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FEB 10th Punk/Grind/Thrash/Crust--- In my living room

[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Feb 10,2006 12:44pm - ninkaszi  ""]
i am pretty sure i will be there. any teenage girls attending? heh heh
[Feb 10,2006 12:54pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
anonymous said:shit fuck....how origional

Almost as originAL as your spelling.

[Feb 10,2006 1:26pm - Dissector NL!  ""]
Yeah equipment will still be supplied. If anybody has any questions call my cell. 1-774-993-9245 since I don't know if I'll be able to check my emails.

So if anybody needs directions or anything like that just call me.

Rob and Scott you should definitely come. It would be nice to hang out with you guys again. It's been too damn long. Stoughton misses you guys.

And Mike, there will be teenage girls attending. RAPE UP!
[Feb 10,2006 1:32pm - Dissector NL!  ""]
If anyone can bring booze it would be greatly appreciated.
[Feb 10,2006 1:33pm - eddie(nli)  ""]
we have mike's drumset, 2 half stacks and bass combo backlined. if you want to use your own heads,or bring your own drum stuff go ahead. although mike has a pretty nice set except for the hi hat and double bass, but we're borrowing those from seths set, so all should be well.

yes! there will be girls there.
[Feb 10,2006 1:36pm - anonymous  ""]
chris_from_shit_fuck said:anonymous said:shit fuck....how origional

Almost as originAL as your spelling.


ouch...didnt even realize it. shitfuck!
[Feb 10,2006 2:45pm - Robdeadskin ""]
i think im gonna show up...whos house and what street is it on?
[Feb 10,2006 2:56pm - Dissector ""]
Robdeadskin said:i think im gonna show up...whos house and what street is it on?

I don't know if Eddie wants me posting his address online. Give me a call I posted my cell phone number up top. I'd love to see you again man.
[Feb 10,2006 3:01pm - Robdeadskin ""]
understandable...me and scott will be there..ill call you!
[Feb 10,2006 3:04pm - Josh_Martin ""]
DomesticTerror said:will there be anyone who's almost 30 attending this? no offense guys, i just don't wanna be "that loser"

I'd go if I had a way to get there. My van is fucked again.
I'm old.

[Feb 10,2006 3:07pm - Robdeadskin ""]
whoremastery will be repazentin!
[Feb 10,2006 4:09pm - DomesticTerror ""]
is Big Boa coming to this? i will have my mask, just in case
[Feb 10,2006 4:12pm - Robdeadskin ""]
no...he's not unfortunatly!
[Feb 10,2006 10:32pm - DomesticTerror ""]
no cops, huh? lol. i got stopped even before i pulled away from the curb. some dick i went to HS with...i'm sober as shit, and i still fucked up my age. he asked me the best question: "Have you been giving beer to anyone who's underage?"
'Yeah, i do that all the time, officer!'
[Feb 10,2006 10:59pm - Robdeadskin ""]
HaHa That made us really sound old!! Well it was fun while it lasted....to many little girls wish whoremastery could have played...thanx to eddies mom...my mom would have killed me if i did that in thier house
[Feb 10,2006 11:27pm - horror_tang ""]
It Will End In Pure Horror did not get to play because the white man is keeping us down. They are afraid of the truth. They can't handle the truth.
[Feb 10,2006 11:27pm - Dissector ""]
I'd like to appologize to everyone for the fuzz shutting the party down. Especially IWEIPH who didn't even get to play. I really feel like shit for that. I know it's not my fault or anything but still you didn't have to play yet you shose to and things just got fucked up.

Thanks to everyone who showed up and could stomache being in a house filled with a bunch of high schoolers.

Something like this needs to be done again. Just a little earlier during the day so the cops won't fuck things over.
[Feb 10,2006 11:43pm - Dissector ""]
If anybody ahs a picture of me covered in blood I'd really like to see it.
[Feb 11,2006 12:16am - DomesticTerror ""]
Dissector said:If anybody ahs a picture of me covered in blood I'd really like to see it.

yeah, what happened?
[Feb 11,2006 12:19am - DomesticTerror ""]
no apologies necessary. good times!
[Feb 11,2006 12:28am - Dissector ""]
DomesticTerror said:Dissector said:If anybody ahs a picture of me covered in blood I'd really like to see it.

yeah, what happened?

I punched myself in the nose and just smeared the blood all over myself.
[Feb 11,2006 12:36am - DomesticTerror ""]
lol. was this before or after "Mommy Can I go out and Kill Tonight"
[Feb 11,2006 12:49am - Dissector ""]
DomesticTerror said:lol. was this before or after "Mommy Can I go out and Kill Tonight"

After during the band I sing for, Rat Burger.
[Feb 11,2006 1:08am - anonymous  ""]
Dissector said:I'd like to appologize to everyone for the fuzz shutting the party down. Especially IWEIPH who didn't even get to play. I really feel like shit for that. I know it's not my fault or anything but still you didn't have to play yet you shose to and things just got fucked up.

Thanks to everyone who showed up and could stomache being in a house filled with a bunch of high schoolers.

Something like this needs to be done again. Just a little earlier during the day so the cops won't fuck things over.

Don't sweat it. We will do it again if asked. It was cool to see some familiar faces and realize just how old I am with most of those kids being young to be my own children. Damn, I am old. When you have a band name like ours you come to expect stuff like this to happen.
[Feb 11,2006 8:56am - eddie ""]
well this was a great time, even with all the set backs. i'm really sorry iweiph didn't get to play, they probably had to travel the longest too. I want to figure out how many people ended up going, i'm gussing around 50+. when i see the video i'm going to have to try and count the crowd.
[Feb 11,2006 10:03am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
sucks that IWEIPH didn't get to play, but thanks to everyone that watched our set. And to Volatile (yes! GRIM REAPER!) and of course Exploding Christ as usual.

Defenitly need to do this again when the white man ain't keeping us black folk down.
[Feb 11,2006 11:25am - KillerKadoogan ""]


That was the first time Exploding Christ had played together since our last show, and I think it showed, but I don't care, I had a good time. I just wish I could've stuck around to get some underage news...

[Feb 11,2006 11:53am - eddie ""]
hey ben you left your hat here
[Feb 11,2006 12:52pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
yeah i know i realized it on the way home. i'll get it at some point, i guess. that thing's only cardboard anyway. i got a nice one floatin around somewhere.

thanks for having us by the way, duder.
[Feb 11,2006 2:36pm - Iren_the_Viking ""]
good time
[Feb 11,2006 4:51pm - Dissector ""]
I got the Rat Burger set on tape. I didn't remember any of it.

I went to Eddie's house today and he still has my blood stains on his ceiling. They wouldn't come out.
[Feb 11,2006 5:36pm - Iren_the_Viking ""]
haha funny
[Feb 11,2006 7:14pm - frey of volatile  ""]
did anyone get any pictures?
[Feb 12,2006 2:07am - horror_tang NLI  ""]
chris_from_shit_fuck said:sucks that IWEIPH didn't get to play, but thanks to everyone that watched our set. And to Volatile (yes! GRIM REAPER!) and of course Exploding Christ as usual.

Defenitly need to do this again when the white man ain't keeping us black folk down.

Well, let's see. You saw us as half a band. We would have been 3/4 of a band had we played so you got 0/4 of the band to see. So, I am guessing you'll see the entire band the next chance we play or just one of us will show up and do something.

[Feb 12,2006 5:42pm - RichHorror ""]
I got to headbutt a gong. That was cool.
[Nov 4,2010 11:21pm - eddie-niliilibnil  ""]
[Nov 4,2010 11:23pm - RichHorror ""]
Who the fuck is Steven?
[Nov 4,2010 11:32pm - eddie-niliilibnil  ""]
hahaha, you can't write that shit
[Nov 5,2010 12:00pm - Kadoog-a-go-go  ""]

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