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Farting and relationships

[Apr 15,2008 11:47am - Milton  ""]
In your current or most recent relationship, who broke the farting barrier first and how soon?
[Apr 15,2008 12:03pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I did. And not because i was real comfortable with her or anything, it was because we had to run to catch a train and on the last step onto the train it just came out. Long, loud, and smelly. Unfortunately it was about 5 minutes before we could get off the train and just about everyone on the train heard me do it, and did not enjoy it.
[Apr 15,2008 12:07pm - dreadkill ""]
hahahaa, i was just talking about this the other day. i broke the farting barrier after a long time. i used ot wait until she had to leave the room, then i would fart. or i would wait until i had ot use the bathroom and then i would fart. one day i was so sick of it and the gas really needed an exit, so i farted. now i fart in front of her all the time. lucky for her, most of my farts don't really smell. unfortunately for her, the gas i had on saturday night smelled pretty bad. my room smelled like roasted farts.
[Apr 15,2008 12:16pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
what is this gas you speak of? i know not what you are talking about.
[Apr 15,2008 12:42pm - Yeti ""]
in my previous relationship, she broke the barrier. it was one of the hottest things i've ever seen. she was sitting there completely naked saying "i'm gonna do it".
[Apr 15,2008 12:44pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
hmmm...the search isn't working. what was that brazilian girls farting website again?
[Apr 15,2008 12:59pm - SkinSandwich ""]

[Apr 15,2008 1:03pm - aril  ""]
first night I met. farted ON her.
[Apr 15,2008 1:06pm - metal_church101 ""]
I can remember one girl I was seeing who would fart during her sleep. To me, that broke the barrier, so I would let them rip when she was awake.
[Apr 15,2008 1:18pm - Grizloch ""]
I was 69ing with my girl a few months ago under the covers as it was cold, she let one go on my face, due to the angle and spread-ed-ness of her legs it wasnt particularly loud or long, more of a fffffff, I dont know if she realized that I had noticed, as Im a trooper and continued giving her oral pleasure, but as soon as it had processed in my mind I moved the covers off of my head which was probably a pretty good indication

ever since then I feel that my farting is fair game under any circumstances
[Apr 15,2008 1:20pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I did. A couple months into the relationship I suppose.
[Apr 15,2008 1:27pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
my girl and i sabbotage one another sometimes whilst spooning.
[Apr 15,2008 1:29pm - the_reverend ""]
crop dusting?
[Apr 15,2008 1:34pm - the_reverend ""]
someone just sent me this:

Have any of you tried this before?

1. Put your dog and your wife in the trunk of the car for an hour.
2. Then you open the trunk, you will see who's happy to see you.

P.S.: This is just a Joke! Do not EVER lock your DOG in the trunk of your car!!!!
[Apr 15,2008 1:41pm - xmikex ""]
Muscle milk broke the farting barrier for me.
[Apr 15,2008 1:42pm - the_reverend ""]
mothers aren't well known for their muscles...
[Apr 15,2008 1:58pm - largefreakatzero ""]

the_reverend said:someone just sent me this:

Have any of you tried this before?

1. Put your dog and your wife in the trunk of the car for an hour.
2. Then you open the trunk, you will see who's happy to see you.

P.S.: This is just a Joke! Do not EVER lock your DOG in the trunk of your car!!!!

That is fucking wonderful.
[Apr 15,2008 3:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
strategic gas release is an enduring hobby of mine.
[Apr 15,2008 5:51pm - bradmann ""]
oh man, i broke the barrier so quick. fuck, i think i broke it before we even started dating.

i farted on her once in my sleep.
[Apr 15,2008 5:52pm - RichHorror ""]
I definitely fart on the first date.
[Apr 15,2008 6:00pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
after that youtube vid i saw of you with the purple dong...
i surmise you can hardly tell when you have actually farted.
[Apr 15,2008 6:02pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, I obviously do that everday of my life. Stop hitting on me.
[Apr 15,2008 7:14pm - fat ass  ""]
I always fart right after I fuck a guy for the first time.
You know, classy like.
[Apr 15,2008 7:21pm - the_reverend ""]
when they don't fart it comes out as bitching.
[Apr 15,2008 7:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i fart in your genaralllll direction
[Apr 15,2008 8:12pm - AfterWorldObliteration ""]
i broke the barrier when we were making out on the ground. then i got my dick sucked by a 14 year old. apparently my chicka's bro does it all the time so it was dank. [img]
[Apr 15,2008 8:16pm - archaeon ""]
oh john lucci
[Apr 15,2008 10:05pm - Conservationist ""]
Any woman who wants to get between me and my rancid flatulence is not relationship material!
[Apr 15,2008 10:26pm - ellesarusrex ""]
i rarely fart and burp.. i wish this was something i was capable of doing. i tried to have a burping competition once. and i was mutilated by a blond half my size. booooooooooo
[Apr 15,2008 10:28pm - ZJD ""]
There was never a barrier. The first time I really needed to fart when we were together I did and from that point on I had no case for her not farting, plus farts are funny and we like to laugh.
[Apr 15,2008 10:31pm - the_reverend ""]
there is nothing worse than dog farts.
nothing funny about them AT ALL
[Apr 15,2008 10:37pm - Martins ""]
My exbitch used to fart all the time and was proud of it. While I'm a man who revels in his farts, she was ridiculous. Let's not get started on queefs (sp?) either.

the_reverend said:there is nothing worse than dog farts.
nothing funny about them AT ALL

Truthiest truth every told. My dog has dropped some motherfucking BOMBSSSSSSS.

[Apr 16,2008 10:42am - Yeti ""]

Martins said:Let's not get started on queefs (sp?) either.

my ex was insanely good at queefing.
[Apr 16,2008 10:58am - ouchdrummer ""]

Yeti said:
Martins said:Let's not get started on queefs (sp?) either.

my ex was insanely good at queefing.

I knew a really hot little mexican girl that would lie on the ground, put her legs behind her head, pull air in thru her vadge (it sounded like slurping on a straw) then shoot it out at like 50 miles an hour. It was loud, lewd, and really sexy.
[Apr 16,2008 3:22pm - Bobby Bacala  ""]
female posters chime in on this subject
[Apr 16,2008 3:24pm - Yeti ""]
hahahaha that is exactly how she would do it. she could do it standing up, sitting down, didn't matter. she had really strong vagina muscles.
[Apr 16,2008 3:26pm - Sacreligion ""]
those are some good kegels
[Apr 16,2008 3:32pm - ouchdrummer ""]
well unless your ex is little, cute, mexican, and lives in needham, then obviously there are more girls that can do that than previously believed.
[Apr 23,2008 3:17pm - Money Mark  ""]
Farting = love
[Apr 23,2008 4:08pm - the_reverend ""]
I just farted in my cube.
[Apr 24,2008 10:44am - Yeti ""]
i just farted about 1000 times in my cube.
[Aug 21,2008 3:08pm - Farting Police  ""]
Yeti what happens when someone comes into your cube after you've filled it up with stinky farts?
[Aug 21,2008 3:15pm - Yeti ""]
they have no choice but to love it.
[Aug 21,2008 3:27pm - metal_church101 ""]
I can never hold a straight face when I fart. Especially in the office. I am too proud of my own work.
[Aug 21,2008 3:29pm - MattBreen ""]
I've been with my girl for a while and she is still in no way allowed to fart. Strictly forbidden.
[Aug 21,2008 3:30pm - MattBreen ""]

Grizloch said:I was 69ing with my girl a few months ago under the covers as it was cold, she let one go on my face, due to the angle and spread-ed-ness of her legs it wasnt particularly loud or long, more of a fffffff, I dont know if she realized that I had noticed, as Im a trooper and continued giving her oral pleasure, but as soon as it had processed in my mind I moved the covers off of my head which was probably a pretty good indication

ever since then I feel that my farting is fair game under any circumstances

ah thats brutal reading it i felt like i actually expierenced it.
[Aug 21,2008 3:33pm - Yeti ""]
forbidden? wow. in my previous relationship, farting brought us closer.
[Aug 21,2008 3:34pm - MattBreen ""]
I run a tight ship
[Aug 21,2008 6:11pm - Lamp nli  ""]
I don't remember who broke the barrier in my current relationship, all I know is the number of times we fart in each others presence now must be a dougle digit number. There was one time we were driving back from Rhode Island and had pretty much been up all night. After stopping to let her take the wheel somewhere in Virginia, I went to fall asleep in the passenger seat of the car. At some point I let out a huge, swampy fart that stunk up the car like rotting dead animals. I desire to reach that level of heinousness again.
[Aug 21,2008 9:15pm - Conservationist ""]
I have spent most of my adult life hiding my flatulence from significant others. All I can say is that having candles and Carcass on the stereo can obscure some intensely intestinal events.

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