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Britney Spears fan crying

[Sep 11,2007 11:40pm - thuringwethil ""]


this one's even better!
[Sep 11,2007 11:53pm - afar ""]
I just threw up in my mouth.
[Sep 12,2007 12:19am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
OH MY FUCKING GODS, I thought that was an ugly girl until I turned on the sound.
[Sep 12,2007 12:25am - starmummy ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:OH MY FUCKING GODS, I thought that was an ugly girl until I turned on the sound.

I couldn't tell if it was a fag or a chick with 5 o'clock shadow. *shudder*

[Sep 12,2007 12:36am - thuringwethil ""]
this kid has like a MILLION videos on there

what a piece of work.
happy viewing!
[Sep 12,2007 12:55am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
pam said:I think he means integral (essential) because intricate means complicated and hard to follow.


Thank you.
[Sep 12,2007 12:58am - Lamp ""]
People who are "complicated and hard to follow" are really just trying to cover up the fact that they have no clue what they're talking about, ever.
[Sep 12,2007 1:25am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
thuringwethil said:

this one's even better!

[Sep 12,2007 1:25am - zyklon ""]
[Sep 12,2007 1:31am - TheFilthyFrenchman ""]
Dear lord

I challenge any person on here to watch this whole video without getting the piss shivers. The only cure for this human is fire

[Sep 12,2007 1:33am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I'm questioning God as we speak.....
[Sep 12,2007 1:35am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
TheFilthyFrenchman said:Dear lord

I challenge any person on here to watch this whole video without getting the piss shivers. The only cure for this human is fire

I couldn't do it.
[Sep 12,2007 1:40am - TheFilthyFrenchman ""]
If there was ever a way to get aids through the internet then this is it
[Sep 12,2007 2:17am - Dwellingsickness ""]
He made the news.... tha vid got over 900,000 views

[Sep 12,2007 2:26am - Samantha ""]
This one is seriously messed up.

[Sep 12,2007 12:11pm - Frenchman nli  ""]
couldn't watch that whole thing
[Sep 12,2007 12:18pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
pam said:I think he means integral (essential) because intricate means complicated and hard to follow.

Fucking THANK YOU.

Totally can't wait to get home and see ED's take on this. (Fucking WebSense.)
[Sep 12,2007 12:23pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
This guy and xXPincessPunkXx should totally hang out.


[Sep 12,2007 2:22pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
these fucking people are LAME.
[Sep 12,2007 4:14pm - Ryan_M ""]
thuringwethil said:

this one's even better!

Wow - and I thought this mincing little fucker was nuts for going apeshit over people making fun of Britney Spears.....now this video is posted and we learn he's fucking his (equally gay) brother.

God help us all.
[Sep 12,2007 4:24pm - largefreakatzero ""]
They just had this fruit on Howard. Apparently it claims to be male. One call-in suggested that "he" find the nearest hard drug and overdose immediately.
[Sep 12,2007 4:28pm - Ryan_M ""]
Here's the little ass spelunker's MySpace - have fun.
[Sep 12,2007 5:15pm - starmummy ""]
Dwellingsickness said:He made the news.... tha vid got over 900,000 views


Great, now 900,00 people know him as "that homo on the internet". Personally, I'd rather be unknown.
[Sep 12,2007 5:33pm - IMMOLATION  ""]
He's on yahoo now
[Sep 12,2007 5:37pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
thuringwethil said:

this one's even better!

Q: Was that really your brother in 'Brotherly Love'?

A: I want everyone to take a moment to READ MY PROFILE. I'm an entertainer. Of course that wasn't my brother. Almost every video I make with the exception of a couple speeches, are skits.. and if they're not skits- they're footage of me during a sugar rush, if you know what I mean. I never post videos of me being completely myself because that would be pointless. I make videos to entertain- not to overexpose myself. So, NO. I am not dating my brother.
[Sep 12,2007 5:47pm - yummy ""]
Out of the many threads, this one caught me by surprise and have to shower.
[Sep 12,2007 6:08pm - IMMOLATION  ""]
[Sep 12,2007 6:58pm - Frenchman nli  ""]
Ha "the new christ".

the entire first wall of his comments page is filled from the last ten minutes. My penis just jumped off of my body and hid in the trash can
[Sep 12,2007 7:06pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Sep 12,2007 8:20pm - Jimmy Justice  ""]
Those kids should be euthanized.
[Sep 12,2007 9:51pm - handinjury ""]
Dwellingsickness said:thuringwethil said:

this one's even better!

This video makes me vomit. :pukeface:
[Sep 13,2007 1:20am - the_reverend ""]
shit, google this shizzle!
[Sep 13,2007 1:30am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Cool. I'm on Google.
[Sep 13,2007 8:34am - succubus ""]
This is why I don't post certain things..everyone and their brother would find out in minutes
[Sep 13,2007 4:02pm - xanonymousx ""]

for those who said they can't wait for parodies.
this guys all over the myspace
[Sep 13,2007 4:23pm - sxealex ""]
Lamp said:You can rewind through this video at intervals. Click right before the 50 second mark on the bar repeatedly.

lone lone lone
[Sep 13,2007 4:29pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Can we crucify "The New Christ" too please?
[Sep 13,2007 4:52pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
[Sep 13,2007 9:41pm - IMMOLATION  ""]
Here's part 2
[Sep 13,2007 9:43pm - IMMOLATION  ""]
Email this fag

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