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Opeth/Katatonia - SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 @ the Palladium

[show listing]  __________________________________________
[Jun 4,2011 2:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Just noticed this. I'll go just cause they are touring in tandem and may do some live Brave Murder Day stuff with Mikael?

[Jun 4,2011 2:37pm - Sacreligion ""]
ITT: Ken Dreadkill cums in his pants.
[Jun 4,2011 2:40pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
DS and Gwynbliedd need to open this show or raviolis
[Jun 4,2011 3:40pm - Sinistas ""]
[Jun 4,2011 3:41pm - Sinistas ""]
Also, they should bring October Tide and Daylight Dies just to cover all the bases.
[Jun 4,2011 5:06pm - dreadkill ""]

Sacreligion said:ITT: Ken Dreadkill cums in his pants.

I dun jizzed myself when I found out these elite girlfriend metal bands were touring together.
[Jun 4,2011 5:34pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I'm sure this won't be overpopulated with misty-eyed fanboy faggots
[Jun 4,2011 6:02pm - pam ""]
[Jun 4,2011 6:02pm - pam ""]

Sinistas said:Also, they should bring October Tide and Daylight Dies just to cover all the bases.

that would be so win
[Jun 4,2011 6:07pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Take note single dudes, every pair of tickets to this show comes with free gash and a decent handjob from a chubby girl who's looking for a long term relationship
[Jun 4,2011 6:57pm - Mark R  ""]
[Jun 4,2011 11:59pm - Pires ""]
If this was 5-10 years ago, I'd nut over this show. But both bands have released garbage as of late IMO.
[Jun 5,2011 11:45am - JackGrants ""]
Yeah man, I saw them together in 2001, that was the right time
[Jun 5,2011 4:05pm - pam ""]
[Jun 6,2011 7:26am - Yeti ""]

Pires said:If this was 5-10 years ago, I'd nut over this show. But both bands have released garbage as of late IMO.

this. well, i don't necessarily think the releases have been garbage, but Opeth has sounded like garbage the last few times i have seen them. i've only heard some of the most recent Katatonia songs, and none have done a thing for me. i'll probably still go, though i don't really know why.
[Jun 6,2011 7:27am - Yeti ""]
it's just not Opeth anymore. the vocals are worn out, the drums have no flair, and the guitars lack any of the power of the lost days of old.
[Jun 6,2011 7:30am - arilliusbm ""]
akerfag just said in a recent interview that opera aren't dwarf metal anymore.
Anymore? Lol
[Jun 6,2011 7:33am - Yeti ""]
i have no idea what that means.
[Jun 6,2011 7:33am - arilliusbm ""]
death *

Lol@ autospell
[Jun 6,2011 7:34am - Yeti ""]
hahaha Opeth is now "dwarf metal".
[Jun 6,2011 7:34am - arilliusbm ""]
Opera was opeth but fuck it.
[Jun 6,2011 7:37am - arilliusbm ""]
Changed back for lulz
[Jun 6,2011 7:46am - Alx_Casket ""]
Your dwarf girlfriend listens to Opera.
[Jun 6,2011 8:04am - arilliusbm ""]
my real girlfriend would kick you ass you punk ass nigga.
[Jun 6,2011 8:09am - Alx_Casket ""]
have her meet me under the willow tree after school and we'll see who's ass is punk
[Jun 6,2011 8:18am - goatcatalyst ""]
I'd rather listen to wiggers freestyle in detention.
[Jun 6,2011 8:19am - arilliusbm ""]

goatcatalyst said:I'd rather listen to wiggers freestyle in detention.

[Jun 6,2011 9:13am - c.Dead  ""]

arilliusbm said:
goatcatalyst said:I'd rather listen to wiggers freestyle in detention.


That was pretty good. lol.
[Jun 6,2011 9:19am - dreadkill ""]
most bands get to a point where they can't top past releases. the last great opeth album was blackwater park. damnation was excellent too, but wasn't a true representation of what opeth was. deliverance is probably their worst album, but i like it. ghost reveries and watershed are good but don't have the power of the first 5 albums.
[Jun 6,2011 9:20am - arilliusbm ""]

dreadkill said:most bands get to a point where they can't top past releases. the last great opeth album was blackwater park. damnation was excellent too, but wasn't a true representation of what opeth was. deliverance is probably their worst album, but i like it. ghost reveries and watershed are good but don't have the power of the first 5 albums.

[Jun 6,2011 9:21am - dreadkill ""]
if katatonia did some BMD era songs with Akerfeldt, that alone would be worth the ticket price. if we're lucky, we'll get one song.
[Jun 6,2011 9:23am - pam ""]
I love everything up to Damnation for Opeth, and Katatonia has never put out a bad record IMO. But if you're looking for burp vocals and breakdowns like all you homos on this board enjoy, yeah...that ain't here.

[Jun 6,2011 9:25am - Mark_R ""]
My only disagreement is that I don't like Blackwater Park. Still Life is the tipping point for me.
[Jun 6,2011 9:26am - dreadkill ""]

pam said:burp vocals and breakdowns like all you homos on this board enjoy


this board also officially endorses ghost
[Jun 6,2011 10:42am - Yeti ""]
the last two times i saw them Akerfeldt sounded old and flat. they just seemed to be going through the motions. it's not even the same band anymore, the core magicians have departed and he is just hanging on to the name. i have never seen Katatonia and would like to at least once, despite my lack of interest in anything after Viva Emptiness.
[Jun 6,2011 10:55am - dreadkill ""]

Mark_R said:My only disagreement is that I don't like Blackwater Park. Still Life is the tipping point for me.
stillife is definitely better than blackwater park in my opinion. it might be their best album. my favorite is morningrise, with stillife a close second.
[Jun 6,2011 11:27am - Mark_R ""]
The one time I saw Katatonia, they were not very good. It was one of those times where the quality of the music was far better than the performance of that music. But, maybe they've gotten better in the half-decade since then.
[Jun 6,2011 11:28am - dreadkill ""]
they've gotten better, but i wouldn't say they're a great live band. definitely better on record.
[Jun 8,2011 4:03pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]

[Jun 8,2011 4:27pm - Mark_R ""]
I love it personally. The only part I'm not sold on is the heads in the tree.
[Jun 8,2011 4:54pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
still life and blackwater park are amazing records and have undoubtedly gloomy parts on them. everytime i show blackwater park to a troof metalhead or a hater they always seem to go "well this is much better than the other opeth ive heard"
[Sep 19,2011 1:45pm - chrisREX  ""]
I forgot about this until just now. I can't remember if I have seen Katatonia before. I think they played a couple years ago at Ralph's and I think I was there, but I'm not entirely positive.

I plan on going. I don't listen to Opeth much anymore, but when I saw them at the House of Blues about a year ago it ruled my nostalgic world. My first metal concert was the Blackwater Park Tour.
[Sep 19,2011 1:57pm - dreadkill ""]
katatonia never played ralph's
[Sep 19,2011 2:51pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
looks like i'm going to this .. albeit with low expectations.
[Sep 19,2011 3:14pm - chrisREX  ""]

dreadkill said:katatonia never played ralph's

Fuck, I meant Mark's Showplace. That shit hole in New Hampshire.
[Sep 19,2011 6:45pm - Firenine  ""]
See you there! Say all you want, Opeth will remain one of my favorite bands. And their new style in Heritage is not so bad, it is just different from what you may be used to.
[Sep 19,2011 9:43pm - swinesack ""]
I'm surrounded by girlfriends.
[Sep 19,2011 10:09pm - swinesack ""]
I'm surrounded by girlfriends.
[Sep 19,2011 10:27pm - arilliusbm ""]

dreadkill said:katatonia never played ralph's

[Sep 19,2011 10:46pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
total girlfriend metal show.
[Sep 20,2011 12:03am - goatcatalyst ""]
Did Mikael do anything with Katatonia? Pretty much only reason I'm going. Certainly wouldn't pay for such a thing.
[Sep 20,2011 12:18am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

goatcatalyst said:Did Mikael do anything with Katatonia?


[Sep 20,2011 12:40am - goatcatalyst ""]
[Sep 20,2011 12:43am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
arms folded frowny face
[Sep 20,2011 2:30am - swinesack ""]
Bunch of obscure acoustic garbage. Total snoozefest. Lots of nonmetal dorks loved it. Enslaved better make up for this shit.
[Sep 20,2011 2:30am - swinesack ""]
Even the girlfriends were bored.
[Sep 20,2011 2:34am - BlownUpJamPad ""]
2 hours of Opeth and not one growl....I'm going to fuckin bed....
[Sep 20,2011 2:35am - Randy_Marsh ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
goatcatalyst said:Did Mikael do anything with Katatonia?


..Weak. In reference to the all the posts..I am not disappoint that I did not attend.
[Sep 20,2011 7:21am - Yeti ""]
but he is "free from the shackles of metal"! so glad i didn't waste my money or time on this nonsense.
[Sep 20,2011 7:28am - chrisREX  ""]
Show was more drum circle then circle pit. They played Patterns in the Ivy II. I guess when you rule out all of your metal songs from here on out, you start pulling out nonsense songs like that.

Show had no flow, but it was their first date on the tour and they haven't performed most of these songs before ever. Whatever, it sucked and I doubt I will go see them ever again. (rip middle school me)

[Sep 20,2011 7:53am - sinistas ""]
Patterns II is awesome, but the rest sounds pretty drab.
[Sep 20,2011 7:59am - BlownUpJamPad ""]
So who's going to start the RIP Opeth facebook?
[Sep 20,2011 8:44am - pam ""]
The Palladium sucks balls and I missed half of Katatonia's set and Opeth was terrible. Major letdown.
[Sep 20,2011 9:39am - swinesack ""]
More like homopeth. LOL!
[Sep 20,2011 9:46am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

BlownUpJamPad said:So who's going to start the RIP Opeth facebook?

someone please do this. i will send my condolences.
[Sep 20,2011 9:52am - swinesack ""]
Even worse, now I'm getting post-show Denny's cheesy skillet farts and it's stinking up my office. Nothing good came from this show.
[Sep 20,2011 10:41am - goatcatalyst ""]
I suppose this show will be good for one thing and one thing only:

[Sep 20,2011 11:33am - chrisREX  ""]
I thought the sound was pretty good last night. Jonas from Katatonia is a much stronger singer these days.
[Sep 20,2011 11:37am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i showed up late to Katatonia's set. Did they do anything off Last Fair Deal early in?
[Sep 20,2011 12:03pm - chrisREX  ""]
Yes. I forget the song titles though.
[Sep 20,2011 12:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Sep 20,2011 3:45pm - Sacreligion ""]

I would have liked to see Face of Melinda and Credence, but the rest of this show is total girlfriend busted ravioli.
[Sep 20,2011 4:18pm - goatcatalyst ""]
And here I was, coming into this thread to deposit an image of ravioli alfredo.
[Sep 20,2011 4:20pm - dreadkill ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i showed up late to Katatonia's set. Did they do anything off Last Fair Deal early in?
the only one they did was chrome. aside from that and evidence, everything was from the two newest albums.
[Sep 20,2011 4:21pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ah .. i did catch Evidence. really wanted to hear Teargas though. bummer.
[Sep 20,2011 7:54pm - mikefrommaine ""]
I dunno... it was kinda cool. It was a unique Opeth experience I guess. If I had never seen them before I would have been pissed. I am totally cool with them changing drastically and being able to do whatever they want and whatever the hell else he was talking about, but maybe they should have made it known that the entire set was going to be mellow before all of the people who gave their time and money to see OPETH got something drastically different?
[Sep 20,2011 8:29pm - FAIL TROLL  ""]


[Nov 2,2011 3:13pm - Mark_R ""]

goatcatalyst said:Did Mikael do anything with Katatonia? Pretty much only reason I'm going. Certainly wouldn't pay for such a thing.

I guess yesterday's show in Baltimore included an encore of Mikael doing two Bloodbath songs with the Katatonia guys. Eaten, which is my favorite Bloodbath song, and one other one.


If I had somehow known this was coming I would have seriously driven down for that show. gyaaaahhhh
[Nov 2,2011 3:15pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 2,2011 3:23pm - chrisREX  ""]
bull shit
[Nov 2,2011 3:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Akerfeldt is officially on my Radikult shit list.

>: [
[Nov 2,2011 3:32pm - KEVORD ""]
I thought that shit face Mikael was too cool for Death Metal now?
[Nov 2,2011 3:35pm - kevinthesprigg ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:WHAT THE FUCK
[Nov 2,2011 4:04pm - Mark_R ""]
Checked the Opeth forum, I guess the other song was Soul Evisceration. It's kinda funny that both songs were from the non-Mikael album. Sort of like a mini-troll within the pleasant surprise that was only a pleasant surprise due to the extensive tour-troll leading up to it.
[Nov 2,2011 8:28pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I'm kind of liking Opeth more these last few months than I have in the last six or so years
[Nov 2,2011 8:41pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I couldn't even finish listening to the new album all the way through.
[Nov 2,2011 8:52pm - Lamp ""]
Okay, not that I'm able to read the post above me, but who the fuck let this faggot back in? He's posted what, like five times this week?

For shame, people. For shame.
[Nov 2,2011 9:10pm - goatcatalyst ""]
ITT: Lamp flexes his banishment sigils

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