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Weekend Brew Session

[Sep 22,2008 12:58pm - orgymf@work  ""]
fucking awesome!
this beer is gonna be excellent!
it's thick, sweet, a nice hop balance, and right now the yeast is in full force fermenting it!

12 brew day = well worth it.

spent the entire fucking day drinking, watching horror flicks, listening to metal and eating pizza.

to all who were interested in tasting the outcome of this project....it won't be ready for a while, needs some serious aging...
but it will be worth the wait!
[Sep 22,2008 1:08pm - aril  ""]
what kind of style ale is it?
(or is it not an ale..?)
[Sep 22,2008 2:01pm - orgymf@work  ""]
it is a unique style..
we anticipate 20 percent alcohol.
very dark. a good amount of sweetness from malts, maple syrup, and honey. nice hop flavor without too much hop bitterness.

we probably won't be able to carbonate very well, since high alcohol kills off yeast, and bubbles come from fresh yeast and sugar added when bottling.
[Sep 22,2008 2:50pm - orgymf@work  ""]
oh...and yeah, we used an ale yeast
[Sep 22,2008 3:54pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i think we can get good carbonation as long we add more sugar at bottling and a bit more yeast, AND keep it at some very controlled temps. I have faith big guy.

Brewing was a friekin blast. That "masters of horror" flick "cigarette burns" was awesome. Real creepy. Jennifer was real good too. And AS USAUL re-animator kicked ass. Your bud renub is close to the funniest person i think i have met in a long time.

Gotta say though, something i ate/drank did not do me well. I don't know if it was mixing all those beer types or what, but i after i yuked right into your poop puddle, i puked again after the train, then again at home. All the bloodvesseles around my eyes are still all popped making me look very crack headish. Which of course everyone i know at work is like "so what did you did this weekend *wink wink*?" and honestly, i wasn't even drunk. Just sick. But besides that i had a great time.
[Sep 22,2008 3:54pm - ouchdrummer ""]
oh yeah............ hail satan
[Sep 22,2008 3:56pm - aril  ""]
called yesterday and was going to ask how it went!
[Sep 22,2008 3:59pm - ouchdrummer ""]
was practicing with "useful idiot" when you called, didnt finish till like 12.
[Sep 22,2008 4:00pm - aril  ""]
save me a bottle guys
[Sep 22,2008 4:02pm - ouchdrummer ""]
yeah, you won't wanna drink it for like two damn years! we have plans to make ones that will age much quicker to a drinkable form, but this ones gonna be a while due to the strength.
[Sep 22,2008 4:09pm - orgymf@work  ""]

ouchdrummer said:i think we can get good carbonation as long we add more sugar at bottling and a bit more yeast, AND keep it at some very controlled temps. I have faith big guy.

Brewing was a friekin blast. That "masters of horror" flick "cigarette burns" was awesome. Real creepy. Jennifer was real good too. And AS USAUL re-animator kicked ass. Your bud renub is close to the funniest person i think i have met in a long time.

Gotta say though, something i ate/drank did not do me well. I don't know if it was mixing all those beer types or what, but i after i yuked right into your poop puddle, i puked again after the train, then again at home. All the bloodvesseles around my eyes are still all popped making me look very crack headish. Which of course everyone i know at work is like "so what did you did this weekend *wink wink*?" and honestly, i wasn't even drunk. Just sick. But besides that i had a great time.

i dunno man....it's gonna be real hard to accomplish carbonation without risk "bottle bombs"
but i am willing to give it a shot dude!

glad ya had fun brewin and drinkin!
yeah, renob is a fuckin riot.

ya know, i had the shits, jayme had a headache and nausea, and you puked.

did aaron get sick at all?
if not, i'd say it's probably just mixing too many different types of beer, on top of eating such heavy food.

if he did...maybe it was that pizza joint.
they never made me sick before, anything is possible.

either way, sorry you got so sick bro, but i'm glad you had a good experience up until that happened.

we should definately bre again on october 4'th.
day after my next payday.
this time we'll drink alot of session beer, and take it easy on ourselves.

i'll buy some sam adams, anchor, sierra nevada.
stuff like that.
[Sep 22,2008 4:10pm - aril  ""]
I had Sam Adams Triple Bock over the weekend. Brewed in '97.
Stuff has a very strong smell and it's almost like drinking syrup. It's 18% alcohol as well.
It was one of those beers that has different "layers" of taste when you have it in your mouth.
Ever try that stuff?
[Sep 22,2008 4:14pm - orgymf@work  ""]
triple bock....
i wasn't a fan.
it really destroys the palate.
it has this awful kind of soy sauce mixed with maple syrup flavor

what i do love is Sam Adams "Utopias"
the 2007 batch was 27 percent A.B.V.
tasty as fuck!

150 dollars
worth every penny!!!!!
[Sep 22,2008 4:17pm - aril  ""]
you're right abuot that damned soy sauce / syrup taste.
YOU HAD UTOPIA! SHIT man, I've been wanting to try that for so long. They also released one called "Millenium," right? If I remember correctly, they only released one batch of it in 2000 and it's supposed to be one of the best beers ever.
[Sep 22,2008 4:29pm - orgymf@work  ""]
yeah....i never got to try Millenium.
which is too bad, because it will never exist again.

yeah, Utopias is the shit!

i tried a sample at the "Extreme beer fest" in February 07.
after that, i knew i needed a bottle.
i bought the bottle and drank most of it.
my buddy Scott paid me 25 bucks for a small sample.

fucking unbelievable
[Sep 22,2008 4:31pm - aril  ""]
you've got to admit - some of the brewmaster's at sam adams really know their shit.
[Sep 22,2008 4:32pm - orgymf@work  ""]
i am a big fan of many S.A. brews
boston lager
black lager
irish red
double bock
scotch ale
and their xmas porter

are all great
[Sep 22,2008 4:34pm - aril  ""]
i love the fezziwig ale. black lager is really good and underrated I think. seems like its getting more attention now.
damn, the scotch ale is great as well. I always get their winter mix pack during the cold months.
[Sep 22,2008 4:36pm - aril  ""]
hard to believe too that SA is now the largest american-owned brewery.

I can't wait for Sierra Nevada's Bigfoot Ale this year. That stuff is so good
[Sep 22,2008 4:38pm - mortalis ""]
[Sep 22,2008 4:47pm - orgymf@work  ""]
ah, the Stone Brewing Gargoyle.
they got some damn good beer!
[Sep 22,2008 4:50pm - orgymf@work  ""]

aril said:i love the fezziwig ale. black lager is really good and underrated I think. seems like its getting more attention now.
damn, the scotch ale is great as well. I always get their winter mix pack during the cold months.

yeah, i like most of the stuff in the winter mixer...
except the cranberry lambic, but that's easy to get rid of, since my girl is a big fan of it.

it is really strange that sam adams got as big as they did.

not big fan of Bigfoot....a lil too hoppy for me.

i'm more of a malt sweetness and/or high alcohol fan.

besides, high alpha acid can be dangerous, they say excessive hops can cause impotence.
[Sep 22,2008 4:52pm - tylor  ""]
i back the old fezziwig HARD
[Sep 22,2008 4:53pm - aril  ""]
it is very hoppy. I like the aftertaste it has for some reason though.
Been drinking too many Belgian Beers lately. I want to see if I can get back into some english porters and mix it up again.
[Sep 22,2008 4:53pm - tylor  ""]
and as far as the stone brewing company, anyone who hasnt tried arrogant bastard ale needs to get on that
[Sep 22,2008 4:54pm - orgymf@work  ""]
nothing wrong with belgians dude!!!
me, jim and aaron split a Belgian Stout on saturday, it was fucking excellent!
[Sep 22,2008 4:55pm - orgymf@work  ""]

tylor said:and as far as the stone brewing company, anyone who hasnt tried arrogant bastard ale needs to get on that

A.B. is nice.
i love their smoked porter too
their yearly special release (vertical epic) is usually pretty good.
especially the 2006 (released on june 6)
[Sep 22,2008 4:56pm - tylor  ""]

better than la fin du monde

yeah, i said it
[Sep 22,2008 4:57pm - aril  ""]
that stuff is great.
[Sep 22,2008 4:59pm - ouchdrummer ""]
well, aaron had some issues too. So maybe it was the pizza joint.
[Sep 22,2008 5:04pm - orgymf@work  ""]
hmmm... too bad, i really like their pizza.
guess i'm never having it again, because that probably is what made us sick.
[Sep 22,2008 5:04pm - orgymf@work  ""]
yeah delirium is awesome
[Sep 22,2008 5:16pm - mortalis ""]

orgymf@work said:
tylor said:and as far as the stone brewing company, anyone who hasnt tried arrogant bastard ale needs to get on that

A.B. is nice.
i love their smoked porter too
their yearly special release (vertical epic) is usually pretty good.
especially the 2006 (released on june 6)

double bastard is definitely a worthy beer, and their russian imperial is the fucking shit.
[Sep 23,2008 11:30am - orgymf@work  ""]
oh yeah.... i do likes me some oak aged double bastard.

i almost forgot about their russian imperial.
there are soooo many good imperial stouts out there.
plus i have brewed a few.
so it's rare that i go back to any imperial stout more than once a year.

my favs are
oak aged -Yeti
Old Rasputin
that russian "espresso-and-vanilla imperial stout" that i can't spell or pronounce (Jim knows which one i mean)
[Sep 23,2008 12:48pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

tylor said:[img]

better than la fin du monde

yeah, i said it

mmmmm, i can't find that stuff out here. Lukes Liquors in Rockland MA carries it. Someone send me a bottle!
[Sep 23,2008 1:57pm - ouchdrummer ""]

orgymf@work said:oh yeah.... i do likes me some oak aged double bastard.

i almost forgot about their russian imperial.
there are soooo many good imperial stouts out there.javascript:insertAtCaret(document.theform.messagebody,%20%20':cd:');
plus i have brewed a few.
so it's rare that i go back to any imperial stout more than once a year.

my favs are
oak aged -Yeti
Old Rasputin
that russian "espresso-and-vanilla imperial stout" that i can't spell or pronounce (Jim knows which one i mean)

The name is pennichuck. Not totally sure how to pronounce it either. The bottles are really distinctive, they are mostly all 1liter bottles. (.25 bigger than most) and have cool looking labels. Like this one-
now i know thats not the one that orgy mentioned, but its fucking good as hell too.
[Sep 23,2008 2:03pm - ouchdrummer ""]
So orgy introduced me to a new beer this weekend that was made with very interesting yeast.... no not a yeast infection you sick fucks, but yeast from a bottle that someone found on the bottom of the English channel from over a hundred years ago!! Seriously, isnt that crazy? They found the bottle, and somehow revived the yeast, cultuted it, and started using it to make beer with, it's called flag porter, check out their description:

Flag Porter is brewed from a traditional 19th century British recipe using yeast salvaged from a vessel which sank in the English Channel in 1825.

In 1988, several bottles of the brew were raised from their resting place 60 feet deep in the Channel. They were in their original containers, with their wood stoppers and wax seals intact. When opened, however, they "tasted like old, wet boots" according to Dr. Keith Thomas, renowned brewer and microbiologist.

When he examined the beer under a microscope, he found a small percentage of the yeast to be still living! After months of growing this yeast, he brewed a porter using an 1850 recipe.

it looks like that. It's great, i recommend trying it. Although it is a little unsettling drinking something made from yeast that old...
[Sep 23,2008 2:22pm - orgymf@work  ""]

ouchdrummer said:
orgymf@work said:oh yeah.... i do likes me some oak aged double bastard.

i almost forgot about their russian imperial.
there are soooo many good imperial stouts out there.javascript:insertAtCaret(document.theform.messagebody,%20%20':cd:');
plus i have brewed a few.
so it's rare that i go back to any imperial stout more than once a year.

my favs are
oak aged -Yeti
Old Rasputin
that russian "espresso-and-vanilla imperial stout" that i can't spell or pronounce (Jim knows which one i mean)

The name is pennichuck. Not totally sure how to pronounce it either. The bottles are really distinctive, they are mostly all 1liter bottles. (.25 bigger than most) and have cool looking labels. Like this one-
now i know thats not the one that orgy mentioned, but its fucking good as hell too.

yeah, you or aaron left one of those in my fridge
[Sep 23,2008 2:24pm - orgymf@work  ""]
and yeah, that flag porter is pretty amazing, especially when you consider how they revived that (almost) 200 year old yeast
[Sep 23,2008 2:29pm - ouchdrummer ""]
damn, that was mine
[Sep 23,2008 2:31pm - orgymf@work  ""]
hah, don't worry dude, i won't drink it on ya, it'll be waiting for ya next time we brew
[Sep 23,2008 2:38pm - aril  ""]
not if I can help it. i'm on my way right now to get it out of your fridge
[Sep 23,2008 2:57pm - xanonymousx ""]
weezer is at the brewery exchange in lowell tonight...
[Sep 23,2008 4:33pm - orgymf@work  ""]

aril said:not if I can help it. i'm on my way right now to get it out of your fridge

haha. awesome....jim, looks like you gotta come back to attleboro and defend your barlywine! -l-
[Sep 23,2008 5:09pm - ouchdrummer ""]
aril, you should maybe join us next time. If that's alright with the big man that is.
[Sep 24,2008 9:26am - orgymf@work  ""]
yeah dude i'm cool with that, come drink beer, and learn how to brew it!

booze, horror flicks and junk food, all day!
[Sep 24,2008 3:23pm - orgymf@work  ""]

recipe for the first batch i ever made.
this should be on our "to brew" list.
everyone who tried said it was not only a great beer, but hard to believe it wasn't made in a monastary by monks.
[Sep 25,2008 1:33pm - orgymf@work  ""]
so jim, the recipe i posted the link to (above) is definately on my "to brew" (again) list

i also have another idea.

breakfast stout

9 pounds of grain (3 - Marris Otter, 3 - Munich, 3 - Vienna)
along with two pounds of oatmeal, the put a pound of brown sugar and a pound of maple syrup in the boil, then cool it down with cold brewed coffee
[Sep 25,2008 1:34pm - orgymf@work  ""]
oh!! and we can add some irish breakfast tea with the flavoring hops!!
[Sep 25,2008 1:41pm - darkwor  ""]

ouchdrummer said:

just had this last night, it poured 3 full glasses, after about 5 layers of flavor it leaves a nice "i just made out with a dead oak tree" taste. it was great. and it doesn't try to hide the alcohol either.

but i've had a lot of beers, and if i had to pick a favorite, never fails me on tap or bottle:


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