfort and price. I would wait for a super dell deal (october is end of the year and they sometimes have $700 off coupons).

if I had unlimited moneys, I would get the new lenovo W700, but on a budget, a dell 1530 or 1330 would rock. T98xx processor.
[Aug 22,2008 2:37am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I don't care about gaming.
[Aug 22,2008 7:49am - thuringwethil ""]
get a Tom Servo
[Aug 22,2008 8:42am - the_reverend ""]
from what you have said so far, a $200 netbook would work just fine for you.
[Aug 22,2008 11:00am - the_reverend ""]
alienware have been the pricey leaders in the high end for gaming since forever.

dells are the best $ for $. quality comfort and price. I would wait for a super dell deal (october is end of the year and they sometimes have $700 off coupons).

if I had unlimited moneys, I would get the new lenovo W700, but on a budget, a dell 1530 or 1330 would rock. T98xx processor.
[Aug 22,2008 11:09am - Conservationist ""]

ConquerTheBaphomet said:Well, my choices were either a new Dell, an HP or a Mac.

Depending on what you use it for, you could also consider the Asus Eee.
[Aug 22,2008 11:13am - the_reverend ""]
that's basically exactly what I said. I would get a netbook... but there isn't one with battery life/options that I want.
7"screen, multi-touch support, 60gb hd, tablet form factor, 5hrs battery, and either a CF reader or 7-in-1 reader.
[Aug 22,2008 11:14am - the_reverend ""]
I was looking at the new gigabyte 9012m but the battery is crap and there is no card reader.
[Aug 22,2008 11:20am - the_reverend ""]
sorry m912
[Aug 22,2008 11:24am - the_reverend ""]

[Aug 22,2008 1:04pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 22,2008 2:13pm - Cream of Sumyunguy  ""]

the_reverend said:http://forums.slickdeals.net/showthread.php?threadid=903115

The smart money is on that.

you're not going to find anything better for anywhere near that price.
[Aug 22,2008 3:34pm - Conservationist ""]

the_reverend said:that's basically exactly what I said. I would get a netbook... but there isn't one with battery life/options that I want.
7"screen, multi-touch support, 60gb hd, tablet form factor, 5hrs battery, and either a CF reader or 7-in-1 reader.


I'd like something with at least 32gb SSD, longer batter, slightly larger screen (10") and some real-life testing under its belt (e.g. not so new, as most of these designs are).
[Aug 22,2008 7:39pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I definitely want hard drive space, good sound and graphics cards, good memory and a big screen.
[Aug 22,2008 8:05pm - the_reverend ""]
then get that one is what you want. minus the "good graphics" since it's an integrated card. I just looked back and saw the laptop I links. that is a really slickdeal.
[Aug 22,2008 8:08pm - the_reverend ""]

Conservationist said:
the_reverend said:that's basically exactly what I said. I would get a netbook... but there isn't one with battery life/options that I want.
7"screen, multi-touch support, 60gb hd, tablet form factor, 5hrs battery, and either a CF reader or 7-in-1 reader.


I'd like something with at least 32gb SSD, longer batter, slightly larger screen (10") and some real-life testing under its belt (e.g. not so new, as most of these designs are).

Agreed. none of these things are tested at all. I'm going to see if Gigabyte will send me a sample unit to try. good thing is I can always replace the HD with an SSD when the price on a 1.8" x 128GB comes out. 7" is fine for me. I just want emails, surfing, and reviewing pictures during a concert.
[Aug 22,2008 9:11pm - xmikex ""]
Apple could benefit from not trying so hard to make their computers into a fashion statement.

PCs could benefit from not being inferior garbage with operating systems that run as well as the Rwandan government.
[Aug 22,2008 10:14pm - xanonymousx ""]
get what you want.... BUT you will not get better service on your computer if you get anything other than a mac, apple care has saved me three times now.
[Aug 22,2008 10:37pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Xanonymousx, which Apple store do you work at? If it's the one in the Rockingham mall in Salem, there is a good chance you'll be seeing me around there.
[Aug 22,2008 10:46pm - xanonymousx ""]
yep. thats where i work
[Aug 22,2008 10:49pm - Phillip ""]
I switched to apple over a year ago
I dont think Ill ever go back

best customer service ever!
[Aug 22,2008 11:06pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

xanonymousx said:yep. thats where i work

I will expose your identity! MUAHAHAHAHA!

I was in there on Wednesday with a Putrid Pile hoodie on. Were you there then?
[Aug 22,2008 11:37pm - the_reverend ""]
I love that mac store... the friggin 30" LCDs are amazing.
[Aug 23,2008 7:33pm - xanonymousx ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:
xanonymousx said:yep. thats where i work

I will expose your identity! MUAHAHAHAHA!

I was in there on Wednesday with a Putrid Pile hoodie on. Were you there then?

that was my day off i believe...
if i saw you there i would have said something about the kick ass hoodie...
i work in the back anyway.
where i was playing some TYAG the other day.
[Aug 23,2008 8:33pm - the_reverend ""]
I work in the back too.
[Aug 23,2008 9:45pm - xanonymousx ""]
ps working on your birthday sucks ass.
[Aug 23,2008 9:46pm - xanonymousx ""]
CTB you never said what laptop you would be interested in getting?
the regular macbook?
or a macbook pro?
or do you want an iMac?
[Aug 23,2008 10:05pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Macbook Pro
[Aug 24,2008 12:54am - Conservationist ""]

xmikex said:Apple could benefit from not trying so hard to make their computers into a fashion statement.

It's what makes them emo.

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