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Weekend Brew Session

[Sep 25,2008 1:47pm - orgymf@work  ""]
Ols Rasputin is excellent
[Sep 26,2008 12:23pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Aaron just had his father send us some of his home roasted coffee. Shit is incredible. Gonna use it for a coffee porter. Wanna do that one next weekend?
[Sep 26,2008 12:50pm - orgymf@work  ""]
i am down...
also, see above, let me know what you think of those recipe ideas/
[Sep 26,2008 12:51pm - orgymf@work  ""]
as a matter of fact (i'll use it to help us form a good recipe) i have a few issues of BYO with great articles about perfecting porter recipes, and proper use of black, brown and chocolate malts
[Sep 26,2008 12:58pm - Yeti ""]

orgymf@work said:oak aged -Yeti

damn straight.
[Sep 26,2008 1:19pm - orgymf@work  ""]
hah.... ever tried your "namesake" beer?
good shit
[Sep 26,2008 1:41pm - metalguy  ""]
[Sep 26,2008 1:42pm - metalguy  ""]
[Sep 26,2008 1:45pm - orgymf@work  ""]
never tried that...sounds good though
[Sep 29,2008 11:02am - orgymf@work  ""]
i <3 beer
[Sep 29,2008 12:07pm - ouchdrummer ""]
more beer this weekend! be there, or be sober!!
[Sep 29,2008 1:22pm - orgymf@work  ""]
fuck yes!!

you and aaron meeting me in the city on friday, or takin the train on saturday morning?
[Sep 29,2008 7:12pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
hey man good luck on the brewing... brewed a few times myself mostly porters/seasonal dark ales IPA too. lemme know if you got any questions....and DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE SANITIZATION! if this is overlooked your beer will blow and your stomach will hate you.
[Sep 29,2008 7:33pm - narkus barkus  ""]
a little chlorine should do the trick!
[Sep 30,2008 9:46am - orgymf@work  ""]

My_Dying_Bride said:hey man good luck on the brewing... brewed a few times myself mostly porters/seasonal dark ales IPA too. lemme know if you got any questions....and DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE SANITIZATION! if this is overlooked your beer will blow and your stomach will hate you.

thanks bro.

i've actually been brewing for a few years, and my methods keep improving.

i actually found the best way to sanitize bottles for high alcohol beers.
put half a shot of everclear (or a full shot of vodka) in each bottle.... swish it around and make sure every inch is touched by the alcohol....
leave it in there....it spikes the alcohol content just a little bit, kills all germs, and if there is too much alcohol heat for your palate, just age it away (six months to a year should do the trick)

this is really good for anything over ten percent alcohol (just make sure you add fresh yeast if ya want it to carbonate).

for everything else...i am a firm believer that one-step is the ultimate sanitzer....iodophor is ok....bleach and chlorine work well, but are a pain in the ass to get rid of and can have serious negative effects on the taste of the beer (even if you get rid of all the poisonous chemicals)

but still, thanks for the encouragement.....and if you ever want people to brew with, i'm always looking for new people to join our little brewing circle.
[Sep 30,2008 12:23pm - orgymf@work  ""]
-l- beer -l-
[Oct 1,2008 10:37pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]

orgymf@work said:
My_Dying_Bride said:hey man good luck on the brewing... brewed a few times myself mostly porters/seasonal dark ales IPA too. lemme know if you got any questions....and DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE SANITIZATION! if this is overlooked your beer will blow and your stomach will hate you.

thanks bro.

i've actually been brewing for a few years, and my methods keep improving.

i actually found the best way to sanitize bottles for high alcohol beers.
put half a shot of everclear (or a full shot of vodka) in each bottle.... swish it around and make sure every inch is touched by the alcohol....
leave it in there....it spikes the alcohol content just a little bit, kills all germs, and if there is too much alcohol heat for your palate, just age it away (six months to a year should do the trick)

this is really good for anything over ten percent alcohol (just make sure you add fresh yeast if ya want it to carbonate).

for everything else...i am a firm believer that one-step is the ultimate sanitzer....iodophor is ok....bleach and chlorine work well, but are a pain in the ass to get rid of and can have serious negative effects on the taste of the beer (even if you get rid of all the poisonous chemicals)

but still, thanks for the encouragement.....and if you ever want people to brew with, i'm always looking for new people to join our little brewing circle.

ya i ve never done it with alchohol but i know what ever you use must not be done half-assed, had one batch that didnt seem right and probably had something to do with the sanitizing. or the fact that i put the ferment lock on too early and it blew beer all over the ceiling haha. I havent done it in a while and i moved out of the house that had a sick basement that always stayed around 68 which was sweet. there will be some in the future though.... winter is the best time to do it for sure. keep me posted on your creations upcoming.
[Oct 2,2008 10:59am - orgymf@work  ""]
will do bro.

[Oct 2,2008 2:33pm - bradmann ""]
my friend greg has been doing his own brewing for the past 2 years...he made a delicious Wit last spring and an absolutely amazing doppelbock just a few weeks ago. i really want to learn more from him. he even grows his own hops!

as for russian imperials i second old rasputin and the pennichuck you were trying to think of is Pozharnik. i had that at the publick house and shit myself over it's tastyness. chocolatey, not too filling, and gets better with warmth.

also, just had this at my beer club last weekend:


it was a little too smoky/woody for my liking (it was oak aged) but recommended if you can find it.

oh and the triple bock is absolutely disgusting. never EVER drink that shit, please.
[Oct 2,2008 3:25pm - orgymf@work  ""]

bradmann said:my friend greg has been doing his own brewing for the past 2 years...he made a delicious Wit last spring and an absolutely amazing doppelbock just a few weeks ago. i really want to learn more from him. he even grows his own hops!

as for russian imperials i second old rasputin and the pennichuck you were trying to think of is Pozharnik. i had that at the publick house and shit myself over it's tastyness. chocolatey, not too filling, and gets better with warmth.

also, just had this at my beer club last weekend:


it was a little too smoky/woody for my liking (it was oak aged) but recommended if you can find it.

oh and the triple bock is absolutely disgusting. never EVER drink that shit, please.

homegrown hops are a beautiful thing, my friend marcus gave me a whole shitload of them, we used them in the batch me and Jim (oucdrummer) made two weeks ago, and i cannot wait until this monster is ready!! -l-

that Pozharnik is one of the tastiest things on the planet, just amazing!!

i will keep my eyes open for "Dragons Milk" sounds interesting.

oh i know the Triple Bock is awful.....but, never turn down a Double Bock (or Dopplebock).......i've never had one i didn't like
[Oct 2,2008 3:35pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i think we are trainin it saturday. I got a BUNCH of stuff to do tomarrow night, but we are both looking foward to more of the same on saturday.
[Oct 2,2008 3:39pm - aril  ""]
coming to wallingford CT to see my band play after your brew session?
[Oct 2,2008 4:47pm - ouchdrummer ""]

aril said:coming to wallingford CT to see my band play after your brew session?

If you guys aren't playing till about 1:30 am, then maybe. Cause last time we finished brewing, it was almost 10pm already. And then the train, and then a car to Connecticut, maybe 1am, but no earlier. Shit man, i thought you might be commin down to brew son. Lame.

Orgy-dude, time for some more horror, beer, and rape jokes. BOO YA. This time i think i will show up unbelievably stoned to make up for the whole day goin without though. haha.
[Oct 3,2008 8:49am - orgymf@work  ""]

fucking awesome!!!!! this brew session will rule....just like the last one did and the next one after it will! -l- -l- -l- -l- -l- -l- -l- -l-
.....hey what do you want to do about ingredients?
did you guys hit the brew shop yet?
if not, i can go tonight.

did aaron get that coffee?
did you guys still wanna do a porter? or use my breakfast beer idea?
let me know before 5 so i can hit up the "Witches Brew" on the way home.
[Oct 3,2008 8:51am - orgymf@work  ""]

aril said:coming to wallingford CT to see my band play after your brew session?

yeah, pretty much what Jim said.
but anytime you wanna come brew with us, you are welcome to come down to Attleboro....we'll keep ya updated on brew sessions.

and let us know if you are playing any shows close to our area to -l-
[Oct 3,2008 8:53am - orgymf@work  ""]

ouchdrummer said:i think we are trainin it saturday. I got a BUNCH of stuff to do tomarrow night, but we are both looking foward to more of the same on saturday.

cool man, i was only askin if you guys wanted to meet up in boston to save ya train fare....and also so the 3 of us could hit the brew shop together.

but that's all good, i'm gonna rack our last batch into secondary and get a good yeast culture tonight.

see you tomorrow morning (same time as the last session?) bro -l-
[Oct 5,2008 1:59pm - orgymfnotatworknotloggedin  ""]
i made more beer this weekend....very dark, malty, hoppy, should be roughly 4 gallons of 8 percent A.B.V. brew.

the recipe was Brown ale-ish
but it came out much darker than your average dark ale.

it's fermenting very nicely right now.
should be in bottles about two weeks from now, and fully carbonated not long after
[Oct 5,2008 2:05pm - DomesticTerror ""]
you should call it Rape Beer. drink rape, it's delicious.
[Oct 6,2008 8:56am - orgymf@work  ""]
that's an excellent idea!!
come down to my place some weekend and give it a try

how'd that night hostong the vegas go?
[Oct 6,2008 11:19am - ouchdrummer ""]
argg!!! I had to miss this due to some "community service" issues. It was lame, i wanted to be making beer, instead I was picking up old beer bottles. boooo.
[Oct 6,2008 11:46am - timma ""]
I <3 microbrews.

That is all.
[Oct 6,2008 11:49am - orgymf@work  ""]

ouchdrummer said:argg!!! I had to miss this due to some "community service" issues. It was lame, i wanted to be making beer, instead I was picking up old beer bottles. boooo.

i think after my next check would be perfect.
i was thinkin this weekend.
but after all the money i spent paying bills, and stocking up groceries at B.J.'s, i'm pretty much too broke
[Oct 6,2008 11:56am - ouchdrummer ""]
well, we definitely won't miss the next one. You have my solemn metal head promise on this bro. I now have my community service schedule poster on my office wall. It's discretely marked as "practicing with side project schedule" so that my office doesn't know I am a villain.

P.s. I don't know how many calls were from you, but i missed like 45 calls this weekend from about a dozen people. Brutal.
[Oct 6,2008 11:56am - ouchdrummer ""]
I hate loosing my phone.
[Oct 6,2008 11:59am - darkwor  ""]
i'll be at the next one. i <3 beeeer
[Oct 6,2008 12:34pm - orgymf@work  ""]
Jim ...... excellent bro, how does saturday, oct. 18'th sound to you?

Darkwor......you are welcome to join us if ya really want!
[Oct 6,2008 1:02pm - ouchdrummer ""]
darkwars a good bud of mine. He will definately come by.
[Oct 8,2008 10:17am - orgymf@work  ""]
next weekend.
my house.
belgian dark ale brewing session?
[Oct 10,2008 8:59am - orgymf@work  ""]
one week from tomorrow.
who is down?

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