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Writer's block!!

[May 16,2008 5:52pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
having a bad case of this right now. fucking fuck fuck fuck!
[May 16,2008 5:54pm - sacreligion ""]
write about how much writer's block sucks
[May 16,2008 5:57pm - NippleViolater ""]
are you talking about music or actual writing?
[May 16,2008 5:59pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
actual writing. trying to write a horror story. ive got the outline for it. im just blocked on how to execute it.
[May 16,2008 6:01pm - sacreligion ""]
play around with your characters' weaknesses and see what you can exploit into terrible situations
[May 16,2008 6:04pm - NippleViolater ""]
OHhhhh...yea, I've been wanting to write a story for a long time now but am still too much of a pussy. Glad to hear someone's going for it. I'd say go out in the woods tonight when it gets really dark, scare the shit out of yourself, and write everything down.
[May 16,2008 6:08pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
i've been writing for years. i'll have like a good writing streak and then nothing for 2 years at a time. it sucks. this good advice you guys are giving me though.
[May 16,2008 6:19pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
a very cool philosophy teacher gave me advice once in college regarding writer's block. He basically told me not to eat all day before I wrote. I ended up having much success with this technique throughout my academic tenure. I also had much success with oc's and coors light. Go figure..
[May 16,2008 6:22pm - DomesticTerror ""]

corpus_colostomy said:a very cool philosophy teacher gave me advice once in college regarding writer's block. He basically told me not to eat all day before I wrote. I ended up having much success with this technique throughout my academic tenure. I also had much success with oc's and coors light. Go figure..

now imagine if you combined the two...:spineyes:
[May 16,2008 6:38pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
what works best for me is to be either wicked sick, with a high fever, and on medicine. or really tired.
[May 16,2008 9:49pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
There's no such thing as writer's block. Creativity is something that comes into and then exits us like waves hitting the beach and retreating. You can't force it, and it's a hell of a task to get your own schedule to coincide with that of inspiration.

Basically, if you're "blocked", you're no longer in control of the schedule. Do something else. This is when you should work out some other ideas, write up some boring backstory stuff, write down some various ideas and devices you can incorporate into your story, etc.. etc...

When your inspiration finishes it's little break, it'll be happy to come back and find that you've been productive.
[May 18,2008 3:15pm - Kadoogan-om-nom-nom  ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:There's no such thing as writer's block. Creativity is something that comes into and then exits us like waves hitting the beach and retreating.

I was gonna say the same thing, only with slightly less pompous overtones.
[May 18,2008 4:19pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
methinks you have no clue what pompous means.
[May 18,2008 4:57pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
i think i got a solid beginning so far. i gotta tackle the rest of it on tuesday. i pretty much got the whole story in my head now.
[May 18,2008 7:57pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
i'd be interested in reading it when you finish, if you're into that kind of thing.
[May 18,2008 8:31pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
oh yeah, definitley. i like to share my stories.
[May 18,2008 11:39pm - ellesarusrex ""]
i have a horrible case of it now and i need to write more than ever. otherwise i will go sleep and my body will decompose in my dreams from the frustration and sorrow i feel at the moment.
[May 18,2008 11:44pm - AfterWorldObliteration ""]
add a good rape scene to the story. make it set in the phallus palace.
[May 19,2008 12:10am - mortalis ""]
i have to write two sets of lyrics for the show next sunday, but it's just not coming to me. fuckin sucks.
[May 19,2008 6:25am - anonymous  ""]
[May 19,2008 9:32am - Kadoogan-om-nom-nom  ""]

15th century

1 : excessively elevated or ornate <pompous rhetoric>
2 : having or exhibiting self-importance : arrogant <a pompous politician>
3 : relating to or suggestive of pomp : magnificent

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand go.
[May 19,2008 10:24am - quintessence ""]
I love how if someone actually knows how to write well, he's called pompous or elitist now a days.....
[May 19,2008 10:40am - Yeti ""]
Arrowhead is right, it comes in waves. we just expect to have creativity pour out whenever we want it to. it doesn't, so we get frustrated and then try to force it. its like trying to remember a word or name that just won't come to you. chances are if you sit and harp on it, it won't come to you. it'll come at some random time when you aren't thinking about it.
[May 19,2008 3:52pm - Kadoogan-om-nom-nom  ""]

quintessence said:I love how if someone actually knows how to write well, he's called pompous or elitist now a days.....

I knew someone would make this argument.

It's not a matter of writing well. It's a matter of knowing what you're talking about without sounding like an ass.

I like to think I'm a damn smart person. That doesn't mean I'm gonna post on RTTP like I'm writing a friggin' Hallmark Card.

And like I said, I agree with with what Arrowhead said. You can't force it. Every song, story or whatever I've written (and kept) has come from outta nowhere. Any time I've ever sat down with the INTENTION of writing etc., I hate whatever comes out.


Ever the seas are sailed by majestic crafts, and though they are built from hands of our collective muse, alas she is a bitch and will not tongue my bung.
[May 19,2008 3:56pm - RichHorror ""]
If you have writer's block it just means you're not very talented and should try something else. Like working at a butcher shop.
[May 19,2008 4:01pm - dreadkill ""]

Kadoogan-om-nom-nom said:
Ever the seas are sailed by majestic crafts, and though they are built from hands of our collective muse, alas she is a bitch and will not tongue my bung.

that was eloquent AND elegant. bravo, sir, brah-voh!
[May 19,2008 4:02pm - dreadkill ""]

RichHorror said:If you have writer's block it just means you're not very talented and should try something else. Like working at a butcher shop.
butcher shop is what i call sloppy vagina. i hate when a twat looks like a bomb went off in a butcher shop.
[May 19,2008 4:24pm - aril  ""]
It's also a good thing to find a "muse." You know, something that ultimately inspires you and easily makes your imagination come alive. If you haven't discovered what yours is yet, I suggest you look for it.
I experience the same problem with those damn waves. It's a little easier once you find your muse and inspiration.
Of course, it all depends on what you're doing - whether it be writing, music, painting, etc.
[May 19,2008 4:49pm - dreadkill ""]
ah yes, i lament the epochs of low tide and yearn for the ephemeral high tide, with the seafoam gently sticking in my nostrils and the briny sea glowing with the ebullient phosphorous of creativity.
[May 19,2008 4:55pm - aril  ""]
except low tide in New Bedford = grease, trash, and pubes.
[May 19,2008 5:49pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
composted actually has lyrics comparing some vaginas to the drain of a butcher's shop.
[May 19,2008 6:22pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

Kadoogan-om-nom-nom said:pompous

15th century

1 : excessively elevated or ornate <pompous rhetoric>
2 : having or exhibiting self-importance : arrogant <a pompous politician>
3 : relating to or suggestive of pomp : magnificent

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand go.

And I said nothing excessively ornate or self important. Or do you just assume any use of a single layered metaphor to be pompous? I type the same way I talk, jackass. If you read it as fancy and pompous, I can damned well assure you it didn't sound that way coming out of me.
[May 19,2008 6:40pm - dreadkill ""]

Dave_Maggot said:composted actually has lyrics comparing some vaginas to the drain of a butcher's shop.
depraved minds think alike
[May 19,2008 9:01pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
hellz yeah!
[May 20,2008 10:41am - Kadoogan-om-nom-nom  ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:
Kadoogan-om-nom-nom said:pompous

15th century

1 : excessively elevated or ornate <pompous rhetoric>
2 : having or exhibiting self-importance : arrogant <a pompous politician>
3 : relating to or suggestive of pomp : magnificent

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand go.

And I said nothing excessively ornate or self important. Or do you just assume any use of a single layered metaphor to be pompous? I type the same way I talk, jackass. If you read it as fancy and pompous, I can damned well assure you it didn't sound that way coming out of me.

I agree that the sound of your keyboard clackity-clack-clacking probably sounded less pompous than if you had actually SAID something out loud.

And yes, it came across as extremely arrogant, just like every other post you make on this site. I can see you sitting there a clackity-clacking, thinking "Oh man, these guys are gonna think I'm a brilliant motherfucker, what with all my talk of waves hitting the beach and shit. Bow to ArrowHead as I make cornball jokes between songs and then play the smart guy on the internet."
[May 20,2008 1:37pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

Kadoogan-om-nom-nom said:
I agree that the sound of your keyboard clackity-clack-clacking probably sounded less pompous than if you had actually SAID something out loud.

And yes, it came across as extremely arrogant, just like every other post you make on this site. I can see you sitting there a clackity-clacking, thinking "Oh man, these guys are gonna think I'm a brilliant motherfucker, what with all my talk of waves hitting the beach and shit. Bow to ArrowHead as I make cornball jokes between songs and then play the smart guy on the internet."

You know, Mr. Kadoogan, anyone who has even spoken to me for five fucking minutes will tell you how completely wrong you are.

Except the part about me being arrogant and thinking I'm better than everybody. That part is absolutely correct.

Now could you again explain why this would matter to you? Are you some anonymous faggot whose feelings I hurt on the interwebs? Sorry if I hurt your feelings, princess. Meanwhile, you still misused the term pompous, as a single metaphor without a single modifier hardly counts as ornate, let alone excessive.

Stop trying to make your lack of reading comprehension skills look like some kind of shortcoming on my part.
[May 20,2008 1:51pm - aril  ""]
How about you guys relax and listen to some of your POWER METAL.
[May 20,2008 2:09pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Because it's too easy to argue on the internet AND listen to music at the same time.
[May 20,2008 2:21pm - dreadkill ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:Because it's too easy to argue on the internet AND listen to music at the same time.
are you at work too, because that would be quite a feat? a triple threat: working, listening to musiks, and arguing on the internet.
[May 20,2008 2:36pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Nah, day off. I'm home waiting for UPS.
[May 20,2008 2:37pm - dreadkill ""]
ok, new triple threat: listening to musiks, arguing on the internet, and waiting for ups.
[May 20,2008 2:45pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
No powermetal though. Listening to the Cult - Electric currently
[May 21,2008 10:36am - KadooganaturalBornKiller  ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:

You know, Mr. Kadoogan, anyone who has even spoken to me for five fucking minutes will tell you how completely wrong you are.

Except the part about me being arrogant and thinking I'm better than everybody. That part is absolutely correct.

Now could you again explain why this would matter to you? Are you some anonymous faggot whose feelings I hurt on the interwebs? Sorry if I hurt your feelings, princess. Meanwhile, you still misused the term pompous, as a single metaphor without a single modifier hardly counts as ornate, let alone excessive.

Stop trying to make your lack of reading comprehension skills look like some kind of shortcoming on my part.

Far from an anonymous, I've been posting on this board for like 5 years, I've played a whole lotta shows with a whole lotta you fucks, and most of you know who I am. I'm just sick of you and your holier-than-thou opinions you seem to love posting on here.

Case in point: You seem to be cumming down your pantlegs over the idea that I may or may not have misused the word pompous. You feel the need to point this out to me, in hopes that everyone who reads this garbage will think your are oh-so-smart, far more than I am.

Are you not the douchebag who sang for Pillory? "This one's about retarded panda orgies a-chuckle-galuck-gachuckle. Hee haw" slammy slamy widdly woo wee woo wee widdly slam slam slam.

Boo you, and boo your ego-boosting internet posts.
[May 21,2008 10:36am - KadooganaturalBornKiller  ""]
and you listen to the Cult.
[May 21,2008 10:41am - aril  ""]
How about settling this like men over a mug of beer and a good laugh?
Then a fight. That would be cool.
[May 21,2008 10:52am - dreadkill ""]
w3 said: large freakatzero said: fight him or you are a pussy
[May 21,2008 1:29pm - NippleViolater ""]
Anyone "smart" knows that calling someone a faggot makes them an idiot.

And, when I need to be creative, I get an iced coffee for writing and beer for writing music. It works!
[May 21,2008 1:31pm - aril  ""]
At work last week, we had a bunch of Brits over on business and they were talking about going on a "fag" break outside. Couldn't help but laugh.
[May 21,2008 1:36pm - dreadkill ""]

aril said:At work last week, we had a bunch of Brits over on business and they were talking about going on a "fag" break outside. Couldn't help but laugh.
do they call muffins "american muffins?"
[May 21,2008 1:38pm - NippleViolater ""]

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